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Questões de Inglês - UNESP 2024 | Gabarito e resoluções

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Questão 9

(UNESP - 2024) Analise o meme publicado pelo perfil Classical Damn no Instagram em 02.07.2021. A anlise do meme permite caracterizar

Questão 21

(UNESP - 2024) Leia o texto e examine o grfico para responder s questes de 21 a 26. The first Game Developers Conference, in 1988, attracted 25 participants and took place in a programmers sitting room in California. This 2023 summit, which began on March 20 in a giant exhibition centre in San Francisco, demonstrates how the industry has grown. Some 3.2 billion people now play, thanks largely to the spread of the smartphone. Women are now almost as likely as men to call themselves gamers. Gaming is catching on among all age groups. In Britain, for instance, half of those aged 55-64 play video games, though for less time than the young. Worldwide there are now more console owners aged 35-44 than 16-24. The bigger the audience, the bigger the market. Consumers will spend 185 billion dollars on games in 2023, more than half on mobile games. That is about five times the value of the cinema box office, and two-thirds more than the video-streaming business. As gaming continues to grow, it is beginning to rival television as the worlds favourite entertainment medium. The text and the graph are mainly about the

Questão 22

(UNESP - 2024) Leia o texto e examine o grfico para responder s questes de 21 a 26. The first Game Developers Conference, in 1988, attracted 25 participants and took place in a programmers sitting room in California. This 2023 summit, which began on March 20 in a giant exhibition centre in San Francisco, demonstrates how the industry has grown. Some 3.2 billion people now play, thanks largely to the spread of the smartphone. Women are now almost as likely as men to call themselves gamers. Gaming is catching on among all age groups. In Britain, for instance, half of those aged 55-64 play video games, though for less time than the young. Worldwide there are now more console owners aged 35-44 than 16-24. The bigger the audience, the bigger the market. Consumers will spend 185 billion dollars on games in 2023, more than half on mobile games. That is about five times the value of the cinema box office, and two-thirds more than the video-streaming business. As gaming continues to grow, it is beginning to rival television as the worlds favourite entertainment medium. According to the first paragraph, the Game Developers Conference growth from 1988 to 2023 can be evaluated by the

Questão 23

(UNESP - 2024) Leia o texto e examine o grfico para responder s questes de 21 a 26. The first Game Developers Conference, in 1988, attracted 25 participants and took place in a programmers sitting room in California. This 2023 summit, which began on March 20 in a giant exhibition centre in San Francisco, demonstrates how the industry has grown. Some 3.2 billion people now play, thanks largely to the spread of the smartphone. Women are now almost as likely as men to call themselves gamers. Gaming is catching on among all age groups. In Britain, for instance, half of those aged 55-64 play video games, though for less time than the young. Worldwide there are now more console owners aged 35-44 than 16-24. The bigger the audience, the bigger the market. Consumers will spend 185 billion dollars on games in 2023, more than half on mobile games. That is about five times the value of the cinema box office, and two-thirds more than the video-streaming business. As gaming continues to grow, it is beginning to rival television as the worlds favourite entertainment medium. No trecho do primeiro pargrafo though for less time than the young, o termo sublinhado introduz, em relao frase anterior,

Questão 24

(UNESP - 2024) Leia o texto e examine o grfico para responder s questes de 21 a 26. The first Game Developers Conference, in 1988, attracted 25 participants and took place in a programmers sitting room in California. This 2023 summit, which began on March 20 in a giant exhibition centre in San Francisco, demonstrates how the industry has grown. Some 3.2 billion people now play, thanks largely to the spread of the smartphone. Women are now almost as likely as men to call themselves gamers. Gaming is catching on among all age groups. In Britain, for instance, half of those aged 55-64 play video games, though for less time than the young. Worldwide there are now more console owners aged 35-44 than 16-24. The bigger the audience, the bigger the market. Consumers will spend 185 billion dollars on games in 2023, more than half on mobile games. That is about five times the value of the cinema box office, and two-thirds more than the video-streaming business. As gaming continues to grow, it is beginning to rival television as the worlds favourite entertainment medium. Uma interpretao matemtica plausvel da frase do segundo pargrafo The bigger the audience, the bigger the market, considerando o pblico e o mercado de games, de

Questão 25

(UNESP - 2024) Leia o texto e examine o grfico para responder s questes de 21 a 26. The first Game Developers Conference, in 1988, attracted 25 participants and took place in a programmers sitting room in California. This 2023 summit, which began on March 20 in a giant exhibition centre in San Francisco, demonstrates how the industry has grown. Some 3.2 billion people now play, thanks largely to the spread of the smartphone. Women are now almost as likely as men to call themselves gamers. Gaming is catching on among all age groups. In Britain, for instance, half of those aged 55-64 play video games, though for less time than the young. Worldwide there are now more console owners aged 35-44 than 16-24. The bigger the audience, the bigger the market. Consumers will spend 185 billion dollars on games in 2023, more than half on mobile games. That is about five times the value of the cinema box office, and two-thirds more than the video-streaming business. As gaming continues to grow, it is beginning to rival television as the worlds favourite entertainment medium. A frase do texto cujo significado pode ser verificado no grfico :

Questão 26

(UNESP - 2024) Leia o texto e examine o grfico para responder s questes de 21 a 26. The first Game Developers Conference, in 1988, attracted 25 participants and took place in a programmers sitting room in California. This 2023 summit, which began on March 20 in a giant exhibition centre in San Francisco, demonstrates how the industry has grown. Some 3.2 billion people now play, thanks largely to the spread of the smartphone. Women are now almost as likely as men to call themselves gamers. Gaming is catching on among all age groups. In Britain, for instance, half of those aged 55-64 play video games, though for less time than the young. Worldwide there are now more console owners aged 35-44 than 16-24. The bigger the audience, the bigger the market. Consumers will spend 185 billion dollars on games in 2023, more than half on mobile games. That is about five times the value of the cinema box office, and two-thirds more than the video-streaming business. As gaming continues to grow, it is beginning to rival television as the worlds favourite entertainment medium. No trecho do segundo pargrafo As gaming continues to grow, it is beginning to rival television as the worlds favourite entertainment medium, os termos sublinhados equivalem, em portugus, respectivamente, a

Questão 27

(UNESP - 2024) Leia a tira de Bill Amend para responder s questes de 27 a 29. From the comic strip, one can say that

Questão 28

(UNESP - 2024) Leia a tira de Bill Amend para responder s questes de 27 a 29. No primeiro quadrinho, a fala Is she out of her mind?! indica que o menino

Questão 29

(UNESP - 2024) Leia a tira de Bill Amend para responder s questes de 27 a 29. No terceiro quadrinho, o termo that refere-se a

Questão 30

(UNESP - 2024) The benefits of computer games in education are clear. They engage students, improve problem-solving skills, enhance creativity and imagination, allow for personalized learning, remote learning, learning on demand, and contacting peers around the world. With the increasing use of technology in schools, it is essential that teachers explore the potential benefits of computer games and incorporate them into their teaching methods. Doing so can create a more engaging and effective learning environment for their students. (Ruby Butz. https://gamingrespawn.com, 23.03.2023. Adaptado.) According to the text, one of the advantages of computer games in education is:

Questão 33

(UNESP - 2024) Leia o texto sobre o chamado vale da estranheza para responder, em portugus, s questes 33 e 34. Introduction The uncanny valley is a term used to describe the relationship between the human-like appearance of a robotic object and the emotional response it evokes. In this phenomenon, people feel a sense of discomfort or even repulsion in response to humanoid robots that are highly realistic. Androids, avatars, and animations aim for extreme realism but get caught in a disturbing gap named the uncanny valley. They are extremely realistic and lifelike but when we examine them, we see they are not quite human. When a robotic or animated characterization lies in this valley, people tend to feel a sense of discomfort, strangeness, disgust, or creepiness. Youve probably experienced the feeling before perhaps while watching a computer-generated animated movie or playing a video game. The animated human might look almost real, but that slight difference between looking almost human and fully human leaves you feeling discomfort or even repulsion. Implications of the uncanny valley The uncanny valley has a number of implications in various fields. These include: Robotics As people rely more and more on robotic technology, it is important to design devices that do not create discomfort or distrust. This is particularly true in the development of assistive technologies designed to help people with disabilities perform tasks and interact with their environments. People are more likely to be receptive to designs that are both useful and appealing. Designs that fall into the uncanny valley are likely to be poorly received and utilized less frequently. Film As blockbuster films increasingly rely on computer-generated imagery effects, filmmakers have continued to work toward developing realistic computer-generated animations that blend seamlessly and dont provoke the uncanny valley. While many animated films are often criticized for their unrealistic characterizations of the human form, such designs featuring overly large eyes and other dramatically exaggerated features may often be an intentional strategy to avoid the uncanny valley. Game Design The uncanny valley can also have an impact on how players react to realistic characters in video games. In some cases, designers may take advantage of the uncanny valley to create a sense of antipathy or aversion for villainous characters. (Kendra Cherry. www.verywellmind.com, 14.11.2022. Adaptado.) a) De acordo com o item Introduction, explique o que uncanny valley. Cite duas sensaes que podem ser causadas quando as pessoas experimentam o efeito do vale da estranheza. b) De acordo com o item Introduction, cite duas situaes da vida real que podem fazer com que as pessoas experimentem o efeito do vale da estranheza. Por que esse efeito pode acontecer?

Questão 34

(UNESP - 2024) Leia o texto sobre o chamado vale da estranheza para responder, em portugus, s questes 33 e 34. Introduction The uncanny valley is a term used to describe the relationship between the human-like appearance of a robotic object and the emotional response it evokes. In this phenomenon, people feel a sense of discomfort or even repulsion in response to humanoid robots that are highly realistic. Androids, avatars, and animations aim for extreme realism but get caught in a disturbing gap named the uncanny valley. They are extremely realistic and lifelike but when we examine them, we see they are not quite human. When a robotic or animated characterization lies in this valley, people tend to feel a sense of discomfort, strangeness, disgust, or creepiness. Youve probably experienced the feeling before perhaps while watching a computer-generated animated movie or playing a video game. The animated human might look almost real, but that slight difference between looking almost human and fully human leaves you feeling discomfort or even repulsion. Implications of the uncanny valley The uncanny valley has a number of implications in various fields. These include: Robotics As people rely more and more on robotic technology, it is important to design devices that do not create discomfort or distrust. This is particularly true in the development of assistive technologies designed to help people with disabilities perform tasks and interact with their environments. People are more likely to be receptive to designs that are both useful and appealing. Designs that fall into the uncanny valley are likely to be poorly received and utilized less frequently. Film As blockbuster films increasingly rely on computer-generated imagery effects, filmmakers have continued to work toward developing realistic computer-generated animations that blend seamlessly and dont provoke the uncanny valley. While many animated films are often criticized for their unrealistic characterizations of the human form, such designs featuring overly large eyes and other dramatically exaggerated features may often be an intentional strategy to avoid the uncanny valley. Game Design The uncanny valley can also have an impact on how players react to realistic characters in video games. In some cases, designers may take advantage of the uncanny valley to create a sense of antipathy or aversion for villainous characters. (Kendra Cherry. www.verywellmind.com, 14.11.2022. Adaptado.) a) De acordo com o item Robotics, como as tecnologias assistivas devem ser projetadas para que possam ser aceitas? O que pode acontecer se o design da tecnologia assistiva cair no vale da estranheza? b) De acordo com o item Film, qual a estratgia utilizada em animaes para evitar que elas caiam no vale da estranheza? De acordo com o item Game Design, como o efeito do vale da estranheza pode ser til para criar determinadas sensaes nos jogadores de videogames?

Questão 35

(UNESP - 2024) Leia o texto para responder, em portugus, s questes 35 e 36. Investigating the power of music therapy Musics benefits extend beyond entertainment. It can help improve cognitive function, increase the brains neuroplasticity, and slow cognitive decline. For people with dementia, music can evoke memories and enhance their sense of identity. Interestingly, silence can also have a profound effect on our health. In the anechoic chamber cited in the Guinness World Records as the worlds quietest room, Beatie Wolfe, a singer, songwriter, and ambassador for Music for Dementia (a campaign calling for music to be accessible to everyone living with dementia), experienced a sensory reset where her nervous system calmed down, and she could hear sound in a pure way. This highlights the importance of balancing sound and silence in our lives. However, music therapy can have potential downsides, such as triggering traumatic memories or negative responses to specific types of music. That aside, musics power deserves further research, not least its potential effect on the progress of dementia. (Tim Snaith. https://link.medicalnewstoday.com, 30.04.2023. Adaptado.) a) De acordo com o primeiro pargrafo, por que os benefcios da msica vo alm do entretenimento? Para as pessoas com demncia, quais podem ser os benefcios da msica? b) Por qual motivo a cmara anecoica citada no segundo pargrafo ganhou destaque internacional? O que aconteceu com Beatie Wolfe nessa cmara anecoica?

Questão 36

(UNESP - 2024) Leia o texto para responder, em portugus, s questes 35 e 36. Investigating the power of music therapy Musics benefits extend beyond entertainment. It can help improve cognitive function, increase the brains neuroplasticity, and slow cognitive decline. For people with dementia, music can evoke memories and enhance their sense of identity. Interestingly, silence can also have a profound effect on our health. In the anechoic chamber cited in the Guinness World Records as the worlds quietest room, Beatie Wolfe, a singer, songwriter, and ambassador for Music for Dementia (a campaign calling for music to be accessible to everyone living with dementia), experienced a sensory reset where her nervous system calmed down, and she could hear sound in a pure way. This highlights the importance of balancing sound and silence in our lives. However, music therapy can have potential downsides, such as triggering traumatic memories or negative responses to specific types of music. That aside, musics power deserves further research, not least its potential effect on the progress of dementia. (Tim Snaith. https://link.medicalnewstoday.com, 30.04.2023. Adaptado.) a) De acordo com o segundo pargrafo, que tipo de equilbrio faz bem nossa sade? No incio do terceiro pargrafo, o termo However estabelece qual tipo de relao com o pargrafo anterior? b) De acordo com o terceiro pargrafo, quais aspectos negativos podem ser desencadeados na terapia por meio da msica? Por que deve haver mais pesquisas sobre o poder da msica?

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