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No Kuadro, você aprende a estudar com eficiência e conquista sua aprovação muito mais rápido. Aqui você aprende pelo menos 2x mais rápido e conquista sua aprovação na metade do tempo que você demoraria estudando de forma convencional.

Questões - EEAR | Gabarito e resoluções

Questão 46

(EEAR - 2019) It was a beautiful summer afternoon with the sun shining brightly. I excitedly phoned my friends asking them to come over later for a barbecue. After making the calls I quickly drove into town to buy some food and drink. ________ I arrived at the shops I was very surprised at _________ busy it was. Everyone must have been shopping for a barbecue! The first butchers I visited had completely run out of sausages. The next shop had some left so I happily bought some. After visiting a few more shops I had finally finished my shopping. But I was starting to worry as it was 6 p.m. and I had invited my friends to visit at 6:30 p.m. I hastly rushed to the car park with all of my shopping and threw it in the boot. Suddenly I notice that the cars were moving really slowly out of the car park and there was a bit of traffic jam. It was past 6:30 p.m. ________ I arrived home and I was extremely worried. As a drove into my drive I smiled happily when I saw my friends sitting in my front garden. Luckily they had realized I was stuck at the shops and they waited for me. Fonte: www.bbc.co.uk/skillswise The four words in bold, in the text, are

Questão 47

(EEAR - 2019) It was a beautiful summer afternoon with the sun shining brightly. I excitedly phoned my friends asking them to come over later for a barbecue. After making the calls I quickly drove into town to buy some food and drink. ________ I arrived at the shops I was very surprised at _________ busy it was. Everyone must have been shopping for a barbecue! The first butchers I visited had completely run out of sausages. The next shop had some left so I happily bought some. After visiting a few more shops I had finally finished my shopping. But I was starting to worry as it was 6 p.m. and I had invited my friends to visit at 6:30 p.m. I hastly rushed to the car park with all of my shopping and threw it in the boot. Suddenly I notice that the cars were moving really slowly out of the car park and there was a bit of traffic jam. It was past 6:30 p.m. ________ I arrived home and I was extremely worried. As a drove into my drive I smiled happily when I saw my friends sitting in my front garden. Luckily they had realized I was stuck at the shops and they waited for me. Fonte: www.bbc.co.uk/skillswise Choose the alternative that best completes the text.

Questão 63

(EEAR - 2019)O segmento tangente, em , circunferncia de centro e raio cm. A potncia de em relao circunferncia igual a ______ cm2.


(Eear 2019) No estudo da Esttica, para que um ponto material esteja em equilbrio necessrio e suficiente que:


(Eear 2019) Quanto facilidade de imantao, podemos afirmar que: Substncias __________ so aquelas cujos ms elementares se orientam em sentido contrrio ao vetor induo magntica, sendo, portanto, repelidas pelo m que criou o campo magntico. O termo que preenche corretamente a lacuna :


(EEAR - 2019) Illegal levels of arsenic and mercury polluted a river in the days after a dam burst at an iron ore mine this month __________ Brazils worst environmental disaster, according to tests by a state water agency, the Institute for Water Management in Minas Gerais. The agency found arsenic levels more than 10 times above the legal limit in one place __________ the river, the Rio Doce, after the dam burst on Nov. 5, killing at least 13 people. Mercury slightly above the permitted level was also found in one area. Samarco, the mine operator, and its co-owners, BHP Billiton and Vale, have repeatedly said that the water and mineral waste unleashed by the dam burst were not toxic. On Wednesday, the United Nations human rights agency said new evidence showed that the mud dumped by the flood contained high levels of toxic heavy metals and other chemicals. (Adopted from www.nytimes.com) Fill in the blanks with the option that best completes the text.


(EEAR - 2019) It was a beautiful summer afternoon with the sun shining brightly. Iexcitedlyphoned my friends asking them to come over later for a barbecue. After making the calls Iquicklydrove into town to buy some food and drink. ________ I arrived at the shops I was very surprised at _________ busy it was. Everyone must have been shopping for a barbecue! The first butchers I visited had completely run out of sausages. The next shop had some left so I happily bought some. After visiting a few more shops I had finally finished my shopping. But I was starting to worry as it was 6 p.m. and I had invited my friends to visit at 6:30 p.m. I hastly rushed to the car park with all of my shopping and threw it in the boot. Suddenly I notice that the cars were moving reallyslowlyout of the car park and there was a bit of traffic jam. It was past 6:30 p.m. ________ I arrived home and I was extremely worried. As a drove into my drive I smiledhappilywhen I saw my friends sitting in my front garden. Luckily they had realized I was stuck at the shops and they waited for me. Fonte: www.bbc.co.uk/skillswise Choose the alternativa that best completes the text.


(EEAR - 2019) Leia: Corramosatrs uns dos outros na nossa infncia.Corremos, hoje, atrs da felicidade de outrora. Nas frases acima, os verbos destacados encontram-se, respectivamente, no:


(Eear 2019) Considere as seguintes afirmaes a respeito de uma esfera homognea carregada em equilbrio eletrosttico: I. As cargas eltricas se distribuem pela superfcie da esfera, independentemente de seu sinal. II. Na superfcie dessa esfera o campo eltrico nulo. III. Na superfcie dessa esfera o campo eltrico normal superfcie e no seu interior ele nulo. IV. A diferena de potencial eltrico entre dois pontos quaisquer da sua superfcie nula. A respeito dessas afirmaes, pode-se dizer que:


(EEAR - 2019) Leia: I. O Rio Doce entrou em agonia aps o desastre que poluiu suas guas com lama. II. Suas guas, claras, esto agora escuras, de mos irresponsveis que as sujaram. Nas frases h, respectivamente, as seguintes figuras de linguagem:


(EEAR - 2019) In the famous words by John Lennon:Youmaysay Im a dreamer but Im not the only one. I hope someday youll join us and the world will be as one, the modal verb inboldindicates that:


(EEAR - 2019) Read the cartoon and answer the question. The word bored, used twice in the cartoon, is NOT closest in meaning to


(EEAR - 2019)um pedao de queijo em forma de prisma triangular regular tem 6 cm de altura e possui como base um tringulo de 10 cm de lado o volume deste pedao desse pedao de queijo ________


(EEAR - 2019) Leia: I. Fbio aspriou o perfume das flores. II. O candidato aspirava a tal vaga do processo seletivo. Em funo da regncia do verbo aspirar, considerando a norma gramatical, marque a alternativa correta.


(EEAR - 2019/2) The cost of a cigarette A businesswomans desperate need for a cigarette on an 8-hour flight from American Airlines ________ in her being arrested and handcuffed, after she was found lighting up in the toilet of a Boeing 747, not once but twice. She ___________ because she _______violentwhen the plane landed in England, where the policesubsequentlyarrested and handcuffed her. Joan Norrish, aged 33, yesterday ________ the first person to be prosecuted under new laws for smoking on board a plane, when she was fined 440 at Uxbridge magistrates court. Adapted from Innovations , by Hugh Dellar and Darryl Hocking. Complete the sentence adapted from the text using the Passive Voice: She ____________ when the plane landed in England.