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No Kuadro, você aprende a estudar com eficiência e conquista sua aprovação muito mais rápido. Aqui você aprende pelo menos 2x mais rápido e conquista sua aprovação na metade do tempo que você demoraria estudando de forma convencional.

Questões - IME 2014 | Gabarito e resoluções

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Questão 32

[IME - 2014/2015 - 1a fase] Um volume de uma soluo aquosa de 6 mol/L contm inicialmente uma massa de ons . So realizadas n extraes utilizando, em cada uma delas, o mesmo volume de ter etlico, o qual um solvente seletivo para. Sabendo que o coeficiente de partio do ferro entre o ter e a soluo aquosa de vale , qual das expresses abaixo equivalente massa de ons remanescente na fase aquosa ao final do processo? Suponha que a extrao do soluto no altera o volume da soluo de .

Questão 32

(IME - 2014/2015 - 2FASE) Escolha a alternativa que complete a sentena CORRETAMENTE. Russian Sports Minister says he ___________ by the slow pace of designing the countrys stadiums for the 2018 World Cup and threatened heads will roll if the situation is not rectified

Questão 33

[IME - 2014/2015 - 1a fase] Um pesquisador verificou, em uma determinada posio geogrfica, por meio da anlise de amostras de gua do mar extradas do local, que a massa especfica mdia da gua do mar era 1,05 g/mL, a concentrao mdia de espcies dissolvidas era 0,80 mol/L e a temperatura mdia era de 290 K. O mesmo pesquisador, com o objetivo de colher gua doce em seu estudo, planeja envolver, com uma membrana semipermevel ideal, uma das extremidades abertas de um longo tubo, a qual ser imersa na gua do mar. A que profundidade mnima, em metros, o tubo deveria ser imerso? Dados: acelerao da gravidade: g = 10,0 ms-2 constante dos gases: R = 0,082 atm.L.mol-1.K-1 = 62,3 mmHg.L.mol-1.K-1 = 1,99 cal.mol-1.K-1 = 8,31 J.mol-1.K-1 = 8,31 x 107erg.mol-1.K-1

Questão 33

(IME - 2014/2015 - 2FASE) Encontram-se em destaque cinco termos. Assinale a alternativa correspondente ao termo cujo emprego est INCORRETO. If mankind can learn to respect other human beings in thoughts, words, and actions, humanity may survive on this planet, Earth. If parents teach children clearly not only to respect their elders but to treat everyone with respect and courtesy, children may grow up to be responsible adults whose influence other people to respect human feeling, rights and property. They may grow up to cherish human life, not annihilate it. All people want respect, so they must give it to earn it.

Questão 34

[IME - 2014/2015 - 1a fase] Considere os compostos abaixo enumerados. I. Acetona; II. Neopentano; III. Flureto de ltio; IV. Etanamida; V. Pentano; Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a sequncia correta, conforme a ordem crescente de ponto de ebulio.

Questão 34

(IME - 2014/2015 - 2FASE) Encontram-se em destaque cinco termos. Assinale a alternativa correspondente ao termo cujo emprego est INCORRETO. The history of modern-day soccer was established in 1863. In October 1863, eleven representatives from London clubs and schools met at the Freemasons Tavern to set up common fundamental rules to control the matches amongst themselves. The outcome of this meeting was the formation of the Football Association. In December 1863, the Rugby Football and Football Association finally split as the supporters of the Rugby School rules walked in.

Questão 35

[IME - 2014/2015 - 1a fase] Dados os elementos abaixo, marque a alternativa correta, considerando-se as condies de 1 atme 25 C.

Questão 35

(IME - 2014/2015 - 2FASE) Escolha a alternativa que complete a sentena (1) CORRETAMENTE . Born on October 23, 1940, in Trs Coraes, Brazil, soccer legend Pel became a superstar with his performance in the 1958 World Cup. Pel played professionally in Brazil for two decades, (1)__________ three World Cups along the way, before joining the New York Cosmos late in his career. Named FIFA co-Player of the Century in 1999, he is a global ambassador for soccer and other (2)____________ causes. The world was officially introduced to Pel in the 1958 World Cup in Sweden. Displaying (3)_____________ speed, athleticism and field vision, the 17-year-old erupted to score three goals in a 5-2 semifinal win over France, then netted two more in the finals, a 5-2 win over the host country. Retirement did little to diminish the public profile of Pel, who (4)______________ a popular pitchman and active in many professional arenas. In 1978, Pel was awarded the International Peace Award for his work with UNICEF. He has also served (5) __________ Brazils Extraordinary Minister for Sport and a United Nations ambassador for ecology and the environment. Disponvel em: http://www.biography.com/people/pel%C3%A9-39221#more-world-cuptitlesawesm=~oCVdN6MwV2RG2S. Acesso em 22 de abril 2014.

Questão 36

(IME - 2014/2015 - 2FASE) Escolha a alternativa que complete a sentena (2) CORRETAMENTE . Born on October 23, 1940, in Trs Coraes, Brazil, soccer legend Pel became a superstar with his performance in the 1958 World Cup. Pel played professionally in Brazil for two decades, (1)__________ three World Cups along the way, before joining the New York Cosmos late in his career. Named FIFA co-Player of the Century in 1999, he is a global ambassador for soccer and other (2)____________ causes. The world was officially introduced to Pel in the 1958 World Cup in Sweden. Displaying (3)_____________ speed, athleticism and field vision, the 17-year-old erupted to score three goals in a 5-2 semifinal win over France, then netted two more in the finals, a 5-2 win over the host country. Retirement did little to diminish the public profile of Pel, who (4)______________ a popular pitchman and active in many professional arenas. In 1978, Pel was awarded the International Peace Award for his work with UNICEF. He has also served (5) __________ Brazils Extraordinary Minister for Sport and a United Nations ambassador for ecology and the environment. Disponvel em: http://www.biography.com/people/pel%C3%A9-39221#more-world-cuptitlesawesm=~oCVdN6MwV2RG2S. Acesso em 22 de abril 2014.

Questão 36

[IME - 2014/2015 - 1a fase] Uma certa reao qumica a presso e temperatura constantes apresenta uma pequena variao da Energia Livre (), de valor prximo de zero, uma variao positiva da entropia () e uma variao negativa da entalpia (). Considerando-se apenas estes dados, pode-se afirmar que a reao

Questão 37

(IME - 2014/2015 - 2FASE) Escolha a alternativa que complete a sentena (3) CORRETAMENTE . Born on October 23, 1940, in Trs Coraes, Brazil, soccer legend Pel became a superstar with his performance in the 1958 World Cup. Pel played professionally in Brazil for two decades, (1)__________ three World Cups along the way, before joining the New York Cosmos late in his career. Named FIFA co-Player of the Century in 1999, he is a global ambassador for soccer and other (2)____________ causes. The world was officially introduced to Pel in the 1958 World Cup in Sweden. Displaying (3)_____________ speed, athleticism and field vision, the 17-year-old erupted to score three goals in a 5-2 semifinal win over France, then netted two more in the finals, a 5-2 win over the host country. Retirement did little to diminish the public profile of Pel, who (4)______________ a popular pitchman and active in many professional arenas. In 1978, Pel was awarded the International Peace Award for his work with UNICEF. He has also served (5) __________ Brazils Extraordinary Minister for Sport and a United Nations ambassador for ecology and the environment. Disponvel em: http://www.biography.com/people/pel%C3%A9-39221#more-world-cuptitlesawesm=~oCVdN6MwV2RG2S. Acesso em 22 de abril 2014.

Questão 37

[IME - 2014/2015 - 1a fase] Um istopo radioativo Xtransforma-se em um elemento estvel Yaps reaes de desintegrao radioativa com emisso de radiao , radiao negativa e radiao . Assinale a alternativa correta.

Questão 38

(IME - 2014/2015 - 2FASE) Escolha a alternativa que complete a sentena (4) CORRETAMENTE . Born on October 23, 1940, in Trs Coraes, Brazil, soccer legend Pel became a superstar with his performance in the 1958 World Cup. Pel played professionally in Brazil for two decades, (1)__________ three World Cups along the way, before joining the New York Cosmos late in his career. Named FIFA co-Player of the Century in 1999, he is a global ambassador for soccer and other (2)____________ causes. The world was officially introduced to Pel in the 1958 World Cup in Sweden. Displaying (3)_____________ speed, athleticism and field vision, the 17-year-old erupted to score three goals in a 5-2 semifinal win over France, then netted two more in the finals, a 5-2 win over the host country. Retirement did little to diminish the public profile of Pel, who (4)______________ a popular pitchman and active in many professional arenas. In 1978, Pel was awarded the International Peace Award for his work with UNICEF. He has also served (5) __________ Brazils Extraordinary Minister for Sport and a United Nations ambassador for ecology and the environment. Disponvel em: http://www.biography.com/people/pel%C3%A9-39221#more-world-cuptitlesawesm=~oCVdN6MwV2RG2S. Acesso em 22 de abril 2014.

Questão 39

(IME - 2014/2015 - 2FASE) Escolha a alternativa que complete a sentena (5) CORRETAMENTE . Born on October 23, 1940, in Trs Coraes, Brazil, soccer legend Pel became a superstar with his performance in the 1958 World Cup. Pel played professionally in Brazil for two decades, (1)__________ three World Cups along the way, before joining the New York Cosmos late in his career. Named FIFA co-Player of the Century in 1999, he is a global ambassador for soccer and other (2)____________ causes. The world was officially introduced to Pel in the 1958 World Cup in Sweden. Displaying (3)_____________ speed, athleticism and field vision, the 17-year-old erupted to score three goals in a 5-2 semifinal win over France, then netted two more in the finals, a 5-2 win over the host country. Retirement did little to diminish the public profile of Pel, who (4)______________ a popular pitchman and active in many professional arenas. In 1978, Pel was awarded the International Peace Award for his work with UNICEF. He has also served (5) __________ Brazils Extraordinary Minister for Sport and a United Nations ambassador for ecology and the environment. Disponvel em: http://www.biography.com/people/pel%C3%A9-39221#more-world-cuptitlesawesm=~oCVdN6MwV2RG2S. Acesso em 22 de abril 2014.

Questão 39

[IME - 2014/2015 - 1a fase] Considere as etapas sequenciais de mistura/filtrao do processo no contnuo a seguir. No Misturador 1, antes da adio de 100 mL de uma soluo aquosa de sulfato de amnio 20 g/L, encontram-se 100 mL de uma soluo aquosa composta por massas iguais de nitrato de prata, nitrato cprico e nitrato de chumbo (II), de concentrao total 60 g/L. Ao Misturador 2, que contm o material passante do Filtro 1, adicionam-se 100 mL de uma soluo aquosa de carbonato de sdio 40 g/L e uma pequena quantidade de uma soluo de hidrxido de sdio objetivando o adequado ajuste do pH de precipitao para, em seguida, proceder a filtrao. Sobre os produtos de filtrao, pode se dizer que:

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