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Questões - UNESP 2022 | Gabarito e resoluções

Questão 21

(UNESP - 2022 - 1 fase - DIA 1) Examine os grficos e leia o texto para responder s questes de 21 a 27. Educated Americans live longer, as others die younger Catching up, falling behind United States, average life expectancy at age 25 (Anne Case and Angus Deaton. Life expectancy in adulthood is falling for those without a BA degree, but as educational gaps have widened, racial gaps have narrowed. PNAS, 2021. Adaptado.) A 25-year-old American with a university degree can expect to live almost a decade longer than a contemporary who dropped out of high school. Although researchers have long known that the rich live longer than the poor, this education gap is less well documented and is especially marked in rich countries. And whereas the average Americans expected span has been flat in recent years and, strikingly, even fell between 2015 and 2017 that of the one-third with a bachelors degree has continued to lengthen. This disparity in life expectancy is growing, according to new research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Using data from nearly 50m death certificates filed between 1990 and 2018, Anne Case and Angus Deaton of Princeton University analysed differences in life expectancy by sex, race, ethnicity and education. They found that the lifespans of those with and without a bachelors degree started to diverge in the 1990s and 2000s. Thisgap grew even wider in the 2010s as the life expectancy of degree-holders continued to rise while that of other Americans got shorter. What is the link between schooling and longevity? Some argue that better-educated people develop healthier lifestyles: each additional year of study reduces the chances of being a smoker and of being overweight. The better-educated earn more, which in turn is associated with greater health. Ms Case and Mr Deaton argue that changes in labour markets, including the rise of automation and increased demand for highly-educated workers, coupled with the rising costs of employer-provided health care, have depressed the supply of well-paid jobs for those without a degree. This may be contributing to higher rates of alcohol and drug use, suicide and other deaths of despair. (www.economist.com,17.03.2021. Adaptado.) The research the text and the graph are based on, concluded that

Questão 21

(UNESP - 2022 - 2 FASE) De 400 mil a 40 mil anos atrs, pequenos grupos de neandertais se distriburam por uma regio que hoje abrange a Europa, o oeste da sia e o Oriente Mdio. Desde o sequenciamento do genoma neandertal em 2010, os dados genticos sugerem com frequncia que, em algumas das ocasies em que se encontraram, H. sapiens e neandertais se reproduziram e deixaram descendentes frteis. Por essa razo, populaes humanas atuais sem ancestralidade exclusivamente africana abrigam em seu genoma trechos de DNA neandertal no h evidncias de que neandertais tenham vivido na frica. Os especialistas defendem que essa pequena contribuio [dos neandertais] tenha influenciado certas caractersticas dos seres humanos modernos. Vrios estudos j associaram genes neandertais a traos mais vantajosos, como um sistema imune mais robusto [...], ou desvantajosos, como maior risco de desenvolver doenas como diabetes ou depresso. [...] A ideia de que H. sapiens tenham convivido com neandertais no nova. Antes dos estudos de DNA antigo, j existiam evidncias arqueolgicas dessa coexistncia no Oriente Mdio e na Europa. Cavernas em Israel e na Jordnia guardam resqucios de ocupao em sequncia das duas espcies. Alm disso, alguns fosseis [...] apresentavam traos mistos de H. sapiens e neandertal. (Ricardo Zorzetto. Laos de famlia. In: Pesquisa Fapesp, maio de 2021.) O texto apresenta resultados recentes de pesquisas sobre a evoluo humana e destaca, entre outros aspectos, a

Questão 21

(UNESP - 2022 - 1 fase - DIA 2) Leia o texto para responder s questes de 21 a 27. Water and Urbanization Urban areas are expected to absorb all of the worlds population growth over the next four decades, as well as accommodating significant rural-to-urban migration. The vast majority of these people will be living in overcrowded slums with inadequate, often non-existent, water and sanitation services. Safe drinking water systems and adequate sanitation that effectively disposes of human waste will be essential to ensure cities and towns grow sustainably. Extending these services to the millions of urbanites currently unserved will play a key role in underpinning the health and security of cities, protecting economies and ecosystems and minimising the risk of pandemics. For the first time in history, more than half of the global population live in towns and cities. By 2050, that proportion is expected to rise to two-thirds. Population growth is happening fastest in urban areas of less developed regions, with the urban population estimated to grow from 3.9 billion people today to 6.3 billion in 2050. Even though water and sanitation access rates are generally higher in urban areas than rural, planning and infrastructure have been unable to keep pace in many regions. Today, 700 million urbanites live without improved sanitation, contributing to poor health conditions and heavy pollution loads in wastewater, and 156 million live without improved water sources. However, cities provide significant opportunities for more integrated and sustainable water use and waste management. The positive impacts of these services, particularly for public health, spread rapidly and cost-effectively among densely populated unplanned settlements. Furthermore, more efficient use of water within cities and the safe reuse of more waste will put less strain on the surrounding ecosystems. (www.unwater.org. Adaptado.) According to the text,

Questão 22

(UNESP - 2022 - 1 fase - DIA 1) Examine os grficos e leia o texto para responder s questes de 21 a 27. Educated Americans live longer, as others die younger (Anne Case and Angus Deaton. Life expectancy in adulthood is falling for those without a BA degree, but as educational gaps have widened, racial gaps have narrowed. PNAS, 2021. Adaptado.) A 25-year-old American with a university degree can expect to live almost a decade longer than a contemporary who dropped out of high school. Although researchers have long known that the rich live longer than the poor, this education gap is less well documented and is especially marked in rich countries. And whereas the average Americans expected span has been flat in recent years and, strikingly, even fell between 2015 and 2017 that of the one-third with a bachelors degree has continued to lengthen. This disparity in life expectancy is growing, according to new research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Using data from nearly 50m death certificates filed between 1990 and 2018, Anne Case and Angus Deaton of Princeton University analysed differences in life expectancy by sex, race, ethnicity and education. They found that the lifespans of those with and without a bachelors degree started to diverge in the 1990s and 2000s. Thisgap grew even wider in the 2010s as the life expectancy of degree-holders continued to rise while that of other Americans got shorter. What is the link between schooling and longevity? Some argue that better-educated people develop healthier lifestyles: each additional year of study reduces the chances of being a smoker and of being overweight. The better-educated earn more, which in turn is associated with greater health. Ms Case and Mr Deaton argue that changes in labour markets, including the rise of automation and increased demand for highly-educated workers, coupled with the rising costs of employer-provided health care, have depressed the supply of well-paid jobs for those without a degree. This may be contributing to higher rates of alcohol and drug use, suicide and other deaths of despair. (www.economist.com,17.03.2021. Adaptado.) As informaes apresentadas no primeiro pargrafo sobre a relao entre longevidade e educao esto mais bem representadas

Questão 22

(UNESP - 2022 - 1 fase - DIA 2) Leia o texto para responder s questes de 21 a 27. Water and Urbanization Urban areas are expected to absorb all of the worlds population growth over the next four decades, as well as accommodating significant rural-to-urban migration. The vast majority of these people will be living in overcrowded slums with inadequate, often non-existent, water and sanitation services. Safe drinking water systems and adequate sanitation that effectively disposes of human waste will be essential to ensure cities and towns grow sustainably. Extending these services to the millions of urbanites currently unserved will play a key role in underpinning the health and security of cities, protecting economies and ecosystems and minimising the risk of pandemics. For the first time in history, more than half of the global population live in towns and cities. By 2050, that proportion is expected to rise to two-thirds. Population growth is happening fastest in urban areas of less developed regions, with the urban population estimated to grow from 3.9 billion people today to 6.3 billion in 2050. Even though water and sanitation access rates are generally higher in urban areas than rural, planning and infrastructure have been unable to keep pace in many regions. Today, 700 million urbanites live without improved sanitation, contributing to poor health conditions and heavy pollution loads in wastewater, and 156 million live without improved water sources. However, cities provide significant opportunities for more integrated and sustainable water use and waste management. The positive impacts of these services, particularly for public health, spread rapidly and cost-effectively among densely populated unplanned settlements. Furthermore, more efficient use of water within cities and the safe reuse of more waste will put less strain on the surrounding ecosystems. (www.unwater.org. Adaptado.) A fotografia e sua legenda ilustram o trecho do texto:

Questão 22

(UNESP - 2022 - 2 FASE) A liberdade pouco valia para o indivduo pobre que o mundo da produo e os aparelhos de poder esmagavam sem trgua, e no entanto ele era homem livre numa sociedade escravista. Aproveitado de modo intermitente mas regular pelo Estado e pelos homens bons, a sua utilidade real e empiricamente detectvel era revestida por um nus que o deixava sem razo de ser. A formulao dessa inutilidade justificava o sistema escravista, e o atributo da vadiagem passava a englobar toda uma camada social, desclassificando-a: no meio fluido dos homens livres pobres, todos passavam a ser vadios para a ptica dominante. Vadios e inteis, era como se no existissem, como se o pas no tivesse povo pois, cativo, o escravo no era cidado. E assim, inexistindo ou sendo identificado animalidade, o homem livre pobre permaneceu esquecido atravs do sculo. (Laura de Mello e Souza. Desclassificados do ouro: a pobreza mineira no sculo XVIII, 2015. Adaptado.) Ao tratar dos desclassificados na sociedade das Minas Gerais do sculo XVIII, o texto caracteriza-os como

Questão 23

(UNESP - 2022 - 1 fase - DIA 1) Examine os grficos e leia o texto para responder s questes de 21 a 27. Educated Americans live longer, as others die younger (Anne Case and Angus Deaton. Life expectancy in adulthood is falling for those without a BA degree, but as educational gaps have widened, racial gaps have narrowed. PNAS, 2021. Adaptado.) A 25-year-old American with a university degree can expect to live almost a decade longer than a contemporary who dropped out of high school. Although researchers have long known that the rich live longer than the poor, this education gap is less well documented and is especially marked in rich countries. And whereas the average Americans expected span has been flat in recent years and, strikingly, even fell between 2015 and 2017 that of the one-third with a bachelors degree has continued to lengthen. This disparity in life expectancy is growing, according to new research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Using data from nearly 50m death certificates filed between 1990 and 2018, Anne Case and Angus Deaton of Princeton University analysed differences in life expectancy by sex, race, ethnicity and education. They found that the lifespans of those with and without a bachelors degree started to diverge in the 1990s and 2000s. Thisgap grew even wider in the 2010s as the life expectancy of degree-holders continued to rise while that of other Americans got shorter. What is the link between schooling and longevity? Some argue that better-educated people develop healthier lifestyles: each additional year of study reduces the chances of being a smoker and of being overweight. The better-educated earn more, which in turn is associated with greater health. Ms Case and Mr Deaton argue that changes in labour markets, including the rise of automation and increased demand for highly-educated workers, coupled with the rising costs of employer-provided health care, have depressed the supply of well-paid jobs for those without a degree. This may be contributing to higher rates of alcohol and drug use, suicide and other deaths of despair. (www.economist.com,17.03.2021. Adaptado.) No trecho do primeiro pargrafo And whereas the average Americans expected span has been flat in recent years, o termo sublinhado pode ser substitudo, sem alterao de sentido, por

Questão 23

(UNESP - 2022 - 2FASE) Esttuas famosas da cidade de So Paulo como a do bandeirante Borba Gato, em Santo Amaro, na Zona Sul, e a de Bartolomeu Bueno da Silva, no Parque Trianon, na Avenida Paulista, ganharam um adereo macabro nas ltimas semanas. Com o objetivo de ressignificar a histria das figuras que elas representam, um grupo de manifestantes colocou caveiras em frente a essas esttuas e as fotografou. As fotos viralizaram nas redes sociais. Bandeirantes como Borba Gato desbravaram territrios no interior do pas e capturaram e escravizaram indgenas e negros. Isso quando no os matavam em confrontos que acabaram por dizimar etnias, segundo historiadores. (Brbara Muniz Vieira. Crnios so colocados ao lado de monumentos de bandeirantes para ressignificar histria de SP. g1.globo.com, 27.10.2020. Adaptado.) Do ponto de vista histrico, a proposta de ressignificar monumentos, realizada pelo grupo,

Questão 23

(UNESP - 2022 - 1 fase - DIA 2) Leia o texto para responder s questes de 21 a 27. Water and Urbanization Urban areas are expected to absorb all of the worlds population growth over the next four decades, as well as accommodating significant rural-to-urban migration. The vast majority of these people will be living in overcrowded slums with inadequate, often non-existent, water and sanitation services. Safe drinking water systems and adequate sanitation that effectively disposes of human waste will be essential to ensure cities and towns grow sustainably. Extending these services to the millions of urbanites currently unserved will play a key role in underpinning the health and security of cities, protecting economies and ecosystems and minimising the risk of pandemics. For the first time in history, more than half of the global population live in towns and cities. By 2050, that proportion is expected to rise to two-thirds. Population growth is happening fastest in urban areas of less developed regions, with the urban population estimated to grow from 3.9 billion people today to 6.3 billion in 2050. Even though water and sanitation access rates are generally higher in urban areas than rural, planning and infrastructure have been unable to keep pace in many regions. Today, 700 million urbanites live without improved sanitation, contributing to poor health conditions and heavy pollution loads in wastewater, and 156 million live without improved water sources. However, cities provide significant opportunities for more integrated and sustainable water use and waste management. The positive impacts of these services, particularly for public health, spread rapidly and cost-effectively among densely populated unplanned settlements. Furthermore, more efficient use of water within cities and the safe reuse of more waste will put less strain on the surrounding ecosystems. (www.unwater.org. Adaptado.) No trecho do primeiro pargrafo as well as accommodating significant rural-to-urban migration, a expresso sublinhada indica

Questão 24

(UNESP - 2022 - 2 FASE) Os peridicos que circulavam no Brasil durante o Segundo Reinado (1840-1889) eram

Questão 24

(UNESP - 2022 - 1 fase - DIA 1) Examine os grficos e leia o texto para responder s questes de 21 a 27. Educated Americans live longer, as others die younger (Anne Case and Angus Deaton. Life expectancy in adulthood is falling for those without a BA degree, but as educational gaps have widened, racial gaps have narrowed. PNAS, 2021. Adaptado.) A 25-year-old American with a university degree can expect to live almost a decade longer than a contemporary who dropped out of high school. Although researchers have long known that the rich live longer than the poor, this education gap is less well documented and is especially marked in rich countries. And whereas the average Americans expected span has been flat in recent years and, strikingly, even fell between 2015 and 2017 that of the one-third with a bachelors degree has continued to lengthen. This disparity in life expectancy is growing, according to new research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Using data from nearly 50m death certificates filed between 1990 and 2018, Anne Case and Angus Deaton of Princeton University analysed differences in life expectancy by sex, race, ethnicity and education. They found that the lifespans of those with and without a bachelors degree started to diverge in the 1990s and 2000s. Thisgap grew even wider in the 2010s as the life expectancy of degree-holders continued to rise while that of other Americans got shorter. What is the link between schooling and longevity? Some argue that better-educated people develop healthier lifestyles: each additional year of study reduces the chances of being a smoker and of being overweight. The better-educated earn more, which in turn is associated with greater health. Ms Case and Mr Deaton argue that changes in labour markets, including the rise of automation and increased demand for highly-educated workers, coupled with the rising costs of employer-provided health care, have depressed the supply of well-paid jobs for those without a degree. This may be contributing to higher rates of alcohol and drug use, suicide and other deaths of despair. (www.economist.com,17.03.2021. Adaptado.) In the excerpt from the first paragraph and, strikingly, even fell between 2015 and 2017, the underlined word means

Questão 24

(UNESP - 2022 - 1 fase - DIA 2) Leia o texto para responder s questes de 21 a 27. Water and Urbanization Urban areas are expected to absorb all of the worlds population growth over the next four decades, as well as accommodating significant rural-to-urban migration. The vast majority of these people will be living in overcrowded slums with inadequate, often non-existent, water and sanitation services. Safe drinking water systems and adequate sanitation that effectively disposes of human waste will be essential to ensure cities and towns grow sustainably. Extending these services to the millions of urbanites currently unserved will play a key role in underpinning the health and security of cities, protecting economies and ecosystems and minimising the risk of pandemics. For the first time in history, more than half of the global population live in towns and cities. By 2050, that proportion is expected to rise to two-thirds. Population growth is happening fastest in urban areas of less developed regions, with the urban population estimated to grow from 3.9 billion people today to 6.3 billion in 2050. Even though water and sanitation access rates are generally higher in urban areas than rural, planning and infrastructure have been unable to keep pace in many regions. Today, 700 million urbanites live without improved sanitation, contributing to poor health conditions and heavy pollution loads in wastewater, and 156 million live without improved water sources. However, cities provide significant opportunities for more integrated and sustainable water use and waste management. The positive impacts of these services, particularly for public health, spread rapidly and cost-effectively among densely populated unplanned settlements. Furthermore, more efficient use of water within cities and the safe reuse of more waste will put less strain on the surrounding ecosystems. (www.unwater.org. Adaptado.) According to the second paragraph, extending water systems and sanitation to unserved people may

Questão 25

(UNESP - 2022 - 1 fase - DIA 2) Leia o texto para responder s questes de 21 a 27. Water and Urbanization Urban areas are expected to absorb all of the worlds population growth over the next four decades, as well as accommodating significant rural-to-urban migration. The vast majority of these people will be living in overcrowded slums with inadequate, often non-existent, water and sanitation services. Safe drinking water systems and adequate sanitation that effectively disposes of human waste will be essential to ensure cities and towns grow sustainably. Extending these services to the millions of urbanites currently unserved will play a key role in underpinning the health and security of cities, protecting economies and ecosystems and minimising the risk of pandemics. For the first time in history, more than half of the global population live in towns and cities. By 2050, that proportion is expected to rise to two-thirds. Population growth is happening fastest in urban areas of less developed regions, with the urban population estimated to grow from 3.9 billion people today to 6.3 billion in 2050. Even though water and sanitation access rates are generally higher in urban areas than rural, planning and infrastructure have been unable to keep pace in many regions. Today, 700 million urbanites live without improved sanitation, contributing to poor health conditions and heavy pollution loads in wastewater, and 156 million live without improved water sources. However, cities provide significant opportunities for more integrated and sustainable water use and waste management. The positive impacts of these services, particularly for public health, spread rapidly and cost-effectively among densely populated unplanned settlements. Furthermore, more efficient use of water within cities and the safe reuse of more waste will put less strain on the surrounding ecosystems. (www.unwater.org. Adaptado.) De acordo com o terceiro e quarto pargrafos, at 2050 espera-se que

Questão 25

(UNESP - 2022 - 2 FASE) Observe as imagens. A primeira de um cartaz sovitico, de autoria desconhecida, divulgado em 1941. A segunda uma charge do cartunista brasileiro Belmonte, publicada em 7 de outubro de 1943. (In: Eudes Bezerra. 15 charges da Segunda Guerra Mundial. https://incrivelhistoria.com.br, 24.03.2016.) (In: Caricatura dos tempos, 1982.) As duas imagens

Questão 25

(UNESP - 2022 - 1 fase - DIA 1) Examine os grficos e leia o texto para responder s questes de 21 a 27. Educated Americans live longer, as others die younger (Anne Case and Angus Deaton. Life expectancy in adulthood is falling for those without a BA degree, but as educational gaps have widened, racial gaps have narrowed. PNAS, 2021. Adaptado.) A 25-year-old American with a university degree can expect to live almost a decade longer than a contemporary who dropped out of high school. Although researchers have long known that the rich live longer than the poor, this education gap is less well documented and is especially marked in rich countries. And whereas the average Americans expected span has been flat in recent years and, strikingly, even fell between 2015 and 2017 that of the one-third with a bachelors degree has continued to lengthen. This disparity in life expectancy is growing, according to new research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Using data from nearly 50m death certificates filed between 1990 and 2018, Anne Case and Angus Deaton of Princeton University analysed differences in life expectancy by sex, race, ethnicity and education. They found that the lifespans of those with and without a bachelors degree started to diverge in the 1990s and 2000s. Thisgap grew even wider in the 2010s as the life expectancy of degree-holders continued to rise while that of other Americans got shorter. What is the link between schooling and longevity? Some argue that better-educated people develop healthier lifestyles: each additional year of study reduces the chances of being a smoker and of being overweight. The better-educated earn more, which in turn is associated with greater health. Ms Case and Mr Deaton argue that changes in labour markets, including the rise of automation and increased demand for highly-educated workers, coupled with the rising costs of employer-provided health care, have depressed the supply of well-paid jobs for those without a degree. This may be contributing to higher rates of alcohol and drug use, suicide and other deaths of despair. (www.economist.com,17.03.2021. Adaptado.) No trecho do segundo pargrafo while that of other Americans got shorter, o termo sublinhado refere-se a