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Questões - FATEC 2004 | Gabarito e resoluções

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(FATEC -2004) Barrier to Prosperity Despite losing a Likud Party vote on his plan to withdraw from the Gaza Strip, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon says he intends to push ahead with the initiative. Even if successful, though, he may leave Gaza in the lurch. For several years, a British energy company, British Gas, has been quietly drilling in the Mediterranean. The company concluded that the Palestinians have a potential moneymaker off the Gaza coast - a medium-size natural-gas reserve of about 30 billion cubic meters. British Gas reps argue that the Palestinian Authority would earn about US 50 million a year from the project and save an additional US 30 million annually in energy costs. That kind of money - if it doesnt go to Yasser Arafats cronies - could greatly help the overcrowded, poverty-stricken sliver of land get on its feet. Enter Sharon: British Gas will invest the required US 350 million needed to construct a pipelineonly if can market the gas to Israel, and the PM fears the money Israel would pay Palestinians for their resource (Israel plans to convert nearly all its power stations to natural gas over the next 20 years) would end up financing terrorist attacks against the Jewish state. Instead, Sharon is leaning toward importing gas from Egypt. Without an agreement, Gazas gas will stay untapped. DAN EPHRON (Newsweek - 2004) Observe o uso (funo gramatical) da forma ing nas frases abaixo. I. For several years, a British Gas energy company, British Gas, has been quietly drilling in the Mediterranean. II. Instead, Sharon is leaning toward... III. ... for their resource [...] would end up financing terrorist attacks... O uso dessa forma igual ao que se encontra em Despite losing a Likud Party vote..., EXCETO na(s) frase(s)

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