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Questões de Inglês - FUVEST 2018 | Gabarito e resoluções

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Questão 1

(FUVEST - 2018) Levando em considerao que o texto busca caracterizar dois tipos de personagens encontradas nas obras de fico, responda em portugus: a) Como o texto caracteriza a personagem esttica? b) O que torna atraente a personagem dinmica

Questão 2

(FUVEST - 2018) Com base nas informaes do texto, atenda ao que se pede, redigindo em portugus. a) Cite um benefcio do cultivo de algodo orgnico para o meio ambiente. Justifique sua resposta. b) Explique a relao de fazendeiros produtores de algodo orgnico com a comercializao do produto.

Questão 9

(FUVEST - 2018) Leia os textos e, em seguida, atenda ao que se pede. Queridos amigos, conhecidos e estranhos, meus conterrneos queridos e toda a humanidade: Em poucos minutos possivelmente uma nave espacial ir me levar para o espao sideral. O que posso dizerlhes sobre estes ltimos minutos? Toda a minha vida parece se condensar neste momento nico e belo. Tudo que eu fiz e vivi foi para isso! Yuri Gagarin. Cosmonauta russo da primeira misso tripulada da Histria, a bordo da Vostok 1, lanada no dia 12 de abril de 196 Ground Control to Major Tom Your circuits dead, theres something wrong Can you hear me, Major Tom? Can you hear me, Major Tom? Can you hear me, Major Tom? Can you... Here I am floating round my tin can Far above the Moon Planet Earth is blue And there is nothing I can do Space Oddity, David Bowie. LP Space Oddity, 1969 a) Indique a que conquista cada um dos autores se refere e seu significado simblico no contexto internacional da poca. b) Explique de que maneira cada um dos textos representa a tenso poltica e os conflitos internacionais dos anos 1960.

Questão 86

(FUVEST - 2018 - 1 FASE) Its a perilous time to be a statue. Not that it has ever been a particularly secure occupation, exposed as statues are to the elements, bird droppings and political winds. Just ask Queen Victoria, whose rounded frame perches atop hundreds of plinths across the Commonwealth, with an air of solemn, severe solidity. But in 1963 in Quebec, members of a separatist paramilitary group stuck dynamite under the dress of her local statue. It exploded with a force so great that her head was found 100 yards away. Today, the head is on display in a museum, with her body preserved in a room some miles away. The art historian Vincent Gigure said that the fact its damaged is what makes it so important. Theres another reason to conserve the beheaded Victoria. Statues of women, standing alone and demanding attention in a public space, are extremely rare. To be made a statue, a woman had to be a naked muse, royalty or the mother of God. Or occasionally, an icon of war, justice or virtue: Boadicea in her chariot in London, the Statue of Liberty in New York. Still, of 925 public statues in Britain, only 158 are women standing on their own. Of those, 110 are allegorical or mythical, and 29 are of Queen Victoria. Julia Baird, The New York Times. September 4, 2017. Adaptado. Conforme o texto, o grau de importncia atribudo esttua da rainha Vitria, em Qubec, reside no fato de a escultura

Questão 87

(FUVEST - 2018 - 1 FASE) Its a perilous time to be a statue. Not that it has ever been a particularly secure occupation, exposed as statues are to the elements, bird droppings and political winds. Just ask Queen Victoria, whose rounded frame perches atop hundreds of plinths across the Commonwealth, with an air of solemn, severe solidity. But in 1963 in Quebec, members of a separatist paramilitary group stuck dynamite under the dress of her local statue. It exploded with a force so great that her head was found 100 yards away. Today, the head is on display in a museum, with her body preserved in a room some miles away. The art historian Vincent Gigure said that the fact its damaged is what makes it so important. Theres another reason to conserve the beheaded Victoria. Statues of women, standing alone and demanding attention in a public space, are extremely rare. To be made a statue, a woman had to be a naked muse, royalty or the mother of God. Or occasionally, an icon of war, justice or virtue: Boadicea in her chariot in London, the Statue of Liberty in New York. Still, of 925 public statues in Britain, only 158 are women standing on their own. Of those, 110 are allegorical or mythical, and 29 are of Queen Victoria. Julia Baird, The New York Times. September 4, 2017. Adaptado. No texto, a figura da rainha Vitria associada ao conceito de

Questão 88

(FUVEST - 2018 - 1 FASE) Its a perilous time to be a statue. Not that it has ever been a particularly secure occupation, exposed as statues are to the elements, bird droppings and political winds. Just ask Queen Victoria, whose rounded frame perches atop hundreds of plinths across the Commonwealth, with an air of solemn, severe solidity. But in 1963 in Quebec, members of a separatist paramilitary group stuck dynamite under the dress of her local statue. It exploded with a force so great that her head was found 100 yards away. Today, the head is on display in a museum, with her body preserved in a room some miles away. The art historian Vincent Gigure said that the fact its damaged is what makes it so important. Theres another reason to conserve the beheaded Victoria. Statues of women, standing alone and demanding attention in a public space, are extremely rare. To be made a statue, a woman had to be a naked muse, royalty or the mother of God. Or occasionally, an icon of war, justice or virtue: Boadicea in her chariot in London, the Statue of Liberty in New York. Still, of 925 public statues in Britain, only 158 are women standing on their own. Of those, 110 are allegorical or mythical, and 29 are of Queen Victoria. Julia Baird, The New York Times. September 4, 2017. Adaptado. No texto, a referncia ao nmero de esttuas expostas em espaos pblicos na Gr-Bretanha indica

Questão 89

(FUVEST - 2018 - 1 FASE) Algorithms are everywhere. They play the stockmarket, decide whether you can have a mortgage and may one day drive your car for you. They search the internet when commanded, stick carefully chosen advertisements into the sites you visit and decide what prices to show you in online shops. () But what exactly are algorithms, and what makes them so powerful? An algorithm is, essentially, a brainless way of doing clever things. It is a set of precise steps that need no great mental effort to follow but which, if obeyed exactly and mechanically, will lead to some desirable outcome. Long division and column addition are examples that everyone is familiar withif you follow the procedure, you are guaranteed to get the right answer. So is the strategy, rediscovered thousands of times every year by schoolchildren bored with learning mathematical algorithms, for playing a perfect game of noughts and crosses. The brainlessness is key: each step should be as simple and as free from ambiguity as possible. Cooking recipes and driving directions are algorithms of a sort. But instructions like stew the meat until tender or its a few miles down the road are too vague to follow without at least some interpretation. () The Economist, August 30, 2017. No texto, um exemplo associado ao fato de algoritmos estarem por toda parte

Questão 90

(FUVEST - 2018 - 1 FASE) Algorithms are everywhere. They play the stockmarket, decide whether you can have a mortgage and may one day drive your car for you. They search the internet when commanded, stick carefully chosen advertisements into the sites you visit and decide what prices to show you in online shops. () But what exactly are algorithms, and what makes them so powerful? An algorithm is, essentially, a brainless way of doing clever things. It is a set of precise steps that need no great mental effort to follow but which, if obeyed exactly and mechanically, will lead to some desirable outcome. Long division and column addition are examples that everyone is familiar withif you follow the procedure, you are guaranteed to get the right answer. So is the strategy, rediscovered thousands of times every year by schoolchildren bored with learning mathematical algorithms, for playing a perfect game of noughts and crosses. The brainlessness is key: each step should be as simple and as free from ambiguity as possible. Cooking recipes and driving directions are algorithms of a sort. But instructions like stew the meat until tender or its a few miles down the road are too vague to follow without at least some interpretation. () The Economist, August 30, 2017. Segundo o texto, a execuo de um algoritmo consiste em um processo que

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