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Questões - UFF 2000 | Gabarito e resoluções

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(UFF - 2000) Ebola turns out to be yellow fever Gary Younge in Berlin Saturday August 7, 1999 The Ebola virus panic gripping Germany finally subsided yesterday when the man suspected of having contracted the disease was diagnosed as having died of yellow fever, five days after returning from west Africa. Olaf Ullmann, 40, died at 7.24am yesterday - the first person to be killed by yellow fever in Germany for more than 50 years. His health had deteriorated rapidly in the last 24 hours as his liver and kidneys failed and he lost consciousness. Ebola was ruled out late on Thursday night, but there was a delay in diagnosing yellow fever partly because Ullmann had been vaccinated in 1993. The doctor who treated him said yellow fever and Ebola had similar symptoms of heavy breathing and high fever, but little else could have been done to save him. Even had we known from the beginning he was suffering from yellow fever it would not have changed the treatment, said Norbert Suttorp of Berlins Charit hospital. The yellow fever vaccination, considered effective for at least 10 years, fails to provide immunity in 1% of cases. Ullmann was probably bitten by an infectedmosquito during his trip to Ivory Coast, where he was filming a documentary on local wildlife. Experts in tropical medicine wearing plastic suits had been treating him since Tuesday. A 6ft fence was erected around his isolation ward. An outbreak of yellow fever is considered unlikely: his three travelling companions, including his wife, are in good health. Swissair, which flew the Ullmanns back from Ivory Coast, has given the passenger list to the German authorities but the risk of contagion is considered negligible. Even had we known from the beginning he was suffering from yellow fever it would not have changed the treatment ( 5). The verb phrases in bold indicate that the change in treatment:


(Uff 2000) Quando José de Alencar publicou IRACEMA, recebeu uma série de críticas de que se defende, notadamente, em posfácio à segunda edição. Pinheiro Chagas foi um crítico romântico que atacou José de Alencar e os escritores brasileiros da época, como se lê no fragmento que se segue: o defeito que eu vejo em todos os livros brasileiros e contra o qual não cessarei de bradar intrepidamente é a falta de correção na linguagem portuguesa, ou antes a mania de tornar o brasileiro uma língua diferente do velho português por meio de neologismos arrojados e injustificáveis e de insubordinações gramaticais... (CHAGAS, Pinheiro. APUD José de Alencar. Rio de Janeiro: Aguilar, 1964, v.III, p.1129.) Assinale a opção que corresponde à posição de Pinheiro Chagas no fragmento anterior.


(Uff 2000) Duas partículas, de massas m1 e m2, colidem frontalmente. A velocidade de cada uma delas, em função do tempo, está representada no gráfico: A relação entre m1 e m2 é:


(UFF -2000) A Revoluo Russa, que iniciou o processo de construo do socialismo na antiga URSS, teve o seu desfecho, em 1917, marcado por dois momentos. O primeiro, em fevereiro, quando os mencheviques organizaram o governo provisrio e o segundo, em outubro, quando os bolcheviques assumiram a conduo da revoluo e a tornaram vitoriosa. A respeito dos mencheviques e bolcheviques, afirma-se: I. Os mencheviques defendiam a construo do socialismo por meio de alianas com os burgueses ligados ao grande capital. II. Os bolcheviques consideravam o capitalismo consolidado na Rssia e pretendiam a mobilizao das massas em direo ao socialismo, sem quaisquer alianas com os setores burgueses. III. Mencheviques e bolcheviques eram denominaes decorrentes da origem geogrfica dos revolucionrios: os mencheviques tinham sua origem social nos ncleos urbanos e os bolcheviques estavam ligados a bases rurais. Com relao a estas afirmativas, conclui-se que:

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