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Questões - ITA 2023 | Gabarito e resoluções

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Questão 15

(ITA - 2023 - 1 FASE) Leia atentamente os versos destacados de Canto ao homem do povo Charlie Chaplin, de Carlos Drummond de Andrade. Em seguida, assinale a alternativa correta. E falam as flores que tanto amas quando pisadas, falam os tocos de vela, que comes na extrema penria, falam a mesa, os botes, os instrumentos do ofcio e as mil coisas aparentemente fechadas, cada troo, cada objeto do sto, quanto mais obscuros mais falam.

Questão 16

(ITA - 2023 - 1 FASE) Leia o trecho destacado do conto Tempo de camiso - linha, de Mrio de Andrade, e, em seguida, assinale a alternativa incorreta. Estavam uns pescadores ali mesmo na esquina, conversando, e me meti no meio deles, sempre era uma proteo. E todos eles eram casados, tinham filhos, no se amolavam proletariamente com os filhos, mas proletaria - mente davam muita importncia pra o filhinho de seu dot meu pai, que nem era doutor, graas a Deus. (p. 106).

Questão 17

(ITA - 2023 - 1 FASE) Leia atentamente as declaraes de I a III, que tratam da poesia de Carlos Drummond de Andrade. Em seguida, assinale a alternativa correta. I.O poeta transita entre a construo gramatical normativa e o experimentalismo modernista com a linguagem, o que pode ser verificado nos seguintes versos: camabel camabel o vale ecoa/ sobre o vazio de ondalit/ a noite asfltica/ plkx (Os materiais da vida). II. A linguagem, na poesia de Drummond, vale-se quase sempre de coloquialismos e desvios gramaticais, subvertendo a norma culta por completo, o que pode ser verificado nos seguintes versos: Lutar com palavras/ a luta mais v./ Entanto lutamos mal rompe a manh. (O lutador). III. Drummond segue risca a gramtica normativa, da qual rigorosamente nunca diverge, o que pode ser verificado nos seguintes versos: No meio do caminho tinha uma pedra/ tinha uma pedra no meio do caminho/ tinha uma pedra/ no meio do caminho tinha uma pedra.

Questão 18

[QUESTO ANULADA] (ITA - 2023 - 1 FASE) Leia o trecho destacado do conto O peru de Natal, de Mrio de Andrade, e, em seguida, assinale a alternativa incorreta. Bem que sabiam, era loucura sim, mas todos se faziam imaginar que eu sozinho que estava desejando muito aquilo e havia jeito fcil de empurrarem pra cima de mim a... culpa de seus desejos enormes. (p. 72). a)embora no tivessem coragem de admitir, todos os familiares de Juca desejavam aquela comemorao, a despeito da situao constrangedora em que se encontravam. b)Juca era considerado louco pela famlia, por isso todos sentiam pena dele. c)Juca era considerado louco pela famlia, por isso todos tinham medo dele. d)Juca era considerado louco pela famlia, mas no era devidamente tratado por profissionais. e)a falta que o pai fazia na famlia foi motivo para negar o pedido de Juca.

Questão 19

(ITA - 2023 - 1 FASE) Assinale a alternativa correta acerca de Os ratos, de Dyonlio Machado.

Questão 20

(ITA - 2023 - 1 FASE) Leia o trecho destacado do conto Atrs da catedral de Ruo, de Mrio de Andrade, e, em seguida, assinale a alternativa correta. E lhes enfiou na mo um nquel pra cada um, pagou! Pagou a bonne compagnie. Subiu as escadas correndo, foi chorar. (p. 56).

Questão 21

(ITA - 2023 - 1 FASE) Leia atentamente os versos destacados de Cantiga de enganar, de Carlos Drummond de Andrade. Em seguida, assinale a alternativa correta. Meu bem, assim acordados, assim lcidos, severos, ou assim abandonados, deixando-nos deriva levar na palma do tempo mas o tempo no existe , sejamos como se framos num mundo que fosse: o Mundo.

Questão 22

(ITA - 2023 - 1 FASE) Acerca de Os ratos, de Dyonlio Machado, correto afirmar que

Questão 23

(ITA - 2023 - 1 FASE) Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a afirmao correta acerca de Contos novos, de Mrio de Andrade.

Questão 24

(ITA - 2023 - 1 FASE) Assinale a alternativa que complementa corretamente a seguinte afirmao: Os poemas da seo NA PRAA DE CONVITES, da Antologia Potica, de Carlos Drummond de Andrade, tematizam o cotidiano...

Questão 25

(ITA - 2023 - 1 FASE) Since the early l990s, an interesting phenomenon has emerged in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus some states that, despite having their own government and state apparatus, lack international recognition. Even today, the struggle of these unrecognised states remains widely unknown. While these states have been the focus of much academic study, their very existence is often neglected by both the international community and societies in the West. In parallel, there exist in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus distinct peoples who have neither acquired recognised statehood nor any significant representation within their own countries they are the so-called unrepresented peoples. Today, the territory of the former Soviet Union in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus is somewhat unique for its relatively high concentration of unrecognised states and unrepresented peoples. Each of them has varying degrees of independence and autonomy. Some have de facto statehood, whereas others are distinct peoples with little to no representation or territorial autonomy. Although different, these peoples seem to have one common goal self-determination. The benefits of recognised statehood are numerous and often taken for granted countries have access to various forms of international funding, for example from the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMP); their citizens can travel, assured that their passports will be accepted in another country; and they have a voice at international forums like the United Nations (UN), which can be an opportunity to influence international outcomes in their favour. Unrecognised states, on the other hand, are isolated internationally and can be forced to rely upon a patron state which offers them all kinds of help in exchange for their allegiance. This dependency on a patron-client relationship can lead to the client state being used as a political tool by its patron. One key issue facing most unrecognised states is the restriction on movement imposed on their people. Because their de facto nationality is not recognised internationally, their locally-issued passports or travel documents are not considered valid for travel or entry into another country. The only way for them to travel abroad is to receive a passport from a neighbouring country, or to travel to the few countries that do recognise them. It happens that some people living in de facto states are entitled to other citizenships. In addition to unrecognised states, there also exists a number of unrepresented peoples that is, distinctethnic and linguistic groups that enjoy little or no representation both internationally and domestically. These peoples struggle even more for self-determination since they do not have their own autonomous territory. They find themselves even more vulnerable and are often at best ignored, or worse persecuted. Fonte: What does it mean to be unrecognised and unrepresented? https://unpo.org/article/2l947. Adaptado. Data de acesso: 07/08/2022. De acordo com o texto, correto afirmar que

Questão 26

(ITA - 2023 - 1 FASE) Since the early l990s, an interesting phenomenon has emerged in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus some states that, despite having their own government and state apparatus, lack international recognition. Even today, the struggle of these unrecognised states remains widely unknown. While these states have been the focus of much academic study, their very existence is often neglected by both the international community and societies in the West. In parallel, there exist in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus distinct peoples who have neither acquired recognised statehood nor any significant representation within their own countries they are the so-called unrepresented peoples. Today, the territory of the former Soviet Union in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus is somewhat unique for its relatively high concentration of unrecognised states and unrepresented peoples. Each of them has varying degrees of independence and autonomy. Some have de facto statehood, whereas others are distinct peoples with little to no representation or territorial autonomy. Although different, these peoples seem to have one common goal self-determination. The benefits of recognised statehood are numerous and often taken for granted countries have access to various forms of international funding, for example from the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMP); their citizens can travel, assured that their passports will be accepted in another country; and they have a voice at international forums like the United Nations (UN), which can be an opportunity to influence international outcomes in their favour. Unrecognised states, on the other hand, are isolated internationally and can be forced to rely upon a patron state which offers them all kinds of help in exchange for their allegiance. This dependency on a patron-client relationship can lead to the client state being used as a political tool by its patron. One key issue facing most unrecognised states is the restriction on movement imposed on their people. Because their de facto nationality is not recognised internationally, their locally-issued passports or travel documents are not considered valid for travel or entry into another country. The only way for them to travel abroad is to receive a passport from a neighbouring country, or to travel to the few countries that do recognise them. It happens that some people living in de facto states are entitled to other citizenships. In addition to unrecognised states, there also exists a number of unrepresented peoples that is, distinctethnic and linguistic groups that enjoy little or no representation both internationally and domestically. These peoples struggle even more for self-determination since they do not have their own autonomous territory. They find themselves even more vulnerable and are often at best ignored, or worse persecuted. Fonte: What does it mean to be unrecognised and unrepresented? https://unpo.org/article/2l947. Adaptado. Data de acesso: 07/08/2022. A respeito des populaes de Estados no reconhecidos, no correto afirmar que

Questão 27

(ITA - 2023 - 1 FASE) Since the early l990s, an interesting phenomenon has emerged in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus some states that, despite having their own government and state apparatus, lack international recognition. Even today, the struggle of these unrecognised states remains widely unknown. While these states have been the focus of much academic study, their very existence is often neglected by both the international community and societies in the West. In parallel, there exist in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus distinct peoples who have neither acquired recognised statehood nor any significant representation within their own countries they are the so-called unrepresented peoples. Today, the territory of the former Soviet Union in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus is somewhat unique for its relatively high concentration of unrecognised states and unrepresented peoples. Each of them has varying degrees of independence and autonomy. Some have de facto statehood, whereas others are distinct peoples with little to no representation or territorial autonomy. Although different, these peoples seem to have one common goal self-determination. The benefits of recognised statehood are numerous and often taken for granted countries have access to various forms of international funding, for example from the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMP); their citizens can travel, assured that their passports will be accepted in another country; and they have a voice at international forums like the United Nations (UN), which can be an opportunity to influence international outcomes in their favour. Unrecognised states, on the other hand, are isolated internationally and can be forced to rely upon a patron state which offers them all kinds of help in exchange for their allegiance. This dependency on a patron-client relationship can lead to the client state being used as a political tool by its patron. One key issue facing most unrecognised states is the restriction on movement imposed on their people. Because their de facto nationality is not recognised internationally, their locally-issued passports or travel documents are not considered valid for travel or entry into another country. The only way for them to travel abroad is to receive a passport from a neighbouring country, or to travel to the few countries that do recognise them. It happens that some people living in de facto states are entitled to other citizenships. In addition to unrecognised states, there also exists a number of unrepresented peoples that is, distinctethnic and linguistic groups that enjoy little or no representation both internationally and domestically. These peoples struggle even more for self-determination since they do not have their own autonomous territory. They find themselves even more vulnerable and are often at best ignored, or worse persecuted. Fonte: What does it mean to be unrecognised and unrepresented? https://unpo.org/article/2l947. Adaptado. Data de acesso: 07/08/2022. O termo Although, destacado em itlico sublinhado no excerto do segundo pargrafo: Although different, these peoples seem to have one common goal expressa ideia de

Questão 28

(ITA - 2023 - 1 FASE) Since the early l990s, an interesting phenomenon has emerged in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus some states that, despite having their own government and state apparatus, lack international recognition. Even today, the struggle of these unrecognised states remains widely unknown. While these states have been the focus of much academic study, their very existence is often neglected by both the international community and societies in the West. In parallel, there exist in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus distinct peoples who have neither acquired recognised statehood nor any significant representation within their own countries they are the so-called unrepresented peoples. Today, the territory of the former Soviet Union in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus is somewhat unique for its relatively high concentration of unrecognised states and unrepresented peoples. Each of them has varying degrees of independence and autonomy. Some have de facto statehood, whereas others are distinct peoples with little to no representation or territorial autonomy. Although different, these peoples seem to have one common goal self-determination. The benefits of recognised statehood are numerous and often taken for granted countries have access to various forms of international funding, for example from the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMP); their citizens can travel, assured that their passports will be accepted in another country; and they have a voice at international forums like the United Nations (UN), which can be an opportunity to influence international outcomes in their favour. Unrecognised states, on the other hand, are isolated internationally and can be forced to rely upon a patron state which offers them all kinds of help in exchange for their allegiance. This dependency on a patron-client relationship can lead to the client state being used as a political tool by its patron. One key issue facing most unrecognised states is the restriction on movement imposed on their people. Because their de facto nationality is not recognised internationally, their locally-issued passports or travel documents are not considered valid for travel or entry into another country. The only way for them to travel abroad is to receive a passport from a neighbouring country, or to travel to the few countries that do recognise them. It happens that some people living in de facto states are entitled to other citizenships. In addition to unrecognised states, there also exists a number of unrepresented peoples that is, distinctethnic and linguistic groups that enjoy little or no representation both internationally and domestically. These peoples struggle even more for self-determination since they do not have their own autonomous territory. They find themselves even more vulnerable and are often at best ignored, or worse persecuted. Fonte: What does it mean to be unrecognised and unrepresented? https://unpo.org/article/2l947. Adaptado. Data de acesso: 07/08/2022. O termo whereas, destacado em itlico sublinhado no excerto do segundo pargrafo: whereas others are distinct peoples pode ser substitudo, sem prejuzo de sentido, por

Questão 29

(ITA - 2023 - 1 FASE) Since the early l990s, an interesting phenomenon has emerged in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus some states that, despite having their own government and state apparatus, lack international recognition. Even today, the struggle of these unrecognised states remains widely unknown. While these states have been the focus of much academic study, their very existence is often neglected by both the international community and societies in the West. In parallel, there exist in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus distinct peoples who have neither acquired recognised statehood nor any significant representation within their own countries they are the so-called unrepresented peoples. Today, the territory of the former Soviet Union in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus is somewhat unique for its relatively high concentration of unrecognised states and unrepresented peoples. Each of them has varying degrees of independence and autonomy. Some have de facto statehood, whereas others are distinct peoples with little to no representation or territorial autonomy. Although different, these peoples seem to have one common goal self-determination. The benefits of recognised statehood are numerous and often taken for granted countries have access to various forms of international funding, for example from the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMP); their citizens can travel, assured that their passports will be accepted in another country; and they have a voice at international forums like the United Nations (UN), which can be an opportunity to influence international outcomes in their favour. Unrecognised states, on the other hand, are isolated internationally and can be forced to rely upon a patron state which offers them all kinds of help in exchange for their allegiance. This dependency on a patron-client relationship can lead to the client state being used as a political tool by its patron. One key issue facing most unrecognised states is the restriction on movement imposed on their people. Because their de facto nationality is not recognised internationally, their locally-issued passports or travel documents are not considered valid for travel or entry into another country. The only way for them to travel abroad is to receive a passport from a neighbouring country, or to travel to the few countries that do recognise them. It happens that some people living in de facto states are entitled to other citizenships. In addition to unrecognised states, there also exists a number of unrepresented peoples that is, distinctethnic and linguistic groups that enjoy little or no representation both internationally and domestically. These peoples struggle even more for self-determination since they do not have their own autonomous territory. They find themselves even more vulnerable and are often at best ignored, or worse persecuted. Fonte: What does it mean to be unrecognised and unrepresented? https://unpo.org/article/2l947. Adaptado. Data de acesso: 07/08/2022. O termo allegiance, destacado em itlico sublinhado no excerto do terceiro pargrafo: in exchange for their allegiance pode ser substitudo, sem alterao de sentido, por

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