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Conquiste sua aprovação na metade do tempo!

No Kuadro, você aprende a estudar com eficiência e conquista sua aprovação muito mais rápido. Aqui você aprende pelo menos 2x mais rápido e conquista sua aprovação na metade do tempo que você demoraria estudando de forma convencional.

Questões de Inglês - UFSM 2006 | Gabarito e resoluções

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(UFSM -2006) HISTORY OF LOUIS BRAILLE Louis Braille was born on January 4, 1809, in Coupvray, 13a small town near Paris, France. His father was a saddler, and the young Louis enjoyed playing in his fathers workshop. When he was three, Louis accidentally punctured his eye with an awl, a sharp tool used to punch holes in leather. Infection 14eventually set in and spread to his other eye, leaving him 9completely blind. Louis developed the braille system by the time he was 15. With the support of a local priest and schoolteacher, Louis parents were determined to allow him to develop his 2demonstrated intelligence. He was enrolled in a regular school where he learn by listening and excelled in his studies. By the age of 10, he earned a scholarship to the Royal Institution for Blind Youth in Paris. There he learned to read letters that were raised on a page. 15Since these letters were made by pressing shaped copper wire onto a page, it was impossible for people who were blind to write anything for themselves. At the Institution, Louis was first 3introduced to a coded system of 1raised dots. 10In 1821, 11a French army captain, Charles Barbier de la Serre, visited the school to introduced his invention, Night Writing. Night Writing was designed for soldiers to communicate at night without speaking. In his system, a series of 12 raised dots were used to represent sounds that, when combined, would form words. It proved to be too 4complicated, and the army eventually rejected it. Barbier adapted his system for use by people who are blind, but the 12-dot phonetic system still prove cumbersome. Recognizing how useful this tactile system could be, Louis set out to experiment with a 5simplified version. Eventually, he settled on a system based on normal spelling using six dots to represent the standard alphabet. 7Louis Braille went on to become an 6admired and respect teacher at the Institution. 16But even though his system allowed people who are blind to write using a simple stylus, braille was not widely used. Plagued by ill health, Louis died of tuberculosis on January 6, 1852. In 1868, Dr. Thomas Armitage and a group of four blind men founded the British and Foreign Society for Improving the Embossed Literature for the Blind. This organization grew to become the Royal National Institute of the Blind, the largest publisher of braille in Europe and Britains largest organization for people who are blind or visually impaired. The braille code was eventually recognized for its practicality and simplicity and became a worldwide standard. Today, braille literacy is as essential as print 8literacy. In 1952, the accomplishments of Louis Braille were fully recognized by the French government. His body was exhumed and reburied in the Pantheon, 12the resting place of Frances national heroes. http://www.cnib.ca/school-package/4.htm - 07/6/05 Alguns verbos podem tornar-se qualificadores. No texto h o caso do verbo raise (ref. 1), que pode tornar-se o qualificador raised. Esta mesma configurao ocorre nos verbos destacados, EXCETO

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