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Questões - UNESP 2020 | Gabarito e resoluções

Questão 26

(UNESP - 2020 - 1 FASE) Analyse the following comic. The objective of the comic is to

Questão 27

(UNESP - 2020 - 1 FASE) Leia o texto sobre uma exposio no museu Tate Modern, em Londres, para responder a questo Tate Modern London Hlio Oiticica Until Summer 2019 Tropiclia Tropiclia is used to describe the explosion of cultural creativity in Rio de Janeiro and So Paulo in 1968 asBrazils military regime tightened its grip on power. Many of the artists, writers and musicians associatedwith Tropiclia came of age during the 1950s in a time of iintense optimism when the cultural world had beenencouraged to play a central role in the creation of a democratic, socially just and modern Brazil. Nevertheless, a military coup in 1964 had brought topower a right-wing regime at odds with the concerns of left-wing artists. Tropiclia became a way of exposing the contradictions of modernisation under such anauthoritarian rule. The word Tropiclia comes from an installation by theartist Hlio Oiticica, who created environments that were designed to encourage the viewers emotional andintellectual participation. Oiticica called thempenetrables because people were originally encouragedto enter them. They mimic the improvised, colourfuldwellings in Rio de Janeiros favelas, or shanty towns. The lush plants and sand help to convey a sense of thetropical character of the city. When Oiticica exhibited the work, he also included live parrots. From its beginning, Tropiclia was seen as a re-articulation of Anthropophagia (cannibalism), an artistic ideology promoted by Oswald de Andrade. (www.tate.org.uk. Adaptado.) De acordo com o texto, a Tropiclia

Questão 28

(UNESP - 2020 - 1 FASE) Leia o texto sobre uma exposio no museu Tate Modern, em Londres, para responder a questo Tate Modern London Hlio Oiticica Until Summer 2019 Tropiclia Tropiclia is used to describe the explosion of cultural creativity in Rio de Janeiro and So Paulo in 1968 asBrazils military regime tightened its grip on power. Many of the artists, writers and musicians associatedwith Tropiclia came of age during the 1950s in a time of iintense optimism when the cultural world had beenencouraged to play a central role in the creation of a democratic, socially just and modern Brazil. Nevertheless, a military coup in 1964 had brought topower a right-wing regime at odds with the concerns of left-wing artists. Tropiclia became a way of exposing the contradictions of modernisation under such anauthoritarian rule. The word Tropiclia comes from an installation by theartist Hlio Oiticica, who created environments that were designed to encourage the viewers emotional andintellectual participation. Oiticica called thempenetrables because people were originally encouragedto enter them. They mimic the improvised, colourfuldwellings in Rio de Janeiros favelas, or shanty towns. The lush plants and sand help to convey a sense of thetropical character of the city. When Oiticica exhibited the work, he also included live parrots. From its beginning, Tropiclia was seen as a re-articulation of Anthropophagia (cannibalism), an artistic ideology promoted by Oswald de Andrade. (www.tate.org.uk. Adaptado.) No trecho do segundo pargrafo Nevertheless, a military coup in 1964, o termo sublinhado indica

Questão 29

(UNESP - 2020 - 1 FASE) Leia o texto sobre uma exposio no museu Tate Modern, em Londres, para responder a questo Tate Modern London Hlio Oiticica Until Summer 2019 Tropiclia Tropiclia is used to describe the explosion of cultural creativity in Rio de Janeiro and So Paulo in 1968 as Brazils military regime tightened its grip on power. Many of the artists, writers and musicians associated with Tropiclia came of age during the 1950s in a time of intense optimism when the cultural world had been encouraged to play a central role in the creation of a democratic, socially just and modern Brazil. Nevertheless, a military coup in 1964 had brought to power a right-wing regime at odds with the concerns of left-wing artists. Tropiclia became a way of exposing the contradictions of modernisation under such an authoritarian rule. The word Tropiclia comes from an installation by the artist Hlio Oiticica, who created environments that were designed to encourage the viewers emotional and intellectual participation. Oiticica called them penetrables because people were originally encouraged to enter them. They mimic the improvised, colourful dwellings in Rio de Janeiros favelas, or shanty towns. The lush plants and sand help to convey a sense of the tropical character of the city. When Oiticica exhibited the work, he also included live parrots. From its beginning, Tropiclia was seen as a re-articulation of Anthropophagia (cannibalism), an artistic ideology promoted by Oswald de Andrade. (www.tate.org.uk. Adaptado.) No trecho do segundo pargrafo a right-wing regime at odds with the concerns of left-wing artists, a expresso sublinhada tem sentido de

Questão 30

(UNESP - 2020 - 1 FASE) Leia o texto sobre uma exposio no museu Tate Modern, em Londres, para responder a questo. Tate Modern London Hlio Oiticica Until Summer 2019 Tropiclia Tropiclia is used to describe the explosion of cultural creativity in Rio de Janeiro and So Paulo in 1968 asBrazils military regime tightened its grip on power. Many of the artists, writers and musicians associatedwith Tropiclia came of age during the 1950s in a time of iintense optimism when the cultural world had beenencouraged to play a central role in the creation of a democratic, socially just and modern Brazil. Nevertheless, a military coup in 1964 had brought topower a right-wing regime at odds with the concerns of left-wing artists. Tropiclia became a way of exposing the contradictions of modernisation under such anauthoritarian rule. The word Tropiclia comes from an installation by theartist Hlio Oiticica, who created environments that were designed to encourage the viewers emotional andintellectual participation. Oiticica called thempenetrables because people were originally encouragedto enter them. They mimic the improvised, colourfuldwellings in Rio de Janeiros favelas, or shanty towns. The lush plants and sand help to convey a sense of thetropical character of the city. When Oiticica exhibited the work, he also included live parrots. From its beginning, Tropiclia was seen as a re-articulation of Anthropophagia (cannibalism), an artistic ideology promoted by Oswald de Andrade. (www.tate.org.uk. Adaptado.) De acordo com o terceiro pargrafo, a obra Tropiclia, de Hlio Oiticica,

Questão 31

(UNESP - 2020 - 1 FASE)A Odisseia choca-se com a questo do passado. Para perscrutar o futuro e o passado, recorre-se geralmente ao adivinho. Inspirado pela musa, o adivinho v o antes e o alm: circula entre os deuses e entre os homens, no todos os homens, mas os heris, preferencialmente mortos gloriosamente em combate. Ao celebrar aqueles que passaram, ele forja o passado, mas um passado sem durao, acabado. (Franois Hartog. Regimes de historicidade: presentismo e experincias do tempo, 2015. Adaptado.) O texto afirma que a obra de Homero

Questão 32

(UNESP - 2020 - 1 FASE)Observe a imagem. A Catedral de Notre-Dame, em Paris, parcialmente destruda por um incndio em abril de 2019, um exemplo da arquitetura

Questão 33

(UNESP - 2020 - 1 FASE)[Leonardo da Vinci] viu que a gua corrente detm em si um nmero infinito de movimentos. Um nmero infinito? Para Leonardo, no se trata apenas de uma figura de linguagem. Ao falar da variedade infinita da natureza e sobretudo de fenmenos como as correntes de gua, ele estava fazendo uma distino baseada na preferncia por sistemas analgicos sobre os digitais. Em um sistema analgico, h gradaes infinitas, o que se aplica maioria das coisas que fascinavam Leonardo: sombras de sfumato, cores, movimento, ondas, a passagem do tempo, a dinmica dos fluidos. (Walter Isaacson. Leonardo da Vinci, 2017.) A partir da explicao do texto sobre Leonardo da Vinci, pode-se afirmar que

Questão 33

(UNESP - 2020 - 2 FASE) Gentrification is a general term for the arrival of higher-income people in an existing working-class urban district, causing a related increase in rents and property values, and changes in the districts character and culture. The term is often used negatively, suggesting the displacement of low-income communities by affluent outsiders. But the effects of gentrification are complex and contradictory, and its real impact varies. Many aspects of the gentrification process are desirable. Who wouldnt want to see reduced crime, new investment in buildings and infrastructure, and increased economic activity in their neighborhoods? Unfortunately, the benefits of these changes are often enjoyed disproportionately by the new arrivals, while the established residents find themselves economically and socially marginalized. Although there is not a clear-cut technical definition of gentrification, it is characterized by several changes: Demographics: An increase in median income, a decline in the proportion of ethnic minorities, and a reduction in household size, as low-income families are replaced by young singles and couples. Real estate markets: Large increases in rents and home prices, increases in the number of evictions, conversion of rental units to ownership (condos) and new development of luxury housing. Land use: A decline in industrial uses, an increase in office or multimedia uses, the development of live-work lofts and high-end housing, retail, and restaurants. Culture and character: New ideas about what is desirable and attractive, including standards (either informal or legal) for architecture, landscaping, public behavior, noise, and nuisance. (http://archive.pov.org. Adaptado.) a) Como a pergunta do ttulo do texto respondida no primeiro pargrafo? Quais consequncias da gentrificao para o mercado imobilirio so citadas no primeiro pargrafo? b) De acordo com o primeiro pargrafo, por que o termo gentrificao pode ter conotao negativa? Qual ponto de vista apresentado sobre isso no primeiro pargrafo?

Questão 34

(UNESP - 2020 - 1 FASE)Leia o texto e observe o mapa para responder s questes. Nem existia Brasil no comeo dessa histria. Existiam o Peru e o Mxico, no contexto pr-colombiano, mas Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Estados Unidos, Canad, no. No que seria o Brasil, havia gente no Norte, no Rio, depois no Sul, mas toda essa gente tinha pouca relao entre si at meados do sculo XVIII. E h a a questo da navegao martima, torna-se importante aprender bem histria martima, que ligada geografia. [...] Essa compreenso me deu muita liberdade para ver as relaes que Rio, Pernambuco e Bahia tinham com Luanda. Depois a Bahia tem muito mais relao com o antigo Daom, hoje Benin, na Costa da Mina. Isso formava um todo, muito mais do que o Brasil ou a Amrica portuguesa. [...] Nunca os missionrios entraram na briga para saber se o africano havia sido ilegalmente escravizado ou no, mas a escravido indgena foi embargada pelos missionrios desde o comeo, e isso tambm um pouco interesse dos negreiros, ou seja, que a escravido africana predomine. [...] A escravizao tem dois processos: o primeiro a despersonalizao, e o segundo a dessocializao. O texto estabelece a formao do Brasil a partir da navegao martima, o que implica reconhecer a importncia

Questão 34

(UNESP - 2020 - 2 FASE) Gentrification is a general term for the arrival of higher-income people in an existing working-class urban district, causing a related increase in rents and property values, and changes in the districts character and culture. The term is often used negatively, suggesting the displacement of low-income communities by affluent outsiders. But the effects of gentrification are complex and contradictory, and its real impact varies. Many aspects of the gentrification process are desirable. Who wouldnt want to see reduced crime, new investment in buildings and infrastructure, and increased economic activity in their neighborhoods? Unfortunately, the benefits of these changes are often enjoyed disproportionately by the new arrivals, while the established residents find themselves economically and socially marginalized. Although there is not a clear-cut technical definition of gentrification, it is characterized by several changes: Demographics: An increase in median income, a decline in the proportion of ethnic minorities, and a reduction in household size, as low-income families are replaced by young singles and couples. Real estate markets: Large increases in rents and home prices, increases in the number of evictions, conversion of rental units to ownership (condos) and new development of luxury housing. Land use: A decline in industrial uses, an increase in office or multimedia uses, the development of live-work lofts and high-end housing, retail, and restaurants. Culture and character: New ideas about what is desirable and attractive, including standards (either informal or legal) for architecture, landscaping, public behavior, noise, and nuisance. (http://archive.pov.org. Adaptado.) a) De acordo com as informaes apresentadas no segundo pargrafo, cite dois aspectos positivos da gentrificao. b) O final do segundo pargrafo apresenta uma contradio sobre os benefcios da gentrificao. Qual essa contradio?

Questão 35

(UNESP - 2020 - 1 FASE)Leia o texto e observe o mapa para responder s questes. Nem existia Brasil no comeo dessa histria. Existiam o Peru e o Mxico, no contexto pr-colombiano, mas Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Estados Unidos, Canad, no. No que seria o Brasil, havia gente no Norte, no Rio, depois no Sul, mas toda essa gente tinha pouca relao entre si at meados do sculo XVIII. E h a a questo da navegao martima, torna-se importante aprender bem histria martima, que ligada geografia. [...] Essa compreenso me deu muita liberdade para ver as relaes que Rio, Pernambuco e Bahia tinham com Luanda. Depois a Bahia tem muito mais relao com o antigo Daom, hoje Benin, na Costa da Mina. Isso formava um todo, muito mais do que o Brasil ou a Amrica portuguesa. [...] Nunca os missionrios entraram na briga para saber se o africano havia sido ilegalmente escravizado ou no, mas a escravido indgena foi embargada pelos missionrios desde o comeo, e isso tambm um pouco interesse dos negreiros, ou seja, que a escravido africana predomine. [...] A escravizao tem dois processos: o primeiro a despersonalizao, e o segundo a dessocializao. A despersonalizao e a dessocializao dos escravizados podem ser associadas, respectivamente,

Questão 35

(UNESP - 2020 - 2 FASE) Gentrification is a general term for the arrival of higher-income people in an existing working-class urban district, causing a related increase in rents and property values, and changes in the districts character and culture. The term is often used negatively, suggesting the displacement of low-income communities by affluent outsiders. But the effects of gentrification are complex and contradictory, and its real impact varies. Many aspects of the gentrification process are desirable. Who wouldnt want to see reduced crime, new investment in buildings and infrastructure, and increased economic activity in their neighborhoods? Unfortunately, the benefits of these changes are often enjoyed disproportionately by the new arrivals, while the established residents find themselves economically and socially marginalized. Although there is not a clear-cut technical definition of gentrification, it is characterized by several changes: Demographics: An increase in median income, a decline in the proportion of ethnic minorities, and a reduction in household size, as low-income families are replaced by young singles and couples. Real estate markets: Large increases in rents and home prices, increases in the number of evictions, conversion of rental units to ownership (condos) and new development of luxury housing. Land use: A decline in industrial uses, an increase in office or multimedia uses, the development of live-work lofts and high-end housing, retail, and restaurants. Culture and character: New ideas about what is desirable and attractive, including standards (either informal or legal) for architecture, landscaping, public behavior, noise, and nuisance. (http://archive.pov.org. Adaptado.) Examine a tira e releia o texto What is Gentrification? para responder, em portugus, aos itens a e b. a) Os quadrinhos numerados de 1 a 4 ilustram qual item apresentado no terceiro pargrafo do texto What is Gentrification? Justifique sua resposta. b) Qual item apresentado no terceiro pargrafo do texto pode ser associado ao ltimo quadrinho? Justifique sua resposta.

Questão 36

(UNESP - 2020 - 1 FASE)Cada um de ns pe em comum sua pessoa e todo o seu poder sob a direo suprema da vontade geral, e recebemos, enquanto corpo, cada membro como parte indivisvel do todo. [...] um corpo moral e coletivo, composto de tantos membros quantos so os votos da assembleia [...]. Essa pessoa pblica, que se forma, desse modo, pela unio de todas as outras, tomava antigamente o nome de cidade e, hoje, o de repblica ou de corpo poltico, o qual chamado por seus membros de Estado [...]. (Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Os pensadores, 1983.) O texto, produzido no mbito do Iluminismo francs, apresenta a doutrina poltica do

Questão 36

(UNESP - 2020 - 2 FASE) Examine a tira para responder, em portugus, aos itens a e b. a) De acordo com o Dr. Dan, como um incorporador imobilirio gentrifica uma rea? b) A resposta do Dr. Dan no quarto quadrinho revela que ele se preocupa com o bem-estar dos moradores de baixa renda? Justifique sua resposta.