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Questões de Inglês - UNICAMP 2002 | Gabarito e resoluções

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(UNICAMP - 2002 - 2 fase - Questo 13) C U L T U R E Marriage, Italian Style TALIAN MEN HAVE A legendary devotion to their mothers. But a new survey pushes that image even fur- ther. The February issue of the magazine 20 Anni report- ed that one in three men would prefer to have their mothers choose their fian- ces. Why? Many said theyd feel more at peace knowing that Mom approved of the match. Others had less noble intentions. If the relation- ship failed, they said, they could just blame it on Mom. Mamma mia. Newsweek, 21/02/2000. Por que grande parte dos italianos prefeririam que as prprias mes escolhessem suas noivas?


(UNICAMP - 2002 - 2 fase - Questo 14) O que se segue so os pargrafos iniciais de Ghosts, um conto de Paul Auster publicado em The New York Trilogy, em 1990, pela Penguin Books Inc. Leia-os e responda pergunta FIRST of all there is Blue. Later there is White, and then there is Black, and before the beginning there is Brown. Brown broke him in, Brown taught him the ropes, and when Brown grew old, Blue took over. That is how it begins. The place is New York, the time is the present, and neither one will ever change. Blue goes to his office every day and sits at his desk, waiting for something to happen. For a long time nothing does, and then a man named White walks through the door, and that is how it begins. The case seems simple enough. White wants Blue to follow a man named Black and to keep an eye on him for as long as necessary. While working for Brown, Blue did many tail jobs, and this one seems no different, perhaps even easier than most. Blue needs the work, and he listens to White and doesnt ask many questions. He assumes its a marriage case and that White is a jealous husband. White doesnt elaborate. He wants a weekly report, he says, sent to such and such a postbox number, typed out in duplicate on pages so long and so wide. A check will be sent every week to Blue in the mail. White then tells Blue where Black lives, what he looks like, and so on. When Blue asks White how long he thinks the case will last, White says he doesnt know. Just keep sending the reports, he says, until further notice. Quais so os personagens que aparecem nesse trecho? Como esses personagens se interrelacionam?


(UNICAMP - 2002 - 2 fase - Questo 15) Those who seem happiest have a certain unity in their lives; work and leisure are integrated Well, again I can look at it only in terms of an individual. I think the person who takes a job in order to live that is to say, for the money has turned himself into a slave. Work begins when you dont like what youre doing. Theres a wise saying: make your hobby your source of income. Then theres no such thing as work and theres no such thing as getting tired. Thats been my own experience. I did just what I wanted to do. It takes a little courage at first, because who the hell wants you to do just what you want to do; theyve all got a lot of plans for you. But you can make it happen. I think its very important for a young person to have the courage to do what seems to him significant in his life, and not just take a job in order to make money. But this takes a bit of prudence and very careful planning, and may delay financial achievement and comfortable living. But the ultimate result will be very much to his pleasure. But theres an incredible amount of pressure to conform. I know it. But there is a margin, too. There are plenty of ways to coast along until you find your center. I dont mean going on relief: I dont have much respect for people who expect society to support them while theyre finding their feet. There are other ways to work that out. If you have a job, for instance, which allows you time enough to develop your own system of ideas for the future, and the boss offers you more money for extra hours, then you refuse that because it would take away from your free time. Do you see what I mean? An Open Life Joseph Campbell in conversation with Michael Toms. New York, Harper Row Publishers, 1990. Neste texto, Campbell contrape dois modos de ver o trabalho. Que modos so esses e qual deles Campbell defende?


(UNICAMP - 2002 - 2 fase - Questo 16) Those who seem happiest have a certain unity in their lives; work and leisure are integrated Well, again I can look at it only in terms of an individual. I think the person who takes a job in order to live that is to say, for the money has turned himself into a slave. Work begins when you dont like what youre doing. Theres a wise saying: make your hobby your source of income. Then theres no such thing as work and theres no such thing as getting tired. Thats been my own experience. I did just what I wanted to do. It takes a little courage at first, because who the hell wants you to do just what you want to do; theyve all got a lot of plans for you. But you can make it happen. I think its very important for a young person to have the courage to do what seems to him significant in his life, and not just take a job in order to make money. But this takes a bit of prudence and very careful planning, and may delay financial achievement and comfortable living. But the ultimate result will be very much to his pleasure. But theres an incredible amount of pressure to conform. I know it. But there is a margin, too. There are plenty of ways to coast along until you find your center. I dont mean going on relief: I dont have much respect for people who expect society to support them while theyre finding their feet. There are other ways to work that out. If you have a job, for instance, which allows you time enough to develop your own system of ideas for the future, and the boss offers you more money for extra hours, then you refuse that because it would take away from your free time. Do you see what I mean? An Open Life Joseph Campbell in conversation with Michael Toms. New York, Harper Row Publishers, 1990. Campbell prev que alguns obstculos tero que ser vencidos por quem decidir colocar em prtica a viso de trabalho defendida por ele. Que obstculos so esses?


(UNICAMP - 2002 - 2 fase - Questo 17) Personality Type New Scientist, 20/07/1996 O que os pesquisadores tomaram como base para elaborar o sistema? Por qu?


(UNICAMP - 2002 - 2 fase - Questo 18) Personality Type New Scientist, 20/07/1996 Como funciona o dispositivo de tempo includo nesse sistema?


(UNICAMP - 2002 - 2 fase - Questo 19) Personality Type New Scientist, 20/07/1996 Qual o grau de confiabilidade do sistema de segurana? D um exemplo de um procedimento de segurana presente nesse sistema.


(UNICAMP - 2002 - 2 fase - Questo 20) O poema abaixo expressa algumas sensaes ou sentimentos negativos. Explicite trs, usando passagens do texto para justificar sua resposta. Commuter He lives in a house in the suburbs He rises each morning at six. He runs for the bus to the station, Buys his paper and looks at the pics. He always gets in the same carriage, Puts his briefcase up on the rack. Thinks miserably of his office, And knows he can never turn back. He gets to his desk by nine thirty, Wondering what he should do. When the coffee break comes at eleven, He knows he still hasnt a clue. His lunch break is quite uninspiring, He sits it out in the canteen. Its fish and chips, mince and potatoes, A choice thats quite literally obscene. At five he runs back to the station, Gets in the same carriage again, Unfolds his evening paper, Pulls a veil down over his brain. Poema de Alan Maley publicado em Maley e Duff, The Inward Ear, Cambridge University Press, 1989.


(UNICAMP - 2002 - 2 fase - Questo 21) The Economist, 28/10/2000. Por que o autor da resenha, Alexander Scott, afirma que Urano no foi fcil de prever?


(UNICAMP - 2002 - 2 fase - Questo 22) The Economist, 28/10/2000. O que Scott chama de tarefa intimidante (intimidating task)? Em que sentido essa tarefa foi inovadora?


(UNICAMP - 2002 - 2 fase - Questo 23) The Economist, 28/10/2000. descoberta do novo planeta narrada por Tom Standage seguiu-se um conflito. Em que consistiu esse conflito e como ele terminou?


(UNICAMP - 2002 - 2 fase - Questo 24) Em 25 de setembro de 2001, o jornal norte-americano Free-Lance Star publicou o trabalho do cartunista Clay Jones reproduzido abaixo. Considere-o para responder questo De que maneira a fala do personagem no segundo quadrinho se relaciona com sua ao no primeiro? E como ela se relaciona com o ltimo? Justifique sua resposta.

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