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Questões - UNESP 2001 | Gabarito e resoluções

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(UNESP - 2001) IELTS The International English Language Testing System The IELTS is an increasingly valuable worldwide test to assess your proficiency in English. It tests all four skills - Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking. There are two options offered - Academic and General Training. The Academic option is for those who wish to undertake undergraduate or postgraduate studies in an English-speaking country, whereas the General Training option is for emigration purposes, to take a secondary course or a professional training course. Universities in Great Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and a growing number in the USA and Europe ask for the IELTS as proof that a foreign student is able to study and live in an English-speaking country. In Brazil, when applying for a grant, it is one of the English language tests applicants are asked to present to CNPq, CAPES, FAPESP and other funding institutions, including The British Council. Not only for study purposes but also for those who wish for funding to present papers at conferences, do training courses or training programmes abroad. A candidate may take the test more than once, however, there must be a three-month interval between one test and the next. Additionally there is no expire date, but a University or agency may ask for a more recent result if the test was taken a long time ago. (Eddie Edmundson, R. Turner, M. Hermens, A. Francis. New Routes, n 10, July 2000.) As the IELTS tests all four skills, it ___________ worldwide to assess proficiency in English.


(Unesp 2001) Uma bexiga vazia tem volume desprezível; cheia, o seu volume pode atingir 4,010-3m3. O trabalho realizado pelo ar para encher essa bexiga, à temperatura ambiente, realizado contra a pressão atmosférica, num lugar onde o seu valor é constante e vale 1,0105Pa, é no mínimo de


(UNESP -2001) O nmero de diagonais de um polgono convexo de x lados dado por . Se o polgono possui 9 diagonais, seu nmero de lados :


(UNESP - 2002) O prefeito de uma cidade pretende colocar em frente prefeitura um mastro com uma bandeira, que ser apoiado sobre uma pirmide de base quadrada feita de concreto macio como mostra a figura. Sabendo que a aresta da base da pirmide terme que a altura da pirmide ser dem, o volume de concreto (em) necessrio para a construo da pirmide ser:


(Unesp 2001/Adaptada) Uma solução aquosa de cloreto de sódio deve ter 0,90% em massa do sal para que seja utilizada como solução fisiológica (soro). O volume de 10,0mL de uma solução aquosa de cloreto de sódio foi titulado com solução aquosa 0,10mol/L de nitrato de prata, exigindo exatamente 20,0mL de titulante. Considere as afirmações: I) A porcentagem em massa de NaCl na solução é de 1,17% II) A solução de cloreto de sódio dada não pode ser utilizada como soro fisiológico. III) Supondo 100% de rendimento na reação de precipitação envolvida na titulação, formou-se 0,58 g de cloreto de prata. Dados: massas molares, em g/mol: Na = 23,0; Cℓ = 35,5; Ag = 107,9; densidade da solução aquosa de NaCℓ = 1,0g/mL. Está(ão) correta(s):


(UNESP - 2001) No Brasil, adiciona-se lcool etlico anidro gasolina, para reduzir a combusto incompleta nos motores. Em agosto de 2000, o Ministrio da Agricultura anunciou: Mistura de lcool anidro na gasolina ser reduzida de 24% para 20%. O objetivo economizar 450 milhes de litros de lcool este ano. Em consequncia desta medida, os motores dos veculos movidos a gasolina aumentaro a emisso no ar do poluente


(UNESP -2001) At one level, the computer is a tool. It helps us write, keep track of our accounts, and communicate with others. Beyond this, the computer offers us both new models of mind and a new medium on which to project our ideas and fantasies. Most recently, the computer has become even more than tool a nd mirror. We are able to step through the looking glass. We are learning to live in virtual worlds. We may find ourselves alone as we navigate virtual oceans, unravel virtual mysteries, and engineer virtual skyscrapers. But increasingly, when we step through the looking glass, other people are there as well. The use of the term cyberspace to describe virtual worlds grew out of science fiction, but for many of us, cyberspace is now part of the routines of everyday life. When we read our electronic mail or send postings to an electronic bulletin board or make an airline reservation over a computer network, we are in cyberspace. In cyberspace, we can talk, exchange ideas, and assume personae of our own creation. We have the opportunity to build new kinds of communities, virtual communities, in which we participate with people from all over the world, people with whom we converse daily, people with whom we may have fairly intimate relationships but whom we may never physically meet. (Sherry Turkle, 1995. Life on the screen: identity in the age of the Internet. Touchstone.) After I read the text above, I could realize that my friend Christine has a terrible problem: She lives __________ 1204 Reality Boulevard but her husband lives _________ cyberspace!


(UNESP 2001) A análise do líquido coletado pelo aparelho bucal de certos pulgões, que o inseriram no caule de um feijoeiro adulto, revelou quantidades apreciáveis de açúcares, além de outras substâncias orgânicas. Plântulas de feijão, recém-germinadas, que se desenvolveram sobre algodão umedecido apenas com água e sob iluminação natural, tiveram seus órgãos de reserva alimentar (folhas primordiais modificadas) sugadas por outros pulgões. A análise do líquido coletado dos aparelhos bucais destes pulgões também revelou a presença de nutrientes orgânicos. Os resultados destas análises indicam que os pulgões que sugaram o feijoeiro adulto e os que sugaram as plântulas recém-germinadas inseriram seus aparelhos bucais, respectivamente, no


(UNESP - 2001) Considere a matriz A = (aij)2x2, definida por aij = -1 + 2i + j, para 1 i 2,1 j 2. O determinante de A :


(UNESP -2001) TEXT At one level, the computer is a tool. It helps us write, keep track of our accounts, and communicate with others. Beyond this, the computer offers us both new models of mind and a new medium on which to project our ideas and fantasies. Most recently, the computer has become even more than tool and mirror. We are able to step through the looking glass. We are learning to live in virtual worlds. We may find ourselves alone as we navigate virtual oceans, unravel virtual mysteries, and engineer virtual skyscrapers. But increasingly, when we step through the looking glass, other people are there as well. The use of the term cyberspace to describe virtual worlds grew out of science fiction, but for many of us, cyberspace is now part of the routines of everyday life. When we read our electronic mail or send postings to an electronic bulletin board or make an airline reservation over a computer network, we are in cyberspace. In cyberspace, we can talk, exchange ideas, and assume personae of our own creation. We have the opportunity to build new kinds of communities, virtual communities, in which we participate with people from all over the world, people with whom we converse daily, people with whom we may have fairly intimate relationships but whom we may never physically meet. (Sherry Turkle, 1995. Life on the screen: identity in the age of the Internet. Touchstone.) Depending on the situation, having a computer may be ___________ having a telephone.


(Unesp 2001) Dois produtos químicos P e Q são usados em um laboratório. Cada 1g (grama) do produto P custa R$ 0,03 e cada 1g do produto Q custa R$ 0,05. Se 100g de uma mistura dos dois produtos custam R$ 3,60, a quantidade do produto P contida nesta mistura é


(Unesp 2001) Nas provas dos 200 m rasos, no atletismo, os atletas partem de marcaslocalizadas em posições diferentes na parte curva da pista e não podem sair de suas raias atéa linha de chegada. Dessa forma, podemos afirmar que, durante a prova, para todos os atletas,o

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