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Questões - FAMP | Gabarito e resoluções

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(FAMP - 2019/1) Are countries trying to end US dollars power? Russias Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has suggested that the U.S. dollar could be losing its status as the worlds most important currency. Mr. Lavrov said that because the U.S. has imposedeconomicsanctions on countries like Iran, Turkey and Russia, these countries could start conducting international business in their own national currencies instead of the dollar. In addition, countries that have had trade tariffs imposed on them by the U.S. could also do trade in their own currencies. This could include the global economic superpower China dropping the dollar. China has already established trade deals in its owncurrency. Experts say the U.S. dollar could lose its position as the international reserve currency. The U.S. dollar replaced the British pound as the international reserve currency in the 1920s. Since then, most international trade has taken place using the dollar. Thismeansmore U.S. dollars flow out of the U.S. than flow in. The effect of this is the U.S. has a currencydeficitas its dollars are in the bank accounts of other countries. Mr. Lavrov said: Im confident that the grave abuse of the role of the U.S. dollar as a global reserve currency will result over time in the weakening and demise of its role. Chinas currency the yuan is emerging as an alternative trading currency. Africas most populous nation Nigeria has already started trading using the yuan. Source: https://www.forbes.com (adapted) Choose the alternative that shows the correct use of Comparative Degrees.


(FAMP 2019/1) Considere as organelas celulares: I. Lisossomos II. Mitocndrias III. Centrolo IV. Complexo de Golgi V. Retculo Endoplasmtico Gerar energia para a clula e orientar a diviso celular so funes de:


(Fmp 2019) Considere o texto a seguir sobre imigrao no Brasil. Dos 127,7 mil imigrantes venezuelanos que entraram no Brasil pelo municpio de Pacaraima, na regio de fronteira de Roraima, no ano passado e neste ano, mais da metade j deixou o pas. Dos 68,9 mil que saram, a maior parte fez o caminho por via terrestre e 21,1 mil por via area. De 2015 a junho deste ano, 56,7 mil venezuelanos procuraram a Polcia Federal. Nesse perodo, 35,5 mil pediram refgio e 11,1 mil solicitaram residncia no Brasil. Metade dos imigrantes da Venezuela j deixou o Brasil, Jornal do Brasil, Nacional, 18 jul. 2018, p.4. Adaptado. O fluxo migratrio mencionado apresenta como causa principal a(o)


(FAMP - 2019/1) Are countries trying to end US dollars power? Russias Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has suggested that the U.S. dollar could be losing its status as the worlds most important currency. Mr. Lavrov said that because the U.S. has imposedeconomicsanctions on countries like Iran, Turkey and Russia, these countries could start conducting international business in their own national currencies instead of the dollar. In addition, countries that have had trade tariffs imposed on them by the U.S. could also do trade in their own currencies. This could include the global economic superpower China dropping the dollar. China has already established trade deals in its owncurrency. Experts say the U.S. dollar could lose its position as the international reserve currency. The U.S. dollar replaced the British pound as the international reserve currency in the 1920s. Since then, most international trade has taken place using the dollar. Thismeansmore U.S. dollars flow out of the U.S. than flow in. The effect of this is the U.S. has a currencydeficitas its dollars are in the bank accounts of other countries. Mr. Lavrov said: Im confident that the grave abuse of the role of the U.S. dollar as a global reserve currency will result over time in the weakening and demise of its role. Chinas currency the yuan is emerging as an alternative trading currency. Africas most populous nation Nigeria has already started trading using the yuan. Source: https://www.forbes.com (adapted) Select the correct alternative for Passive Voice.


Observe a tabela do cdigo gentico Quais os aminocidos correspondem aos cdons abaixo: GUA AGU CUG GGA CCU ACA GCC


(FUMP) Leia o texto que se segue. As paisagens naturais deste domnio morfoclimtico so variadas, de serras a plancies, de morros rupestres a coxilhas. O bioma exibe um imenso patrimnio cultural associado biodiversidade. (...) se caracterizam pelo predomnio dos campos nativos, mas h tambm a presena de matas ciliares, matas de encosta, matas de pau-ferro, formaes arbustivas, butiazais, banhados, afloramentos rochosos. Trata-se de um patrimnio natural, gentico e cultural de importncia nacional e global. Tambm nele que fica a maior parte do aqufero Guarani. Desde a colonizao ibrica, a pecuria extensiva sobre os campos nativos tem sido a principal atividade econmica da regio. Alm de proporcionar resultados econmicos importantes, tem permitido a conservao dos campos e ensejado o desenvolvimento de uma cultura mestia singular, (...) apesar de que (...) a progressiva introduo e expanso das monoculturas e das pastagens com espcies exticas tm levado a uma rpida degradao e descaracterizao das paisagens naturais. Estimativas de perda de habitat do conta de que em 2002 restavam 41,32% e em 2008 restavam apenas 36,03% da vegetao nativa do bioma (CSR/IBAMA, 2010). Disponvel em: www.mma.gov.br - Acesso em: 19/05/2018. Adaptado. O texto descreve o domnio morfoclimtico chamado de:


(FAMP - 2018/2) Para responder questo, leia o seguinte fragmento da obra literria O Cortio, de Alusio de Azevedo. E continuou com mais ardor o seu delicioso trabalho. Tinha j esvaziado seis, quando notou que a vela, consumida at o fim, bruxuleava a extinguir-se; foi buscar outra nova e viu ao mesmo tempo que horas eram. Oh! como a noite correradepressa!... Trs e meia da madrugada. Parecia impossvel! Ao terminar a contagem, as primeiras carroas passavam l fora na rua. De acordo com o fragmento, marque a opo em que o trecho a seguir foi reescrito em conformidade com as regras de concordncia verbal. Trs e meia da madrugada.


(FAMP - 2018/2) Noahs Ark seed vault chalks up a million crop varieties A special vault storing the worlds most precious seeds has now amassed over one million different plant varieties. It recently took delivery of a consignment of seeds from 70,000 different crops. Global Seed Vault is buried deep in an icy mountain in the Arctic Circle area of Svalbard, Norway. It was started ten years ago to safeguard the future of the worlds food supply. Climate change is causing more and more droughts around the world, which are threatening different species of plants. The vault holds back-ups of seed samples stored in other seed banks around the world. Hannes Dempewolf, a senior scientist at the Crop Trust, said: Hitting the million mark is really significant. Workers at the vault were not sure they would reach the million mark so soon. The crisis in Syria meant there was a shortfall of 90,000 seeds at the vault. The latest delivery to the vault included cereal staples. There were also more unusual crops like the onion potato from Estonia and the Bambara groundnut, which is being developed as a drought tolerant crop in Africa. Marie Haga, executive director of the Crop Trust, spoke about the importance of the vault.Shesaid: Safeguarding such a huge range of seeds means scientists will have the best chance of developing nutritious and climate-resilient crops that can ensure future generations dont just survive, but thrive. https://noah s ark (adapted) Which alternative is grammatically correct according to the Passive Voice? The Gilmours have bought a new house in Iceland.


(FAMP - 2018) A sombra de um prdio em determinada hora do dia igual a 56 m. Sabendo que no mesmo momento uma rgua, de comprimento igual a 50 cm, possui sombra igual a 53 cm, qual o valorAPROXIMADOda altura desse prdio?

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