(ACAFE - 2021) Text 2 When it comes to looking inedible the squid goes all out. Tentacles, suckers, big blobby eyes, anything to help communicate the message Do not eat me, under any circumstances. Theres even a beak in there somewhere. Its really more threat than feast. Which got us thinking. What on earth was the first person to eat squid doing? Who in their right mind could look at raw squid and say, Thats the snack for me?!? TO THE VISIONARY WHO FIRST SAW 1TENTACLED BRAIN SACS AND THOUGHT LUNCH. What a weirdo. What a hero. Because as we know, squid just happens to be one of lifes greatest pleasures: chargrilled squid salad, chilli squid linguine, crisp calamari dunked in mayo... So wed like to say a heartfelt thank you to the first person to eat squid. And to all the food pioneers who boldly ate what none had eaten before - giving those funny-looking foods the chance to be delicious. (Source: https://www.adforum.com/award-organization/6650183/showcase/2017/ad/34548009 retrieved on September26, 2019) Text 2 above is one of Hellmanns (the food brand) awarded advertisements. What does the phrase Tentacled Brain Sacs in ref. 1refer to in the ad?