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Questões - ITA 2017 | Gabarito e resoluções

Questão 9

(ITA - 2017- 2 Fase) Sobre um motor pulso jato como o apresentado na Questo 15, considere verdadeiras as seguintes afirmaes: I. A temperatura de fuso do material que compe a cmara de combusto 1500 K, e acima de 1200 K o material do motor comea a sofrer desgaste considervel pelos gases de combusto; II. O material do motor resiste a presses de at 30 atm; III. O motor opera, em cada ciclo termodinmico, com 0,2 mol de uma mistura de gases com comportamento ideal, iniciando o ciclo em presso atmosfrica e a temperatura de 300 K. a) A partir destas informaes e considerando que se deseja obter, de forma segura, o mximo de trabalho por ciclo, quais devem ser a presso e a temperatura no ponto de interseco entre os processos I e II do ciclo termodinmico (vide Questo 15)? b) Na mistura de gases que opera em cada ciclo h uma frao de combustvel, o qual tem a reao de combusto dada por: em que QV o calor liberado a volume constante, por grama de metano. Considerando a capacidade calorfica molar a volume constante da mistura de gases igual a 25 , qual a massa de metano utilizada pelo ciclo projetado no item anterior?

Questão 9

(ITA - 2017 - 1 FASE) Uma placa feita de um metal cuja funo trabalho W menor que h, sendo uma frequncia no intervalo do espectro eletromagntico visvel e h a constante de Planck. Deixada exposta, a placa interage com a radiao eletromagntica proveniente do Sol absorvendo uma potncia P. Sobre a ejeo de eltrons da placa metlica nesta situao correto afirmar que os eltrons

Questão 9

(ITA - 2017 - 2 FASE) Num ponto de coordenadas (0,0,0) atua na direo x um campo de induo magntica com 2.105T de intensidade. No espao em torno deste ponto coloca-se um fio retilneo, onde flui uma corrente de 5 A, acarretando nesse ponto um campo de induo magntica resultante de 23.105 T na direo y. Determine o lugar geomtrico dos pontos de interseco do fio com o plano xy.

Questão 10

(ITA - 2017- 2 Fase) Considere as substncias o-diclorobenzeno e p-diclorobenzeno. a) Escreva as frmulas estruturais de ambas as substncias. b) Para ambas as substncias, fornea um nome sistemtico diferente daquele informado no enunciado. c) Qual das duas substncias tem maior ponto de ebulio? Justifique sua resposta

Questão 10

(ITA - 2017 - 2 FASE) A figura mostra uma lente semiesfrica no ar de raio com ndice de refrao . Um feixe de luz paralelo incide na superfcie plana, formando um ngulo de 60o em relao a x. a) Indique se h raio refratado saindo da lente paralelamente aos incidentes. b) Se houver, ele incide a que distncia do centro da lente? c) Para quais ngulos ser iluminado o anteparo esfrico de raio 2R de mesmo centro da lente?

Questão 10

(ITA - 2017 - 1 FASE) So feitas as seguintes proposies a respeito de reaes qumicas orgnicas: 1. Etanoato de etila com amnia forma etanamida e etanol. 2. cido etanico com tricloreto de fsforo, a quente, forma cloreto de etanola. 3. n-Butilbenzeno com permanganato de potssio, a quente, forma cido benzico e dixido de carbono. Das proposies acima, est(o) CORRETA(S)

Questão 10

(ITA - 2017 - 1 FASE) Sejam a,b,c,d nmeros reais positivos e diferentes de 1. Das afirmaes: (so) verdadeira(s)

Questão 10

(ITA - 2017 - 2 FASE) Considere o cubo ABCDEFGH de aresta 2 tal que: ABCD o quadrado de base inferior; EFGH, o quadrado da base superior eso arestas verticais. Sejam L, M e N os pontos mdios das arestasrespectivamente. Determine a rea do tringulo LMN.

Questão 10

(ITA - 2017 - 1 FASE) A figura mostra dois anteparos opacos radiao, sendo um com fenda de tamanho varivel d, com centro na posio x = 0, e o outro com dois fotodetectores de intensidade da radiao, tal que F1 se situa em x = 0 e F2, em x = L 4d. No sistema incide radiao eletromagntica de comprimento de onda constante. Num primeiro experimento, a relao entre d e tal que d ≫ , e so feitas as seguintes afirmativas: I. S F1 detecta radiao. II. F1 e F2 detectam radiao. III. F1 no detecta e F2 detecta radiao. Num segundo experimento, d reduzido at ordem do comprimento de e, neste caso, so feitas estas afirmativas: IV. F2 detecta radiao de menor intensidade que a detectada em F1. V. S F1 detecta radiao. VI. S F2 detecta radiao. Assinale as afirmativas possveis para a deteco da radiao em ambos os experimentos. Assinale as afirmativas possveis para a deteco da radiao em ambos os experimentos.

Questão 10

(ITA - 2017 - 1 FASE) INSIDE THE BILL GATES-BACKED ACCELERATOR THATS TRAINING THE NEXT GENERATION OF VENTURE CAPITALISTS Lauren Gensler, FORBES STAFF In an airy converted furniture store in Seattles Pioneer Square neighborhood, five novice impactfund managers from Zimbabwe, Guatemala and the Netherlands are rehearsing the sales pitches theyll make the next day to 60 mostly institutional investors, representing $10 billion in capital. The presentations will be a graduation ceremony of sorts. Despite their impressive resumes, the five men have just completed a four-week boot camp covering everything from term sheets, accounting and mezzanine debt structures to dealing with corruption to defining and marketing their brands. Theyll head home with golden contacts (investor cocktail hours were built into the packed schedule) and a commitment for up to $500,000 in seed capital from Capria Accelerator, a first-of-its-kind venture whose initial investors include Microsoft cofounder (and worlds richest man) Bill Gates. One of those rehearsing is Patrick Makanza, 51, an M.B.A. and veteran of Unilever and BarclaysBank, who1quit a cushy job at a top Zimbabwe private equity firm and launched Vakayi Capital. The first fund being formed by Vakayi (which means to build) will back for-profit businesses providing essential services in Zimbabwe, which has per capita gross domestic product of about $1,000. That fund will make loans (with an option to convert some to equity) for an average of four years to small and medium-size businesses that2want to expand and cant get adequate bank financing. Among potential investments: an eye clinic thats building a new operating room so it can double its daily procedures and bring down the cost of cataract surgery; an education microlender; and a builder of low-cost housing. The next day, in their presentation, Makanza and his Vakayi cofounder tackle head-on the tough issues they might be asked about, including Zimbabwes endemic corruption, economic challenges and currency dramasit squelched hyperinflation in 2009 by switching to foreign currencies, primarily the U.S. dollar. But in the question period Tracy Washington, principal investment officer for the International Finance Corp.s global private equity funds, lobs a personal query at Makanza, a father of four who3is partial to conservative business suits and golf. With your resume, she asks, why get involved with so risky an enterprise, and will you stick to it?Makanza responds that4he worked in venture capital back in the 1990s and came to miss the highs and lows of investing in early-stage entrepreneurs. I still have at least ten years to do this. Its a real roller-coaster lifestyle. But I enjoyed it, and I want to have more of that experience again. Impact investing which5aims to produce both financial and social or environmental returns is in vogue. Big names in finance, from BlackRock to Goldman Sachs to Bank of America Merrill Lynch, have beenpiling in recently, seeing it as a way to appeal to the socially conscious Millennials now building and inheritingwealth. But this alternative asset class is still small $77 billion invested worldwide, according to a new survey from the Global Impact Investing Network. To grow, it needs experienced, hands-on fund managers, and those are in short supply, particularly in areas with the greatest needs, such as sub-Saharan Africa. Fonte: http://www.forbes.com/sites/laurengensler/2016/06/15/capria-bill-gates-impact-investing-accelerator/#56afe1ab1dc4. (Acesso em 07/07/2016). Marque a opo que substitui o trecho sublinhado, mantendo o mesmo sentido. Despite their impressive resumes, the five men have just completed a four-week boot camp covering everything from term sheets, [...]

Questão 11

(ITA - 2017 - 1 FASE) Um sistema constitudo por uma sequncia vertical de N molas ideais interligadas, de mesmo comprimento natural ℓ e constante elstica k, cada qual acoplada a uma partcula de massa m. Sendo o sistema suspenso a partir da mola 1 e estando em equilbrio esttico, pode-se afirmar que o comprimento da

Questão 11

(ITA - 2017 - 1 FASE) Em relao s funes termodinmicas de estado de um sistema, assinale a proposio ERRADA.

Questão 11

(ITA - 2017 - 1 FASE) Sejam Considere A = P-1DP. O valor de det (A2+A)

Questão 11

(ITA - 2017 - 1 FASE) INSIDE THE BILL GATES-BACKED ACCELERATOR THATS TRAINING THE NEXT GENERATION OF VENTURE CAPITALISTS Lauren Gensler, FORBES STAFF In an airy converted furniture store in Seattles Pioneer Square neighborhood, five novice impactfund managers from Zimbabwe, Guatemala and the Netherlands are rehearsing the sales pitches theyll make the next day to 60 mostly institutional investors, representing $10 billion in capital. The presentations will be a graduation ceremony of sorts. Despite their impressive resumes, the five men have just completed a four-week boot camp covering everything from term sheets, accounting and mezzanine debt structures to dealing with corruption to defining and marketing their brands. Theyll head home with golden contacts (investor cocktail hours were built into the packed schedule) and a commitment for up to $500,000 in seed capital from Capria Accelerator, a first-of-its-kind venture whose initial investors include Microsoft cofounder (and worlds richest man) Bill Gates. One of those rehearsing is Patrick Makanza, 51, an M.B.A. and veteran of Unilever and BarclaysBank, who1quit a cushy job at a top Zimbabwe private equity firm and launched Vakayi Capital. The first fund being formed by Vakayi (which means to build) will back for-profit businesses providing essential services in Zimbabwe, which has per capita gross domestic product of about $1,000. That fund will make loans (with an option to convert some to equity) for an average of four years to small and medium-size businesses that2want to expand and cant get adequate bank financing. Among potential investments: an eye clinic thats building a new operating room so it can double its daily procedures and bring down the cost of cataract surgery; an education microlender; and a builder of low-cost housing. The next day, in their presentation, Makanza and his Vakayi cofounder tackle head-on the tough issues they might be asked about, including Zimbabwes endemic corruption, economic challenges and currency dramasit squelched hyperinflation in 2009 by switching to foreign currencies, primarily the U.S. dollar. But in the question period Tracy Washington, principal investment officer for the International Finance Corp.s global private equity funds, lobs a personal query at Makanza, a father of four who3is partial to conservative business suits and golf. With your resume, she asks, why get involved with so risky an enterprise, and will you stick to it?Makanza responds that4he worked in venture capital back in the 1990s and came to miss the highs and lows of investing in early-stage entrepreneurs. I still have at least ten years to do this. Its a real roller-coaster lifestyle. But I enjoyed it, and I want to have more of that experience again. Impact investing which5aims to produce both financial and social or environmental returns is in vogue. Big names in finance, from BlackRock to Goldman Sachs to Bank of America Merrill Lynch, have beenpiling in recently, seeing it as a way to appeal to the socially conscious Millennials now building and inheritingwealth. But this alternative asset class is still small $77 billion invested worldwide, according to a new survey from the Global Impact Investing Network. To grow, it needs experienced, hands-on fund managers, and those are in short supply, particularly in areas with the greatest needs, such as sub-Saharan Africa. Fonte: http://www.forbes.com/sites/laurengensler/2016/06/15/capria-bill-gates-impact-investing-accelerator/#56afe1ab1dc4. (Acesso em 07/07/2016). Marque a opo em que o item sublinhado NO exerce a funo de agente da orao.

Questão 12

(ITA - 2017 - 1 FASE) INSIDE THE BILL GATES-BACKED ACCELERATOR THATS TRAINING THE NEXT GENERATION OF VENTURE CAPITALISTS Lauren Gensler, FORBES STAFF In an airy converted furniture store in Seattles Pioneer Square neighborhood, five novice impactfund managers from Zimbabwe, Guatemala and the Netherlands are rehearsing the sales pitches theyll make the next day to 60 mostly institutional investors, representing $10 billion in capital. The presentations will be a graduation ceremony of sorts. Despite their impressive resumes, the five men have just completed a four-week boot camp covering everything from term sheets, accounting and mezzanine debt structures to dealing with corruption to defining and marketing their brands. Theyll head home with golden contacts (investor cocktail hours were built into the packed schedule) and a commitment for up to $500,000 in seed capital from Capria Accelerator, a first-of-its-kind venture whose initial investors include Microsoft cofounder (and worlds richest man) Bill Gates. One of those rehearsing is Patrick Makanza, 51, an M.B.A. and veteran of Unilever and BarclaysBank, who1quit a cushy job at a top Zimbabwe private equity firm and launched Vakayi Capital. The first fund being formed by Vakayi (which means to build) will back for-profit businesses providing essential services in Zimbabwe, which has per capita gross domestic product of about $1,000. That fund will make loans (with an option to convert some to equity) for an average of four years to small and medium-size businesses that2want to expand and cant get adequate bank financing. Among potential investments: an eye clinic thats building a new operating room so it can double its daily procedures and bring down the cost of cataract surgery; an education microlender; and a builder of low-cost housing. The next day, in their presentation, Makanza and his Vakayi cofounder tackle head-on the tough issues they might be asked about, including Zimbabwes endemic corruption, economic challenges and currency dramasit squelched hyperinflation in 2009 by switching to foreign currencies, primarily the U.S. dollar. But in the question period Tracy Washington, principal investment officer for the International Finance Corp.s global private equity funds, lobs a personal query at Makanza, a father of four who3is partial to conservative business suits and golf. With your resume, she asks, why get involved with so risky an enterprise, and will you stick to it?Makanza responds that4he worked in venture capital back in the 1990s and came to miss the highs and lows of investing in early-stage entrepreneurs. I still have at least ten years to do this. Its a real roller-coaster lifestyle. But I enjoyed it, and I want to have more of that experience again. Impact investing which5aims to produce both financial and social or environmental returns is in vogue. Big names in finance, from BlackRock to Goldman Sachs to Bank of America Merrill Lynch, have beenpiling in recently, seeing it as a way to appeal to the socially conscious Millennials now building and inheritingwealth. But this alternative asset class is still small $77 billion invested worldwide, according to a new survey from the Global Impact Investing Network. To grow, it needs experienced, hands-on fund managers, and those are in short supply, particularly in areas with the greatest needs, such as sub-Saharan Africa. Fonte: http://www.forbes.com/sites/laurengensler/2016/06/15/capria-bill-gates-impact-investing-accelerator/#56afe1ab1dc4. (Acesso em 07/07/2016). O termo whose em: Theyll head home with golden contacts (investor cocktail hours were built into the packed schedule) and a commitment for up to $500,000 in seed capital from Capria Accelerator, a first-of-its-kind venture whose initial investors include Microsoft cofounder (and worlds richest man) Bill Gates., refere-se a