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Questões de Inglês - FUVEST 2008 | Gabarito e resoluções

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Questão 56

(FUVEST - 2008 - 1 FASE) Japanese researchers have spent five years developing a humanoid robot system that can understand (5) and respond to simultaneous speakers. They posit a restaurant scenario in which the robot is a waiter. When three people stand before the (10) robot and simultaneously order pork cutlet meals or French dinners, the robot understands at about 70 percent comprehension, (15) responding by repeating each order and giving the total price. This process takes less than two seconds and, crucially, requires no prior voice training. Such auditory powers mark a fundamental challenge (20) in artificial intelligence how to teach machines to pick out significant sounds amid the hubbub. This is known as the cocktail party effect, and most machines do not do any better than humans who have had a few too many martinis. Scientific American, August 2007. De acordo com o texto, pesquisadores japoneses desenvolveram um rob que

Questão 57

(FUVEST - 2008 - 1 FASE)Japanese researchers have spent five years developing a humanoid robot system that can understand (5) and respond to simultaneous speakers. They posit a restaurant scenario in which the robot is a waiter. When three people stand before the (10) robot and simultaneously order pork cutlet meals or French dinners, the robot understands at about 70 percent comprehension, (15) responding by repeating each order and giving the total price. This process takes less than two seconds and, crucially, requires no prior voice training. Such auditory powers mark a fundamental challenge (20) in artificial intelligence how to teach machines to pick out significant sounds amid the hubbub. This is known as the cocktail party effect, and most machines do not do any better than humans who have had a few too many martinis. Scientific American, August 2007. Segundo o texto, num cenrio de restaurane, o rob

Questão 58

(FUVEST - 2008 - 1 FASE)Japanese researchers have spent five years developing a humanoid robot system that can understand (5) and respond to simultaneous speakers. They posit a restaurant scenario in which the robot is a waiter. When three people stand before the (10) robot and simultaneously order pork cutlet meals or French dinners, the robot understands at about 70 percent comprehension, (15) responding by repeating each order and giving the total price. This process takes less than two seconds and, crucially, requires no prior voice training. Such auditory powers mark a fundamental challenge (20) in artificial intelligence how to teach machines to pick out significant sounds amid the hubbub. This is known as the cocktail party effect, and most machines do not do any better than humans who have had a few too many martinis. Scientific American, August 2007. O texto refere-se a the cocktail party effect (l. 21- 22), que metfora para descrever a dificuldade de

Questão 59

(FUVEST - 2008 - 1 FASE) Researchers studying 313 healthy Vietnam veterans have found that anger, depression and (5) hostility may increase the risk for cardiovascular disease, diabetes and high blood pressure. Over a period of ten (10) years, the men had regular physical examinations involving a wide variety of medical tests. They also underwent psychological examinations using well-established questionnaires to determine their levels of hostility, anger and depression. (15) The researchers measured blood levels of a protein called C3, a marker for the inflammation that is a risk factor for cardiovascular illnesses. After controlling for other variables, the scientists found that those in the highest one-quarter in hostility, anger and depression (20) showed a steady and significant increase in C3 levels, while those in the lowest one-quarter had no increase. www.nytimes.com, August 14, 2007. Adaptado. O estudo mecionado no texto

Questão 60

(FUVEST - 2008 - 1 FASE) Researchers studying 313 healthy Vietnam veterans have found that anger, depression and (5) hostility may increase the risk for cardiovascular disease, diabetes and high blood pressure. Over a period of ten (10) years, the men had regular physical examinations involving a wide variety of medical tests. They also underwent psychological examinations using well-established questionnaires to determine their levels of hostility, anger and depression. (15) The researchers measured blood levels of a protein called C3, a marker for the inflammation that is a risk factor for cardiovascular illnesses. After controlling for other variables, the scientists found that those in the highest one-quarter in hostility, anger and depression (20) showed a steady and significant increase in C3 levels, while those in the lowest one-quarter had no increase. www.nytimes.com, August 14, 2007. Adaptado. Os resultados do estudo mencionado no texto sugerem que

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