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Questões - IME 2023 | Gabarito e resoluções

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Based on the tone of Text 2, which of the following options best describes the authors attitude towards global warming?


Text 3 Climate of conspiracy: A meta-analysis of the consequences of belief in conspiracy theories about climate change By Mikey Biddlestone, Flavio Azevedo, Sander van der Linden 1 Despite widespread scientific consensus on climate change, conspiracy theories about its causes and consequences are flourishing. In response, psychological research has started to investigate the consequences of espousing conspiracy beliefs about climate change. Although some scholars maintain that the evidence for a causal link between belief in conspiracy theories and behavior remains elusive, others have argued that climate 5 change conspiracy theories undermine pro-climate action. Overall, we find clear evidence that climate conspiracy beliefs have moderate-to-large negative correlations with not only acceptance of (climate) science, trust, and pro-environmental concern, but also with behavioural intentions and policy support. Most of these effects were not moderated by design (experimental vs. correlational), political ideology, or prior conspiracy beliefs. After a meta-analysis we find clear evidence that climate change conspiracy beliefs correlate with a host of concerning 10 societal outcomes, including lower acceptance of (climate) science, distrust, lower concern for the environment, and also lower intentions to take action and support pro-environmental policies. An important open question concerns the direction of causality. Although it is possibleand perhaps likelythat people who are skeptical of climate change are more likely to endorse conspiracy theories about global warming, we can also expect that people who are exposed to climate change conspiracy theories become more skeptical and are less likely to 15 take pro-environmental action. In one of the included experiments, people were less likely to sign a petition to counter climate change following exposure to a conspiracy theory about global warming. At the same time, we note that the number of experiments included in the analysis was unbalanced and relatively low compared to the number of correlational designs, which is likely a reflection of the larger literature: most studies do not provide an experimental test of whether exposure to conspiracy theories causes people to disengage from science and 20 politics. Interestingly, our moderation analyses generally did not find that the observed effect sizes were impacted by study design, with the exception of pro-environmental policy-support. Moreover, although publication bias was present in many caseswhich is somewhat expected considering our exclusion of the grey literaturethe bias-corrected meta-analytic effect sizes were similar to those obtained in the main analyses. Nonetheless, given the fact that only a few experimental studies were available for each outcome variable, we feel that it 25 is premature to make any firm conclusions about the overall absence of moderation effects based on study design. In fact, it is interesting that in the case of policy support, data from the only experimental study did not corrobate the correlational evidence. In all likelihood, both causal pathways are possible and potentially mutually reinforcing so that people with skeptical prior attitudes might seek out conspiracy theories about climate change, whilst those exposed to conspiracy theories also become more skeptical about the issue. Consistent with long 30 standing political polarization on the issue of climate change at both elite and mass publics levelsat least in the United Statesa large body of work has supported an asymmetrical relationship, such that the endorsement of climate change conspiracy theories appears stronger on the political right. Although conservative ideology itself had a strong positive meta-analytic correlation with belief in climate conspiracies (r = 0.45), it is interesting to note that the effect sizes were not reliably moderated by political orientation for any of the outcome measures. 35 Similarly, we do not find evidence of reliable moderation effects for prior conspiracy beliefs. In addition, contrary to evidence which suggests that climate denial is uniquely prevalent in the United States, the effect-sizes were not moderated by country in our meta-analysis. However, we note that the overwhelming majority of studies (86%) and participants (96%) were US-based. Although some interventionssuch as highlighting scientific consensus and psychological inoculation have 40 shown promise in combatting conspiracy beliefs, considering that in many countries almost a third of the population endorses the belief that climate change is hoax, future research should urgently evaluate how to counter public belief in climate change conspiracy theories. We note, in many cases, the need to gather more data (from non-WEIRD samples), and the presence of publication bias and effect size heterogeneity. Adapted from: Climate of conspiracy: A meta-analysis of the consequences of belief in conspiracy theories about climate change in: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352250X22001099 [Accessed on March 10th, 2023]. The word Although (line 3 - Text 3) can be replaced without changing the meaning of the sentence by:


Considere as assertivas relacionadas aos textos 1 e 2: I. O texto 2 apresenta a guerra como uma experincia-limite que pea prova a crena e a descrena do homem. II. O texto 1 considera o amor de Kindzu por Farida como um contrapeso salutar a dor e solido do personagem em um pas fraturado pela guerra civil. III. O texto 1 e o texto 2 enfatizam a dimenso da fora e da resistnciados indivduos em face de situaes desesperadoras e sem sada. Est(o) correta(s) apenas a(s) assertiva(s):


Considere os versos destacados em negrito do texto 2: Com relao aos versos destacados, a alternativa correta :


Acoording to Text 3, there is no correlation between climate conspiration theories and:


Which of the following issues is not discussed on Texts 2 and 3?


Sobre o excerto do texto 2: Chegou um tempo em que no adianta morrer. Chegou um tempo em que a vida e uma ordem. A vida apenas, sem mistificao. (linhas 21 a 23) O valor semntico do vocbulo sublinhado mistificao se aproxima de:


Fui subindo por um caminhozito descalo, um trilho tao estreito que mesmo duas serpentes no podiam namorar. A vila era menor do que parecia, suas casas estavam mais inteiras que as da minha terra. Havia, no entanto, excessivos refugiados. Dormiam nas ruas, nos passeios. (linhas 33 a 35) Em relao ao excerto retirado do texto 1 e de acordo com os preceitos da gramtica normativa, correto afirmar que:


Nos versos Teus ombros suportam o mundo / e ele no pesa mais que a mode uma criana (linhas 14 e 15), a relaoque atribui fora poticaao fragmento estabelecida pela contraposio das expresses:


Em relao ao texto 2, pode-se afirmar que o poema


Em [...] tudo para ela corria no alm-visto (linhas 11 e 12), Mia Couto evidencia uma das suas principais caractersticas, a criao de novas palavras. De acordo com a gramtica normativa, a alternativa em que o emprego do hfen possui a mesma justificativa do vocbulo em destaque alm-visto :


Text 1 Why we should eat less meat Eating less meat is good for the planet, good(21)animals, and good for(22)health. Its not all or(23). While adopting a vegan or vegetarian diet is commendable, it(24)not be possible for everyone. The current demand for animal protein (meat, dairy, and eggs) is unsustainable. It enforces the(25)for intensive farming methods,(26)animals are inhumanely caged in small spaces that restrict their natural behaviours, selectively bred to grow(27)and pumped full of antibiotics unnecessarily. Of the 70+ billion animals farmed globally(28)year, an estimated 50 billion of them will spend their entire lives on these factory farms where(29)like commodities. A substantial reduction in animal protein consumption across the globe(30)free up land and other resources, making room for higher welfare, more sustainable production systems, that would benefit both the animals and humans. Factory farming fuels climate change, pollutes landscapes and waterways, and wastefully uses precious resources. Animal agriculture is estimated to account for nearly 15% of global greenhouse gas emissions,(31)more than all the cars, planes, and other forms of transport put together. Decreasing the demand for animal products will help conserve water, save vital habitats, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help conserve our Earth. Industrial animal agriculture is the(32)largest driver of habitat loss and deforestation worldwide. Adapted from: World Animal Protection in: https://www.worldanimalprotection.ca/news/why-we-should-eat-lessmeat [Accessed on March 06th, 2023].


Text 1 Why we should eat less meat Eating less meat is good for the planet, good(21)animals, and good for(22)health. Its not all or(23). While adopting a vegan or vegetarian diet is commendable, it(24)not be possible for everyone. The current demand for animal protein (meat, dairy, and eggs) is unsustainable. It enforces the(25)for intensive farming methods,(26)animals are inhumanely caged in small spaces that restrict their natural behaviours, selectively bred to grow(27)and pumped full of antibiotics unnecessarily. Of the 70+ billion animals farmed globally(28)year, an estimated 50 billion of them will spend their entire lives on these factory farms where(29)like commodities. A substantial reduction in animal protein consumption across the globe(30)free up land and other resources, making room for higher welfare, more sustainable production systems, that would benefit both the animals and humans. Factory farming fuels climate change, pollutes landscapes and waterways, and wastefully uses precious resources. Animal agriculture is estimated to account for nearly 15% of global greenhouse gas emissions,(31)more than all the cars, planes, and other forms of transport put together. Decreasing the demand for animal products will help conserve water, save vital habitats, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help conserve our Earth. Industrial animal agriculture is the(32)largest driver of habitat loss and deforestation worldwide. Adapted from: World Animal Protection in: https://www.worldanimalprotection.ca/news/why-we-should-eat-lessmeat [Accessed on March 06th, 2023].


Em relaoao texto 2, considere as assertivas a seguir: Est(o) correta(s) apenas a(s) assertiva(s):


Text 1 Why we should eat less meat Eating less meat is good for the planet, good(21)animals, and good for(22)health. Its not all or(23). While adopting a vegan or vegetarian diet is commendable, it(24)not be possible for everyone. The current demand for animal protein (meat, dairy, and eggs) is unsustainable. It enforces the(25)for intensive farming methods,(26)animals are inhumanely caged in small spaces that restrict their natural behaviours, selectively bred to grow(27)and pumped full of antibiotics unnecessarily. Of the 70+ billion animals farmed globally(28)year, an estimated 50 billion of them will spend their entire lives on these factory farms where(29)like commodities. A substantial reduction in animal protein consumption across the globe(30)free up land and other resources, making room for higher welfare, more sustainable production systems, that would benefit both the animals and humans. Factory farming fuels climate change, pollutes landscapes and waterways, and wastefully uses precious resources. Animal agriculture is estimated to account for nearly 15% of global greenhouse gas emissions,(31)more than all the cars, planes, and other forms of transport put together. Decreasing the demand for animal products will help conserve water, save vital habitats, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help conserve our Earth. Industrial animal agriculture is the(32)largest driver of habitat loss and deforestation worldwide. Adapted from: World Animal Protection in: https://www.worldanimalprotection.ca/news/why-we-should-eat-lessmeat [Accessed on March 06th, 2023].

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