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Questões de Inglês - UFV 2001 | Gabarito e resoluções

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(UFV -2001) The World We Live In 1 If I was to choose a word for the present state of the world, one quickly comes to mind: 2bad! Thats right. Bad! Were living in a bad world. Nowadays, kids are killing kids. Kids have real guns with real bullets that bring real death. 2 Jobs, drugs, violence, AIDS, war, corruption, racism, education, street children, the environment: these are the issues today. Issues that we have to take an initiative on. Does anybody feel our politicians will do something concrete to solve these problems? I dont. You know and I know what politicians do in the long run. Nothing. 3 So, what are we going to do? What can we do to ensure this planets survival? I can only come up with one solution: everyone should get involved. So, lets all pray to the highest heavens for a 3better world: 4 Dear Lord, deliver us from the evils of the world, the evil people in this world. Please, wipe out all diseases, especially AIDS. Give everybody a job so that they can make a comfortable living. No more wars. Give us all education and homes for the poor. Please give us the intelligence to save whats left of our environment. And Lord, if you take care of that, my children and their children can have those endless summers like we all had. Let 1them be able to run and play and eat ice cream. Let them not have to worry about whether they might get killed by a stray bullet in school trying to get an education. Finally, Dear Lord, please, once and for all, deliver us from sexism, racism, and all the other bad isms. Dear Lord, if you can take care of that, I promise well take care of the rest. Peace, Spike Lee September 13, 1992. (Source: Adapted from a text by filmmaker Spike Lee, Rolling Stone Magazine, Issue 643, Nov. 12, 1992) The adjective forms bad (ref. 2) and better (ref. 3) have as their superlative forms, respectively:

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