(UFMG 2004) Observe esta sequência de ambientes numerados de I a IV: Considerando-se as características desses ambientes, é CORRETO afirmar que o parâmetro que aumenta na sequência indicada é a:
(UFMG - 2004) Observe esta representao de parte de uma rvore evolutiva: Com base nessa representao, INCORRETO afirmar que:
(UFMG - 2004) TEXTO PARA A PRXIMA QUESTO: Dispatches from the Vanishing World 50 acres of tropical rainforest are said to be disappearing every minute. Millions of species of animals and plants around the world are going extinct at an ever-accelerating rate, many of them before they can even be identified or their existence is even known. (This particularly unfortunate type of extinction is known as Sentinelan extinction.) 2000 of the worlds 6000 remaining languages have less than 12 speakers and will be lost within this generation. The worlds cultural and biological diversity is under assault as never before in recorded history. What is the cause of the greatest extinction event in the last ten thousand years? Not a meteor strike or a volcanic eruption, or the advance or retraction of an ice sheet, but our very success as a species. Human population growth and the spread of modern culture are 1doing in the planet. Rapidly multiplying local people need land and its resources - wood for fuel, water, wild animals to eat, gold and diamonds and other minerals for income. Dispatches from the Vanishing World is a forum for documenting and raising consciousness about the worlds fast-disappearing biological and cultural diversity. It provides first-hand, in-depth reporting from the last relatively pristine places on earth, identifies who and what is destroying them, and who is engaged in the heroic and often life-threatening struggle to save them. It provides foundations involved in environmental or cultural preservation with two services: 1) a full, independent assessment of their program or cause, and 2) publicity by adapting the assessment for publication in one of the top American magazines or as a book. This is a readers website. The Dispatches will be long and thorough, because often these places where species and/or cultures are down to the wire are remote and hard to get to and dangerous to move around in, and this may be the only detailed treatment they get. http://www.dispatchesfromthevanishingworld.com/index.html The expression doing in (ref. 1) means
(Ufmg 2004) Rita está esquiando numa montanha dos Andes. A energia cinética dela em função do tempo, durante parte do trajeto, está representada neste gráfico: Os pontos Q e R, indicados nesse gráfico, correspondem a dois instantes diferentes do movimento de Rita. Despreze todas as formas de atrito. Com base nessas informações, é CORRETO afirmar que Rita atinge:
(UFMG - 2004) Leia estas manchetes e notas de jornal sobre a frica, uma amostra obtida em apenas dois dias consecutivos: Governo de Obasanjo (Nigria) enfrenta dilema ao permitir uso da sharia. Folha de S. Paulo, So Paulo, 15 jun. 2003. Caderno Mundo, p. A 24. O governo enviou reforos regio oeste, onde, em fevereiro, surgiu um novo grupo rebelde, o Movimento pela Libertao do Sudo. Folha de S. Paulo, So Paulo, 15 jun. 2003. Caderno Mundo, p. A 22. As tenses entre negros e rabes [Mauritnia] aumentaram aps a priso de opositores muulmanos. O pais, muulmano, tem relaes com Israel. Folha de S. Paulo, So Paulo,15 jun. 2003. Caderno Mundo, p. A 22. Garoto de 13 anos de milcia pr-govemo carrega arma para combate em Monrvia (Capital); o presidente Charles Taylor e rebeldes ainda no chegaram a acordo de cessar-fogo. Folha de S. Paulo, So Paulo, 16 jun. 2003. Caderno Mundo, p. A 14. A partir da leitura dessas manchetes e notas jornalsticas, INCORRETO admitir que