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Questões - MACKENZIE 2013 | Gabarito e resoluções

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(MACKENZIE - 2003) A populao que, em 1790, era de quase 4 milhes de habitantes passou para cerca de 31 milhes em 1860. Dez anos depois, alcanava os 40 milhes. Boa parte desse contingente era formado por estrangeiros: entre 1830 e 1860 entraram no pais quase 5 milhes de imigrantes europeus. Jos Robson de A. Arruda e Nelson Piletti A Histria dos Estados Unidos da Amrica, no que diz respeito fase do expansionismo interno e ocupao e ao povoamento do atual territrio norte-americano, teve como justificativa a Doutrina do Destino Manifesto, sobre a qual INCORRETO afirmar que:


(Mackenzie - 2013) Will Melinda Gates Change the Game for Women? She plans to use the Gates Foundations billions to revolutionize contraception worldwide. In the 12 years since Melinda Gates and her husband, Bill, created the Gates Foundation, the worlds largest philanthropic organization, she has done a lot of traveling. A reserved woman who has long been wary of the public glare attached to the Gates name, she comes alive, her associates say, when shes visiting the foundations projects in remote corners of the world. You get her out in the fi eld with a group of women, sitting on a mat or under a tree or in a hut, she is totally in her element, totally comfortable, says Gary Darmstadt, director of family health at the foundations global health program. Visiting vaccine programs in sub-Saharan Africa, Gates would often ask women at remote clinics what else they needed. Very often, she says, they would speak urgently about birth control. Women sitting on a bench, 20 of them, immediately theyll start speaking out and saying, I wish I had that injection I used to get, says Gates. I came to this clinic three months ago, and I got my injection. I came last week, and I couldnt get it, and Im here again. They were talking about Depo-Provera, which is popular in many poor countries because women need to take it only four times a year, and because they can hide it, if necessary, from unsupportive husbands. As Gates discovered, injectable contraceptives, like many other forms of birth control, are frequently out of stock in clinics in the developing world, a result of both funding shortages and supply-chain problems. Women would tell her that theyd left their farms and walked for hours, sometimes with children in tow, often without the knowledge of their husbands, in their fruitless search for the shot. I was just stunned by how vociferous women were about what they wanted, she says. Because of those women, Gates made a decision thats likely to change lives all over the world. As she revealed in an exclusive interview with Newsweek, she has decided to make family planning her signature issue and primary public health a priority. By Michelle Goldberg The sentence Gates would often ask women at remote clinics what else they needed in the direct speech is


(Mackenzie - 2013) Observe o grfico de entalpia abaixo, obtido por meio de experimentos realizados no estado-padro: Com base em seus conhecimentos de termoqumica e nas informaes do grfico acima, a equao termoqumica INCORRETAMENTE representada

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