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Questões - UFRN 2002 | Gabarito e resoluções

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(Ufrn 2002) From: Jeanette BunchTo: Melissa LopesSent: Tuesday, February 06, 2001 1:30 PMSubject: Re: From Brazil! It is lovely to hear from you. Such a long letter too. We did have a grand Christmas. Deanna couldn't come, but we visited her in December so we saw all the kids. Then in January Dean and I went to Hattiesburg, where Karen lives, for Dean to receive the award for being an Ageless Hero. Our Insurance Co. selects nominations for old people who help others in spite of being old. Dean is certainly a good example. He helps all my friends who are widows with things that need a man or a man's advice. He works around the church a lot too - even in the nursery. All the kids were there and all but two of the grandchildren were present for the Coffee and Luncheon. Deanna and her husband had to get in the car right after the Luncheon and head for home. They had to get up at 4:00 a.m. to arrive in time for the Coffee. We all had a great time. It is hard to get all three in one place because of their jobs. The girls have to go to work the day after a holiday. This was such a wonderful occasion. They had to make extreme efforts to get there. They are proud of their father.You spend a month with the whole family? I don't think we could stand it that long. Maybe at the beach with a cook we could. Americans can never find that much leisure time. Our time must be compressed. Brazilians are more relaxed about time. I learned that living there. We treasure those years."Long time no see" is slang but well understood. Some formal people might feel it is making fun of Chinese people. We say it all the time. Where are you learning your slang? It is fun to know.I'm glad your son is enjoying his stay in UK. Great way to pick up an English accent. They always sound so proper. Write again when you have a minute. Much love,Jeanette BunchBUNCH, J. Re: From Brazil! Mensagem recebida por Melissa Lopes em: 06 fev. 2001 O filho de Melissa:


(UFRN 2002) O FRADE E A FREIRA Quando a regio se povoava no trabalho da terra, vieram tambm os semeadores da F, pregando e sofrendo ao lado dos homens pecadores. Um frade ali missionou, ensinando oraes e espalhando exemplos de esperana. Era moo, forte, soldado da milcia que vencia o mundo, batalhando por Jesus Cristo. Na aldeia, no mais acampamento indgena e ainda no Vila-del-Rei, freiras divulgavam a cincia do esforo e do sacrifcio, silenciosa e contnua como o correr de um rio na solido. Aqueles que se deram a Deus, s a Ele pertencero eternamente. O amor divino absoluto e completo. Nada restar para a esmola a outros amores. Frade e freira, servo e esposa de Cristo, amaram-se, tendo os sinais visveis do juramento a um outro amor, inviolvel e severo. Foram amando e padecendo, abafando no corao a chama alta do desejo fremente, invasora, sonora de paixo. As razes iam desaparecendo na marcha alucinante de um amor to vivo e maravilhoso como a terra virgem que o acolhia. De furto, orando, chorando, penando, encontravam-se para um olhar mais demorado e uma recordao mais cruel e deliciosa. Nas margens do Itapemirim andavam as duas sombras negras, lentas, numa procisso de martrio, resistindo s tentaes da floresta, do silncio e da vontade envolvedora. Se foram ou no um do outro, num milagre humano de esquecimento, no recorda a memria popular. Apenas, uma vez, no voltaram s suas casas. Faltou um frade nas matinas e houve um lugar vago entre as freiras. s margens do Itapemirim, claro e rpido, sobre fundamentos de granito, ergueu-se o casal, num dilogo que atravessa os sculos, ouvido pelas tempestades e compreendido pelos passarinhos. o grupo do FRADE E A FREIRA... Transformou-os Deus em duas esttuas de pedra, reconhecveis, identificveis, perfeitas. No os separou nem os uniu num abrao perptuo face dos homens. Deixou-os prximos e distanciados, nas atitudes de meditao e de reza, de sonho e de resignao, frente a frente, imagem da imvel fidelidade, da obstinao amorosa, esperando o infinito. E assim, eternamente, ficaro... (CASCUDO, L. C. Lendas brasileiras. 4 ed. Rio de Janeiro: Ediouro, 2000, p. 79- 81.) Nessa lenda, a oniscincia do narrador pode ser verificada no(a)


(Ufrn 2002) From: Jeanette BunchTo: Melissa LopesSent: Tuesday, February 06, 2001 1:30 PMSubject: Re: From Brazil! It is lovely to hear from you. Such a long letter too. We did have a grand Christmas. Deanna couldn't come, but we visited her in December so we saw all the kids. Then in January Dean and I went to Hattiesburg, where Karen lives, for Dean to receive the award for being an Ageless Hero. Our Insurance Co. selects nominations for old people who help others in spite of being old. Dean is certainly a good example. He helps all my friends who are widows with things that need a man or a man's advice. He works around the church a lot too - even in the nursery. All the kids were there and all but two of the grandchildren were present for the Coffee and Luncheon. Deanna and her husband had to get in the car right after the Luncheon and head for home. They had to get up at 4:00 a.m. to arrive in time for the Coffee. We all had a great time. It is hard to get all three in one place because of their jobs. The girls have to go to work the day after a holiday. This was such a wonderful occasion. They had to make extreme efforts to get there. They are proud of their father.You spend a month with the whole family? I don't think we could stand it that long. Maybe at the beach with a cook we could. Americans can never find that much leisure time. Our time must be compressed. Brazilians are more relaxed about time. I learned that living there. We treasure those years."Long time no see" is slang but well understood. Some formal people might feel it is making fun of Chinese people. We say it all the time. Where are you learning your slang? It is fun to know.I'm glad your son is enjoying his stay in UK. Great way to pick up an English accent. They always sound so proper. Write again when you have a minute. Much love,Jeanette BunchBUNCH, J. Re: From Brazil! Mensagem recebida por Melissa Lopes em: 06 fev. 2001. Em janeiro, a família reuniu-se com o objetivo principal de


(Ufrn 2002) From: Jeanette BunchTo: Melissa LopesSent: Tuesday, February 06, 2001 1:30 PMSubject: Re: From Brazil! It is lovely to hear from you. Such a long letter too. We did have a grand Christmas. Deanna couldn't come, but we visited her in December so we saw all the kids. Then in January Dean and I went to Hattiesburg, where Karen lives, for Dean to receive the award for being an Ageless Hero. Our Insurance Co. selects nominations for old people who help others in spite of being old. Dean is certainly a good example. He helps all my friends who are widows with things that need a man or a man's advice. He works around the church a lot too - even in the nursery. All the kids were there and all but two of the grandchildren were present for the Coffee and Luncheon. Deanna and her husband had to get in the car right after the Luncheon and head for home. They had to get up at 4:00 a.m. to arrive in time for the Coffee. We all had a great time. It is hard to get all three in one place because of their jobs. The girls have to go to work the day after a holiday. This was such a wonderful occasion. They had to make extreme efforts to get there. They are proud of their father.You spend a month with the whole family? I don't think we could stand it that long. Maybe at the beach with a cook we could. Americans can never find that much leisure time. Our time must be compressed. Brazilians are more relaxed about time. I learned that living there. We treasure those years."Long time no see" is slang but well understood. Some formal people might feel it is making fun of Chinese people. We say it all the time. Where are you learning your slang? It is fun to know.I'm glad your son is enjoying his stay in UK. Great way to pick up an English accent. They always sound so proper. Write again when you have a minute. Much love,Jeanette BunchBUNCH, J. Re: From Brazil! Mensagem recebida por Melissa Lopes em: 06 fev. 2001. O texto faz parte de uma: 


(Ufrn 2002) Em revista de circulação nacional, uma reportagem destacou a reação da natureza às agressões realizadas pelo homem ao meio ambiente. Uma das possíveis  consequências citadas na reportagem seria o derretimento das geleiras dos polos, o que provocaria uma elevação no nível do mar. Devido ao movimento de rotação da Terra, esse  efeito seria especialmente sentido na região do equador, causando inundações nas cidades litorâneas que hoje estão ao nível do mar. Levando-se em conta APENAS esse efeito de redistribuição da água devido ao degelo, podemos afirmar que


(Ufrn 2002) From: Jeanette BunchTo: Melissa LopesSent: Tuesday, February 06, 2001 1:30 PMSubject: Re: From Brazil! It is lovely to hear from you. Such a long letter too. We did have a grand Christmas. Deanna couldn't come, but we visited her in December so we saw all the kids. Then in January Dean and I went to Hattiesburg, where Karen lives, for Dean to receive the award for being an Ageless Hero. Our Insurance Co. selects nominations for old people who help others in spite of being old. Dean is certainly a good example. He helps all my friends who are widows with things that need a man or a man's advice. He works around the church a lot too - even in the nursery. All the kids were there and all but two of the grandchildren were present for the Coffee and Luncheon. Deanna and her husband had to get in the car right after the Luncheon and head for home. They had to get up at 4:00 a.m. to arrive in time for the Coffee. We all had a great time. It is hard to get all three in one place because of their jobs. The girls have to go to work the day after a holiday. This was such a wonderful occasion. They had to make extreme efforts to get there. They are proud of their father.You spend a month with the whole family? I don't think we could stand it that long. Maybe at the beach with a cook we could. Americans can never find that much leisure time. Our time must be compressed. Brazilians are more relaxed about time. I learned that living there. We treasure those years."Long time no see" is slang but well understood. Some formal people might feel it is making fun of Chinese people. We say it all the time. Where are you learning your slang? It is fun to know.I'm glad your son is enjoying his stay in UK. Great way to pick up an English accent. They always sound so proper. Write again when you have a minute. Much love,Jeanette BunchBUNCH, J. Re: From Brazil! Mensagem recebida por Melissa Lopes em: 06 fev. 2001. Mrs. Bunch informa que a expressão "long time no see" (3o parágrafo) é:


(Ufrn 2002) From: Jeanette BunchTo: Melissa LopesSent: Tuesday, February 06, 2001 1:30 PMSubject: Re: From Brazil! It is lovely to hear from you. Such a long letter too. We did have a grand Christmas. Deanna couldn't come, but we visited her in December so we saw all the kids. Then in January Dean and I went to Hattiesburg, where Karen lives, for Dean to receive the award for being an Ageless Hero. Our Insurance Co. selects nominations for old people who help others in spite of being old. Dean is certainly a good example. He helps all my friends who are widows with things that need a man or a man's advice. He works around the church a lot too - even in the nursery. All the kids were there and all but two of the grandchildren were present for the Coffee and Luncheon. Deanna and her husband had to get in the car right after the Luncheon and head for home. They had to get up at 4:00 a.m. to arrive in time for the Coffee. We all had a great time. It is hard to get all three in one place because of their jobs. The girls have to go to work the day after a holiday. This was such a wonderful occasion. They had to make extreme efforts to get there. They are proud of their father.You spend a month with the whole family? I don't think we could stand it that long. Maybe at the beach with a cook we could. Americans can never find that much leisure time. Our time must be compressed. Brazilians are more relaxed about time. I learned that living there. We treasure those years."Long time no see" is slang but well understood. Some formal people might feel it is making fun of Chinese people. We say it all the time. Where are you learning your slang? It is fun to know.I'm glad your son is enjoying his stay in UK. Great way to pick up an English accent. They always sound so proper. Write again when you have a minute. Much love,Jeanette BunchBUNCH, J. Re: From Brazil! Mensagem recebida por Melissa Lopes em: 06 fev. 2001. A empresa seguradora mencionada:


(Ufrn 2002) From: Jeanette BunchTo: Melissa LopesSent: Tuesday, February 06, 2001 1:30 PMSubject: Re: From Brazil! It is lovely to hear from you. Such a long letter too. We did have a grand Christmas. Deanna couldn't come, but we visited her in December so we saw all the kids. Then in January Dean and I went to Hattiesburg, where Karen lives, for Dean to receive the award for being an Ageless Hero. Our Insurance Co. selects nominations for old people who help others in spite of being old. Dean is certainly a good example. He helps all my friends who are widows with things that need a man or a man's advice. He works around the church a lot too - even in the nursery. All the kids were there and all but two of the grandchildren were present for the Coffee and Luncheon. Deanna and her husband had to get in the car right after the Luncheon and head for home. They had to get up at 4:00 a.m. to arrive in time for the Coffee. We all had a great time. It is hard to get all three in one place because of their jobs. The girls have to go to work the day after a holiday. This was such a wonderful occasion. They had to make extreme efforts to get there. They are proud of their father.You spend a month with the whole family? I don't think we could stand it that long. Maybe at the beach with a cook we could. Americans can never find that much leisure time. Our time must be compressed. Brazilians are more relaxed about time. I learned that living there. We treasure those years."Long time no see" is slang but well understood. Some formal people might feel it is making fun of Chinese people. We say it all the time. Where are you learning your slang? It is fun to know.I'm glad your son is enjoying his stay in UK. Great way to pick up an English accent. They always sound so proper. Write again when you have a minute. Much love,Jeanette BunchBUNCH, J. Re: From Brazil! Mensagem recebida por Melissa Lopes em: 06 fev. 2001. De acordo com o texto, pode-se afirmar que: 


(Ufrn 2002) From: Jeanette BunchTo: Melissa LopesSent: Tuesday, February 06, 2001 1:30 PMSubject: Re: From Brazil! It is lovely to hear from you. Such a long letter too. We did have a grand Christmas. Deanna couldn't come, but we visited her in December so we saw all the kids. Then in January Dean and I went to Hattiesburg, where Karen lives, for Dean to receive the award for being an Ageless Hero. Our Insurance Co. selects nominations for old people who help others in spite of being old. Dean is certainly a good example. He helps all my friends who are widows with things that need a man or a man's advice. He works around the church a lot too - even in the nursery. All the kids were there and all but two of the grandchildren were present for the Coffee and Luncheon. Deanna and her husband had to get in the car right after the Luncheon and head for home. They had to get up at 4:00 a.m. to arrive in time for the Coffee. We all had a great time. It is hard to get all three in one place because of their jobs. The girls have to go to work the day after a holiday. This was such a wonderful occasion. They had to make extreme efforts to get there. They are proud of their father.You spend a month with the whole family? I don't think we could stand it that long. Maybe at the beach with a cook we could. Americans can never find that much leisure time. Our time must be compressed. Brazilians are more relaxed about time. I learned that living there. We treasure those years."Long time no see" is slang but well understood. Some formal people might feel it is making fun of Chinese people. We say it all the time. Where are you learning your slang? It is fun to know.I'm glad your son is enjoying his stay in UK. Great way to pick up an English accent. They always sound so proper. Write again when you have a minute. Much love,Jeanette BunchBUNCH, J. Re: From Brazil! Mensagem recebida por Melissa Lopes em: 06 fev. 2001. Mrs. Bunch: 


(UFRN) No ano de 786, Carlos Magno afirmou: A nossa funo , segundo o auxlio da divina piedade, (...) defender com as armas e em todas as partes a Santa Igreja de Cristo dos ataques dos pagos e da devastao dos infiis. PINSKY, Jaime (Org.). O modo de produo feudal. 2. ed. So Paulo: Global, 1982. p. 101. O fragmento acima expressa a orientao poltica do Imprio Carolngio no governo de Carlos Magno. O objetivo dessa poltica pode ser definido como um(a):

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