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Questões - UFMG 2002 | Gabarito e resoluções

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O nmero real x satisfaz . Assinale a alternativa em que esto includas todas as possibilidades para x:


(UFMG - 2002) Leia estas estrofes iniciais de Os Lusadas, poema datado de 1572: As armas e os bares assinalados Que, da Ocidental praia Lusitana, Por mares nunca de antes navegados Passaram ainda alm da Taprobana, E em perigos e guerras esforados Mais do que prometia a fora humana, E entre gente remota edificaram Novo Reino, que tanto sublimaram; E tambm as memrias gloriosas Daqueles Reis que foram dilatando A F, o Imprio, e as terras viciosas De frica e de sia andaram devastando, E aqueles que por obras valerosas Se vo da lei da Morte libertando: Cantando espalharei por toda parte, Se a tanto me ajudar o engenho e arte. Cessem do sbio Grego e do Troiano As navegaes grandes que fizeram; Cale-se de Alexandro e de Trajano A fama das vitrias que tiveram; Que eu canto o peito ilustre Lusitano, A quem Neptuno e Marte obedeceram. Cesse tudo o que a Musa antiga canta, Que outro valor mais alto se alevanta. (CAMES, Lus de. Os Lusadas. Porto: Porto Editora, 1975. p. 69.) Com base na leitura dessas estrofes, CORRETO afirmar que a ideia central do poema :


(UFMG -2002) Leia estes trechos, que expressam algumas das principais correntes de pensamento do sculo XIX: I. Ora, o que distingue a revoluo francesa, e o que a torna um acontecimento nico na histria, que ela radicalmente m; nenhum elemento de bem alivia o olhar do observador; o mais alto grau de corrupo conhecido; a pura impureza. II. A essncia do sistema capitalista est, pois, na separao radical entre o produtor e os meios de produo. Esta separao torna-se cada vez mais acentuada e numa escala progressiva, desde que o sistema capitalista se estabeleceu. III. O Estado foi sempre patrimnio de qualquer classe privilegiada: classe sacerdotal, nobilirquica, classe burguesa. O Estado ergue-se ou cai quase como uma mquina, mas o fundamental que, para sua salvao e existncia, haja sempre qualquer classe social privilegiada que se interesse pela sua existncia. Os trechos I, II e III podem ser associados, RESPECTIVAMENTE,


(UFMG 2002)  AWARD-WINNING KANGAROO CARESkin-to-skin contact creates gentle communication A touch. A feel. A heartbeat. A warm hug. (1)Whether a newborn is two pounds or eight pounds, skin-to-skin contact proves to be a nurturing strength between parent and baby in the first days of life. Similar to the way a kangaroo keeps its young close to its body, Kangaroo Care or K Care is the practice of (2)"pouching" an infant, diaper-clad and blanketed, against a parent's bare chest. This special bonding between parent and newborn has been found to reduce parental stress, promotes confidence in the ability to care for the infant and improves infant health, especially in pre-term babies. In Mount Sinai Medical Center's Schwartz Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, 15 neonates and their families have benefited from K Care.Patricia Messmer, director of nursing research at Mount Sinai, Joyce Wells-Gentry, nursing administrative supervisor, and Suzanne Rodriguez, along with a team of nurses and doctors, are studying the effects of K Care on preterm infants as well as parents' attitudes toward their infants. Earlier studies have credited K Care with shorter hospital stays, greater confidence on the part of the mothers in their abilities to monitor their babies, less crying, longer sleep periods, greater weight gain, improved lactation and decreased oxygen requirements."Preliminary data analysis indicates a significant increase in sleep time during K Care for these infants as compared to the infants not receiving K Care," Rodriguez confirms. Results also indicate that during K Care, the infants experience fewer oxygen requirements and have fewer breathing difficulties."Many parents have commented that their infants are more relaxed during K Care," Messmer adds. "Mothers and fathers are very positive about the experience." Adapted from Award-winning kangaroo care. Miami Herald Medical Reports, Jan. 1995. According to the text, the only advantage of Kangaroo Care that is NOT true is that it


(UFMG 2002)  AWARD-WINNING KANGAROO CARESkin-to-skin contact creates gentle communication A touch. A feel. A heartbeat. A warm hug. (1)Whether a newborn is two pounds or eight pounds, skin-to-skin contact proves to be a nurturing strength between parent and baby in the first days of life. Similar to the way a kangaroo keeps its young close to its body, Kangaroo Care or K Care is the practice of (2)"pouching" an infant, diaper-clad and blanketed, against a parent's bare chest. This special bonding between parent and newborn has been found to reduce parental stress, promotes confidence in the ability to care for the infant and improves infant health, especially in pre-term babies. In Mount Sinai Medical Center's Schwartz Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, 15 neonates and their families have benefited from K Care.Patricia Messmer, director of nursing research at Mount Sinai, Joyce Wells-Gentry, nursing administrative supervisor, and Suzanne Rodriguez, along with a team of nurses and doctors, are studying the effects of K Care on preterm infants as well as parents' attitudes toward their infants. Earlier studies have credited K Care with shorter hospital stays, greater confidence on the part of the mothers in their abilities to monitor their babies, less crying, longer sleep periods, greater weight gain, improved lactation and decreased oxygen requirements."Preliminary data analysis indicates a significant increase in sleep time during K Care for these infants as compared to the infants not receiving K Care," Rodriguez confirms. Results also indicate that during K Care, the infants experience fewer oxygen requirements and have fewer breathing difficulties."Many parents have commented that their infants are more relaxed during K Care," Messmer adds. "Mothers and fathers are very positive about the experience." Adapted from Award-winning kangaroo care. Miami Herald Medical Reports, Jan. 1995. According to the text, Kangaroo Care is a: 


(UFMG - 2002) Trs atletas correm numa pista circular e gastam, respectivamente, 2,4 min, 2,0 min e 1,6 min para completar uma volta na pista. Eles partem do mesmo local e no mesmo instante. Aps algum tempo, os trs atletas se encontram, pela primeira vez, no local da largada. Nesse momento, o atleta MAIS VELOZ estar completando


(UFMG - 2002) Santa Guilhotina, protetora dos patriotas, rogai por ns; Santa Guilhotina, terror dos aristocratas, protegei-nos. Mquina adorvel, tende piedade de ns. Mquina admirvel, tende piedade de ns. Santa Guilhotina, livrai-nos de nossos inimigos. (Com a melodia da Marselhesa) celeste Guilhotina, Voc abrevia rainhas e reis, Por tua influncia divina Reconquistamos nossos direitos.(bis) Sustenta as leis da ptria E que teu soberbo instrumento Torne-se sempre permanente Para destruir uma seita mpia. Afia tua lmina para Pitt e seus agentes, Enriquece tua bagagem com cabeas de tirano! Citado por ARASSE, Daniel. A guilhotina e o imaginrio do Terror. So Paulo: tica, 1989. p. 106-107. Os versos acima eram cantados na Frana, durante a fase do Terror, ocorrida entre junho de 1793 e julho de 1794, e permitem inferir que


(UFMG - 2002) Leia estes trechos de depoimentos de ex-combatentes da Primeira Grande Guerra: Uma certa ferocidade surge dentro de voc, uma absoluta indiferena para com tudo o que existe no mundo, exceto o seu dever de lutar. Voc est comendo uma crosta de po, e um homem atingido e morto na trincheira perto de voc. Voc olha calmamente para ele por um momento e continua a comer o seu po. Por que no? Aqui desapareceu para sempre o cavalheirismo. Como todos os sentimentos nobres e pessoais, ele teve de ceder o lugar ao novo ritmo da batalha e ao poder da mquina. Aqui a nova Europa se revelou pela primeira vez no combate. (Citados por EKSTEINS, Modris. A sagrao da primavera. Rio de Janeiro: Rocco, 1992.) Com base na leitura desses trechos, CORRETO afirmar que o impacto dessa guerra


(UFMG 2002) AWARD-WINNING KANGAROO CARESkin-to-skin contact creates gentle communication A touch. A feel. A heartbeat. A warm hug. (1) Whether a newborn is two pounds or eight pounds, skin-to-skin contact proves to be a nurturing strength between parent and baby in the first days of life. Similar to the way a kangaroo keeps its young close to its body, Kangaroo Care or K Care is the practice of ( 2)"pouching" an infant, diaper-clad and blanketed, against a parent's bare chest. This special bonding between parent and newborn has been found to reduce parental stress, promotes confidence in the ability to care for the infant and improves infant health, especially in pre-term babies. In Mount Sinai Medical Center's Schwartz Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, 15 neonates and their families have benefited from K Care.Patricia Messmer, director of nursing research at Mount Sinai, Joyce Wells-Gentry, nursing administrative supervisor, and Suzanne Rodriguez, along with a team of nurses and doctors, are studying the effects of K Care on preterm infants as well as parents' attitudes toward their infants. Earlier studies have credited K Care with shorter hospital stays, greater confidence on the part of the mothers in their abilities to monitor their babies, less crying, longer sleep periods, greater weight gain, improved lactation and decreased oxygen requirements."Preliminary data analysis indicates a significant increase in sleep time during K Care for these infants as compared to the infants not receiving K Care," Rodriguez confirms. Results also indicate that during K Care, the infants experience fewer oxygen requirements and have fewer breathing difficulties."Many parents have commented that their infants are more relaxed during K Care," Messmer adds. "Mothers and fathers are very positive about the experience." Adapted from Award-winning kangaroo care. Miami Herald Medical Reports, Jan. 1995. The text says that pre-term babies who receive Kangaroo Care: 


(UFMG 2002) AWARD-WINNING KANGAROO CARE Skin-to-skin contact creates gentle communication A touch. A feel. A heartbeat. A warm hug. (1)Whether a newborn is two pounds or eight pounds, skin-to-skin contact proves to be a nurturing strength between parent and baby in the first days of life. Similar to the way a kangaroo keeps its young close to its body, Kangaroo Care or K Care is the practice of (2)pouching an infant, diaper-clad and blanketed, against a parents bare chest. This special bonding between parent and newborn has been found to reduce parental stress, promotes confidence in the ability to care for the infant and improves infant health, especially in pre-term babies. In Mount Sinai Medical Centers Schwartz Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, 15 neonates and their families have benefited from K Care. Patricia Messmer, director of nursing research at Mount Sinai, Joyce Wells-Gentry, nursing administrative supervisor, and Suzanne Rodriguez, along with a team of nurses and doctors, are studying the effects of K Care on preterm infants as well as parents attitudes toward their infants. Earlier studies have credited K Care with shorter hospital stays, greater confidence on the part of the mothers in their abilities to monitor their babies, less crying, longer sleep periods, greater weight gain, improved lactation and decreased oxygen requirements. Preliminary data analysis indicates a significant increase in sleep time during K Care for these infants as compared to the infants not receiving K Care, Rodriguez confirms. Results also indicate that during K Care, the infants experience fewer oxygen requirements and have fewer breathing difficulties. Many parents have commented that their infants are more relaxed during K Care, Messmer adds. Mothers and fathers are very positive about the experience. Adapted from Award-winning kangaroo care. Miami Herald Medical Reports, Jan. 1995. In the text, Whether a newborn is two pounds or eight pounds... (ref. 1) means


(UFMG - 2002) A Espanha, ao conquistar e colonizar vastas regies do Continente Americano, implementou, nas colnias, algumas instituies. Entre essas instituies, incluam-se


(UFMG - 2002) O nmero real x satisfaz. Assinale a alternativa em que esto includas TODAS as possibilidades para x.

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