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Conquiste sua aprovação na metade do tempo!

No Kuadro, você aprende a estudar com eficiência e conquista sua aprovação muito mais rápido. Aqui você aprende pelo menos 2x mais rápido e conquista sua aprovação na metade do tempo que você demoraria estudando de forma convencional.

Questões - UNINOVE | Gabarito e resoluções

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A esquistossomose (barriga dgua) uma das parasitoses que ocorrem nas regies mais pobres do mundo. O alto ndice de contaminao da populao nessas regies se deve


(Uninove - Medicina 2016) O principal componente do azeite de oliva o cido oleico, C18H34O2. Ao comer uma salada temperada com azeite de oliva, as clulas do organismo promovem a oxidao completa desse cido em CO2e H2O. a) Escreva a equao qumica balanceada da reao de combusto completa do cido oleico. b) Considere a entalpia padro de combusto do cido oleico igual a -11.000 kJ.mol-1e a massa molar de C18H34O2= 282 g.mol-1. Calcule a quantidade aproximada de energia que uma pessoa adquire quando ingere 14gde cido oleico em uma refeio.


(UNINOVE - 2014) Of the many battlegrounds on which one fights in a family, food is one of the most poisonous which is ironic, since it is meant to be all about nutrition. There are many fronts to this war, but the most fundamental is getting your children to eat what you want them to eat rather than what they want to eat. This is most poignantly represented in literature in Jonathan Franzens The Corrections when one of the main characters tries to teach his son to eat his food. He makes him stay at the table until he finishes it, but then forgets about him and goes to bed, leaving him stubbornly stranded until the small hours. The idea of forcing children to finish their broccoli, or beans, or whatever green object it happens to be, is one that most parents try sooner or later. That is how they find out that it doesnt work. Nothing, in fact, works. And it is my view that the more you bully your child into eating the right food, the more likely you are to end up with a teenager with food issues because they are likely to come to associate eating with stress. (www.theguardian.com) No trecho do 1. pargrafo Of the many battlegrounds on which one fights in a family, a palavrawhichrefere-se a

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