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No Kuadro, você aprende a estudar com eficiência e conquista sua aprovação muito mais rápido. Aqui você aprende pelo menos 2x mais rápido e conquista sua aprovação na metade do tempo que você demoraria estudando de forma convencional.

Questões de Inglês - FATEC 2000 | Gabarito e resoluções

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(FATEC - 2000) ATTENTION, E-COMMERCE SHOPPERS: your days of being tied to the PC for your product needs may soon be over. In the near future, currently being envisaged by engineers, youll go shopping via Palm Pilot, via TV with cable-modem hookup, via game machine, via intelligent refrigerator - via any means, it seems, other than a good old-fashioned desktop and keyboard. A new kind of consumer is about to emerge as the Internet revolution spills over the edges of the computer revolutions territory. The next wave is people who never wanted to buy a PC, says Barry Parr an analyst at International Data Corp. Even as early as 2003, analysts expect, a third of on-line households will be spending around $50 billion through non-PC devices. Many of them wont even have to open a Web browser to go shopping. Internet-ready cell phones already have e-commerce capabilities. Sonys latest terminal for WebTV offers split-screen shopping, so you can buy Christmas gifts without taking your eyes off the tube. Excite Homes broadband cable service will launch an undertaking next year that lets you instantaneously buy the products you see advertised. Say youre watching a Pizza Hut ad when an animated stuffed-crust pizza floats across the screen; two clicks of the remote, and its heading to your door. Excite Home already knows your credit-card details and address. Just sit back and wait for the calories. By Chris Taylor TIME, DECEMBER 27,1999 Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a palavra, extrada do texto, cuja formao com o sufixo -ING obedece mesma regra gramatical de being em ...your days of BEING tied to the PC..., no primeiro pargrafo do texto.

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