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Questões - UFMG 2003 | Gabarito e resoluções

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(Ufmg 2003) Com base na leitura de Broquéis, de Cruz e Sousa, é INCORRETO afirmar que se trata de uma poesia


(Ufmg 2003) Em um laboratório de Física, Agostinho realiza o experimento representado, esquematicamente, na figura adiante. Agostinho segura o bloco K sobre uma mesa sem atrito. Esse bloco está ligado por um fio a um outro bloco, L, que está sustentado por esse fio. Em um certo momento, Agostinho solta o bloco K e os blocos começam a se movimentar. O bloco L atinge o solo antes que o bloco K chegue à extremidade da mesa. Despreze as forças de atrito. Os blocos K e L são idênticos e cada um tem massa m. A altura da mesa é H e o bloco L, inicialmente, está a uma altura h do solo. A aceleração da gravidade é g. Nessas condições, imediatamente ANTES de o bloco L atingir o solo, a energia cinética do conjunto dos dois blocos é:


(UFMG - 2003) H, porm, duas maneiras de tornar-se prncipe o homem comum, as quais no podem ser inteiramente atribudas ou sorte ou ao merecimento, e no me parece que deva deix-las de lado, embora de uma delas se possa mais extensamente falar no lugar em que se discorrer sobre as repblicas. So elas: quando, por qualquer forma criminosa ou nefanda, se ascende ao principado; e quando, mediante o favor dos seus concidados, torna-se algum prncipe de sua ptria. As ideias contidas nesse trecho, influentes no processo de formao dos Estados nacionais na Europa Ocidental, podem ser associadas a


(UFMG - adaptada) Para chegar ao segundo andar de sua escola, Andr pode subir por uma escada ou por uma rampa. Se subir pela escada, com velocidade constante, ele demora 10s; no entanto, se ele for pela rampa, com a mesma velocidade, leva 15s. Sejam W(E) o trabalho realizado e P(E) a potncia mdia desenvolvida por Andr para ir ao segundo andar pela escada. Indo pela rampa, esses valores so, respectivamente, W(R) e P(R). Despreze perdas de energia por atrito. Com base nessas informaes, CORRETO afirmar que


(Ufmg 2003) Nesta figura, estão representados dois fios, percorridos por correntes elétricas de mesma intensidade e de sentidos contrários, e dois pontos, K e L: Os fios e os pontos estão no mesmo plano. O ponto L é equidistante dos dois fios e o ponto K está à esquerda deles. Considerando-se essas informações, é CORRETO afirmar que o campo magnético,


(Ufmg 2003) COMPLETE el siguiente diálogo utilizando el futuro o el futuro perfecto, según corresponda. (El primer ejecicio está puesto como ejemplo.) MARIANA: Tú crees que SABRÁS (saber) todo para tu examen final? ROBERTO: Creo que sí y, también, creo que Juana _________________ (querer) estar conmigo después de mi éxito. MARIANA: __________________ (ser) posible que seas tan vanidoso! ROBERTO: Por qué vanidoso! En febrero cuando estés entrando a la universidad, yo ya ________________ (terminar) mi curso y __________________ (tener) mi firma... y eso les gusta a las mujeres. MARIANA: Por favor no te equivoques, no todas las mujeres somos iguales. ROBERTO: Esperemos, te _________________ (demostrar) lo contrario.


(UFMG - 2003) Traveling To some extent, traveling entails fantasizing. We dream of finding someone interesting away from vigilant neighbors, from family control, from our own self-criticism. There is nothing necessarily [5] wrong with that fantasy nor with its realization. Now traveling is more rewarding, much more complex than that. It means coming out of hiding, getting out of the rut, looking around ourselves, seeing the world, [10] opening our minds to new dimensions of human existence. At a certain moment in our life, that may include an opening to new relationships, seen as rewarding experiences. On the other hand, traveling may develop our ability to stay alone, to face up to our fears, to meet the unknown head on, without turning to others for safety. It means being able to survive without old habits. While [15] traveling for pleasure, a workaholic may feel the same withdrawal symptoms that plague those who cease to take addictive drugs. Traveling tests and helps develop our independence. It makes us feel that the ground under our feet is within ourselves, not outside. Getting in touch with another culture also elicits fantasies involving [20] the stranger. Foreigners evoke many different emotions. One of them is the magic that surrounds someone from a distant, mysterious world. Only everyday-life can disentangle reality from magic. Yet, magic and enchantment do have a place in life. In a sense, traveling distinguishes us from reptiles. Alligators, for instance, [25] are intent exclusively on survival; they never leave their territory, they never relinquish safety and protection. Merely surviving is not enough for us humans. We want to live, and that sometimes entails going out to distant places in search of adventure. Traveling, like any other human experience, may provide an opportunity to prepare even for death. If we succeed in coming out of [30] hiding and living in different environments, perhaps we will be less disturbed when our body no longer is part of our luggage and only our essence departs for the great adventure. Traveling is being confident about the fact that our life can be lived wherever we are. Adapted from Traveling, sex, and fantasiesby Maria de Melo Azevedo, caro, n.189, May 2000. p. 20. *os nmeros entre colchetes indicam os nmeros das linhas do texto original. According to the text, traveling does NOT mean


(UFMG - 2003) Traveling To some extent, traveling entails fantasizing. We dream of finding someone interesting away from vigilant neighbors, from family control, from our own self-criticism. There is nothing necessarily [5] wrong with that fantasy nor with its realization. Now traveling is more rewarding, much more complex than that. It means coming out of hiding, getting out of the rut, looking around ourselves, seeing the world, [10] opening our minds to new dimensions of human existence. At a certain moment in our life, that may include an opening to new relationships, seen as rewarding experiences. On the other hand, traveling may develop our ability to stay alone, to face up to our fears, to meet the unknown head on, without turning to others for safety. It means being able to survive without old habits. While [15] traveling for pleasure, a workaholic may feel the same withdrawal symptoms that plague those who cease to take addictive drugs. Traveling tests and helps develop our independence. It makes us feel that the ground under our feet is within ourselves, not outside. Getting in touch with another culture also elicits fantasies involving [20] the stranger. Foreigners evoke many different emotions. One of them is the magic that surrounds someone from a distant, mysterious world. Only everyday-life can disentangle reality from magic. Yet, magic and enchantment do have a place in life. In a sense, traveling distinguishes us from reptiles. Alligators, for instance, [25] are intent exclusively on survival; they never leave their territory, they never relinquish safety and protection. Merely surviving is not enough for us humans. We want to live, and that sometimes entails going out to distant places in search of adventure. Traveling, like any other human experience, may provide an opportunity to prepare even for death. If we succeed in coming out of [30] hiding and living in different environments, perhaps we will be less disturbed when our body no longer is part of our luggage and only our essence departs for the great adventure. Traveling is being confident about the fact that our life can be lived wherever we are. Adapted from Traveling, sex, and fantasiesby Maria de Melo Azevedo, caro, n.189, May 2000. p. 20. *os nmeros entre colchetes indicam os nmeros das linhas do texto original. Traveling and death are similar experiences because both require us to


(UFMG - 2003) Traveling To some extent, traveling entails fantasizing. We dream of finding someone interesting away from vigilant neighbors, from family control, from our own self-criticism. There is nothing necessarily [5] wrong with that fantasy nor with its realization. Now traveling is more rewarding, much more complex than that. It means coming out of hiding, getting out of the rut, looking around ourselves, seeing the world, [10] opening our minds to new dimensions of human existence. At a certain moment in our life, that may include an opening to new relationships, seen as rewarding experiences. On the other hand, traveling may develop our ability to stay alone, to face up to our fears, to meet the unknown head on, without turning to others for safety. It means being able to survive without old habits. While [15] traveling for pleasure, a workaholic may feel the same withdrawal symptoms that plague those who cease to take addictive drugs. Traveling tests and helps develop our independence. It makes us feel that the ground under our feet is within ourselves, not outside. Getting in touch with another culture also elicits fantasies involving [20] the stranger. Foreigners evoke many different emotions. One of them is the magic that surrounds someone from a distant, mysterious world. Only everyday-life can disentangle reality from magic. Yet, magic and enchantment do have a place in life. In a sense, traveling distinguishes us from reptiles. Alligators, for instance, [25] are intent exclusively on survival; they never leave their territory, they never relinquish safety and protection. Merely surviving is not enough for us humans. We want to live, and that sometimes entails going out to distant places in search of adventure. Traveling, like any other human experience, may provide an opportunity to prepare even for death. If we succeed in coming out of [30] hiding and living in different environments, perhaps we will be less disturbed when our body no longer is part of our luggage and only our essence departs for the great adventure. Traveling is being confident about the fact that our life can be lived wherever we are. Adapted from Traveling, sex, and fantasiesby Maria de Melo Azevedo, caro, n. 189, May 2000. p. 20. *os nmeros entre colchetes indicam os nmeros das linhas do texto original. Another adequate title for this text could be


(UFMG - 2003) Traveling To some extent, traveling entails fantasizing. We dream of finding someone interesting away from vigilant neighbors, from family control, from our own self-criticism. There is nothing necessarily [5] wrong with that fantasy nor with its realization. Now traveling is more rewarding, much more complex than that. It means coming out of hiding, getting out of the rut, looking around ourselves, seeing the world, [10] opening our minds to new dimensions of human existence. At a certain moment in our life, that may include an opening to new relationships, seen as rewarding experiences. On the other hand, traveling may develop our ability to stay alone, to face up to our fears, to meet the unknown head on, without turning to others for safety. It means being able to survive without old habits. While [15] traveling for pleasure, a workaholic may feel the same withdrawal symptoms that plague those who cease to take addictive drugs. Traveling tests and helps develop our independence. It makes us feel that the ground under our feet is within ourselves, not outside. Getting in touch with another culture also elicits fantasies involving [20] the stranger. Foreigners evoke many different emotions. One of them is the magic that surrounds someone from a distant, mysterious world. Only everyday-life can disentangle reality from magic. Yet, magic and enchantment do have a place in life. In a sense, traveling distinguishes us from reptiles. Alligators, for instance, [25] are intent exclusively on survival; they never leave their territory, they never relinquish safety and protection. Merely surviving is not enough for us humans. We want to live, and that sometimes entails going out to distant places in search of adventure. Traveling, like any other human experience, may provide an opportunity to prepare even for death. If we succeed in coming out of [30] hiding and living in different environments, perhaps we will be less disturbed when our body no longer is part of our luggage and only our essence departs for the great adventure. Traveling is being confident about the fact that our life can be lived wherever we are. Adapted from Traveling, sex, and fantasiesby Maria de Melo Azevedo, caro, n.189, May 2000. p. 20. *os nmeros entre colchetes indicam os nmeros das linhas do texto original. Now traveling is more rewarding... (line 6) To keep the same meaning, the word now could be replaced by


(UFMG - 2003) Em 1776, aps uma srie de conflitos, parcela expressiva das sociedades das Treze Colnias se articulou no sentido de romper com o domnio ingls. Considerando-se esse processo, bem como seus desdobramentos, CORRETO afirmar que ele se:


(UFMG -2003) The Bug is Back Health authorities defeated dengue decades ago by vanquishing the mosquito that spreads 2it. Then why were half a million Brazilians sick this past summer? Its not a prettysight. The Ades aegypti mosquito, which spreads dengue and yellow fever, was eradicated decades ago. But the 1bugis back with a vengeance. It gave Brazil a dengue epidemic. Scientists now say the worst is yet to come. Why is nothing being done? Brazil is a case study of how badly things went awry. Twice the aggressive 4mosquitobattalions had freed Brazilian territory of Ades aegypti in 1955 and again in 1973. But these were the days of an ambitious military regime in Brazil, which had bigger things than bugs on its agenda. Instead of diligently tracking the disease, the generals poured money into highways, power plants and winning the Amazon frontier. When the dengue mosquito resurfaced, in 1976, Brasilia reacted swiftly to hush it up, under the cloak of national security. The generals are gone now, but the government continues to botch opportunities. There is no mystery, scientists say, to eradicating dengue: destroy the mosquito and 3its eggs, and the virus cannot prosper. Yet spraying is rarely done, except after an epidemic has hit. No one bothers with disease control until people start going to the hospital,says Hermann Schatzmayr, head of virology at Rios Oswaldo Cruz Foundation. Ades aegypti is now at home in 3,700 counties, including 60 percent of Brazil, and increasingly resistant to pesticides. Newsweek, June 17, 2002. p. 40-41. Which of the following words is NOT used to refer to Aedes aegypti??


(UFMG - 2003) Este grfico representa a variao da temperatura de ebulio, a 1 atm, de srieshomlogas de alcois e alcanos de cadeia linear, em funo da massa molar: Considerando-se esse grfico e os compostos nele representados, INCORRETO afirmar que


(UFMG 2003) Muitos agricultores têm abandonado o plantio nas encostas das serras devido à dificuldade de máquinas agrícolas modernas trabalharem em terras íngremes. Observa-se, em vários desses locais, a recuperação de florestas, inclusive de trechos de Mata Atlântica, graças ao processo representado nesta figura: Considerando-se o processo de recuperação dessas áreas, é CORRETO afirmar que:


(UFMG - 2003) Neste momento, estamos passando de um estgio emocional para um estgio racional. Em fevereiro, a inflao a inflao mais a correo monetria estava nos conduzindo para uma situao na qual o Brasil seria um pas absolutamente ingovernvel. Naquela ocasio, fizemos o que achamos que deveria ter sido feito, sem levar em considerao os custos polticos das nossas decises, e sim o bem do povo [...] Uma vez anunciada a reforma econmica, o que se viu foi uma extraordinria adeso popular. No podamos antever que a reao seria to favorvel. O povo tomou conscincia da cidadania. Trecho de entrevista concedida pelo, ento, Presidente da Repblica, Jos Sarney. Veja, n. 949, 12 nov. 1986. Nesse trecho, o entrevistado faz referncia reforma econmica conhecida como:

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