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Questões - IME 2011 | Gabarito e resoluções

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(IME - 2011/2012 - 2 FASE) Encontram-se em destaque cinco termos ou expresses. Assinale a alternativa correspondente ao termo cujo emprego est INCORRETO. After dining, Richard Flaming, a mechanical engineer, described his 10-year odyssey to break the wind powered land speed recording at 126.2 mph, on March 20th.


(IME - 2011/2012 - 2 FASE) Leia o texto seguinte e complete as lacunas com a palavra ou expresso correta de acordo com o espaamento 07. Atmospheric Physics is the study of physical processes in the atmosphere; understanding the climate and the weather, and the physical reasons ____01______ it is as it is and how it might change in the future. My own particular research background is in radiative transfer and ____02______ I mean the transport of electromagnetic radiation through the atmosphere; _____03_____ the Suns radiation coming in, getting absorbed and scattered in the air, and the transfer of heat radiation emitted by the Earths surface. From a _____04_____ physics perspective theres an awful lot of things about the atmosphere that we dont understand, and of course, its very classical physics in the ____05______ that its looking at fluid dynamics and thermodynamics applied to the natural environment. What motivates us really is to try and explain what we see in the environment, what _____06_____ it and what might change it in the future, both in _____07_____ of local weather but also climate, by _____08_____ I mean larger areas and larger timescales. My background has led me to an interest in how solar radiation _____09_____ in the atmosphere, so ____10______ at how changes in the Sun might affect the climate for the past year.


(IME - 2011/2012 - 2 FASE) Leia o texto seguinte e complete as lacunas com a palavra ou expresso correta de acordo com o espaamento 06. Atmospheric Physics is the study of physical processes in the atmosphere; understanding the climate and the weather, and the physical reasons ____01______ it is as it is and how it might change in the future. My own particular research background is in radiative transfer and ____02______ I mean the transport of electromagnetic radiation through the atmosphere; _____03_____ the Suns radiation coming in, getting absorbed and scattered in the air, and the transfer of heat radiation emitted by the Earths surface. From a _____04_____ physics perspective theres an awful lot of things about the atmosphere that we dont understand, and of course, its very classical physics in the ____05______ that its looking at fluid dynamics and thermodynamics applied to the natural environment. What motivates us really is to try and explain what we see in the environment, what _____06_____ it and what might change it in the future, both in _____07_____ of local weather but also climate, by _____08_____ I mean larger areas and larger timescales. My background has led me to an interest in how solar radiation _____09_____ in the atmosphere, so ____10______ at how changes in the Sun might affect the climate for the past year.


(IME - 2011/2012 - 2 FASE) Leia o texto seguinte e complete as lacunas com a palavra ou expresso correta de acordo com o espaamento 09. Atmospheric Physics is the study of physical processes in the atmosphere; understanding the climate and the weather, and the physical reasons ____01______ it is as it is and how it might change in the future. My own particular research background is in radiative transfer and ____02______ I mean the transport of electromagnetic radiation through the atmosphere; _____03_____ the Suns radiation coming in, getting absorbed and scattered in the air, and the transfer of heat radiation emitted by the Earths surface. From a _____04_____ physics perspective theres an awful lot of things about the atmosphere that we dont understand, and of course, its very classical physics in the ____05______ that its looking at fluid dynamics and thermodynamics applied to the natural environment. What motivates us really is to try and explain what we see in the environment, what _____06_____ it and what might change it in the future, both in _____07_____ of local weather but also climate, by _____08_____ I mean larger areas and larger timescales. My background has led me to an interest in how solar radiation _____09_____ in the atmosphere, so ____10______ at how changes in the Sun might affect the climate for the past year.


(IME - 2011/2012 - 2 FASE) Leia os excertos e marque a opo com a resposta correta. On the mountain slopes south of Pompeii, a group of Roman citizens flee the doomed city, leaving their footprints in a layer of volcanic ash. Two thousand years later the footprints are rediscovered, and a joint Anglo-Italian dig is set up. Eminent Oxford archaeologist, Professor Julian Lockhart, unearths an exciting finding, but then he vanishes mysteriously. English detectives Nick Roberts and Lucia Fabri go out to assist the Italian police with the investigation, unaware of the sinister forces both human and natural that lie in wait for them. Their subsequent race for survival sweeps them up in an eerie reenactment of historical events. About the passage, it is correct to affirm that


[IME - 2011/2012 - 1a fase] PRODUO DE TEXTO (REDAO) Instrues: No copie trechos dos textos nem dos fragmentos de textos apresentados. Redija seu texto em prosa, de acordo com a norma culta escrita da lngua portuguesa. Redija um texto de 25 (mnimo) a 35 linhas (mximo). Atribua um ttulo a seu texto. Considerando a coletnea de textos apresentada nesta prova, a definio da palavra abaixo e o poema de Cames a seguir, reflita sobre a ideia de mudana a que eles remetem. A partir de sua reflexo, elabore um texto dissertativo-argumentativo em que voc discorra sobre a necessidade inerente ao ser humano de estar em contnua mudana, seja no aspecto psicolgico, social, cientfico ou tecnolgico, e sua consequente necessidade de adaptao a essas mudanas. Utilize informaes e argumentos que deem consistncia a seu ponto de vista. Definio Mudana: substantivo feminino. 1.Algo que sai da condio, estado natural daquele em que se encontrava; 2.Modificao parcial ou total de algo; transformao; 3.Transferncia para outro local; 4.Troca de uma coisa por outra; 5.Alterao nociva das caractersticas de algo, desfigurao; deturpao; 6.Retirada da posio original ou daquela em que estava; remoo. HOUAISS, Antnio; VILLAR, Mauro de Salles; FRANCO, Francisco Manoel de Mello. Dicionrio Houaiss da Lngua Portuguesa. 2.ed. Rio de Janeiro: Objetiva, 2004.(Adaptado) MUDAM-SE OS TEMPOS, MUDAM-SE AS VONTADES Mudam-se os tempos, mudam-se as vontades, Muda-se o ser, muda-se a confiana; Todo o mundo composto de mudana, Tomando sempre novas qualidades. Continuamente vemos novidades, Diferentes em tudo da esperana; Do mal ficam as mgoas na lembrana, E do bem, se algum houve, as saudades. O tempo cobre o cho de verde manto, Que j coberto foi de neve fria, E em mim converte em choro o doce canto. E, afora este mudar-se cada dia, Outra mudana faz de mor espanto: Que no se muda j como soa. CAMES, Lus Vaz de. Mudam-se os tempos, mudam-se as vontades. Disponvel em http://pt.wikisource.org/wiki/Mudam-se_os_tempos_mudam-se_as_vontades. Acesso em 20 jun 2011. Glossrio soer: verbo 1.ser comum, frequente; costumar; 2.ter por hbito. HOUAISS, Antnio; VILLAR, Mauro de Salles; FRANCO, Francisco Manoel de Mello. Dicionrio Houaiss da Lngua Portuguesa. 2.ed. Rio de Janeiro: Objetiva, 2004.(Adaptado)


(IME - 2011/2012 - 2 FASE) Leia o texto seguinte e complete as lacunas com a palavra ou expresso correta de acordo com o espaamento 10. Atmospheric Physics is the study of physical processes in the atmosphere; understanding the climate and the weather, and the physical reasons ____01______ it is as it is and how it might change in the future. My own particular research background is in radiative transfer and ____02______ I mean the transport of electromagnetic radiation through the atmosphere; _____03_____ the Suns radiation coming in, getting absorbed and scattered in the air, and the transfer of heat radiation emitted by the Earths surface. From a _____04_____ physics perspective theres an awful lot of things about the atmosphere that we dont understand, and of course, its very classical physics in the ____05______ that its looking at fluid dynamics and thermodynamics applied to the natural environment. What motivates us really is to try and explain what we see in the environment, what _____06_____ it and what might change it in the future, both in _____07_____ of local weather but also climate, by _____08_____ I mean larger areas and larger timescales. My background has led me to an interest in how solar radiation _____09_____ in the atmosphere, so ____10______ at how changes in the Sun might affect the climate for the past year.


(IME - 2011/2012 - 2 FASE) Leia o texto seguinte e complete as lacunas com a palavra ou expresso correta de acordo com o espaamento 05. Atmospheric Physics is the study of physical processes in the atmosphere; understanding the climate and the weather, and the physical reasons ____01______ it is as it is and how it might change in the future. My own particular research background is in radiative transfer and ____02______ I mean the transport of electromagnetic radiation through the atmosphere; _____03_____ the Suns radiation coming in, getting absorbed and scattered in the air, and the transfer of heat radiation emitted by the Earths surface. From a _____04_____ physics perspective theres an awful lot of things about the atmosphere that we dont understand, and of course, its very classical physics in the ____05______ that its looking at fluid dynamics and thermodynamics applied to the natural environment. What motivates us really is to try and explain what we see in the environment, what _____06_____ it and what might change it in the future, both in _____07_____ of local weather but also climate, by _____08_____ I mean larger areas and larger timescales. My background has led me to an interest in how solar radiation _____09_____ in the atmosphere, so ____10______ at how changes in the Sun might affect the climate for the past year.

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