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Questões de Inglês - ITA | Gabarito e resoluções


(ITA - 2015 - 1 FASE) De acordo com o texto,


(ITA - 2015 - 1 FASE) THE World Cup is still two weeks away, but for children worldwide (plus disturbing numbers of adults) the race to complete the Brazil 2014 sticker book started long ago. Panini, an Italian firm, has produced sticker albums for World Cups since Mexico 1970; this years version has 640 stickers to collect. Collecting them is no idle pursuit, however. Getting every slot filled delivers an early lesson in probability, the value of statistical tests and the importance of liquidity. When you start an album, your first sticker (in Britain, they come in packs of five) has a 640/640 probability of being needed. As the spaces get filled, the odds of opening a pack and finding a sticker you want fall. According to Sylvain Sardy and Yvan Velenik, two mathematicians at the University of Geneva, the number of sticker packs that you would have to buy on average to fill the album by mechanically buying pack after pack would be 899. 1That assumes there is no supply shock to the market (the theft of hundreds of thousands of stickers in Brazil in April left many fearful 2that Panini would run short of cards). It also assumes that the market is not being rigged. 6Panini says that each sticker is printed in the same volumes and randomly distributed. In a 2010 paper Messrs Sardy and Velenik gamely played the role of regulator by checking the distribution of stickers for a 660-sticker album sold in Switzerland for 3that years World Cup. Out of their sample of 6,000 stickers, they expected to see each sticker 9.09 times on average (6,000/660), which was broadly borne out in practice. Even in a fair market, it is inefficient to buy endless packs as an individual (not to mention bloody expensive for the parents). The answer is to create a market for collectors to swap their unwanted stickers. The playground is one version of this market, 4where a child who has a card prized by many suddenly understands the power of limited supply. Sticker fairs are another. As with any market, liquidity counts. The more people who can be attracted into the market with their duplicate cards, the better the chances of finding the sticker you want. Messrs Sardy and Velenik reckon that a group of ten astute sticker-swappers would need a mere 1,435 packs between them to complete all ten albums, if they take advantage of Paninis practice of selling the final 50 missing stickers to order. Internet forums, where potentially unlimited numbers of people can swap stickers, make this number fall even further. The idea of a totally efficient market should dismay Panini, 5which will sell fewer packs as a result. But as in all markets, behaviour is not strictly rational. Despite entreaties, your correspondents son is prepared to tear out most of his stickers to get hold of Lionel Messi. Fonte: http://www.economist.com/news/finance-and-economics/21603019-got-got-got-got-got-need-stickernomics Acesso: 13/ago/2014 O autor do texto I. atribui ao roubo de milhares de figurinhas no Brasil a dificuldade para comprar e trocar entre colecionadores. II. deprecia as estratgias do Grupo Panini para comercializar lbuns de figurinhas da Copa do Mundo. III. descreve o mercado de figurinhas da Copa do Mundo e apresenta aos colecionadores possibilidades de obteno de figurinhas. Est(o) correta(s)


(ITA - 2015 - 1 FASE) A vestimenta idealizada no projeto Talos dever satisfazer apenas uma das condies abaixo:


(ITA - 2015 - 1 FASE) A empresa Legacy Effects


(ITA - 2015 - 1 FASE) O projeto Talos


(ITA - 2015 - 1 FASE) Na frase She said she had been driving home from work the night before, and she found herself behind a man in a convertible (linhas 3 e 4), a formao correta quanto ao uso do discurso direto :


(ITA - 2015 - 1 FASE) Considere o texto Stickernomics para responder. Marque a opo em que o item lexical sublinhado no remete a uma informao anterior.


(ITA - 2015 - 1 FASE) A frase She had given me a window into myself (linha 24 e 25) expressa


(ITA - 2015 - 1 FASE) Assinale a orao que no contm expresso ou termo qualificador


(ITA - 2015 - 1 FASE) De acordo com as informaes no texto, Robbee Kosak

Questão 5

(ITA - 2014 - 1 FASE) A questo abaixo se refere ao seguinte texto. Indique o item lexical que pode substituir o sublinhado no trecho ... mostly on probability theory and electromagnetic wave propagation. (linhas 11 e 12), sem prejudicar o seu sentido.


(ITA - 2014 - 1 FASE) (5 questo sobre o texto) A questo abaixo se refere ao seguinte texto. Assinale a opo em que o emprego sinttico do item lexical that diferente dos demais.


(ITA - 2014 - 1 FASE) (4questo sobre o texto) A questo abaixo se refere ao seguinte texto. Assinale a opo correta.


(ITA - 2014 - 1 FASE) (3 questo sobre o texto) A questo abaixo se refere ao seguinte texto. Considere as sentenas: I. A gerao millennials no se incomoda com status social. II. A gerao millennials j atingiu os 40 anos de idade. III. A gerao baby boomers faz parte dos apreciadores da fabricante de carros Mercedes. Est(o) correta(s)


(ITA - 2014 - 1 FASE) (2 questo sobre o texto) A questo abaixo se refere ao seguinte texto. Assinale a opo em que a retirada do termo sublinhado compromete o sentido da orao.