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Conquiste sua aprovação na metade do tempo!

No Kuadro, você aprende a estudar com eficiência e conquista sua aprovação muito mais rápido. Aqui você aprende pelo menos 2x mais rápido e conquista sua aprovação na metade do tempo que você demoraria estudando de forma convencional.

Questões - IME 2010 | Gabarito e resoluções

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Questão 31

(IME - 2010/2011 - 1 FASE) Recently, I was looking for something online, or probably browsing aimlessly, when I happened on a name I hadnt thought of since I was a child: Alfred P. Morgan. Someone had uploaded a digitized version of The Boy Electrician. I was instantly swept back more than half a century to my local library. In my mind I saw the familiar metal shelving and the blue-gray binding of my favorite book, also written and illustrated by Morgan: The Boys First Book of Radio and Electronics. Which of the following expressions is a synonym for aimlessly on the first line of the text?

Questão 32

(IME - 2010/2011 - 1 FASE) An old axiom says that in order to know where you are going, you first have to know where you are. To that, add that you should know which way you are facing. Makers of wireless handsets, proving the old axiom true, have already installed Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers, and are now poised to flood the market with phones containing tiny electronic compasses that allow the gadget to sense exactly what direction its facing. What general idea underlies the paragraph?

Questão 33

[IME- 2010/2011 - 1a fase] Marque a resposta certa, correspondente aos nmeros de oxidao dos elementos sublinhados em cada frmula, na ordem em que esto apresentados.

Questão 33

(IME - 2010/2011 - 1 FASE) An old axiom says that in order to know where you are going, you first have to know where you are. To that, add that you should know which way you are facing. Makers of wireless handsets, proving the old axiom true, have already installed Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers, and are now poised to flood the market with phones containing tiny electronic compasses that allow the gadget to sense exactly what direction its facing. Complete the sentence according to the text: A (an) _____ will let you know where you are, whereas to know which direction you are looking you need a (an) ______.

Questão 34

(IME - 2010/2011 - 1 FASE) An old axiom says that in order to know where you are going, you first have to know where you are. To that, add that you should know which way you are facing. Makers of wireless handsets, proving the old axiom true, have already installed Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers, and are now poised to flood the market with phones containing tiny electronic compasses that allow the gadget to sense exactly what direction its facing. What is known about the makers of wireless handsets?

Questão 34

[IME- 2010/2011 - 1a fase] Considere as espcies de (I) a (IV) e o arcabouo da Tabela Peridica representados a seguir. Assinale a alternativa correta.

Questão 35

[IME- 2010/2011 - 1a fase] O nmero mximo de aldedos que podem ser obtidos pela ozonlise de uma mistura dos hidrocarbonetos com frmula molecular C5H10:

Questão 36

(IME - 2010/2011 - 1 FASE) As both an electrical engineer and a Jesuit priest, Lammert B. Otten can lead a spiritual retreat just as easily as a dam-building project in Zambia. As an engineer, he says, youre concreting with God to make life better for people. What task below could Lammert B. Otten be legally in charge of?

Questão 36

[IME- 2010/2011 - 1a fase] A entalpia de fuso de uma determinada substncia 200 kJ/kg, e seu ponto de fuso normal 27C. Aps a solidificao de 3 kg do material, pode-se afirmar que a entropia desse sistema:

Questão 37

[IME- 2010/2011 - 1a fase] Em sistemas envolvendo reaes paralelas, um importante parmetro a seletividade (se), definida como a razo entre as taxas de gerao dos produtos de interesse (l) e dos secundrios (S). Considere o caso em que a taxa de produo de l dada por KlCr e a de S por KsCr , onde: - Cr a concentrao do reagente; - Kl e Ks so as velocidades especficas de reao para l e S, respectivamente; - e so dois nmeros inteiros e positivos. Para uma temperatura constante, pode-se afirmar que a seletividade:

Questão 37

(IME - 2010/2011 - 1 FASE) The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), which operates airport security checkpoints in the United States, is spending upward of US$ 7 million a year trying to develop technology that can detect the evil intent of the terrorists among us. Yes, you read that correctly: They plan to find the bad guys by reading their minds. Dozens of researchers across the country are in the middle of a five year program contracted primarily to the Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, in Cambridge, Mass. Theyve developed a psycho-physiological theory of malintent basically, a hodgepodge of behaviorism and biometrics according to which physiological chances can give away a terrorists intention to do immediate harm. So far, theyve spent US$ 20 million on biometric research, sensors, and a series of tests and demonstrations. This technology is called the Future Attribute Screening Technology (FAST). The underlying theory is that your body reacts, in measurable and largely involuntary ways, to reveal the nature of your intentions. So as you wait in line at the airport checkpoint, thermal and other types of cameras and laser- and radar -based sensors will try to get a fix on the baseline parameters of your autonomic nervous system your body temperature, your heart rate and respiration, your skins moistness, and the very look in your eyes. Then, as a security officer asks you a few questions, the sensors will remeasure those parameters so that the FAST algorithms can figure out whether youre naughty or nice, all on the spot, without knowing anything else about you. Considering the central idea of the passage, which of the following suggested titles is suitable to the text?

Questão 38

[IME- 2010/2011 - 1a fase] A taxa de emisso de dixido de carbono em funo do consumo mdio de certo combustvel, em um carro de testes, apresentada a seguir. Para um consumo mdio de 10 km/L, a massa total mensal de combustvel consumida 2175 kg. Dentre as opes abaixo, pode-se afirmar que o combustvel testado foi o:

Questão 38

(IME - 2010/2011 - 1 FASE) The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), which operates airport security checkpoints in the United States, is spending upward of US$ 7 million a year trying to develop technology that can detect the evil intent of the terrorists among us. Yes, you read that correctly: They plan to find the bad guys by reading their minds. Dozens of researchers across the country are in the middle of a five year program contracted primarily to the Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, in Cambridge, Mass. Theyve developed a psycho-physiological theory of malintent basically, a hodgepodge of behaviorism and biometrics according to which physiological chances can give away a terrorists intention to do immediate harm. So far, theyve spent US$ 20 million on biometric research, sensors, and a series of tests and demonstrations. This technology is called the Future Attribute Screening Technology (FAST). The underlying theory is that your body reacts, in measurable and largely involuntary ways, to reveal the nature of your intentions. So as you wait in line at the airport checkpoint, thermal and other types of cameras and laser- and radar -based sensors will try to get a fix on the baseline parameters of your autonomic nervous system your body temperature, your heart rate and respiration, your skins moistness, and the very look in your eyes. Then, as a security officer asks you a few questions, the sensors will remeasure those parameters so that the FAST algorithms can figure out whether youre naughty or nice, all on the spot, without knowing anything else about you. What expression could replace malintent in the second paragraph still keeping the same meaning for the text?

Questão 39

[IME- 2010/2011 - 1a fase] Observe as estruturas abaixo e analise as afirmativas feitas sobre elas. 1 As estruturas (I) e (IV) representam ismeros constitucionais. 2 As estruturas (I) e (III) representam um par de enantimeros. 3 Existem quatro estereoismeros que tm a frmula estrutural condensada (II). 4 Os compostos (V) e (VII) apresentam pontos de fuso idnticos. 5 As estruturas (VIII) e (IX) representam um par de diastereoismeros. 6 Todos os compostos (V) a (X) apresentam atividade ptica. 7 As estruturas (VIII) e (X) so representaes do mesmo composto. Podemos concluir que so verdadeiras as afirmativas:

Questão 39

(IME - 2010/2011 - 1 FASE) The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), which operates airport security checkpoints in the United States, is spending upward of US$ 7 million a year trying to develop technology that can detect the evil intent of the terrorists among us. Yes, you read that correctly: They plan to find the bad guys by reading their minds. Dozens of researchers across the country are in the middle of a five year program contracted primarily to the Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, in Cambridge, Mass. Theyve developed a psycho-physiological theory of malintent basically, a hodgepodge of behaviorism and biometrics according to which physiological chances can give away a terrorists intention to do immediate harm. So far, theyve spent US$ 20 million on biometric research, sensors, and a series of tests and demonstrations. This technology is called the Future Attribute Screening Technology (FAST). The underlying theory is that your body reacts, in measurable and largely involuntary ways, to reveal the nature of your intentions. So as you wait in line at the airport checkpoint, thermal and other types of cameras and laser- and radar -based sensors will try to get a fix on the baseline parameters of your autonomic nervous system your body temperature, your heart rate and respiration, your skins moistness, and the very look in your eyes. Then, as a security officer asks you a few questions, the sensors will remeasure those parameters so that the FAST algorithms can figure out whether youre naughty or nice, all on the spot, without knowing anything else about you. What is true about the ideas mentioned in the text?

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