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Questões - FAMEMA 2019 | Gabarito e resoluções

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Questão 27

(FAMEMA - 2019)A varola cruzou pela primeira vez o oceano Atlntico, chegando, especificamente, ilha Hispaniola no final de 1518 ou incio de 1519. Durante os quatro sculos seguintes, a doena desempenhou um papel to essencial quanto a plvora no avano do imperialismo branco do ultramar um papel talvez at mais importante, pois os indgenas acabaram voltando o mosquete, e depois o rifle, contra os invasores, mas a varola pouqussimas vezes lutou do lado dos primeiros habitantes. (Alfred W. Crosby. Imperialismo ecolgico: a expanso biolgica da Europa, 900-1900, 2011. Adaptado.) Depreende-se do excerto que


(FAMEMA - 2019) Fake news can distort peoples beliefs even after being debunked. A study recently published in the journal Intelligence suggests that some people may have an especially difficult time rejecting misinformation. Asked to rate a fictitious person on a range of character traits, people who scored low on a test of cognitive ability continued to be influenced by damaging information about the person even after they were explicitly told the information was false. The study is significant because it identifies what may be a major risk factor for vulnerability to fake news. One possible explanation for this finding is based on the theory that a persons cognitive ability reflects how well they can regulate the contents of working memory their mental workspace for processing information. First proposed by the cognitive psychologists Lynn Hasher and Rose Zacks, this theory holds that some people are more prone to mental clutter than other people. In other words, some people are less able to discard (or inhibit) information from their working memory that is no longer relevant to the task at hand, or information that has been discredited. Research on cognitive aging indicates that, in adulthood, this ability declines considerably with advancing age, suggesting that older adults may also be especially vulnerable to fake news. Another reason why cognitive ability may predict vulnerability to fake news is that it correlates highly with education. Through education, people may develop metacognitive skills strategies for monitoring and regulating ones own thinking that can be used to combat the effects of misinformation. (www.scientificamerican.com, 06.02.2018. Adaptado.) Considere o trecho do segundo pargrafo Research on cognitive aging indicates that, in adulthood, this ability declines considerably. O termo sublinhado empregado com o mesmo sentido em:


(FAMEMA - 2019) Uma formiga cortadeira, movendo-se a 8cm/s , deixa a entrada do formigueiro em direo a uma folha que est 8m distante do ponto em que se encontrava. Para cortar essa folha, a formiga necessita de 40s. Ao retornar entrada do formigueiro pelo mesmo caminho, a formiga desenvolve uma velocidade de 4cm/s, por causa do peso da folha e de uma brisa constante contra o seu movimento. O tempo total gasto pela formiga ao realizar a sequncia de aes descritas foi:



(FAMEMA 2019) Do questionamento da personagem Mafalda, depreende-se uma crtica

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