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Questões - UERR | Gabarito e resoluções

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(UERR - 2020) Sabendo que a aresta da base de uma pirmide regular hexagonal mede 6cme que a rea lateral o sxtuplo da rea da base, assinale a alternativa que representa o volume dessa pirmide.


As caractersticas dos vrus os colocam, de certa maneira, no limite entre a matria viva e no viva. Sobre os vrus corretoafirmar que:


O tecido epitelial de revestimento reveste os rgos externa ou internamente. Este tipo de tecido epitelial pode ser classificado de acordo com o nmero de camadas de clulas que apresenta. Associe o tipo de tecido quanto ao nmero de camadas: 1- Epitlio pseudoestratificado 2- Epitlio estratificado 3- Epitlio simples ( ) Constitudo por uma camada de clulas. ( ) Constitudo por uma camada de clulas com ncleos em diferentes alturas, aparentando formar vrias camadas. ( ) Constitudo por vrias camadas de clulas. Assinale a sequnciacorreta:


(UERR - 2019) Terrorist, Superman, feminist, messiah: Barack Obamas life as a cover star He has appeared on more magazines than most supermodels. From Black Enterprise to Rolling Stone, the author of a new book traces the rise, fall and legacy of the cover-star-in-chie In October 2004,Barack Obama, then an Illinois state legislator, appeared on the cover of Black Enterprise, a popular African-American business monthly. It was his first-ever cover, and he shocked the magazines editors by proclaiming his intention to run for the United States Senate. They wondered if the young statesman was setting his hopes too high. Nevertheless, they ran the cover story with the prophetic headline: The next big thing in politics. Cut to 2008, and Obama, having made it to the US Senate, now had his sights on the presidency. The experts said that America was not ready for an African-American leader; that white people wouldnt vote for a non-white candidate or a man with a funny-sounding name, whose middle name is Hussein and who actually has Muslim relatives; and that even if they did, he would be assassinated before he saw out his first term. After they were proved wrong and Obama was elected in November 2008, people went out in droves to buy newspapers and magazines with him on their covers, as commemorative keepsakes. His face was everywhere, providing print publishers with a bump to flagging sales. In a few short years, Obama had risen from obscurity to become the most famous person in the world. (Excerpt from the site: https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2017/sep/07/t errorist-superman-feminist-messiah-barack-obamas-lifeas-a-cover-star. Reaserched in September 2018). In the sentence: Obamahad risenfrom obscurity to become the most famous person in the world. Check the verbal form in bold.


A gametognese um exemplo clssico no que se refere a meiose. Assim, qual a quantidade de cromossomos presentes no espermatcito primrio, ovcito secundrio e no espermatozoide respectivamente e em situaes normais?


(UERR - 2018) Os sculos XVIII e XIX foram palco de crises e desordens na organizao da sociedade, advindas das transformaes trazidas pela industrializao da produo econmica e no aparecimento do trabalho assalariado. A necessidade de buscar solues a esse clima de mudanas na ordem social fez surgir o positivismo, movimento que influenciou as primeiras formas de pensamento social no Brasil. As principais caractersticas do positivismo so:


(UERR - 2019) Terrorist, Superman, feminist, messiah: Barack Obamas life as a cover star He has appeared on more magazines than most supermodels. From Black Enterprise to Rolling Stone, the author of a new book traces the rise, fall and legacy of the cover-star-in-chie In October 2004,Barack Obama, then an Illinois state legislator, appeared on the cover of Black Enterprise, a popular African-American business monthly. It was his first-ever cover, and he shocked the magazines editors by proclaiming his intention to run for the United States Senate. They wondered if the young statesman was setting his hopes too high. Nevertheless, they ran the cover story with the prophetic headline: The next big thing in politics. Cut to 2008, and Obama, having made it to the US Senate, now had his sights on the presidency. The experts said that America was not ready for an African-American leader; that white people wouldnt vote for a non-white candidate or a man with a funny-sounding name, whose middle name is Hussein and who actually has Muslim relatives; and that even if they did, he would be assassinated before he saw out his first term. After they were proved wrong and Obama was elected in November 2008, people went out in droves to buy newspapers and magazines with him on their covers, as commemorative keepsakes. His face was everywhere, providing print publishers with a bump to flagging sales. In a few short years, Obama had risen from obscurity to become the most famous person in the world. (Excerpt from the site: https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2017/sep/07/t errorist-superman-feminist-messiah-barack-obamas-lifeas-a-cover-star. Reaserched in September 2018). In the quote: Poverty is theworstform of violence. Mahatma Ghandi. Check the CORRECT grammatical function of the word in bold.


(UERR) No existe uma Amaznia, arqutipo imemorial de floresta majestosa e imutvel, mas territrios e paisagens mutveis, sob influncia da ao e do conhecimento humanos. E, assim como foi outra num passado no to remoto assim, a floresta amaznica, com toda a sua imensido, no vai estar a para sempre. Foi preciso alcanar a fantstica taxa de desmatamento de quase 20 mil quilmetros quadrados ao ano, na ltima dcada do sculo 20, para que uma pequena parcela de brasileiros se desse conta de que o maior patrimnio natural do pas est sendo literalmente torrado, pois nem ao menos uma acumulao primitiva de capital ele tem sido capaz de sustentar. (LEITE, Marcelo. A floresta Amaznica. So Paulo: Publifolha, 2001, p. 13). O texto acima refere-se floresta Amaznica presente nas Unidades Federativas a seguir:


A estrutura do cido desoxirribonucleico (DNA) est localizada no ncleo das clulas. Sobre o DNA qual sua principal funo?

Questão 13

(UERR - 2018) A civil rights emergency: justice, clean air and water in the age of Trump by Oliver Milman in New York The Trump administrations dismantling of environmental regulations has intensified a growing civil rights battle over the deadly burden of pollution on minorities and low-income people. Black, Latino and disadvantaged people have long been disproportionately afflicted by toxins from industrial plants, cars, hazardous housing conditions and other sources. But political leaders, academics and activists spoke of a growing urgency around the struggle for environmental justice as the Trump administration peels away rules designed to protect clean air and water. What we are seeing is the institutionalization of discrimination again, the thing weve fought for 40 years, said Robert Bullard, an academic widely considered the father of the environmental justice movement. There are people in fence-line communities who are now very worried. If the federal government doesnt monitor and regulate, and gives the states a green light to do what they want, we are going to get more pollution, more people will get sick. There will be more deaths. (Excerpt from the site: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/nov/20/environmental-justice-in-the-age-of-trump. Researched on November 2017.) In the sentence Ifthe federal government doesnt monitor and regulate, and gives the states a green light to do what they want we are going to get more pollution the underlined conjunction indicates:

Questão 15

(UERR - 2018) What Makes a Genius? The Worlds Greatest Minds Have One Thing in Common Walter Isaacson @WalterIsaacson Nov. 16, 2017 Franklin, Einstein, Jobs, da Vinci. How historys greatest thinkers broke with tradition and solved problems nobody else could see. Being a genius is different than merely being supersmart. Smart people are a dime a dozen, and many of them dont amount to much. What matters is creativity, the ability to apply imagination to almost any situation.Take Benjamin Franklin. He lacked the analytic processing power of a Hamilton and the philosophical depth of a Madison. Yet with little formal education, Franklin taught himself to become the American Enlightenments best inventor, diplomat, scientist, writer and business strategist. He proved, by flying a kite, that lightning is electricity, and he invented a rod to tame it. He devised clean-burning stoves, charts of the Gulf Stream, bifocal glasses, enchanting musical instruments and Americas unique style of homespun humor. Albert Einstein followed a similar path. He was slow in learning to speak as a childso slow that his parents consulted a doctor. The family maid dubbed him der Depperte, the dopey one, and a relative referred to him as almost backwards. He also harbored a cheeky rebelliousness toward authority, which led one schoolmaster to send him packing and another to amuse history by declaring that he would never amount to much. These traits made Einstein the patron saint of distracted schoolkids everywhere. (Excerpt from the site: http://time.com/5027069/what-makes-a-genius/ researched on November 2017.) In the sentence Heproved, by flying a kite, that lightning is electricity, and heinventeda rod to tame it. Hedevisedclean-burning stoves the underlined verbs are in the:


(UERR 2018) A formao de um mercado global, chamada globalizao, destaca-se pelas interaes entre diversos pases nas reas econmica, social, cultural e poltica. Entre seus impactos negativos, destacam-se:


(UERR/2017)Que nome se d ao fenmeno de implantao do embrio na mucosa uterina, que ocorre por volta do stimo dia aps a concepo, em estgio de blastocisto?


Um condutor hmico submetido a uma variao de tenso e corrente, com temperatura constante, dadas pela tabela abaixo. O valor da resistncia desse resistor hmico dado por:


Analise as afirmativas sobre os cidos nuclicos DNA e RNA. I. O DNA e o RNA so formados pelo encadeamento de grande nmero de molculas menores, os nucleotdeos. II. NoRNA, est presente a pentose ribose e, no DNA, a pentose desoxirribose. III. As duas cadeias de um RNA mantm-se unidas por meio de ligaes de hidrognio IV. Adenina, citosina, timina e guanina ocorrem tanto no DNA quanto no RNA. V. A transcrio o processo pelo qual a molcula de RNA formada a partir da molcula de DNA. Esto corretas apenas as afirmativas:

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