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Questões - ESPCEX 2016 | Gabarito e resoluções

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Questão 1

(EsPCEx- 2016) This migrant crisis is different from all others 2015 was unquestionably the year of the migrant. The news was dominated for months by pictures of vast crowds shuffling through the borders of yet another European country, being treated with brutality in some places and given a reluctant welcome in others. When researching a report for radio and television about the migrant phenomenon, it is possible to realize that there was nothing new about it. For many years, waves of displaced and frightened people have broken over Europe again and again and the images have been strikingly similar each time. In 1945, _____1_____ the ethnic Germans, forced out of their homes in Poland, Czechoslovakia and Russia and obliged to seek shelter in a shattered and divided Germany. More recently, we can see floods of Albanian refugees escaping from the ethnic cleansing of the Serbian forces in Kosovo in 1998 and 1999. Yet there is one major difference between these waves of migrants in the past and the one we saw in 2015. Professor Alex Betts, director of the Refugee Studies Centre at Oxford University says that it was the first time Europe faced people coming in from the outside in large numbers as refugees. He explains: The fact that many are Muslims is perceived as challenging Europes identity. European societies are changing very fast, indeed, as a result of immigration. In London, for instance, more than 300 languages are now spoken, according to a recent academic study. The influx of migrants reinforces peoples sense that their identity is under threat. But how can the world deal conclusively with the problem? The former UN under-secretary-general for humanitarian affairs, Sir John Holmes, blames global governance. Other powers are rising, he says Syria is an example of this. And the United States doesnt have the influence it once did, so the problems not being fixed, no-ones waving the big stick and were having to pick up the pieces. We have endured an entire century of exile and homelessness and the cause is always the same - conflict and bad government. Unless these are dealt with, the flow of migrants will never be stopped. Adapted from http://www.bbc.com/news/world-35091772 Choose the alternative containing the correct verbal tense to complete gap 1 in paragraph 3.

Questão 1

(EsPCEx - 2016) O cobre metlico pode ser oxidado por cido ntrico diludo, produzindo gua, monxido de nitrognio e um sal (composto inico). A reao pode ser representada pela seguinte equao qumica (no balanceada): Cu(s)+ HNO3(aq) H2O(l) + NO(g) + Cu(NO3)2(aq) A soma dos coeficientes estequiomtricos (menores nmeros inteiros) da equao balanceada, o agente redutor da reao e o nome do composto inico formado so, respectivamente,

Questão 1

(EsPCEx- 2016) A Revoluo Industrial, que teve lugar na Inglaterra do sculo XVIII, pode ser definida como uma transformao sem precedentes no modo da produo manufatureira que trouxe profundas mudanas na estrutura social e econmica da sociedade. Teve papel preponderante na sua ocorrncia

Questão 1

(EsPCEx - 2016) Dgrafo o grupo de duas letras formando um s fonema. Ditongo a combinao de uma vogal com uma semivogal, ou vice-versa, na mesma slaba. Nas palavras tambm e ontem, observa-se que h, para cada palavra, respectivamente,

Questão 1

(EsPCEx- 2016) Seja C a circunferncia de equao. Considere em C a corda MN cujo ponto mdio P(-1,-1). O comprimento de MN (em unidade de comprimento) igual a

Questão 1

(EsPCEx - 2016) Em 1540 a.C., o filsofo grego Xenfanes encontrou conchas marinhas nos cumes de montanhas e pensou que elas poderiam ter estado no fundo do mar em algum momento, sendo posteriormente soerguidas. Ele tinha razo: foras do interior da Terra movimentam a crosta terrestre, criam novos relevos ou modificam sua estrutura e fisionomia [...]. Terra, Lygia; Arajo, Regina; Guimares, Raul.Conexes: estudos de Geografia Geral e do Brasil, 2015, p. 313. Essas novas formas de relevo criadas so constantemente modificadas sob a ao da gua e do ar, por exemplo. Assim, sobre a dinmica do relevo terrestre e a atuao dos agentes internos e externos do relevo, pode-se afirmar que I. a presena da Dorsal Mesoatlntica, grande cadeia de montanhas submersa no Oceano Atlntico, ajuda a explicar a pouca probabilidade de ocorrerem tsunamis na costa brasileira, uma vez que esta fruto no da coliso, mas do afastamento entre placas tectnicas. II. no terremoto ocorrido no Japo, em 2011, a poro nordeste do Pas foi a mais atingida, por ser a mais prxima ao epicentro do maremoto, isto , por estar mais prxima ao local da superfcie onde se manifestou o maremoto. III. os movimentos orogenticos, ao atingirem as rochas com maior plasticidade, da crosta terrestre, so os responsveis, por exemplo, pela formao de grandes dobramentos modernos, como os Alpes e os Andes. IV. a formao de grandes deltas como o do rio Nilo e a formao de grandes plancies aluviais, favorveis atividade agrcola, como a do rio Ganges, esto associadas, principalmente, eroso pluvial. V. a presena de solos pedregosos nas regies desrticas est relacionada, principalmente, ao predominante do intemperismo qumico nas rochas dessa regio. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta todas as afirmativas corretas.

Questão 1

(EsPCEx- 2016) Um raio de luz monocromtica propagando-se no ar incide no ponto O,na superfcie de um espelho, plano e horizontal, formando um ngulo de 30com sua superfcie. Aps ser refletido no ponto O desse espelho, o raio incide na superfcie plana e horizontal de um lquido e sofre refrao. O raio refratado forma um ngulo de 30com a reta normal superfcie do lquido, conforme o desenho abaixo. Sabendo que o ndice de refrao do ar 1, o ndice de refrao do lquido : Dados: sen 30 =e cos60 =; sen60 =e cos30 =.

Questão 2

(EsPCEx - 2016) A sequncia, onde de tal forma quepara cadatemos que, onde uma P.G. come de razoe uma P.A. constante. Podemos afirmar que igual a:

Questão 2

(EsPCEx - 2016) Leia o texto a seguir e responda s questes 45, 46 e 47. This migrant crisis is different from all others 2015 was unquestionably the year of the migrant. The news was dominated for months by pictures of vast crowds shuffling through the borders of yet another European country, being treated with brutality in some places and given a reluctant welcome in others. When researching a report for radio and television about the migrant phenomenon, it is possible to realize that there was nothing new about it. For many years, waves of displaced and frightened people have broken over Europe again and again and the images have been strikingly similar each time. In 1945, __________ (1) the ethnic Germans, forced out of their homes in Poland, Czechoslovakia and Russia and obliged to seek shelter in a shattered and divided Germany. More recently, we can see floods of Albanian refugees escaping from the ethnic cleansing of the Serbian forces in Kosovo in 1998 and 1999. Yet there is one major difference between these waves of migrants in the past and the one we saw in 2015. Professor Alex Betts, director of the Refugee Studies Centre at Oxford University says that it was the first time Europe faced people coming in from the outside in large numbers as refugees. He explains: The fact that many are Muslims is perceived as challenging Europes identity. European societies are changing very fast, indeed, as a result of immigration. In London, for instance, more than 300 languages are now spoken, according to a recent academic study. The influx of migrants reinforces peoples sense that their identity is under threat. But how can the world deal conclusively with the problem? The former UN under-secretary-general for humanitarian affairs, Sir John Holmes, blames global governance. Other powers are rising, he says - Syria is an example of this. And the United States doesnt have the influence it once did, so the problems not being fixed, no-ones waving the big stick and were having to pick up the pieces. We have endured an entire century of exile and homelessness and the cause is always the same - conflict and bad government. Unless these are dealt with, the flow of migrants will never be stopped. Adapted from http://www.bbc.com/news/world-35091772 Choose the alternative that correctly substitutes the expression for instance in the sentence In London, for instance, more than 300 languages... (paragraph 4).

Questão 2

(EsPCEx - 2016) O propan-2-ol (lcool isoproplico), cuja frmula C3H8O, vendido comercialmente como lcool de massagem ou de limpeza de telas e de monitores. Considerando uma reao de combusto completa com rendimento de 100% e os dados de entalpias padro de formao (Hf) das espcies participantes desse processo e da densidade do lcool, a quantidade de energia liberada na combusto completa de 10,0L desse lcool ser de Dados:

Questão 2

(EsPCEx - 2016) Considere as seguintes afirmativas sobre impactos ambientais em trs grandes domnios morfoclimticos brasileiros: I. Possui uma formao vegetal muito densa, com grande biodiversidade. Possui o maior nmero de espcies ameaadas do Brasil devido, dentre outros, explorao madeireira, s monoculturas de exportao e expanso urbana. Devido ao intenso desmatamento de suas encostas, so intensos os processos erosivos e frequentes os deslizamentos de terra nesse domnio morfoclimtico. II. Nas bordas desse domnio, caracterizado pelo relevo de plancies, depresses e baixos planaltos, localiza-se a maior parte do chamado arco do desmatamento, uma rea cujas atividades econmicas, ligadas extrao madeireira e abertura de novas reas para a agricultura e pecuria, vm acarretando intenso processo de queimada, desflorestamento e intensificao dos processos erosivos. III. Esse domnio tem sofrido o maior dos impactos ambientais no contexto brasileiro com a expanso da monocultura canavieira e da soja. Embora tenha sido declarado como um dos principais hotspots brasileiros, 57% de sua rea original j esto desmatados, e se o ritmo do desmatamento de sua vegetao no diminuir, at 2030 essa formao poder ter desaparecido. As afirmativas acima referem-se, respectivamente, aos domnios morfoclimticos

Questão 2

(EsPCEx- 2016) Em 1578, dom Sebastio, rei de Portugal, morre na batalha de Alccer-Quibir. Sem descendentes, o trono foi entregue a seu tio dom Henrique, que viria a falecer dois anos depois, sem deixar herdeiro. Depois de acirrada disputa, a Coroa portuguesa acabou nas mos de Filipe II, rei espanhol, dando incio chamada Unio Ibrica. Com esta unio, um tradicional inimigo da Espanha torna-se inimigo de Portugal. Das opes abaixo, assinale aquele que se tornou inimigo de Portugal.

Questão 2

(EsPCEx - 2016) Um trem de 150 m de comprimento se desloca com velocidadeescalar constante de 16 m/s. Esse trem atravessa um tnel e leva 50 s desde a entrada at a sada completa de dentro dele. O comprimento do tnel de:

Questão 2

(EsPCEx - 2016) Assinale a alternativa que classifica corretamente a sequncia de predicados das oraes abaixo. - Soa um toque spero de trompa. - Os estudantes saem das aulas cansados. - Toda aquela dedicao deixava-o insensvel. - Em Iporanga existem belssimas grutas. - Devido s chuvas, os rios estavam cheios. - Eram slidos e bons os mveis.

Questão 3

(EsPCEx - 2016) This migrant crisis is different from all others 2015 was unquestionably the year of the migrant. The news was dominated for months by pictures of vast crowds shuffling through the borders of yet another European country, being treated with brutality in some places and given a reluctant welcome in others. When researching a report for radio and television about the migrant phenomenon, it is possible to realize that there was nothing new about it. For many years, waves of displaced and frightened people have broken over Europe again and again and the images have been strikingly similar each time. In 1945, _____1_____ the ethnic Germans, forced out of their homes in Poland, Czechoslovakia and Russia and obliged to seek shelter in a shattered and divided Germany. More recently, we can see floods of Albanian refugees escaping from the ethnic cleansing of the Serbian forces in Kosovo in 1998 and 1999. Yet there is one major difference between these waves of migrants in the past and the one we saw in 2015. Professor Alex Betts, director of the Refugee Studies Centre at Oxford University says that it was the first time Europe faced people coming in from the outside in large numbers as refugees. He explains: The fact that many are Muslims is perceived as challenging Europes identity. European societies are changing very fast, indeed, as a result of immigration. In London, for instance, more than 300 languages are now spoken, according to a recent academic study. The influx of migrants reinforces peoples sense that their identity is under threat. But how can the world deal conclusively with the problem? The former UN under-secretary-general for humanitarian affairs, Sir John Holmes, blames global governance. Other powers are rising, he says Syria is an example of this. And the United States doesnt have the influence it once did, so the problems not being fixed, no-ones waving the big stick and were having to pick up the pieces. We have endured an entire century of exile and homelessness and the cause is always the same - conflict and bad government. Unless these are dealt with, the flow of migrants will never be stopped. Adapted from http://www.bbc.com/news/world-35091772 According to the text, read the statements and choose the correct alternative. I. There isnt anything new about the current migrant crisis. II. The former migrant phenomena happened in London. III. This migrant phenomenon is interfering in Europes society. IV. Europeans are concerned about learning new languages. V. Syria is becoming powerful and apparently there is no control over it. VI. Conflicts and poor governance are the reasons for the migration.

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