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Questões - UNISC 2021 | Gabarito e resoluções

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Questão 9

(UNISC - 2021) The poet Dylan Thomas wrote that one should not go gently into that food night, that old age should burn and rage at close of day. As a younger man reading that poem, I saw futility in those words. I saw aging only as a failing: a failing of the body, of the mind, and even of the spirit. I saw my 2grandfather suffer aches and pains. Once agile and proudly self-sufficient, by 1his sixties he struggled to swing a hammer and was unable to read a label on a box of Triscuit crackers without his glasses. I listened as my grandmother forgot words, and I cried when eventually she forgot what year it was. At work, I watched as 4people neared retirement age, the spark gone from their eyes, the hope from 3their smiles, counting the days until they could walk away from it all, yet with only the vaguest plans about what they would do once they had so much free time, all day, every day. But as Ive grown older myself, and have spent more time with people who are in the last quarter of their lives. Ive seen a different side of aging. My parents are now in their mideighties and are as engaged with life as 5they have ever been, immersed in social interactions, spiritual pursuits, hiking, and nature, and even starting new 6professional projects. Adapted from LEVITIN, Daniel.Succesful aging: a neuroscientist explores the power and potential of our lives.New York: Dutton, 2020. According to the text, what is the authors main concern?

Questão 10

(UNISC - 2021) The poet Dylan Thomas wrote that one should not go gently into that food night, that old age should burn and rage at close of day. As a younger man reading that poem, I saw futility in those words. I saw aging only as a failing: a failing of the body, of the mind, and even of the spirit. I saw my 2grandfather suffer aches and pains. Once agile and proudly self-sufficient, by 1his sixties he struggled to swing a hammer and was unable to read a label on a box of Triscuit crackers without his glasses. I listened as my grandmother forgot words, and I cried when eventually she forgot what year it was. At work, I watched as 4people neared retirement age, the spark gone from their eyes, the hope from 3their smiles, counting the days until they could walk away from it all, yet with only the vaguest plans about what they would do once they had so much free time, all day, every day. But as Ive grown older myself, and have spent more time with people who are in the last quarter of their lives. Ive seen a different side of aging. My parents are now in their mideighties and are as engaged with life as 5they have ever been, immersed in social interactions, spiritual pursuits, hiking, and nature, and even starting new 6professional projects. Adapted from LEVITIN, Daniel.Succesful aging: a neuroscientist explores the power and potential of our lives.New York: Dutton, 2020. Consider the following statements. I. The word his (ref. 1) refers to grandfather (ref. 2). II. The word their (ref. 3) refers to people (ref. 4). III. The word they (ref. 5) refers to professional projects (ref. 6). Which ones are correct?


(UNISC 2021) Em 2019, antes da pandemia provocada pelo vrus da Covid-19, quatro em cada dez trabalhadores brasileiros ocupados estavam na informalidade. A informalidade no mercado de trabalho brasileiro, de carter estrutural, atingia 41,6% dos trabalhadores do pas em 2019, ou 39,3 milhes de pessoas. https://agenciadenoticias.ibge.gov.br. Acesso em: 12 nov. 2020. A propsito desta informao correto afirmar que I. 60% dos trabalhadores brasileiros ocupados em 2019 estavam na informalidade. II. trabalhador ocupado a pessoa que exerce funes em estabelecimentos pblicos ou particulares. III. trabalho informal aquele no qual a relao trabalhista no est sujeita respectiva legislao nacional de trabalho, no havendo qualquer tipo de proteo social, como aviso prvio de demisso ou afastamento por motivos de sade. Assinale a alternativa correta.


(Unisc 2021) As caractersticas descritas nas afirmativas a seguir esto associadas com diferentes grupos de plantas. I. Plantas com xilema e floema que produzem flores e frutos. II. Plantas avasculares, presena de rizoides para sua fixao aos substratos e com fase de gametfito prolongada. III. Plantas vasculares que no produzem flores e sementes; apresentam alternncia de geraes sendo a fase esporoftica predominante. IV. Plantas vasculares que no produzem flores e cujas sementes no se encontram protegidas por frutos. Identifique a ordem das caractersticas que representam, respectivamente, os grupos de brifitas, pteridfitas, gimnospermas e angiospermas.


(Unisc 2021) Considere os seguintes conjuntos de caractersticas: I Clulas com um ou dois ncleos centrais. II Clulas com muitos ncleos, espalhados por toda a sua extenso. III Clulas com estrias transversais. IV Clulas sem estrias transversais. V- Inervao autnoma contrao involuntria. VI Inervao motora somtica contrao voluntria. VII Inervao autnoma contrao voluntria. associao que caracteriza o msculo cardaco

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