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Questões - UNESP 2006 | Gabarito e resoluções

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(Unesp 2006) A tabela contém indicadores socioeconômicos do Chile e da média de todos os países da América Latina. Analisando-se a tabela, pode-se afirmar que:


(Unesp 2006) Numa pequena cidade realizou-se uma pesquisa com certo número de indivíduos do sexo masculino, na qual procurou-se obter uma correlação entre a estatura de pais e filhos. Classificaram-se as estaturas em 3 grupos: alta (A), média (M) e baixa (B). Os dados obtidos na pesquisa foram sintetizados, em termos de probabilidades, na matriz O elemento da primeira linha e segunda coluna da matriz, que é ,significa que a probabilidade de um filho de pai alto ter estatura média é .Os demais elementos interpretam-se similarmente. Admitindo-se que essas probabilidades continuem válidas por algumas gerações, a probabilidade de um neto de um homem com estatura média ter estatura alta é:


(UNESP -2006) How do terrorist organizations use the internet? The internet is an increasingly useful tool for terrorists, whose online activities include information-sharing, propaganda, and possibly, cyber terrorism. Over the last ten years, the number of terrorist sites has jumped from less than 100 to as many as 4,000. This has particularly taken off since the war in Iraq, as many of the insurgency groups there have many sites and message boards to help their network, says SITE Institute, a Washington DC-based terrorist-tracking group. The greatest advantage [of the internet] is stealth, says John Arquilla, professor of defense analysis at the Naval Postgraduate School. [Terrorists] swim in an ocean of bits and bytes. But the same anonymity that draws terrorists into the cyber world may also enable law-enforcement officials to spy on them undetected. (...) Today, terrorists give orders, plan attacks, and even send funds via online message boards and chat rooms. Terrorist sites also serve as virtual training grounds, offering tutorials on making bombs, firing surface-to-air missiles, shooting at U.S. soldiers, and sneaking into Iraq from abroad. The internet also provides a venue for terrorists to disseminate their message, experts say. Terrorist sites broadcast propaganda videos designed to boost morale, raise funds, or recruit new members. (...) There is some debate within the counterterrorism community about how to combat terrorist sites. Some experts say monitoring websites can provide valuable information about terrorist activities. You can see whos posting what and whos paying for it, one expert says. (...) Other experts advocate a more aggressive approach; they say shutting down websites, even temporarily, can disrupt a terrorist groups activities. The United States have tried to prosecute webmasters who run terrorist websites in the West, but has run into opposition from free speech advocates. Sites that tell the terrorist side of the story go right up to the brink of civil liberties, Arquilla says. http://cfrterrorism.org/home Indique a alternativa que preenche corretamente a sentena: Although it is possible to identify who.............. a website, it is impossible to avoid.............. some ethical consequences of disclosing anonymity.


(UNESP - 2006) How do terrorist organizations use the internet? The internet is an increasingly useful tool for terrorists, whose online activities include information-sharing, propaganda, and possibly, cyber terrorism. Over the last ten years, the number of terrorist sites has jumped from less than 100 to as many as 4,000. This has particularly taken off since the war in Iraq, as many of the insurgency groups there have many sites and message boards to help their network, says SITE Institute, a Washington DC-based terrorist-tracking group. The greatest advantage [of the internet] is stealth, says John Arquilla, professor of defense analysis at the Naval Postgraduate School. [Terrorists] swim in an ocean of bits and bytes. But the same anonymity that draws terrorists into the cyber world may also enable law-enforcement officials to spy on them undetected. (...) Today, terrorists give orders, plan attacks, and even send funds via online message boards and chat rooms. Terrorist sites also serve as virtual training grounds, offering tutorials on making bombs, firing surface-to-air missiles, shooting at U.S. soldiers, and sneaking into Iraq from abroad. The internet also provides a venue for terrorists to disseminate their message, experts say. Terrorist sites broadcast propaganda videos designed to boost morale, raise funds, or recruit new members. (...) There is some debate within the counterterrorism community about how to combat terrorist sites. Some experts say monitoring websites can provide valuable information about terrorist activities. You can see whos posting what and whos paying for it, one expert says. (...) Other experts advocate a more aggressive approach; they say shutting down websites, even temporarily, can disrupt a terrorist groups activities. The United States have tried to prosecute webmasters who run terrorist websites in the West, but has run into opposition from free speech advocates. Sites that tell the terrorist side of the story go right up to the brink of civil liberties, Arquilla says. http://cfrterrorism.org/home Indique a alternativa que preenche corretamente a sentena: John Arquilla declared that the greatest advantage of the internet .............. stealth, and that terrorists .............. in an ocean of bits and bytes.


(Unesp 2006) No final de dezembro de 2004, um tsunami no oceano Índico chamou a atenção pelo seu poder de destruição. Um tsunami é uma onda que se forma no oceano, geralmente criada por abalos sísmicos, atividades vulcânicas ou pela queda de meteoritos. Este foi criado por uma falha geológica reta, muito comprida, e gerou ondas planas que, em alto mar, propagaram-se com comprimentos de onda muito longos, amplitudes pequenas se comparadas com os comprimentos de onda, mas com altíssimas velocidades. Uma onda deste tipo transporta grande quantidade de energia, que se distribui em um longo comprimento de onda e, por isso, não representa perigo em alto mar. No entanto, ao chegar à costa, onde a profundidade do oceano é pequena, a velocidade da onda diminui. Como a energia transportada é praticamente conservada, a amplitude da onda aumenta, mostrando assim o seu poder devastador. Considere que a velocidade da onda possa ser obtida pela relação v² = hg , onde g = 10 m/s² e h são, respectivamente, a aceleração da gravidade e a profundidade no local de propagação. A energia da onda pode ser estimada através da relação E = kvA², onde k é uma constante de proporcionalidade e A é a amplitude da onda. Se o tsunami for gerado em um local com 6 250 m de profundidade e com amplitude de 2 m, quando chegar à região costeira, com 10 m de profundidade, sua amplitude será:


(Unesp 2006) O nvel sonoro , medido em decibis , e a intensidade de um som, medida em watt por metro quadrado , esto relacionados pela expresso: Suponha que foram medidos em certo local os nveis sonoros, e , de dois rudos com intensidades e , respectivamente. Sendo , a razo :

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