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Questões de Inglês - ITA | Gabarito e resoluções

Questão 11

[ITA - 1 FASE -2009] (7 questo sobre o texto) Considere as seguintes frases extradas do texto e as respectivas reescritas. I. ... a young engineer dons a firefighters uniform that has been in testing for six months. (pargrafo 1) ... a firefighters uniform that has been in testing for six months is donned by a young engineer. II. ... Commission-funded teams have already produced prototypes with limited commercial availability... (pargrafo 3) ... prototypes with limited commercial availability have already produced by Commission-funded teams. III. ... researchers are testing a glove made by Smartex, an Italian smart-materials company, ... (pargrafo 6) ... a glove made by Smartex, an Italian smart-materials company, has been tested by researchers. Est(o) correta(s)

Questão 12

[ITA - 1 FASE -2009] Assinale a opo que melhor preenche a fala do balo em branco no primeiro quadrinho.

Questão 13

[ITA - 1 FASE -2009] (1 questo sobre o texto) Indique o gnero, em ingls, ao qual o texto acima pertence.

Questão 14

[ITA - 1 FASE -2009] (2 questo sobre o texto) Considere as seguintes afirmaes. I. As duas obras discutidas no texto tm como assunto principal o uso do computador e suas aplicaes atuais e potenciais. II. Shneiderman e Fogg, autores do texto, mostram a potencial aplicao da internet nos dias atuais. III. De acordo com Shneiderman, o computador eficaz deve ser, concomitantemente, uma ferramenta capaz de persuadir e um agente interativo. Est(o) correta(s)

Questão 15

[ITA - 1 FASE -2009] (3 questo sobre o texto) Com relao a Leonardos Laptop: Human Needs and the New Computing Technologies, NO se pode dizer que a obra

Questão 16

[ITA - 1 FASE -2009] (4 questo sobre o texto) Com relao a Persuasive Technology: Using Computers to Change What We Think and Do, analise as afirmaes a seguir: I. O trabalho foi idealizado no Laboratrio de Tecnologia Persuasiva da Universidade de Stanford e consiste na stima criao intelectual do autor. II. Ao propor um novo conceito na rea computacional, o autor destaca mudanas de atitude ou de comportamento dos usurios. III. A obra argumenta que uma pgina da web deve ser confivel para seduzir o usurio. Est(o) correta(s)

Questão 17

[ITA - 1 FASE -2009] (1 questo sobre o texto) Leia as informaes abaixo sobre Milton Hatoum: I. Viveu em diferentes pases e cidades e pretende conhecer lugares na ndia e na frica. II. Destaca a viagem ao Lbano, com seu pai, h 30 anos, como uma das mais marcantes de sua vida. III. Elegeu Provena ou Toscana para fixar residncia. Est(o) correta(s)

Questão 18

[ITA - 1 FASE -2009] (2 questo sobre o texto) De acordo com a entrevista, Milton Hatoum I. um renomado escritor, que recebeu premiao recentemente pela novela Dois Irmos. II. costuma reler suas obras quando est com tempo livre. III. reconhece caractersticas pessoais nos personagens que cria. Est(o) correta(s)

Questão 19

[ITA - 1 FASE -2009] (3 questo sobre o texto) Considere as seguintes tradues das respostas de Milton Hatoum: I. What elevates or demeans a human being is not religion, gender, color, ethnicity - none of that. O que enaltece ou descaracteriza um ser humano no a religio, o sexo, a cor, a tica - nada disso. II. I hate meanness, deceit, dishonest people. Eu odeio mesquinharia, falsidade, pessoas desonestas. III. Right now, after finishing a novel, I feel a bit like Im hanging in mid-air, aimless. Agora, depois de terminar uma novela, eu me sinto totalmente no ar, sem rumo. Est(o) correta(s)

Questão 20

[ITA - 1 FASE -2009] (4 questo sobre o texto) Marque a opo incorreta.

Questão 1

(ITA - 2008 - 1a Fase) Assinale a informao NO contida no texto.

Questão 3

(ITA - 2008 - 1a Fase) Assinale a opo que indica o link que contm as informaes abaixo.

Questão 4

(ITA - 2008 - 1a Fase) Botelho a worthy Award Winner This year, Brazil and the world have been celebrating the 100th anniversary of the first flight at a public event by Brazilian Alberto Santos-Dumont. With his imminent retirement next April as president and chief executive officer of Embraer, Mauricio Botelho must be seen as another Brazilian aviation hero, one who turned a small money-losing company into a vibrant world-class aircraft manufacturer. Botelho spent the first 15 years of his working career at Embraer before leaving to pursue other opportunities. When he returned in 1995, Embraer had been privatised and was embarking on production and delivery of its first regional jets, several years behind competitor Bombardier. The Embraer ERJ-145 had its maiden flight just weeks before Botelho came on board. First delivery was in late 1996, and the company has never looked back. Nearly 1,000 aircraft based on the ERJ-145 platform have been delivered to 87 operators around the world. A decate on, the ERJ-145 program has reached the 10 million flight-hour milestone. Under Botelhos leadship, Embraer has had a penchant for seizing market opportunities. It saw an unfilled market niche for aircraft seating 70-110, and its four-model 170/190 program has won 731 orders to date from airlines around the world. Embraer also used the ERJ platform to develop an Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance aircraft, and to produce the Legacy, its first foray into business jets. It is now raking in orders for three other business aircraft in development. Botelhos legacy is a dynamic company, one of Brazils leading exporters, investing in its employees and technology to produce top-notch aircraft. Airline Business Daily@ ALTA, 2 December, 2006 p. 6 De acordo com o texto, pode-se inferir que Maurcio Botelho

Questão 5

(ITA - 2008 - 1a Fase) Botelho a worthy Award Winner This year, Brazil and the world have been celebrating the 100th anniversary of the first flight at a public event by Brazilian Alberto Santos-Dumont. With his imminent retirement next April as president and chief executive officer of Embraer, Mauricio Botelho must be seen as another Brazilian aviation hero, one who turned a small money-losing company into a vibrant world-class aircraft manufacturer. Botelho spent the first 15 years of his working career at Embraer before leaving to pursue other opportunities. When he returned in 1995, Embraer had been privatised and was embarking on production and delivery of its first regional jets, several years behind competitor Bombardier. The Embraer ERJ-145 had its maiden flight just weeks before Botelho came on board. First delivery was in late 1996, and the company has never looked back. Nearly 1,000 aircraft based on the ERJ-145 platform have been delivered to 87 operators around the world. A decate on, the ERJ-145 program has reached the 10 million flight-hour milestone. Under Botelhos leadship, Embraer has had a penchant for seizing market opportunities. It saw an unfilled market niche for aircraft seating 70-110, and its four-model 170/190 program has won 731 orders to date from airlines around the world. Embraer also used the ERJ platform to develop an Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance aircraft, and to produce the Legacy, its first foray into business jets. It is now raking in orders for three other business aircraft in development. Botelhos legacy is a dynamic company, one of Brazils leading exporters, investing in its employees and technology to produce top-notch aircraft. Airline Business Daily@ ALTA, 2 December, 2006 p. 6 Considere as seguintes informaes: I. O modelo ERJ-145, fabricado pela EMBRAER, teve Maurcio Botelho como um dos idealizadores. II. A empresa Bombardier passou a produzir jatos regionais para competir com os jatos do mesmo padro, fabricados pela EMBRAER. III. A gesto de Maurcio Botelho na EMBRAER foi bem-sucedida devido ao investimento em tecnologia e em recursos humanos. Est(o) correta(s)

Questão 6

(ITA - 2008 - 1a Fase) Botelho a worthy Award Winner This year, Brazil and the world have been celebrating the 100th anniversary of the first flight at a public event by Brazilian Alberto Santos-Dumont. With his imminent retirement next April as president and chief executive officer of Embraer, Mauricio Botelho must be seen as another Brazilian aviation hero, one who turned a small money-losing company into a vibrant world-class aircraft manufacturer. Botelho spent the first 15 years of his working career at Embraer before leaving to pursue other opportunities. When he returned in 1995, Embraer had been privatised and was embarking on production and delivery of its first regional jets, several years behind competitor Bombardier. The Embraer ERJ-145 had its maiden flight just weeks before Botelho came on board. First delivery was in late 1996, and the company has never looked back. Nearly 1,000 aircraft based on the ERJ-145 platform have been delivered to 87 operators around the world. A decate on, the ERJ-145 program has reached the 10 million flight-hour milestone. Under Botelhos leadship, Embraer has had a penchant for seizing market opportunities. It saw an unfilled market niche for aircraft seating 70-110, and its four-model 170/190 program has won 731 orders to date from airlines around the world. Embraer also used the ERJ platform to develop an Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance aircraft, and to produce the Legacy, its first foray into business jets. It is now raking in orders for three other business aircraft in development. Botelhos legacy is a dynamic company, one of Brazils leading exporters, investing in its employees and technology to produce top-notch aircraft. Airline Business Daily@ ALTA, 2 December, 2006 p. 6 Considere as seguintes afirmaes: I. maiden em The Embraer ERJ-145 had its maiden flight just weeks before (4o Pargrafo) pode ser substitudo por single. II. penchant em ...Embraer has had a penchant for seizing market opportunities. (5o Pargrafo) pode ser substitudo por tendency. III. foray em ... its first foray into business jets. (6o Pargrafo) pode ser substitudo por attempt. Est(o) correta(s)