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Conquiste sua aprovação na metade do tempo!

No Kuadro, você aprende a estudar com eficiência e conquista sua aprovação muito mais rápido. Aqui você aprende pelo menos 2x mais rápido e conquista sua aprovação na metade do tempo que você demoraria estudando de forma convencional.

Questões - FAMERP 2019 | Gabarito e resoluções

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(FAMERP - 2019) TEXT There is nothing conventional about 17-year-old Michael Fullers relationship with music. As someone with high-functioning autism who sees the world through sound, creating melodies from the bustle of the high street or trains on the tracks feels more natural than any social interaction. This hardwired connection to sound has been with him for as long as he can remember. By the age of 11, Michael could play Mozart by ear, having taught himself to play the piano through a mobile phone app. The app highlighted notes on a keyboard as classical music played. He describes his unusual musical talent as downloading music into his head. His mother, Nadine, remembers that as a child Michael would suddenly pop up and say: Ive got a symphony. Michael took to the piano and found he could quickly perform complex pieces from memory. I liked what I was hearing, sought more music and began studying through Google and YouTube, he remembers. It was very organic. I would listen in great depth and the music would be implanted in my mind. I could then just play it on the piano all without being taught. Growing up in a family that listened to reggae over classical music, Michael feels very much aware of how different his approach is to music symbolised by the way he taught himself piano as a child. This, his mother says, came as a surprise to the family and myself Id never listened to classical music in my life. It was not long after learning to play the piano that Michael started composing his own works. Describing this process as making music with my mind, Michael says composing classical symphonies helps me to express myself through music it makes me calm. Michael wants to nurture his song writing to achieve his ambition of becoming a modern mainstream classical artist. He wants to control the creative process, unlike typical modern-day composers, who he says write blobs on a page, hand it over to the musicians then say bye-bye and stay in the background and get no recognition. Instead, Michael is determined to take centre stage. (Alex Taylor. www.bbc.com, 27.03.2018. Adaptado.) In the excerpt from the first paragraph has been with him for as long as he can remember, the underlined expression indicates


Na ponte Rio-Niteri h aberturas, chamadas juntas de dilatao, que tm a funo de acomodar a movimentao das estruturas devido s variaes de temperatura. De acordo com a empresa que administra a ponte, no trecho sobre a Baa de Guanabara as juntas de dilatao existem a cada 400 m, com cerca de 12 cm de abertura quando a temperatura est a 25 C. Sabendo que o coeficiente de dilatao linear do material que compe a estrutura da ponte 1,2 105C1, a mxima temperatura que o trecho da ponte sobre a Baa de Guanabara pode atingir, sem que suas partes se comprimam umas contra as outras,


O esquema a seguir representa o processo de extrao do leo essencial de cascas de laranja. Os nmeros 1 e 2 correspondem a processos de separao de misturas denominados, respectivamente,


(FAMERP - 2019) Em janeiro de 2018 foi encontrado em uma mina na frica o quinto maior diamante (uma variedade alotrpica do carbono) do mundo, pesando 900 quilates. Considerando que um quilate equivale a uma massa de 200 mg, a quantidade, em mol, de tomos de carbono existente nesse diamante igual a Dados: C = 12.


(FAMERP - 2019) Os moluscos formam, depois dos artrpodes, o segundo maior filo dos metazorios em nmeros de espcies. So caractersticas que ocorrem em todos os representantes dos moluscos:


(FAMERP - 2019) TEXTO PARA A PRXIMA QUESTO: Leia o texto para responder (s) questo(es). There is nothing conventional about 17-year-old Michael Fullers relationship with music. As someone with high-functioning autism who sees the world through sound, creating melodies from the bustle of the high street or trains on the tracks feels more natural than any social interaction. This hardwired connection to sound has been with him for as long as he can remember. By the age of 11, Michael could play Mozart by ear, having taught himself to play the piano through a mobile phone app. The app highlighted notes on a keyboard as classical music played. He describes his unusual musical talent as downloading music into his head. His mother, Nadine, remembers that as a child Michael would suddenly pop up and say: Ive got a symphony. Michael took to the piano and found he could quickly perform complex pieces from memory. I liked what I was hearing, sought more music and began studying through Google and YouTube, he remembers. It was very organic. I would listen in great depth and the music would be implanted in my mind. I could then just play it on the piano all without being taught. Growing up in a family that listened to reggae over classical music, Michael feels very much aware of how different his approach is to music symbolised by the way he taught himself piano as a child. This, his mother says, came as a surprise to the family and myself Id never listened to classical music in my life. It was not long after learning to play the piano that Michael started composing his own works. Describing this process as making music with my mind, Michael says composing classical symphonies helps me to express myself through music it makes me calm. Michael wants to nurture his song writing to achieve his ambition of becoming a modern mainstream classical artist. He wants to control the creative process, unlike typical modern-day composers, who he says write blobs on a page, hand it over to the musicians then say bye-bye and stay in the background and get no recognition. Instead, Michael is determined to take centre stage. (Alex Taylor. www.bbc.com, 27.03.2018. Adaptado.) In the excerpt from the second paragraph hecouldquickly perform complex pieces, the underlined word indicates


(Famerp 2019) Acampamentos de imigrantes vindos da Venezuela foram destrudos por brasileiros em 18.08.2018, em Pacaraima (RR), na fronteira com o pas vizinho, que sofre com uma crise humanitria e econmica. www.correiobraziliense.com.br, 18.08.2018. Adaptado. O excerto expressa uma ao de


(Famerp 2019) Observe as fotos, respectivamente de 1961 e de 1989. As imagens podem ser utilizadas para


(Famerp 2019) A leishmaniose visceral humana uma doena que afeta o bao e o fgado, provocando problemas imunolgicos e quadros hemorrgicos. Em casos mais graves, pode causar a morte. Uma pessoa pode adquirir essa doena quando


(FAMERP 2019)Analise o heredograma que apresenta uma famlia com algumas pessoas afetadas por uma doena. A partir do heredograma, conclui-se que a doena em questo determinada por gene


(FAMERP - 2019)Analise a seguinte reao qumica que ocorre no sangue humano. Essa reao qumica corresponde principal forma de transporte


(FAMERP-2019) A figura mostra a formao de uma estrutura embrionria X, presente nos cordados, que fica localizada acima da notocorda. A estrutura embrionria X se diferenciar, durante o seu desenvolvimento, em rgos do sistema:


(FAMERP 2019)A figura esquematiza uma flor de angiosperma. Um pesquisador procurava clulas com mutaes gnicas nessa flor que poderiam ser transmitidas s futuras geraes dessa planta. Para que haja xito nessa procura, ele deve analisar as clulas presentes


(FAMERP - 2019) Apenas em 1865, ano do trmino da Guerra Civil, algumas questes que estavam presentes no perodo colonial e na Independncia (como a escravido) seriam parcialmente resolvidas. Parcialmente porque, como lgico notar, o fim da escravido em 1865 no significou o fim do racismo ou da violncia contra os negros. (Leandro Karnal. Estados Unidos: a formao da nao, 2015.) A Guerra Civil Americana (1861-1865)


(Famerp 2019) A figura ilustra o corao humano. A sstole indicada pelas setas 1 e 2 est ocorrendo nos

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