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Questões de Inglês - PUC | Gabarito e resoluções

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(PUC Minas - 2006) TO BLOG OR NOT TO BLOG The web log or blog, where internet pioneers first recorded their daily lives in on-line diaries, has been a significant part of the internet since 1999, when a software from blogger.com put blogging within the reach of all web-users, no matter how limited their technical skills. There are now as many as a million blogs out there in cyberspace. But last year the blog experienced a Cinderella-like transformation due to a young Iraqi architecture graduate writing under the pseudonym Salam Pax. His blog, Where is Raed?, providing an eyewitness account of life in Baghdad during and after the final months of the Saddam regime, became extremely popular for a huge international audience. It finally gave the web log, according to Richard Clark, the editor of Web User, the UKs best-selling internet magazine, the prominence it deserves. Salam Pax has created a precedent many people hope will be followed. But in reality, few blogs provide insight on global events. For many bloggers, the objective is simply to entertain. In the vast world of blogs - 1which now includes photoblogs for amateur photographers and moblogs, updated in real time with photos from mobile phones - Richard Clarks own personal favorites are chosen 2for their literary appeal. His regular reads include a cynical account of working life as a manager in a call centre, an Australian students views on British culture and the difficulties of a British woman in Belgium with what she claims is an intensely annoying boyfriend. To find the blogs that amuse you, he recommends following the links on the page of a popular blog: most bloggers compulsively link to other blogs, but there are also lots of sites that list blogs according to popularity. If, 3on the other hand, you actually want to make your own contribution to the blogging universe, Clark advises you to make sure theyre interesting and to update them regularly - ideally, every day, or every two days - because thats the only reason people come back. (FROM: Speak Up, April 2004. Adapted) The word WHICH in which now includes... (ref. 1) refers to


(PUC Camp - 2005) De volta Grcia 1. Os gregos no perderam a oportunidade de lembrar ao mundo que, neste ano, os jogos olmpicos estavam voltando para casa. De fato, a tecnologia de hoje e os deuses mitolgicos se encontraram num longo arco do tempo, num espetculo de abertura em que os elementos essenciais (a gua, a terra, o ar, o fogo) e os recursos eletrnicos se deram as mos. Um Ulisses menino acenava de um barquinho nada pico, que parecia de papel; por meio de teles, um atleta em Olmpia e outro em Atenas comunicavam-se com tambores, num rito ao mesmo tempo primitivo e sofisticado. O deus Eros pairava em suaves acrobacias sobre o estdio, sugerindo que o Amor presidiria todos os eventos. 2. O fuso horrio fez muita gente tresnoitar, no Brasil. s trs da madrugada, aqui, os barcos de l j enfunavam as velas ao sol, quando os ventos muito fortes ou uma calmaria no suspendiam a largada. O telespectador brasileiro chegava estropiado ao fim de cada tarde, depois de realizar sua maratona particular. Cada modalidade esportiva traz duros desafios para corpos e mentes levados aos limites da resistncia e da concentrao. A lei da gravidade desafiada nos saltos; a fora das pernas e dos braos, nos arremessos e levantamentos; os reflexos e as iniciativas, nas lutas corporais; a exploso e a resistncia muscular, nas provas de corrida; a disciplina e a tcnica dos movimentos, nas artes ginsticas; o controle de uma bola, com as mos ou com os ps, em tantos outros jogos. 3. Qual o sentido disso tudo? Em primeiro lugar, a expresso do instinto batalhador do homem, devidamente convertido em jogo; em segundo, o encontro dos povos e das raas, representados no por agentes da destruio, mas por mestres da competio; e por fim a certeza de que, enquanto brincam, os homens esquecem o despotismo e a tirania. Uma olimpada no deixa de canalizar energias que poderiam se manifestar sob a forma de terrorismo, de genocdio, de lutas tnicas, de embates religiosos, de suicdios assassinos. Uma festa de encerramento, em que todos os atletas brincam livremente e o mundo se comove, no realiza de fato a harmonia universal, mas nos lembra a todos que ela um forte desejo de muitos, ainda que utopia inatingvel. Com todas as suas contradies, o legado da democracia da Grcia antiga ressurge um pouco, e talvez continue inspirador. 4. Como atleta olmpico de poltrona, sinto-me hipnotizado por cada um dos esportes. Toro pela parbola do dardo, do disco, do peso arremessados. Parece que a indumentria sinttica vestida pelos nadadores ajudar no novo recorde, assim como a nova fibra de que so feitos os barcos, ou as bicicletas, ou as varas do salto em altura possibilitar novos ndices. Que no falhem os trajes de proteo desses esgrimistas, que evocam combates medievais e filmes de capa e espada hollywoodianos. E bom lembrar que em nenhuma das modalidades o perdedor punido com a guilhotina revolucionria, a expatriao ou a perda dos direitos polticos: quem no ganhou sabe que participou e foi essencialmente necessrio para a celebrao do vencedor. No se pergunta a um atleta da Irlanda se catlico ou protestante (talvez se deva perguntar se no algum ex-padre com ambies de profeta...) nem a um sul-americano se prefere a ALCA ou o MERCOSUL, ou a um cubano se gostaria de substituir o socialismo por uma cadeia de supermercados: as ideologias e as diferenas culturais quase sempre conseguem atingir, nas olimpadas, um ponto de sublimao. O fortssimo esquema de segurana dos jogos de Atenas lembrava sempre, infelizmente, o estado do mundo em que vivemos. Por outro lado, a cor do mar e do cu gregos faz esquecer por algum tempo a imagem dos ares tomados pelo petrleo em chamas, da chuva cida, da desertificao e dos desastres ecolgicos. 5. No deixam de impressionar as vocaes de certas etnias e culturas para determinadas competies: o biotipo de alguns povos africanos um trunfo em corridas de resistncia; moas nrdicas, longilneas, saltam sobre a vara como gazelas; a concentrao e o reflexo dos orientais favorece-os no tnis de mesa e na peteca; russos, poloneses e blgaros macios dominam nos halteres. A decantada malcia dos brasileiros no poderia faltar: transparece no surpreendente (e desassistido) futebol feminino e no vlei alegre e criativo. 6. A televiso fica menos chata: em vez das anlises de modelos econmicos, da queda da bolsa e do superavit comercial, h mais espao para singelas informaes sobre a oliveira e o azeite. Em vez da globalizao, fala-se de Scrates e Plato; em vez dos saturados cenrios metropolitanos, veem-se as runas em mrmore branco em contraste com o mar turquesa. Mesmo alguns conceitos mais tcnicos, como atrito e energia cintica, metabolismo e doping, quando ocorrem na boca de algum especialista, para explicar fenmenos ligados s competies. Ao descrever o tipo de salto de uma ginasta, um entendido parecia estar dando uma aula de extica geometria. 7. Findos os jogos, a impresso que se tem de que tambm terminou um perodo de relativo armistcio. Ser preciso esperar mais quatro anos para que boa parte da humanidade possa de novo acessar, via satlite, imagens de disputas internacionais em que as regras do jogo e o talento humano triunfam sobre a irracionalidade e a violncia. (Danilo Assuno) O significado do trecho No se pergunta a um atleta da Irlanda se ..., no pargrafo 4 do texto corresponde, em ingls, a


(PUC Minas -2005) TEXT 1 While global warming is being ignored by the political arm of the Bush administration, the citizens of Europe and the Pentagon are taking a new look at the greatest danger such climate change could produce for the northern hemisphere - a sudden change into a new ice age. What theyre finding is not at all comforting: if enough cold, fresh water coming from the melting polar ice caps and glaciers of Greenland and flowing into the northern Atlantic will shut down the Gulf Stream, 1which keeps Europe and northeastern North America warm. The worst case scenario would be a return of the last ice age in 2 to 3 years and the mid case scenario would be a period like the little ice age of a few centuries ago that disrupted worldwide weather patterns leading to extremely cold winters, desertification, crop failures and wars. The warmth is the result of ocean currents that bring warm surface water up from the equator into northern regions that would otherwise be so cold that even in summer theyd be covered with ice. The current of greatest concern is called The Great Conveyor Belt, which includes the Gulf Stream. 3It is driven by the greater force created by differences in water temperatures and salinity, 2as the North Atlantic Ocean is saltier and colder than the Pacific. If it stopped flowing today, the result would be sudden and dramatic. Winter would start in the eastern half of North America and all of Europe and Siberia, and never go away. Within three years, those regions would become uninhabitable and nearly two billion humans would starve, freeze to death, or have to relocate. And when might that happen? Nobody knows - the action of the Great Conveyor Belt in defining ice ages was discovered only in the last decade. Preliminary computer models and scientists suggest the change could happen as early as next year, or it may be generations from now. It may be starting right now, producing the extremes of weather weve seen in the past few years. Whats almost certain is that if nothing is done about global warming, it 4will happen sooner 5rather than later. (Speak Up edio 206 - julho/2004. Adapted.) The word which (ref. 1) refers to


(PUC Minas -2005) TEXTO PARA A PRXIMA QUESTO: TEXT 1 While global warming is being ignored by the political arm of the Bush administration, the citizens of Europe and the Pentagon are taking a new look at the greatest danger such climate change could produce for the northern hemisphere - a sudden change into a new ice age. What theyre finding is not at all comforting: if enough cold, fresh water coming from the melting polar ice caps and glaciers of Greenland and flowing into the northern Atlantic will shut down the Gulf Stream, 1which keeps Europe and northeastern North America warm. The worst case scenario would be a return of the last ice age in 2 to 3 years and the mid case scenario would be a period like the little ice age of a few centuries ago that disrupted worldwide weather patterns leading to extremely cold winters, desertification, crop failures and wars. The warmth is the result of ocean currents that bring warm surface water up from the equator into northern regions that would otherwise be so cold that even in summer theyd be covered with ice. The current of greatest concern is called The Great Conveyor Belt, which includes the Gulf Stream. 3It is driven by the greater force created by differences in water temperatures and salinity, 2as the North Atlantic Ocean is saltier and colder than the Pacific. If it stopped flowing today, the result would be sudden and dramatic. Winter would start in the eastern half of North America and all of Europe and Siberia, and never go away. Within three years, those regions would become uninhabitable and nearly two billion humans would starve, freeze to death, or have to relocate. And when might that happen? Nobody knows - the action of the Great Conveyor Belt in defining ice ages was discovered only in the last decade. Preliminary computer models and scientists suggest the change could happen as early as next year, or it may be generations from now. It may be starting right now, producing the extremes of weather weve seen in the past few years. Whats almost certain is that if nothing is done about global warming, it 4will happen sooner 5rather than later. (Speak Up edio 206 - julho/2004. Adapted.) The word will (ref. 4) conveys the idea of


(PUC-RS -2004) 1,000 Mira stars The first detailed study of variable stars in a galaxy outside our Local Group has turned up more than 1,000 luminous red variables in Centaurus A, a giant elliptical galaxy 13 million light-years away. The variable stars are mostly Mira type, which means they vary by more than 2.5 magnitudes over periods that range between 100 and 1,000 days. Mira was the first long-period variable discovered and experiences a 1,500-fold change in 1brightness over a period of 11 months. Mira is a red giant; nearly all red giants are variable stars. The pulsations in a red giants luminosity are caused by dramatic fluctuations in the stars temperature and size due to its end-of-life phase. Detecting the variable stars confirms the existence of intermediate-age stars in the halo of Centaurus A. This provides a window on the stellar contents of giant elliptical galaxies and helps scientists understand how these galaxies form. The relationship between the luminosity and the period in the variable stars fluctuations also confirms previous distance estimates of Centaurus A. (by Kelly K. Whitt, Astronomy, October, 2003. p. 28) A voz ativa correspondente a The pulsations in a red giants luminosity are caused by dramatic fluctuations in the stars temperature


(PUC - PR -2003) Hamlet The following is a short outline of Shakespeares most famous play, Hamlet. Hamlet is the chief character in the play. The ghost of Hamlets father appears and tells Hamlet how Claudius had murdered him by pouring poison into his ears as he lay asleep. The ghost orders Hamlet to revenge the murder. Hamlet promises that he will do so without delay. But he does delay. He thinks a great deal about what he has heard, and he thinks instead of acting. He believes what the ghost has said, but feels that he needs further proof of the murder. In order to satisfy himself that the king is guilty, Hamlet arranges to have a play performed at court. In this play one of the actors pretends to poison another in just the same way as the king has poisoned Hamlets father. As soon as Claudius sees this, he is frightened, and gets up and goes out. Hamlet now is quite certain of Claudiuss guilt, but he still hesitates. Although he has opportunities to kill his uncle, he finds reasons why he should not do so yet. Once Hamlet finds him praying, and can kill him easily. He does not do so because he thinks that to kill the king at his prayers would be to send his soul straight to heaven. When the fight takes place, Hamlet at first seems to be winning. The king offers him the cup of poisoned wine. He refuses it, but the queen takes it and drinks. Laertes and Hamlet go on fighting, Laertes wounds Hamlet, and as they struggle together they somehow change swords. Now Hamlet wounds Laertes. The queen falls, dying. Laertes, himself near death, tells Hamlet about the poisoned sword and wine. Hamlet, acting at last instead of thinking about acting, rushes at the guilty king and kills him. He has revenged the murder of his father, but a few minutes later he, too, is dead. Supply the sentences with the correct alternative: I - This is the hardest problem _____ I have ever had to face. II - A doctor, _____ patients trust him, has great responsibility. III - Vesuvius, _____ is a lofty volcano, overlooks the Bay of Naples. IV - My friend Marcello, _____ is in hospital, is very ill. V - Theres something _____ I must tell you in confidence.


(PUC Camp - 2003) Texto I Globalizao: sociedade annima Como os efeitos da globalizao vm nos atingindo j h um bom tempo, est mais do que na hora de buscar analis-los: uma das formas de se conhecer um fenmeno sofrer suas consequncias. Quando Maquiavel dizia, metaforicamente, que da plancie que melhor reconhecemos a montanha, admitia que a posio dos subalternos estratgica para a anlise de quem est por cima. Hoje, os poderosos da globalizao proclamam: Vejam, estamos todos na montanha! O problema que a grande maioria da humanidade continua a rastejar no raso da plancie. A dificuldade da anlise dos vrios aspectos da globalizao est em separar o joio do trigo, ou mesmo em tentar reconhecer os elementos que aparecem como em estado de fuso. A princpio, no h como contestar os benefcios dos avanos tecnolgicos, da comunicao pela Internet, da derrubada de muros fsicos e simblicos, do escancaramento das fronteiras econmicas, da tentativa de pr fim a todo e qualquer apartheid. Tudo isso apresentado e vendido dentro do grande pacote da globalizao. Mas... Mas a experincia vem nos dizendo tambm outras coisas. A concentrao de renda cada vez mais brutal; se as grandes operaes econmicas ignoram os limites polticos dos pases, defendem muito bem o espao fechado, reduzidssimo de seus centros de deciso. No mundo globalizado, o sentimento nacionalista tido como uma aberrao romntica, mas os pases mais poderosos no abrem mo dos legtimos interesses da soberania nacional. Desse ponto de vista, s subdesenvolvido no precisa ter ptria, pois se algum contesta o american way of life imediatamente se levantam os hinos e as bandeiras... Em suma: a globalizao tima para quem a comanda, lembrando-nos que a melhor posio num stand de tiro continua sendo atrs da espingarda. O sonho de uma comunidade ampla e harmnica antigo. Quando Plato imaginou sua Repblica ideal, obviamente no pensava em Csares, Napolees, ou imprios colonizadores, nem em todo-poderosos diretores de fundos internacionais; pensava em sbios legisladores. Hoje as bolsas de valores, se no geram empregos, geram mais efeitos do que todos os congressos dos pases do Terceiro Mundo. E quando um senador primeiro-mundista defende drstica interveno no Oriente Mdio, o que est por trs de seu voto uma convico poltica, a indstria de armamentos ou o olho gordo no petrleo alheio? No se pode confundir o desejo de uma ampla solidariedade internacional com as prticas de um hipermercado planetrio. O estanho, se dourado, no ganha as propriedades do ouro, assim como o emblema de uma Ferrari no cap de um fusquinha no o transforma num blido. A ideologia da globalizao pretende impor, alegando o interesse universal, um sistema privado que potencializa o lucro privado. Em outras palavras: otimiza-se a equao de interesses de uns poucos como se essa operao resolvesse a complexa matriz de todos os interesses. No plano cultural, a situao no menos contraditria. As informaes circulam na velocidade da luz, provocam reaes em cadeia, e tanto podem tratar da preservao do ambiente, do desenvolvimento sustentvel, da clonagem e dos transgnicos, quanto estimular o consumo desenfreado, a pornografia, a agressividade e a competio. Nesse cadinho miraculoso pretendese apurar uma substncia homognea, na qual se sintetizariam os princpios universais e se eliminariam todas as contradies. No mercado da cultura globalizada, muitos corpos parecem querer ocupar o mesmo espao, substituindo-se a hierarquia, a escolha e o mrito dos valores pelo vale-tudo da mdia e do interesse do mercado. O aspecto mais assustador da globalizao est nisto: ela se apresenta como uma realidade instalada e um planejamento do nosso futuro histrico to eficaz que, a partir dela, ficamos dispensados de pensar, de hesitar, de duvidar. Na programao desse megacomputador globalizante, somos todos usurios, clientes e assinantes; para ela, a conscincia crtica representa um vrus a ser detectado e eliminado. J os que no esto ao seu alcance, os que sequer ingressaram no mercado como consumidores, esses simplesmente no contam: que faam o favor de no incomodar o ritmo da civilizao, da tecnologia e do progresso, morrendo em silncio, anonimamente, na plancie. (Vitorino de Paula) Texto II As thoughtful people concerned about world affairs, our job is to pick up globalization, examine it from all sides, dissect it, figure out what makes it tick, and then nurture and promote the good parts and mitigate or slow down the bad parts. Globalization is much like fire. Fire itself... Used properly, it can cook food, sterilize equipment, form iron, and heat our homes. Used carelessly, fire can destroy lives, towns and forests in an instant. Globalization can be incredibly empowering and incredibly coercive. It can democratize opportunity and democratize panic. It leaves you behind faster and faster, and it catches up to you faster and faster. While it is homogenizing cultures, it is also enabling people to share their unique individuality farther and wider. Globalization has dangers and an ugly dark side. But it can also bring tremendous opportunities and benefits. (Adapted from Globalization. Copyright 2002 About, Inc.) O texto sobre globalizao, em ingls,


(PUC - PR -2003) Put in the missing words: I - I want _____ more tea, please. II - _____ I go fishing. III - It doesnt rain _____. IV - Im sorry, but I have _____ to give you. V - _____ knows its wrong.


(PUC-Rio -2004) Text 1 The widespread destruction of tropical rainforest ecosystems and the consequent extinction of numerous plant and animal species is happening before we know even the most basic facts about what we are losing. Covering only 6 percent of the Earths surface, tropical moist forests contain at least half of all species. The 6abundant botanical resources of tropical forests have already provided substantial medical advances; yet only 1 percent of the known plant and animal species have been carefully examined for their medicinal potentials. Meanwhile, 2 percent of the worlds rainforests are irreparably damaged each year. Scientists estimate that, at the accelerating rate at which rainforests are now being destroyed, as much as 20 or 25 percent of the worlds plant species will soon be 7extinct. 1Approximately 7,000 medical compounds prescribed by Western doctors are obtained from plants. These drugs had an estimated retail value of US$ 43 billion some years ago. Seventy percent of the 3,000 plants identified by the United States National Cancer Institute as having potential anti-cancer properties are characteristic of the rainforest. Tropical forest species serve Western surgery and internal medicine in three ways. First, extracts from organisms can be used directly as drugs. 2For maladies ranging from persistent headaches to 8lethal contagions such as malaria, rainforest 9medicines have provided modern society with a variety of cures and pain relievers. Secondly, chemical structures of forest organisms sometimes serve as models from which scientists and researchers can chemically synthesize drug compounds. For example, the blueprint for aspirin comes from extracts of willow trees found in the rainforest. Neostigmine, a chemical obtained from the Calabar bean and used to treat glaucoma in West Africa, also provides the blueprint for synthetic insecticides. However, the chemical structures of most natural drugs are very complex, and simple extraction is usually less expensive than synthesis. 3Ninety percent of the prescription drugs that are based on higher plants include direct extractions from plants. Finally, rainforest plants provide aids for research. 4Certain plant compounds enable scientists to understand how cancer cells grow, while others serve as testing agents for potentially harmful food and drug products. Tropical forests offer hope for safer contraceptives for both women and men. The exponential growth of world population clearly demonstrates the need for more reliable and effective birth control methods. Worldwide, approximately 4,000 plant species have been shown to offer contraceptive possibilities. The rainforest also holds secrets for safer pesticides for farmers. 5Two species of potatoes have leaves that produce a sticky substance that traps and kills predatory insects. This natural self-defense mechanism could potentially 10reduce the need for using pesticides on potatoes. Who knows what other tricks the rainforest might have up its leaves? http://www.ran.org/info_center/factsheets/05f.html 1995-2003 Rainforest Action Network Mark the only sentence that CANNOT be correctly completed with the preposition FROM.


(PUC Minas - 2003) TEXTO PARA A PRXIMA QUESTO: TEXT 1 One of the most important events of the twentieth century was the discovery of DNA, which led to the development of genetic engineering. Genetic engineering stands out as a significant twentieth-century event because it may allow us to end disease, hunger and pollution. Although genetic engineering, as we know it today, is a relatively new science, for thousands of years, breeders of plants and animals have used breeding methods to produce better combinations of genes. We owe the success of modern technologies to the discovery of the structure of DNA by biologists James Watson and Francis Crick in 1953. Because of their discovery, scientists developed techniques for altering genes or combinations of genes in an organism. By changing an organisms genes, scientists were able to give organisms and their descendants different traits. It is clear that the discovery of DNA and the subsequent development of genetic engineering techniques have dramatically changed our view of life and our ability to influence human health and the environment. These techniques allow doctors to insert normal genes into the cells of a patient with a hereditary disease to treat the disorder. Disorders that people have suffered and died from for centuries, such as cancer and cystic fibrosis, may now be eliminated. In addition, scientists have engineered special genes into corn, tomato and soybean plants to make them resistant to disease. Improving the quality of food plants may lead to an end in world hunger. Genetic engineering also has potential in controlling pollution. Researchers are developing genetically engineered microorganisms that break down garbage, toxic substances, and other wastes. (BLASS, Laurie; PIKE-BAKY, Meredith. Tapestry - Writing 2. Boston: Heinle Heinle Publishers, 2000, p. 200. Adapted). The word which refers to the


(PUCRIO/2003) Read: In you should start each day with a song... in your soul, should expresses an idea of:


(PUC-RS - 2002) RESEARCH GUIDELINES DRAFTED TO END MALE DOMINANCE 1. New guidelines on gender in research laboratories are being prepared to end the existing macho culture that disadvantages women. 2. The Athena programme, jointly funded by the organisation representing vice-chancellors, Universities UK, and the Department of Trade and Industry to promote women in science, engineering and technology, has published a draft. 3. According to the deputy chairwoman of Athena, Dr. Nancy Lane, men do a 1disproportionate amount of the teaching, and promotion or research decisions are too often made on the basis of 2social contact, such as playing golf or spending time at the pub. 4. The old boy network and an assumption that people will work long hours or not need breaks can disadvantage women, she said. 5. The Athena guidance is now being negotiated with other groups, but will essentially ask laboratories to ensure everyone gets an 3equal opportunity to train students, to try for promotion and to carry out different laboratory roles. 6. Dr. Lane believes employing more female teachers could make the 4biggest difference, as they could 5encourage more female undergraduates to pursue careers in science. 7. Once they are agreed, the new guidelines will go through a series of trials, at first primarily at Cambridge University, before being issued nationally. Joe Plomin Guardian Unlimited, Tuesday October 23, 2001 The correct active voice of The Athena guidance is now being negotiated with other groups is


(PUC-Rio -2002) CALVIN AND HOBBES International Herald Tribune, August 30, 2001. Mark the sentence which must be completed with anywhere.


(PUC RIO - 2002) (International Herald Tribune, August 30, 2001.) Mark the sentence which must be completed with anywhere:


(Pucpr 2001) In which of the sentences we MUSTNT use the article THE to complete the blanks?

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