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Questões de Inglês - UNESP 2004 | Gabarito e resoluções

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(UNESP - 2004) Could You or Someone You Care About Have an Eating Disorder? In a culture where thinness is too often equated with physical attractiveness, success, and happiness, nearly everyone has dealt with issues regarding the effect their weight and body shape can have on their self-image. However, eating disorders are not about dieting or vanity; theyre complex psychological disorders in which an individuals eating patterns are developed - and then habitually maintained - in an attempt to cope with other problems in their life. Each year, more than 5 million Americans are affected by serious and often life-threatening eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa, binge-eating, bulimia nervosa, compulsive eating,and obesity. Left untreated, the emotional, psychological and physical consequences can be devastating, even fatal. Eating disorders know no class, cultural, or gender boundaries and can affect men, women, adolescents, and even children, from all walks of life. (Extrado de http://www.eating-disorder.com/) Eating disorders ............... class, cultural, or gender boundaries. Therefore, they can affect ...............


(UNESP -2004) O texto seguinte foi extrado da pgina da internet www.aids.org. AIDS Fact Sheet: Marijuana Click here to Help Donate to AIDS.ORG WHAT IS MARIJUANA? Marijuana or Cannabis sativa is an herb. It grows in many places around the world. It is also called hemp, reefer, or cannabis. It has had many uses in different cultures. These include reducing pain and increasing appetite. Marijuana contains chemicals called cannabinoids. The best known is tetrahydrocannabinol or THC. The marijuana high is mainly due to THC. Marijuana was used medically in the US until the late 1930s. Then there were claims of reefer madness. Supposedly, marijuana caused crime, violence, insanity, and death. In 1970, US drug law classified marijuana as having a high potential for abuse and no medical use. Marijuana was later found to have other health benefits. IT can lower pressure within the eye. THIS helps treat glaucoma, an eye disease WHICH can cause blindness. Marijuana also reduces nausea and vomiting in patients taking chemotherapy treatment for cancer. It reduces muscle spasms in people with nerve problems like multiple sclerosis and can help treat some types of pain. These uses led to the development of the drug dronabinol (Marinol?), a synthetic version of THC. NOTE: Federal and state laws generally forbid the sale or possession of marijuana. Eight states have passed medical marijuana laws that permit limited use for health reasons. However, in May 2001 the US Supreme Court ruled that medical use of marijuana is illegal under federal law. Federal officials can take action against medical marijuana users or buyers clubs even in states with medical marijuana laws. WHY DO PEOPLE WITH HIV USE MARIJUANA? People with HIV use marijuana to stimulate appetite and to reduce nausea. Many people with HIV have low appetite. This can be due to fatigue or drug side effects. Low appetite can lead to AIDS wasting lives. Some people with HIV get nauseated when they take antiviral medications. This can make it difficult to take all scheduled doses. Marijuana can help control the nausea. It may also relieve the pain of peripheral neuropathy and is being studied for that purpose. (Marijuana Policy Project, http://www.mpp.org National Organization for Reform of Marijuana Laws, http://www.norml.org) No terceiro pargrafo do texto, os pronomes destacados, IT, THIS e WHICH referem-se, respectivamente, a


(UNESP - 2004 - 1 FASE) Healthy eating tips - Action plan for life Millions of people make a resolution to lose weight and stop over eating after New Years. Thousands join health clubs and many more try desperate weight loss gimmicks to shed holiday pounds. Unfortunately, many people quit after the first week or two and maintain the weight gained from the holiday. Well theres a better way. We offer healthy eating tips to help you keep the weight off. The problem is that most people think of weight loss as a temporary endeavor instead of a life long action plan. Any worthy thing in life requires effort and effort requires action on our part. Losing weight will not happen by taking some type of miracle solution but requires real action from us. Design an action plan for 6 months to a year of healthy eating and exercise. Several months into your action plan will change your habits for a lifetime so that you can continue to lose weight after 6 months. Contrary to popular belief, YOU are the most qualified person to create a diet and fitness plan because you know your eating habits better than anyone else. What goes into this action plan? Below are 5 tips to help you lose weight: (1) written diet plan (2) include foods you like (3) limit calorie consumption (4) give yourself a free day (5) include exercise in your plan (Extrado dehttp://mydietbuddy.com/healthy-eating-tips.htm.) Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente a lacuna. Unfortunately, many people ..................... after the first week or second week.


(UNESP - 2004) Healthy eating tips - Action plan for life Millions of people make a resolution to lose weight and stop over eating after New Years. Thousands join health clubs and many more try desperate weight loss gimmicks to shed holiday pounds. Unfortunately, many people quit after the first week or two and maintain the weight gained from the holiday. Well theres a better way. We offer healthy eating tips to help you keep the weight off. The problem is that most people think of weight loss as a temporary endeavor instead of a life long action plan. Any worthy thing in life requires effort and effort requires action on our part. Losing weight will not happen by taking some type of miracle solution but requires real action from us. Design an action plan for 6 months to a year of healthy eating and exercise. Several months into your action plan will change your habits for a lifetime so that you can continue to lose weight after 6 months. Contrary to popular belief, YOU are the most qualified person to create a diet and fitness plan because you know your eating habits better than anyone else. What goes into this action plan? Below are 5 tips to help you lose weight: (1) written diet plan (2) include foods you like (3) limit calorie consumption (4) give yourself a free day (5) include exercise in your plan (Extrado dehttp://mydietbuddy.com/healthy-eating-tips.htm.) According to popular belief, you are ............... person to design a diet plan.

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