Questões, Gabaritos e Provas Comentadas:

Resolução da questão 6 de Geografia da ESPCEX 2016
Resolução da questão 6 de Geografia da ESPCEX 2016

(EsPCEx - 2016)

Embora a maioria dos brasileiros viva na cidade em que nasceu, o volume de migrantes internos é enorme, especialmente entre a população economicamente ativa (PEA).

Sobre as migrações internas brasileiras, pode-se afirmar que
I. a maior dinâmica industrial da Região Sudeste, em relação às demais, provocou, segundo os últimos censos demográficos, o aumento das migrações inter-regionais e uma significativa redução dos movimentos intrarregionais.
II. na década de 2000, as chamadas cidades médias, com até 500 mil habitantes, especialmente as da Região Centro-Oeste, apresentaram crescimento populacional muito mais vigoroso do que as grandes cidades, tornando-se grande polo de atração populacional.
III. a partir da década de 1990, a Região Metropolitana de São Paulo registrou êxodo migratório por conta das chamadas migrações de retorno, contudo o Estado de São Paulo ainda apresenta saldo migratório positivo.
IV. a expansão da fronteira agrícola e do agronegócio na Região Sul faz desta a região com o maior percentual de residentes não nascidos em seu interior.
V. as migrações pendulares diárias nas metrópoles ocorrem entre o núcleo urbano central e os núcleos situados no seu entorno, fisicamente integrados entre si, o que não é possível ocorrer entre núcleos que estão apenas funcionalmente integrados.

Assinale a alternativa que apresenta todas as afirmativas corretas.

há 8 dias
Resolução da questão 44 de Inglês da AFA 2015
Resolução da questão 44 de Inglês da AFA 2015

(AFA - 2015)


“There is no future in any job. The future lies in the person who holds the job.” – George W. Crane

One of my primary complaints with higher education is that they tend to prepare students for jobs of the past. Similarly, the best paying jobs of the future are all jobs that currently exist today. Many of them1 will still exist in the future, but with some changes as technology and communication systems make their impact 

As a rule of thumb, 60% of the jobs 10 years from now haven’t been invented yet. With that in mind, I’ve decided to put together a list of some jobs that will be in high demand in the future.

Jobs before 2020

Many of the changes we see today will cause new jobs to materialize quickly. This first section deals with new positions that will likely2 be developed within the next 10 years.

3D printing engineers – Classes in 3D printing are already being introduced into high schools and the demand for printer-produced products will rise3 quickly. The trend will be for these worker-less workshops to enter virtually different fields, at the same time, driving the need for competent technicians and engineers to design and maintain the next wave of this technology.

Nano-medics – Health professionals capable of working on the nano-level, both in designing diagnostics systems, remedies, and monitoring solutions will be in high demand.

Organ agents – The demand for transplantable organs is exploding4 and people who can track down and deliver healthy organs will be in hot demand. 

Octogenarian service providers – As the population continues to age5 we will have record numbers of people living into their 80s, 90s, and 100s. This growing group of active oldsters will provide a demand for goods and services currently not being addressed in today’s marketplace.

Jobs in 2030 and beyond

A number of technologies currently on the drawing board will require a bit longer lead time before the industry comes into its own. Here are a few examples of these kinds of jobs:

Body part & limb makers – The organ agents listed before will quickly find themselves out of work as soon as we figure out how to efficiently grow and mass produce our own organs from scratch.

Earthquake forecasters – While scientists are developing skills to work with nanoscale precision on the earth’s surface, the best we can know about below the surface is blindfolded guesswork done with 100-mile precision. What we don’t know is literally killing us – over 226,000 killed6 in 2010 alone. But that will change over time as we begin to understand the inner working of the earth and accurately forecast when the next big quakes are about to hit.

Heavy air” engineers – Compressed air is useful in a wide variety of ways. However, we have yet to figure out how to compress streams of air as they pass through our existing atmosphere. Once we do, it will create untold opportunity for non-surface based housing and transportation system, weather control, and other kinds of experimentation.

Final thoughts

The jobs and occupations listed above are just scratching the surface7. This list is intended to help stretch your imagination and start you down a path of imagining your own future.

(Adapted from http://www.futuristspeaker.com/2011/11/55-jobs-of-the-future)

“Many of them will still exist in the future, but with some changes as technology and communication systems make their impact.” The underlined word (reference 1) refers to

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