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Questões - AFA 2016 | Gabarito e resoluções

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(AFA - 2016) Se necessrio, use acelerao da gravidade: g = 10 m / s2 densidade da gua: d = 1,0 kg / L calor especfico da gua: c = 1 cal / gC 1 cal = 4 J constante eletrosttica: k = 9,0 . 109N . m2/ C2 constante universal dos gases perfeitos: R = 8 J / mol . K Dois mveis, Ae B,partindo juntos de uma mesma posio, porm com velocidades diferentes, que variam conforme o grfico abaixo, iro se encontrar novamente em um determinado instante. Considerando que os intervalos de tempo t1- t0, t2- t1,t3- t2,t4- t3e t5- t4so todos iguais, os mveis Ae Bnovamente se encontraro no instante


(AFA - 2016) Numa regio onde atua um campo magntico uniforme B vertical, fixam-se dois trilhos retos e homogneos, na horizontal, de tal forma que suas extremidades ficam unidas formando entre si um ngulo . Uma barra condutora AB, de resistncia eltrica desprezvel, em contato com os trilhos, forma um tringulo issceles com eles e se move para a direita com velocidade constante V, a partir do vrtice C no instante t0 = 0, conforme ilustra a figura abaixo. Sabendo-se que a resistividade do material dos trilhos no varia com a temperatura, o grfico que melhor representa a intensidade da corrente eltrica i que se estabelece neste circuito, entre os instantes t1 e t2


(AFA - 2016) Dois mecanismos que giram com velocidades angulares 1 e 2 constantes so usados para lanar horizontalmente duas partculas de massas m1 = 1kg e m2 = 2kg de uma altura h = 30 m, como mostra a figura 1 abaixo Num dado momento em que as partculas passam, simultaneamente, tangenciando o plano horizontal , elas so desacopladas dos mecanismos de giro e, lanadas horizontalmente, seguem as trajetrias 1 e 2 (figura 1) at se encontrarem no ponto P. Os grficos das energias cinticas, em joule, das partculas 1 e 2 durante os movimentos de queda, at a coliso, so apresentados na figura 2 em funo de (h - y), em m, onde y a altura vertical das partculas num tempo qualquer, medida a partir do solo perfeitamente horizontal. Desprezando qualquer forma de atrito, a razo 2/1


(AFA - 2016) PROVA DE REDAO TEXTO I Quarto de Despejo O grito da favela que tocou a conscincia do mundo inteiro 2 de MAIO de 1958. Eu no sou indolente. H tempos que eu pretendia fazer o meu diario. Mas eu pensava que no tinha valor e achei que era perder tempo. ...Eu fiz uma reforma para mim. Quero tratar as pessoas que eu conheo com mais ateno. Quero enviar sorriso amavel as crianas e aos operarios. ...Recebi intimao para comparecer as 8 horas da noite na Delegacia do 12. Passei o dia catando papel. A noite os meus ps doiam tanto que eu no podia andar. Comeou chover. Eu ia na Delegacia, ia levar o Jos Carlos. A intimao era para ele. O Jos Carlos tem 9 anos. 3 de MAIO. ...Fui na feira da Rua Carlos de Campos, catar qualquer coisa. Ganhei bastante verdura. Mas ficou sem efeito, porque eu no tenho gordura. Os meninos esto nervosos por no ter o que comer. 6 de MAIO. De manh no fui buscar agua. Mandei o Joo carregar. Eu estava contente. Recebi outra intimao. Eu estava inspirada e os versos eram bonitos e eu esqueci de ir na Delegacia. Era 11 horas quando eu recordei do convite do ilustre tenente da 12 Delegacia. ...o que eu aviso aos pretendentes a poltica, que o povo no tolera a fome. preciso conhecer a fome para saber descrev-la. Esto construindo um circo aqui na Rua Araguaia, Circo Theatro Nilo. 9 de MAIO. Eu cato papel, mas no gosto. Ento eu penso: Faz de conta que estou sonhando. 10 de MAIO. Fui na Delegacia e falei com o Tenente. Que homem amavel! Se eu soubesse que ele era to amavel, eu teria ido na Delegacia na primeira intimao. (...) O Tenente interessou-se pela educao dos meus filhos. Disse-me que a favela um ambiente propenso, que as pessoas tem mais possibilidades de delinquir do que tornar-se util a patria e ao pas. Pensei: se ele sabe disso, porque no faz um relatorio e envia para os politicos? O Senhor Janio Quadros, o Kubstchek, e o Dr Adhemar de Barros? Agora falar para mim, que sou uma pobre lixeira. No posso resolver nem as minhas dificuldades.(...) O Brasil precisa ser dirigido por uma pessoa que j passou fome. A fome tambem professora. Quem passa fome aprende a pensar no proximo e nas crianas. 11 de MAIO. Dia das mes. O cu est azul e branco. Parece que at a natureza quer homenagear as mes que atualmente se sentem infeliz por no realizar os desejos de seus filhos. (...) O sol vai galgando. Hoje no vai chover. Hoje o nosso dia. (...) A D. Teresinha veio visitar-me. Ela deu-me 15 cruzeiros. Disse-me que era para a Vera ir no circo. Mas eu vou deixar o dinheiro para comprar po amanh, porque eu s tenho 4 cruzeiros.(...) Ontem eu ganhei metade da cabea de um porco no frigorifico. Comemos a carne e guardei os ossos para ferver. E com o caldo fiz as batatas. Os meus filhos esto sempre com fome. Quando eles passam muita fome eles no so exigentes no paladar. (...) Surgiu a noite. As estrelas esto ocultas. O barraco est cheio de pernilongos. Eu vou acender uma folha de jornal e passar pelas paredes. assim que os favelados matam mosquitos. 13 de MAIO. Hoje amanheceu chovendo. um dia simpatico para mim. o dia da Abolio. Dia que comemoramos a libertao dos escravos. Nas prises os negros eram os bodes expiatorios. Mas os brancos agora so mais cultos. E no nos trata com desprezo. Que Deus ilumine os brancos para que os pretos sejam feliz. (...) Continua chovendo. E eu tenho s feijo e sal. A chuva est forte. Mesmo assim, mandei os meninos para a escola. Estou escrevendo at passar a chuva para mim ir l no Senhor Manuel vender os ferros. Com o dinheiro dos ferros vou comprar arroz e linguia. A chuva passou um pouco. Vou sair. (...) Eu tenho d dos meus filhos. Quando eles v as coisas de comer eles brada: Viva a mame!. A manifestao agrada-me. Mas eu j perdi o habito de sorrir. Dez minutos depois eles querem mais comida. Eu mandei o Joo pedir um pouquinho de gordura a Dona Ida. Mandei-lhe um bilhete assim: Dona Ida peo-te se pode me arranjar um pouquinho de gordura, para eu fazer sopa para os meninos. Hoje choveu e no pude catar papel. Agradeo. Carolina (...) Choveu, esfriou. o inverno que chega. E no inverno a gente come mais. A Vera comeou a pedir comida. E eu no tinha. Era a reprise do espetaculo. Eu estava com dois cruzeiros. Pretendia comprar um pouco de farinha para fazer um virado. Fui pedir um pouco de banha a Dona Alice. Ela deu-me a banha e arroz. Era 9 horas da noite quando comemos. E assim no dia 13 de maio de 1958 eu lutava contra a escravatura atual a fome! (DE JESUS, Carolina Maria. Quarto de Despejo.) TEXTO II FAVELRIO NACIONAL Carlos Drummond de Andrade Quem sou eu para te cantar, favela, Que cantas em mim e para ningum a noite inteira de sexta-feira e a noite inteira de sbado E nos desconheces, como igualmente no te conhecemos? Sei apenas do teu mau cheiro: Baixou em mim na virao, direto, rpido, telegrama nasal anunciando morte... melhor, tua vida. ... Aqui s vive gente, bicho nenhum tem essa coragem. ... Tenho medo. Medo de ti, sem te conhecer, Medo s de te sentir, encravada Favela, erisipela, mal-do-monte Na coxa flava do Rio de Janeiro. Medo: no de tua lmina nem de teu revlver nem de tua manha nem de teu olhar. Medo de que sintas como sou culpado e culpados somos de pouca ou nenhuma irmandade. Custa ser irmo, custa abandonar nossos privilgios e traar a planta da justa igualdade. Somos desiguais e queremos ser sempre desiguais. E queremos ser bonzinhos benvolos comedidamente sociologicamente mui bem comportados. Mas, favela, ciao, que este nosso papo est ficando to desagradvel. vs que perdi o tom e a empfia do comeo? ... (ANDRADE, Carlos Drummond de. Corpo. Rio de Janeiro: Record, 1984.) Com base nos textos lidos e analisados, contidos na prova de Lngua Portuguesa, e na coletnea que segue abaixo, escreva um texto dissertativo-argumentativo, em prosa, sobre: A realidade da vida nas favelas e a maneira como so apresentadas atualmente para o mundo. TEXTO I DUAS VEZES FAVELA Boris Faust Marginalizados pela excluso social e idealizados no cinema e na msica popular, morros do Rio vivem entre catstrofe e descaso do poder pblico. A imensa tragdia nos morros do Rio de Janeiro relembra o quanto as favelas cariocas fazem parte do imaginrio dos brasileiros. Comeando pela sua origem e por sua designao, elas tm uma histria peculiar e centenria. Embora haja controvrsias a respeito, parecem ter surgido, por volta de 1897, como local de moradia, oferecido pelo governo aos soldados que regressavam da campanha de Canudos [na Bahia]. No por acaso, a designao favela foi dada por esses soldados que, nas proximidades do arraial de Canudos, acamparam num morro, chamado de morro da Favela, em referncia a um arbusto resistente, muito conhecido nas zonas secas do Nordeste. (...) Com uma distncia de 50 anos, o editorial da revista Anhembi, de responsabilidade do escritor e jornalista Paulo Duarte, fala da vitria de Getlio Vargas nas eleies presidenciais de 3 de outubro de 1950, vinculando-a, no Rio de Janeiro, ao meio milho de miserveis, analfabetos, mendigos famintos e andrajosos, espritos recalcados e justamente ressentidos, indivduos tornados pelo abandono homens boais, maus e vingativos, que desceram os morros embalados pela cantiga da demagogia (...). Idealizao do morro O reverso da demonizao da favela veio pela mo do cinema e principalmente da msica popular. No caso do cinema, uma referncia lendria o filme Favela dos Meus Amores, de 1935, do qual, se no estou enganado, no sobrou uma s cpia. Dirigido por Humberto Mauro, com a colaborao de Henrique Pongetti, sua trilha musical era feita de canes e sambas de Ary Barroso, Custdio Mesquita e Orestes Barbosa, entre outros. Milhares de sambas tematizaram a favela, em fases que tm a ver com a histria do pas, onde predominam ora a idealizao romntica (as cabrochas, os barracos sem trinco, a proximidade do cu), ora a violncia (dos marginais ou da polcia), ora o protesto contra as injustias sociais. Isso foi muito bem mostrado por Jane Souto de Oliveira e Maria Hortense Marcier num ensaio intitulado A Palavra Favela, que se encontra no livro j citado de Zaluar e Alvito. Curiosamente, Noel Rosa [1910-37], um dos grandes da msica popular brasileira, tematizou quase todos esses aspectos, inclusive na clebre polmica com Wilson Batista, respectivamente na defesa e na condenao do malandro. Nos versos da msica popular, encontramos s vezes um apelo para que a cidade enfrente o problema da favela e da habitao popular. o caso de Barraco, a clebre cano de Luiz Antonio e Oldemar Magalhes, que no eram compositores do morro, mas sabiam o que diziam: Ai, barraco/ Pendurado no morro/ Vai pedindo socorro/ cidade a seus ps. Bela inverso, em que uma cidade, geograficamente submetida, tem, no entanto, socialmente, uma posio dominante com relao aos habitantes l do alto. At que ponto o pedido de socorro, diante da catstrofe atual, ser ouvido? At que ponto o problema ser enfrentado com um misto de humanidade e competncia tcnica, margem da falsa dualidade remoo ou urbanizao, que percorre a histria das favelas, como se todas as situaes - na realidade, muito diversas - fossem idnticas? A folha corrida do poder pblico, onde consta o crime do esquecimento de tantas e tantas tragdias, no me permite ser otimista. Mas quem sabe assim espero eu esteja completamente enganado. (www1.folha.uol.com.br/paywall/login.shtml?http://www1.folha.uol.com.Br/fsp/mais/fs1804201009.htm acesso em 20/05/2015) TEXTO II A Defensoria Pblica em parceira com o Polos de Cidadania programa de extenso da Faculdade de Direito da UFMG promoveu, no dia 07 de novembro, a Roda de Conversa para debater sobre o tema Favela. O evento contou com a presena de defensores pblicos, estudantes e moradores destas comunidades. (...) Outro tema abordado foi o esteretipo criado acerca da favela e dos seus moradores: a idealizao, a viso romntica de que so pessoas alegres e unidas, que amam e se orgulham do lugar em que vivem, mesmo passando por muitas dificuldades. De acordo com eles, essa ideia, consumida massivamente pela sociedade principalmente por meio das novelas de televiso, acaba por gerar uma cristalizao da posio social destas pessoas, pois, se to contentes esto com a prpria vida, no faz sentido quererem ascender socialmente ou usufruir os mesmos direitos que moradores de outras reas das cidades. A Roda de Conversa foi realizada na data em que se comemora o dia estadual da Favela disse a defensora pblica Cleide Nepomuceno o que nos faz questionar se h algo a ser comemorado, pois, se de um lado est a iniciativa, organizao e coragem dos moradores em construir o seu prprio espao em contraponto inrcia do Estado e a marginalizao imposta pela sociedade, por outro lado existe uma gama de problemas a serem enfrentados. (...) De acordo com a coordenao, quando se pretende lidar com uma determinada realidade, h que se respeit-la em sua autonomia e peculiaridade, ouvindo sua voz e sua histria. Trabalhar em uma favela, exige, antes de tudo, o reconhecimento daquele local e daquelas pessoas enquanto iguais e dotadas de vivncias por ns desconhecidas, que demandam respeito e cuidado. A oportunidade de ter um dilogo horizontal com pessoas que vivenciam cotidianamente a luta pela moradia digna, a luta contra o racismo, contra a marginalizao e criminalizao da pobreza, dentre outras muitas, uma forma tambm de combater os perniciosos esteretipos que so criados acerca do ambiente da favela e seus moradores. (www.anadep.org.br/wtk/pagina/materia?id=21282 - acesso em 20/05/2015)


(AFA - 2016) Trs pndulos simples 1, 2 e 3 que oscilam em MHS possuem massas respectivamente iguais a m, 2m e 3m so mostrados na figura abaixo. Os fios que sustentam as massas so ideais, inextensveis e possuem comprimento respectivamente L1 , L2 e L3. Para cada um dos pndulos registrou-se a posio (x) em metro, em funo do tempo (t) em segundo, e os grficos desses registros so apresentados nas figuras 1, 2 e 3 abaixo. Considerando a inexistncia de atritos e que a acelerao da gravidade seja g = m/s, correto afirmar que


(AFA - 2016) O lado EF de uma espira condutora quadrada indeformvel, de massam, preso a uma mola ideal e no condutora, de constante elstica K. Na posio deequilbrio, o plano da espira fica paralelo ao campo magntico B gerado por um m em formade U, conforme ilustra a figura abaixo. O lado CD pivotado e pode girar livremente em torno do suporte S, que posicionadoparalelamente s linhas de induo do campo magntico. Considere que a espira percorrida por uma corrente eltrica i, cuja intensidade variasenoidalmente, em funo do tempo t, conforme indicado no grfico abaixo. Nessas condies, pode-se afirmar que a Se necessrio, use acelerao da gravidade: g = 10 m/s2 densidade da gua: d = 1,0 kg /L calor especfico da gua: c = 1cal / g oC 1cal =4 J constante eletrosttica: k = 9 ,0 x 109 Nm2 / C2 constante universal dos gases perfeitos: R =8 J /mol K


(AFA - 2016) O diagrama abaixo ilustra os nveis de energia ocupados por eltrons de um elemento qumico A. Dentro das possibilidades apresentadas nas alternativas abaixo, a energia que poderia restar a um eltron com energia de 12,0 eV, aps colidir com um tomo de A, seria de, em eV,


(AFA - 2016) Considere um objeto formado por uma combinao de um quadrado de aresta acujos vrtices so centros geomtricos de crculos e quadrados menores, como mostra a figura abaixo Colocando-se um espelho plano, espelhado em ambos os lados, de dimenses infinitas e de espessura desprezvel ao longo da reta r,os observadores colocados nas posies 1e 2veriam, respectivamente, objetos completos com as seguintes formas


(AFA - 2016) THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN FRIENDS AND TYPES OF FRIENDSHIP Everyone has at least one best friend, some maybe even more. There are also those people who are just friends and also arch-enemies. People may think that just because they are your friends it means that they are your best friend. The thing is, even though they are your friend, the relationship between a best friend and a friend is different. Either way regardless of archenemies, friends or best friends, there are not many ways to compare any of these different types of friends, but you can easily contrast them from one another. Arch-enemies often know more about each other than two friends. In a comparison of personal relationships, friendship is considered to be closer than association, although a wide range of degrees of intimacy exists in friendships, arch-enemies, and associations. Friendship and association can be thought of as spanning across the same continuum. The study of friendship is included in the fields of sociology, social psychology, anthropology, philosophy, and zoology. Even animals have familiars! Various academic theories of friendship have been proposed, among which are social exchange theory, equity theory, relational dialectics, and attachment styles. In Russia, one typically bestows very few people the status of friend. These friendships, however, make up in intensity what they lack in number. Friends are entitled to call each other by their first names alone, and to use diminutives. A customary example of polite behavior is addressing acquaintances by full first name plus their patronymic. These could include relationships which elsewhere would be qualified as real friendships, such as workplace relationships of long standing, or neighbors with whom one shares an occasional meal or a social drink with. Also in the Middle East and Central Asia, male friendships, while less restricted than in Russia, tend to be reserved and respectable in nature. They may use nicknames and diminutive forms of their first names. In countries like India, it is believed in some parts that friendship is a form of respect, not born out of fear or superiority. Friends are people who are equal in most standards, but still respect each other regardless of their attributes or shortcomings. Most of the countries previously mentioned (Russia, Asia, and even the Middle East) and even our own nation are suffering a decline in genuine friendships. According to a study documented in the June 2006 issue of the Journal American Sociological Review, Americans are thought to be suffering a loss in the quality and quantity of close friendships since at least 1985. The studys results state that twenty-five percent of Americans have no close confidants, and the average total number of confidants per citizen has dropped from four to two. According to the study, Americans dependence on family as a safety net went up from fifty-seven percent to eighty percent; Americans dependence on a partner or spouse went up from five percent to nine percent. Recent studies have found a link between fewer friendships, especially in quality, and psychological and physiological regression. In the sequence of the emotional development of the individual, friendships come after parental bonding and before the pair bonding engaged in at the approach of maturity. In the intervening period between the end of early childhood and the onset of full adulthood, friendships are often the most important relationships in the emotional life of the adolescent, and are often more intense than relationships experienced later in life. Unfortunately, making friends seems to trouble many of people. Having no friends can be emotionally damaging for all ages, from young children to full grown adults. A study performed by researchers from Purdue University found that post-secondary-education friendships, college and university last longer than the friendships before it. Children with Asperger syndrome and autism usually have some difficulty forming friendships. Socially crippling conditions like these are just one way that the social world is so difficult to thrive in. This does not mean that they are not able to form friendships, however. With time, moderation and proper instruction, they are able to form friendships after realizing their own strengths and weaknesses. 1There is a number of theories that attempt to explain the link, including that; Good friends encourage their friends to lead more healthy lifestyles; Good friends encourage their friends to seek help and access services, when needed; Good friends enhance their friends coping skills in dealing with illness and other health problems; and/or Good friends actually affect physiological pathways that are protective of health. Regardless of what we think, we can clearly see that there are some ways that friends, best friends and archenemies are the same, but in the end they are clearly more different. Nonetheless we all have every single type in our lives. (Adapted from: http://www.ukessays.com/essays/philosophy/therelationship-between-friends-and-types-of-friendship-philosophyessay.php) In the sentence there is a number of theories that attempt to explain the link (ref. 1), it is possible to find an option to substitute the pronoun accordingly in


(AFA - 2016) Um balo, cheio de um certo gs, que tem volume de 2,0 m3, mantido em repouso a uma determinada altura de uma superfcie horizontal, conforme a figura abaixo. Sabendo-se que a massa total do balo (incluindo o gs) de 1,6 kg, considerando o ar como uma camada uniforme de densidade igual a 1,3 kg/m3, pode-se afirmar que ao liberar o balo, ele


(AFA - 2016) Um cilindro adiabtico vertical foi dividido em duas partes por um mbolo de 6,0 kg de massa que pode deslizar sem atrito. Na parte superior, fez-se vcuo e na inferior foram colocados 2 mols de um gs ideal monoatmico. Um resistor de resistncia eltrica hmica R igual a 1 colocado no interior do gs e ligado a um gerador eltrico que fornece uma corrente eltrica i, constante, de 400 mA, conforme ilustrado na figura abaixo. Fechando-se a chave Ch durante 12,5 min, o mbolo desloca-se 80 cm numa expanso isobrica de um estado de equilbrio para outro. Nessas condies, a variao da temperatura do gs foi, em C, de PS:


(AFA - 2016) THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN FRIENDS AND TYPES OF FRIENDSHIP Everyone has at least one best friend, some maybe even more. There are also those people who are just friends and also arch-enemies. People may think that just because they are your friends it means that they are your best friend. The thing is, even though they are your friend, the relationship between a best friend and a friend is different. Either way regardless of archenemies, friends or best friends, there are not many ways to compare any of these different types of friends, but you can easily contrast them from one another. Arch-enemies often know more about each other than two friends. In a comparison of personal relationships, 1friendship is considered to be closer than association, although a wide range of degrees of intimacy exists in friendships, arch-enemies, and associations. Friendship and association can be thought of as spanning across the same continuum. 2The study of friendship is included in the fields of sociology, social psychology, anthropology, philosophy, and zoology. Even animals have familiars! Various academic theories of friendship have been proposed, among which are social exchange theory, equity theory, relational dialectics, and attachment styles. 3In Russia, one typically bestows very few people the status of friend. These friendships, however, make up in intensity what they lack in number. Friends are entitled to call each other by their first names alone, and to use diminutives. A customary example of polite behavior is addressing acquaintances by full first name plus their patronymic. These could include relationships which elsewhere would be qualified as real friendships, such as workplace relationships of long standing, or neighbors with whom one shares an occasional meal or a social drink with. Also in the Middle East and Central Asia, male friendships, while less restricted than in Russia, tend to be reserved and respectable in nature. They may use nicknames and diminutive forms of their first names. In countries like India, it is believed in some parts that friendship is a form of respect, not born out of fear or superiority. Friends are people who are equal in most standards, but still respect each other regardless of their attributes or shortcomings. Most of the countries previously mentioned (Russia, Asia, and even the Middle East) and even our own nation are suffering a decline in genuine friendships. According to a study documented in the June 2006 issue of the Journal American Sociological Review, Americans are thought to be suffering a loss in the quality and quantity of close friendships since at least 1985. The studys results state that twenty-five percent of 4Americans have no close confidants, and the average total number of confidants per citizen has dropped from four to two. According to the study, 5Americans dependence on family as a safety net went up from fifty-seven percent to eighty percent; Americans dependence on a partner or spouse went up from five percent to nine percent. Recent studies have found a link between fewer friendships, especially in quality, and psychological and physiological regression. In the sequence of the emotional development of the individual, friendships come after parental bonding and before the pair bonding engaged in at the approach of maturity. In the intervening period between the end of early childhood and the onset of full adulthood, friendships are often the most important relationships in the emotional life of the adolescent, and are often more intense than relationships experienced later in life. 6Unfortunately, making friends seems to trouble many of people. Having no friends can be emotionally damaging for all ages, from young children to full grown adults. A study performed by researchers from Purdue University found that post-secondary-education friendships, college and university last longer than the friendships before it. Children with Asperger syndrome and autism usually have some difficulty forming friendships. 7Socially crippling conditions like these are just one way that the social world is so difficult to thrive in. 8This does not mean that they are not able to form friendships, however. With time, moderation and proper instruction, they are able to form friendships after realizing their own strengths and weaknesses. 9There is a number of theories that attempt to explain the link, including that; Good friends encourage their friends to lead more healthy lifestyles; 10Good friends encourage their friends to seek help and access services, when needed; 11Good friends enhance their friends 12coping skills in dealing with illness and other health problems; and/or Good friends actually affect physiological pathways that are protective of health. Regardless of what we think, we can clearly see that there are some ways that friends, best friends and archenemies are the same, but in the end they are clearly more different. 13Nonetheless we all have every single type in our lives. (Adapted from: http://www.ukessays.com/essays/philosophy/therelationship- between-friends-and-types-of-friendship-philosophyessay. php) Mark the option which shows the same meaning as in Americans dependence on family (reference 5).


(AFA - 2016) Uma partcula de massa m e carga eltrica - q lanada com um ngulo em relao ao eixo x, com velocidade igual a , numa regio onde atuam um campo eltrico E e um campo gravitacional g, ambos uniformes e constantes, conforme indicado na figura abaixo. Desprezando interaes de quaisquer outras naturezas com essa partcula, o grfico que melhor representa a variao de sua energia potencial em funo da distncia (d) percorrida na direo do eixo x,


(AFA - 2016) THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN FRIENDS AND TYPES OF FRIENDSHIP Everyone has at least one best friend, some maybe even more. There are also those people who are just friends and also arch-enemies. People may think that just because they are your friends it means that they are your best friend. The thing is, even though they are your friend, the relationship between a best friend and a friend is different. Either way regardless of archenemies, friends or best friends, there are not many ways to compare any of these different types of friends, but you can easily contrast them from one another. Arch-enemies often know more about each other than two friends. In a comparison of personal relationships, friendship is considered to be closer than association, although a wide range of degrees of intimacy exists in friendships, arch-enemies, and associations. Friendship and association can be thought of as spanning across the same continuum. The study of friendship is included in the fields of sociology, social psychology, anthropology, philosophy, and zoology. Even animals have familiars! Various academic theories of friendship have been proposed, among which are social exchange theory, equity theory, relational dialectics, and attachment styles. In Russia, one typically bestows very few people the status of friend. These friendships, however, make up in intensity what they lack in number. Friends are entitled to call each other by their first names alone, and to use diminutives. A customary example of polite behavior is addressing acquaintances by full first name plus their patronymic. These could include relationships which elsewhere would be qualified as real friendships, such as workplace relationships of long standing, or neighbors with whom one shares an occasional meal or a social drink with. Also in the Middle East and Central Asia, male friendships, while less restricted than in Russia, tend to be reserved and respectable in nature. They may use nicknames and diminutive forms of their first names. In countries like India, it is believed in some parts that friendship is a form of respect, not born out of fear or superiority. Friends are people who are equal in most standards, but still respect each other regardless of their attributes or shortcomings. Most of the countries previously mentioned (Russia, Asia, and even the Middle East) and even our own nation are suffering a decline in genuine friendships. According to a study documented in the June 2006 issue of the Journal American Sociological Review, Americans are thought to be suffering a loss in the quality and quantity of close friendships since at least 1985. The studys results state that twenty-five percent of Americans have no close confidants, and the average total number of confidants per citizen has dropped from four to two. According to the study, Americans dependence on family as a safety net went up from fifty-seven percent to eighty percent; Americans dependence on a partner or spouse went up from five percent to nine percent. Recent studies have found a link between fewer friendships, especially in quality, and psychological and physiological regression. In the sequence of the emotional development of the individual, friendships come after parental bonding and before the pair bonding engaged in at the approach of maturity. In the intervening period between the end of early childhood and the onset of full adulthood, friendships are often the most important relationships in the emotional life of the adolescent, and are often more intense than relationships experienced later in life. Unfortunately, making friends seems to trouble many of people. Having no friends can be emotionally damaging for all ages, from young children to full grown adults. A study performed by researchers from Purdue University found that post-secondary-education friendships, college and university last longer than the friendships before it. Children with Asperger syndrome and autism usually have some difficulty forming friendships. Socially crippling conditions like these are just one way that the social world is so difficult to thrive in. This does not mean that they are not able to form friendships, however. With time, moderation and proper instruction, they are able to form friendships after realizing their own strengths and weaknesses. There is a number of theories that attempt to explain the link, including that; Good friends encourage their friends to lead more healthy lifestyles; Good friends encourage their friends to seek help and access services, when needed; Good friends enhance their friends coping skills in dealing with illness and other health problems; and/or Good friends actually affect physiological pathways that are protective of health. Regardless of what we think, we can clearly see that there are some ways that friends, best friends and archenemies are the same, but in the end they are clearly more different. Nonetheless we all have every single type in our lives. (Adapted from: http://www.ukessays.com/essays/philosophy/therelationship-between-friends-and-types-of-friendship-philosophyessay.php) Mark the option that is closest in meaning to Unfortunately making friends seems to trouble many of people (lines 70-71).


(AFA - 2016) THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN FRIENDS AND TYPES OF FRIENDSHIP Everyone has at least one best friend, some maybe even more. There are also those people who are just friends and also arch-enemies. People may think that just because they are your friends it means that they are your best friend. The thing is, even though they are your friend, the relationship between a best friend and a friend is different. Either way regardless of archenemies, friends or best friends, there are not many ways to compare any of these different types of friends, but you can easily contrast them from one another. Arch-enemies often know more about each other than two friends. In a comparison of personal relationships, friendship is considered to be closer than association, although a wide range of degrees of intimacy exists in friendships, arch-enemies, and associations. Friendship and association can be thought of as spanning across the same continuum. The study of friendship is included in the fields of sociology, social psychology, anthropology, philosophy, and zoology. Even animals have familiars! Various academic theories of friendship have been proposed, among which are social exchange theory, equity theory, relational dialectics, and attachment styles. In Russia, one typically bestows very few people the status of friend. These friendships, however, make up in intensity what they lack in number. Friends are entitled to call each other by their first names alone, and to use diminutives. A customary example of polite behavior is addressing acquaintances by full first name plus their patronymic. These could include relationships which elsewhere would be qualified as real friendships, such as workplace relationships of long standing, or neighbors with whom one shares an occasional meal or a social drink with. Also in the Middle East and Central Asia, male friendships, while less restricted than in Russia, tend to be reserved and respectable in nature. They may use nicknames and diminutive forms of their first names. In countries like India, it is believed in some parts that friendship is a form of respect, not born out of fear or superiority. Friends are people who are equal in most standards, but still respect each other regardless of their attributes or shortcomings. Most of the countries previously mentioned (Russia, Asia, and even the Middle East) and even our own nation are suffering a decline in genuine friendships. According to a study documented in the June 2006 issue of the Journal American Sociological Review, Americans are thought to be suffering a loss in the quality and quantity of close friendships since at least 1985. The studys results state that twenty-five percent of Americans have no close confidants, and the average total number of confidants per citizen has dropped from four to two. According to the study, Americans dependence on family as a safety net went up from fifty-seven percent to eighty percent; Americans dependence on a partner or spouse went up from five percent to nine percent. Recent studies have found a link between fewer friendships, especially in quality, and psychological and physiological regression. In the sequence of the emotional development of the individual, friendships come after parental bonding and before the pair bonding engaged in at the approach of maturity. In the intervening period between the end of early childhood and the onset of full adulthood, friendships are often the most important relationships in the emotional life of the adolescent, and are often more intense than relationships experienced later in life. Unfortunately, making friends seems to trouble many of people. Having no friends can be emotionally damaging for all ages, from young children to full grown adults. A study performed by researchers from Purdue University found that post-secondary-education friendships, college and university last longer than the friendships before it. Children with Asperger syndrome and autism usually have some difficulty forming friendships. Socially crippling conditions like these are just one way that the social world is so difficult to thrive in. This does not mean that they are not able to form friendships, however. With time, moderation and proper instruction, they are able to form friendships after realizing their own strengths and weaknesses. There is a number of theories that attempt to explain the link, including that; Good friends encourage their friends to lead more healthy lifestyles; Good friends encourage their friends to seek help and access services, when needed; Good friends enhance their friends coping skills in dealing with illness and other health problems; and/or Good friends actually affect physiological pathways that are protective of health. Regardless of what we think, we can clearly see that there are some ways that friends, best friends and archenemies are the same, but in the end they are clearly more different. Nonetheless we all have every single type in our lives. (Adapted from: http://www.ukessays.com/essays/philosophy/therelationship-between-friends-and-types-of-friendship-philosophyessay.php) Choose the best option to complete the active form of the sentence: The study of friendship is included in the fields of sociology, social psychology, anthropology, philosophy, and zoology (lines 17 to 19). The fields of sociology, social psychology, anthropology, philosophy, and zoology ______________ the study of friendship.

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