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Questões - ITA 1996 | Gabarito e resoluções

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(ITA - 1996) Considere uma soluo aquosa com 10,0%(m/m) de cido sulfrico, cuja massaespecfica a 20C, 1,07 g/cm3. Existem muitas maneiras de exprimir a concentrao de cidosulfrico nesta soluo. Em relao a essas diferentes maneiras de expressar a concentraodo cido, qual das alternativas a seguir est ERRADA?


(Ita 1996) Considere as seguintes afirmativas: I. Um copo de gua gelada apresenta gotculas de gua em sua volta porque a temperatura daparede do copo menor que a temperatura de orvalho do ar ambiente. II. A nvoa (chamada por alguns de vapor) que sai do bico de uma chaleira com gua quente tanto mais perceptvel quanto menor for a temperatura ambiente. III. Ao se fechar um freezer, se sua vedao fosse perfeita, no permitindo a entrada e asada de ar de seu interior, a presso interna ficaria inferior presso do ar ambiente.


(ITA -1996) Up until now, Gates has largely controlled the unfolding of his remarkable story. At 39, he seems to have achieved the information ages equivalent of the American Dream. Through intelligence, ruthlessness and hard work he dominates a technology so central to modern life that it touches nearly every office, school and desktop. 1He is very, very rich and so powerful that even his enemies are eager to cut deals with him. Now he wants more, a piece of all the action - the bills people pay, the phone calls they make, the news they read, the TV they watch. But he may have reached that point in the arc of success where the very qualities that raised him high could start to drag him down. If Gates is feeling a little cranky these days, he has good reason. The U.S. Justice Department derailed his $2 billion bid to acquire Intuit and its popular Quicken electronic check book program, a deal that ___(I)____ realize Microsofts ambition to make money from almost every commercial transaction in cyberspace. Another team of U.S. government lawyers is snooping around asking questions about Microsoft Network, the new on-line service he plans to launch in August. And an antitrust suit that has been hanging over his head for nearly five years - and which he thought lie had settled last year - is in legal limbo, held hostage by an ornery federal judge. Despite the companys reputation as a juggernaut, Microsoft is running into some unexpected snags in the marketplace as well. Gates wants desperately to seize control of the so-called local area networks, where more and more corporate business is done. But ___(II)___ company is having trouble developing ___(III)___ product that can compete with Lotus Notes, which dominates the market for groupware (the software that helps people brainstorm over these networks) ___(IV)___ Novells NetWare still controls two-thirds of the market for the software that runs the office systems, despite Microsofts best efforts with Windows NT. And Microsofts SQL Server is still struggling to win customers from Oracle, which owns almost half the market for ___(V)___ critical database software that stores the corporate words most important information. As lacunas II, III, IV e V devem ser preenchidas, quando necessrio, pelos artigos:


(Ita 1996) Um estudante do ITA foi a uma loja comprar uma lmpada para o seu apartamento. A tenso da rede eltrica do alojamento dos estudantes do ITA 127 V, mas a tenso da cidade de So Jos dos Campos de 220 V. Ele queria uma lmpada de 25 W de potncia que funcionasse em 127 V, mas a loja tinha somente lmpadas de 220 V. Comprou, ento, uma lmpada de 100 W fabricada para 220 V, e ligou-a em 127 V. Se pudermos ignorar a variao da resistncia do filamento da lmpada com a temperatura, podemos afirmar que:


(Ita 1996) Uma técnica muito empregada para medir o valor da aceleração da gravidade local é aquela que utiliza um pêndulo simples. Para se obter a maior precisão no valor de g deve-se:


(Ita 1996) No processo de aquecimento, na presença de ar representado pela equação Ca(HCO3)2 (c) CaO (c) + 2 CO2 (g) + H2O (g) Qual é a perda de massa para cada grama do respectivo reagente no estudo sólido? Massas atômicas: Ca = 40,08; H = 1,01; O = 16,00; C = 12,01


(Ita 1996) Uma roda dágua converte em eletricidade, com uma eficiência de 30%, a energiade 200 litros de água por segundo caindo de uma altura de 5,0 metros. A eletricidade gerada éutilizada para esquentar 50 litros de água de 15 C a 65 C. O tempo aproximado que leva aágua para esquentar até a temperatura desejada é:


(ITA -1996) TEXTO PARA A PRXIMA QUESTO: Up until now, Gates has largely controlled the unfolding of his remarkable story. At 39, he seems to have achieved the information ages equivalent of the American Dream. Through intelligence, ruthlessness and hard work he dominates a technology so central to modern life that it touches nearly every office, school and desktop. 1He is very, very rich and so powerful that even his enemies are eager to cut deals with him. Now he wants more, a piece of all the action - the bills people pay, the phone calls they make, the news they read, the TV they watch. But he may have reached that point in the arc of success where the very qualities that raised him high could start to drag him down. If Gates is feeling a little cranky these days, he has good reason. The U.S. Justice Department derailed his $2 billion bid to acquire Intuit and its popular Quicken electronic check book program, a deal that ___(I)____ realize Microsofts ambition to make money from almost every commercial transaction in cyberspace. Another team of U.S. government lawyers is snooping around asking questions about Microsoft Network, the new on-line service he plans to launch in August. And an antitrust suit that has been hanging over his head for nearly five years - and which he thought lie had settled last year - is in legal limbo, held hostage by an ornery federal judge. Despite the companys reputation as a juggernaut, Microsoft is running into some unexpected snags in the marketplace as well. Gates wants desperately to seize control of the so-called local area networks, where more and more corporate business is done. But ___(II)___ company is having trouble developing ___(III)___ product that can compete with Lotus Notes, which dominates the market for groupware (the software that helps people brainstorm over these networks). ___(IV)___ Novells NetWare still controls two-thirds of the market for the software that runs the office systems, despite Microsofts best efforts with Windows NT. And Microsofts SQL Server is still struggling to win customers from Oracle, which owns almost half the market for ___(V)___ critical database software that stores the corporate words most important information. As lacunas II, III, IV e V devem ser preenchidas, quando necessrio, pelos artigos:


(ITA - 1996 - 1 FASE) Descansem o meu leito solitrio Na floresta dos homens esquecida. sombra de uma cruz, e escrevam nela: - Foi poeta - sonhou - e amou na vida. O excerto acima de autoria de........, importante poeta do ultra-romantismo brasileiro, autor de.........


(ITA -1996) Up until now, Gates has largely controlled the unfolding of his remarkable story. At 39, he seems to have achieved the information ages equivalent of the American Dream. Through intelligence, ruthlessness and hard work he dominates a technology so central to modern life that it touches nearly every office, school and desktop. 1He is very, very rich and so powerful that even his enemies are eager to cut deals with him. Now he wants more, a piece of all the action - the bills people pay, the phone calls they make, the news they read, the TV they watch. But he may have reached that point in the arc of success where the very qualities that raised him high could start to drag him down. If Gates is feeling a little cranky these days, he has good reason. The U.S. Justice Department derailed his $2 billion bid to acquire Intuit and its popular Quicken electronic check book program, a deal that ___(I)____ realize Microsofts ambition to make money from almost every commercial transaction in cyberspace. Another team of U.S. government lawyers is snooping around asking questions about Microsoft Network, the new on-line service he plans to launch in August. And an antitrust suit that has been hanging over his head for nearly five years - and which he thought lie had settled last year - is in legal limbo, held hostage by an ornery federal judge. Despite the companys reputation as a juggernaut, Microsoft is running into some unexpected snags in the marketplace as well. Gates wants desperately to seize control of the so-called local area networks, where more and more corporate business is done. But ___(II)___ company is having trouble developing ___(III)___ product that can compete with Lotus Notes, which dominates the market for groupware (the software that helps people brainstorm over these networks) ___(IV)___ Novells NetWare still controls two-thirds of the market for the software that runs the office systems, despite Microsofts best efforts with Windows NT. And Microsofts SQL Server is still struggling to win customers from Oracle, which owns almost half the market for ___(V)___ critical database software that stores the corporate words most important information. O pargrafo a seguir reproduz a mesma ideia contida no (incio do segundo pargrafo). Respondendo a essa questo, voc estar tambm preenchendo a lacuna I do texto. If the U. S. Justice Department had not derailed Gates bid to acquire Intuit, the deal............ realizeMicrosofts ambition to make money from almost every commercial transaction in cyberspace.


(ITA -1996) Um copo, com capacidade de 250 ml, contm 100 ml de uma soluo aquosa 0,10 molar em cido actico na temperatura de 25C. Nesta soluo ocorre o equilbrio A adio de mais 100 ml de gua pura a esta soluo, com a temperatura permanecendo constante, ter as seguintes consequncias: I. Concentrao de ons acetato (mol/litro). II. Quantidade de ons acetato (mol).


(ITA - 1996 - 1 FASE) OS CES - Lutar. Podes escach-los ou no; 1o essencial que lutes. Vida luta. Vida 2SEM LUTA um mar morto no centro do organismo universal. DA A POUCO demos COM UMA BRIGA 3de ces; fato que AOS OLHOS DE UM HOMEM VULGAR no teria valor. Quincas Borba fez-me parar e observar os ces. Eram dois. Notou que 4ao p deles estava um osso, MOTIVO DA GUERRA, e no deixou de chamar a minha ateno para a circunstncia de que o osso no tinha carne. Um simples osso nu. Os ces 1(6)mordiam-se, rosnavam, COM O FUROR NOS OLHOS... Quincas Borba meteu a bengala 5DEBAIXO DO BRAO, e parecia EM XTASE. - Que belo que isto ! dizia ele de quando em quando. Quis arranc-lo dali, mas no pude; ele estava arraigado AO CHO, e s continuou A ANDAR, quando a briga 2(7)cessou INTEIRAMENTE, e um dos ces, MORDIDO e vencido, foi levar a sua fome A OUTRA PARTE. Notei que ficara sinceramente ALEGRE, 6posto contivesse a ALEGRIA, segundo convinha a um grande filsofo. Fez-me observar a beleza do espetculo, relembrou o objeto da luta, concluiu que os ces tinham fome; mas a privao do alimento era nada para os efeitos gerais da filosofia. Nem deixou de recordar que em algumas partes do globo o espetculo mais grandioso: as criaturas humanas que 3(8)disputam aos ces os ossos e outros manjares menos APETECVEIS; luta que se complica muito, porque entra em ao a inteligncia do homem, com todo o acmulo de sagacidade que lhe deram os sculos etc. As trs afirmaes a seguir podem estar corretas ou incorretas. Aps ler atentamente o texto e as afirmaes propostas, assinale a alternativa certa. I - Evidencia-se no texto que qualquer fato, por mais insignificante que seja, possibilita prazer esttico ao homem dotado de alguma sensibilidade e percepo. II - Dado o tipo de reao que a cena desperta na personagem principal, predomina no texto o sentimentalismo e o otimismo. III - Segundo Quincas Borba, o mais importante de uma cena, mesmo que banal, so as reaes de prazer, alegria e arrebatamento que ela pode provocar nas pessoas.


(ITA-SP) No circuito mostrado na figura abaixo, a fora eletromotriz da bateria E=10V e sua resistncia interna r=1Ω Sabendo-se que R=4,0Ω e C=2,0F, e que o capacitor j se encontra totalmente carregado, quais as afirmaes so corretas? I. A indicao do ampermetro 0 A. II. A carga armazenada no capacitor 16C. III. A tenso entre os pontos a e b 2,0V. IV. A corrente na resistncia R 2,5 A.


(ITA - 1996) Considere as funes reais f e g definidas por , e , O maior subconjunto de onde pode ser definida a composta fog, tal que , :


(Ita 1996) Fazendo compras num supermercado, um estudante utiliza dois carrinhos.Empurra o primeiro, de massa m, com uma fora F, horizontal, o qual, por sua vez, empurraoutro de massa M sobre um assoalho plano e horizontal. Se o atrito entre os carrinhos e oassoalho puder ser desprezado, pode-se afirmar que a fora que est aplicada sobre osegundo carrinho :

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