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Questões de Inglês - UNICAMP 2014 | Gabarito e resoluções

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Questão 1

(UNICAMP - 2014 - 2 FASE) a) A figura (1) refere-se a uma campanha. Qual o objetivo dessa campanha? b) Por que o cachorro que aparece na figura (2) no consegue abrir a porta? Justifique sua resposta.

Questão 2

(UNICAMP - 2014 - 2 fase) a) Qual , ironicamente, a desvantagem do telefone celular que aparece no cartum? O que ele seria capaz de controlar? b) O que esse celular permitiria que seu usurio fizesse com relao ao tempo?

Questão 3

(UNICAMP - 2014 - 2 FASE) a) Pelo que se depreende do dilogo, qual o provvel sobrenome de solteira de Blanche e que relao de parentesco ela tem com Stanley Kowalski? b) Qual o endereo de Stella e o que ela estaria fazendo no momento em que sua irm chegou a sua casa?

Questão 4

(UNICAMP - 2014 - 2 FASE) In late 1939, after the outbreak of the Second World War, the British Government designed a number of morale boosting posters that would be displayed across the British Isles during the testing times that lay ahead. With a bold coloured background, the posters were required to be similar in style and feature the symbolic crown of King George VI. The first two posters, Your Courage, Your Cheerfulness, Your Resolution will Bring Us Victory and Freedom is in Peril were produced and posted on public transport, in shop windows and upon notice boards across Britain. The third and final poster of the set simply read Keep Calm and Carry On. The plan in place for this poster was to issue it only upon the invasion of Britain by Germany. As this never happened, the poster was never officially seen by the public. (Adaptado de http://www.keepcalmandcarryon.com/history/. Acessado em 08/09/2013.) a) Com que objetivo o governo da Gr-Bretanha elaborou, em 1939, a srie de posters descrita no texto? b) O que sabemos do terceiro poster, alm do fato de que foi feito nos mesmos moldes dos anteriores, e que continha os dizeres Keep Calm and Carry On?

Questão 6

(UNICAMP - 2014 - 2 fase) South Americas Earliest Empire Images of winged, supernatural beings adorn a pair of heavy gold-and-silver ear ornaments that a high-ranking Wari woman wore to her grave in the newly discovered mausoleum at El Castillo de Huarmey in Peru. The Wari forged South Americas earliest empire between 700 and 1000 A.D., and their Andean capital boasted a population greater than that of Paris at the time. Today, Perus Minister of Culture will officially announce the discovery of the first unlooted Wari imperial tomb by a team of Polish and Peruvian researchers. In all, the archaeological team has found the remains of 63 individuals, including three Wari queens. (Disponvel em http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2013/06/pictures/130627-peru-archaeology-wari-south-america-humansacrifice-royal-ancient-world-photos/. Acessado em 27/08/2013.) a) Que tipo de ornamento pessoal foi encontrado em um stio arqueolgico no Peru, do que ele feito e a quem ele pertencia? b) Explicite duas informaes sobre o povo Wari presentes no texto.

Questão 23

(UNICAMP - 2014 - 2 fase) How to Rid Your Home of Cockroaches Cockroaches are a health hazard and should be eliminated from your home as quickly as possible. Bear in mind that roaches will gravitate toward areas with a water source, a food source, and dark warm places to hide. You can make your home an unlikely target by fixing leaky pipes or dripping faucets. (Adaptado de htto://www.doityourself.com/stry/ridcockroaches/. Acessado em 21/09/2013.) a) Qual o objetivo do texto? Por que atingir esse objetivo muito importante? b) Descreva e justifique o procedimento recomendado no texto para solucionar o problema mencionado.

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