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Questões - UNESP 2014 | Gabarito e resoluções

Questão 34

(UNESP - 2014 - 1 FASE) mar salgado, quanto do teu sal So lgrimas de Portugal! Por te cruzarmos, quantas mes choraram, Quantos filhos em vo rezaram! Quantas noivas ficaram por casar Para que fosses nosso, mar! Valeu a pena? Tudo vale a pena Se a alma no pequena. Quem quer passar alm do Bojador Tem que passar alm da dor. Deus ao mar o perigo e o abismo deu, Mas nele que espelhou o cu. (Fernando Pessoa. Mar Portugus. Obra potica, 1960. Adaptado.) Entre outros aspectos da expanso martima portuguesa a partir do sculo XV, o poema menciona

Questão 35

(UNESP - 2014 - 2 FASE)Leia o texto para responder, em portugus, a questo. Land in Brazil: Farmers v Amerindians June 15th 2013 When Brazils constitution was adopted in 1988, five years was meant to be enough to decide which areas should be declaredAmerindian tribal lands. Nearly 25 years later, the country has 557 indigenous territories covering 13% of its area, most of them in the Amazon. But more than 100 others are still being considered. The delay is causing conflict in long-farmed regions farther south. In the past month several Terena Indians have been injured and one killed in confrontations with police and farmers in Sidrolndiain Mato Grosso do Sul (see map). Funai started studying the region the Terena tribe claims as its ancestral home in 1993. In 2001 it proposed an indigenous territory of 17,200 hectares (42,500 acres). Landowners whose farms fell within it challenged the decision in court; some have titles dating from 1928, when the government ceded 2,090 hectares to the tribe and encouraged settlers to farm neighbouring land. Since then Funai, the justice ministry, the public prosecutors office and various judges have argued over the territorys status. Last year owners ofsome of the 33 affected farms won a ruling granting them continued possession. The Terena, supported by Funai, continue to lay claim to the land. Last month they invaded several disputed farms. During a failed attempt by police to evict them from one owned by a former state politician, an Indian was killed. On June 4th another was shot in the back on a neighbouring property. He is unlikely to walk again. Theevictions have now been suspended and the occupations continue. The justice ministry is trying to gather together local and federal politicians and tribal leaders to negotiate an end to the impasse. Brazils powerful farm lobby is now trying to change the constitution to give Congress the final say over future demarcations. That would probably mean few or no more indigenous territories. The government wants the power to demarcate territories to remain with the justice minister and the presidency. But in states where Funais rulings are fiercely contested, such as Mato Grosso do Sul, it plans to start seeking second opinions from agencies seen as friendlier to farmers. (www.economist.com. Adaptado.) De acordo com o texto, por que a Funai questionada em estados fortemente agrcolas?

Questão 35

(UNESP - 2014/2 - 1a fase) Em 1534, a Coroa portuguesa estabeleceu o regime de capitanias hereditrias no Brasil Colnia. Entre as funes dos donatrios, podemos citar

Questão 35

(UNESP - 2014/2 - 2 FASE)Leia o texto para responder, em portugus, questo. Brazil offers new handout to the poor: Culture By Andrew Downie February 5, 2014 SO PAULO, Brazil Like millions of other residents of Sao Paulo, Telma Rodrigues spends a large part of her waking hours going to and from work. She hates the commute, and not just because public transportation is packed, slow and inefficient. She finds it boring. Now theres light at the end of the tunnel, and it has nothing to do with new bus lanes or subway lines. As of last weekend, the government will give people such as Rodrigues a new cultural coupon worth $20 a month enough, the 26-year-old said, to buy a book to enliven her daily ride. The money, loaded on a magnetic card, is designated only for purposes broadly termed cultural although that category could include dance lessons and visits to the circus in addition to books and movie tickets. In a country battling poverty on an epic scale, the initiative has won widespread praise as a worthy and yet relatively cheap project. But it has provoked questions. Is it the states job to fund culture? How will poor Brazilians use the money? How do you, or even should you, convince people that their money will be better spent on Jules Verne rather than Justin Bieber? What wed really like is that they try new things, Culture Minister Marta Suplicy said in a telephone interview. We want people to go to the theater they wanted to go to, to the museum they wanted to go to, to buy the book they wanted to read. Although it has made significant advances in recent years, the South American nation is still relatively isolated and many of the poorest Brazilians are unsophisticated in their tastes. They pick up an average of four books a year, including textbooks, and finish only two of them, a study published last year by the Sao Paulo state government showed. Almost all of Brazils 5,570 municipalities have a local library, but only one in four has a bookshop, theater or museum, and only one in nine boasts a cinema, according to the governments statistics bureau. When asked what they most like to do in their spare time, 85 percent of Brazilians answered watch television. (www.washingtonpost.com. Adaptado.) Que argumentos a Ministra da Cultura apresenta para se defender das crticas?

Questão 35

(UNESP - 2014 - 1 FASE) O comrcio foi de fato o nervo da colonizao do Antigo Regime, isto , para incrementar as atividades mercantis processava-se a ocupao, povoamento e valorizao das novas reas. E aqui ressalta de novo o sentido da colonizao da poca Moderna; indo em curso na Europa a expanso da economia de mercado, com a mercantilizao crescente dos vrios setores produtivos antes margem da circulao de mercadorias a produo colonial era uma produo mercantil, ligada s grandes linhas do trfico internacional. (Fernando A. Novais. Portugal e Brasil na crise do Antigo Sistema Colonial (1777-1808), 1981. Adaptado.) O mecanismo principal da colonizao foi o comrcio entre colnia e metrpole, fato que se manifesta

Questão 36

(UNESP - 2014 - 2 FASE)Leia o texto para responder, em portugus, a questo. Land in Brazil: Farmers v Amerindians June 15th 2013 When Brazils constitution was adopted in 1988, five years was meant to be enough to decide which areas should be declaredAmerindian tribal lands. Nearly 25 years later, the country has 557 indigenous territories covering 13% of its area, most of them in the Amazon. But more than 100 others are still being considered. The delay is causing conflict in long-farmed regions farther south. In the past month several Terena Indians have been injured and one killed in confrontations with police and farmers in Sidrolndiain Mato Grosso do Sul (see map). Funai started studying the region the Terena tribe claims as its ancestral home in 1993. In 2001 it proposed an indigenous territory of 17,200 hectares (42,500 acres). Landowners whose farms fell within it challenged the decision in court; some have titles dating from 1928, when the government ceded 2,090 hectares to the tribe and encouraged settlers to farm neighbouring land. Since then Funai, the justice ministry, the public prosecutors office and various judges have argued over the territorys status. Last year owners ofsome of the 33 affected farms won a ruling granting them continued possession. The Terena, supported by Funai, continue to lay claim to the land. Last month they invaded several disputed farms. During a failed attempt by police to evict them from one owned by a former state politician, an Indian was killed. On June 4th another was shot in the back on a neighbouring property. He is unlikely to walk again. Theevictions have now been suspended and the occupations continue. The justice ministry is trying to gather together local and federal politicians and tribal leaders to negotiate an end to the impasse. Brazils powerful farm lobby is now trying to change the constitution to give Congress the final say over future demarcations. That would probably mean few or no more indigenous territories. The government wants the power to demarcate territories to remain with the justice minister and the presidency. But in states where Funais rulings are fiercely contested, such as Mato Grosso do Sul, it plans to start seeking second opinions from agencies seen as friendlier to farmers. (www.economist.com. Adaptado.) De acordo com o texto, por que os ruralistas esto tentando transferir a deciso sobre as demarcaes de terras indgenas para o Congresso?

Questão 36

(UNESP - 2014/2 - 1a fase) A efervescncia que conheceram nas Minas [Gerais, do sculo XVIII] as artes e as letrastambm teve feio peculiar. Pela primeira vez na Colnia buscava-se soluo prpria para a expressoartstica. (Laura Vergueiro. Opulncia e misria das Minas Gerais, 1983.) So exemplos do que o texto afirma:

Questão 36

(UNESP - 2014 - 1 FASE) Entre as diferenas polticas que levaram o Norte e o Sul dos Estados Unidos Guerra Civil, em 1861, podemos citar

Questão 36

(UNESP - 2014/2 - 2 FASE)Leia o texto para responder, em portugus, questo. Brazil offers new handout to the poor: Culture By Andrew Downie February 5, 2014 SO PAULO, Brazil Like millions of other residents of Sao Paulo, Telma Rodrigues spends a large part of her waking hours going to and from work. She hates the commute, and not just because public transportation is packed, slow and inefficient. She finds it boring. Now theres light at the end of the tunnel, and it has nothing to do with new bus lanes or subway lines. As of last weekend, the government will give people such as Rodrigues a new cultural coupon worth $20 a month enough, the 26-year-old said, to buy a book to enliven her daily ride. The money, loaded on a magnetic card, is designated only for purposes broadly termed cultural although that category could include dance lessons and visits to the circus in addition to books and movie tickets. In a country battling poverty on an epic scale, the initiative has won widespread praise as a worthy and yet relatively cheap project. But it has provoked questions. Is it the states job to fund culture? How will poor Brazilians use the money? How do you, or even should you, convince people that their money will be better spent on Jules Verne rather than Justin Bieber? What wed really like is that they try new things, Culture Minister Marta Suplicy said in a telephone interview. We want people to go to the theater they wanted to go to, to the museum they wanted to go to, to buy the book they wanted to read. Although it has made significant advances in recent years, the South American nation is still relatively isolated and many of the poorest Brazilians are unsophisticated in their tastes. They pick up an average of four books a year, including textbooks, and finish only two of them, a study published last year by the Sao Paulo state government showed. Almost all of Brazils 5,570 municipalities have a local library, but only one in four has a bookshop, theater or museum, and only one in nine boasts a cinema, according to the governments statistics bureau. When asked what they most like to do in their spare time, 85 percent of Brazilians answered watch television. (www.washingtonpost.com. Adaptado.) Quais so os espaos culturais mais comuns e quais os mais raros nos municpios brasileiros?

Questão 37

(UNESP - 2014 - 1 FASE)A proclamao da Repblica no um ato fortuito, nem obra do acaso, como chegaram a insinuar os monarquistas; no tampouco o fruto inesperado de uma parada militar. Os militares no foram meros instrumentos dos civis, nem foi um ato de indisciplina que os levou a liderar o movimento da manh de 15 de novembro, como tem sido dito s vezes. Alguns deles tinham slidas convices republicanas e j vinham conspirando h algum tempo [...]. Imbudos de ideias republicanas, estavam convencidos de que resolveriam os problemas brasileiros liquidando a Monarquia e instalando a Repblica. (Emlia Viotti da Costa. Da monarquia repblica, 1987.) O texto identifica a proclamao da Repblica como resultado

Questão 37

(UNESP - 2014/2 - 1a fase) Sobre as lutas pela independncia na Amrica Hispnica, correto afirmar que

Questão 38

(UNESP - 2014 - 1 FASE) No final da primavera de 1921, um grande artigo de Lenin define o que ser a NEP [Nova poltica econmica]: supresso das requisies, impostos em gneros (para os camponeses); liberdade de comrcio; liberdade de produo artesanal; concesses aos capitalistas estrangeiros; liberdade de empresa verdade que restrita para os cidados soviticos. [...] Ao mesmo tempo, recusa qualquer liberdade poltica ao pas: Os mencheviques continuaro presos, e anuncia uma depurao do partido, dirigida contra os revolucionrios oriundos de outros partidos, isto , no imbudos da mentalidade bolchevique. (Victor Serge. Memrias de um revolucionrio, 1987.) O texto identifica duas caractersticas do processo de constituio da Unio Sovitica:

Questão 38

(UNESP - 2014/2 - 1a fase) Ao lado do latifndio, a presena da escravido freou a constituio de uma sociedade de classes, no tanto porque o escravo esteja fora das relaes de mercado, mas principalmente porque excluiu delas os homens livres e pobres e deixou incompleto o processo de sua expropriao. (Maria Sylvia de Carvalho Franco. Homens livres na ordem escravocrata, 1983.) Segundo o texto, que analisa a sociedade cafeeira no Vale do Paraba no sculo XIX,

Questão 39

(UNESP - 2014/2 - 1a fase) O Congresso de Viena, entre 1814 e 1815, reuniu representantes de diversos Estados europeus e resultou

Questão 39

(UNESP - 2014 - 1 FASE) Analise o cartaz da campanha presidencial do Marechal Henrique Teixeira Lott para responder questoa seguir. O cartaz, que foi empregado na campanha para a Presidncia da Repblica em 1960,