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Questões - UFPEL 2007 | Gabarito e resoluções

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(UFPel -2007) TEXTO 1 BULLYING BULLYING HURTS... inside and out! Bullying is a common experience for many children and adolescents. Surveys indicate that as many as half of all children are bullied at some time during their school years, and at least 10% are bullied on a regular basis. Bullying behavior can be physical or verbal. Boys tend to use physical intimidation or threats, regardless of the gender of their victims. Bullying by girls is more often verbal, usually with another girl .......... the target. Recently, bullying has even been reported in online chat rooms and through e-mail. Children who are bullied experience real suffering that can interfere with their social and emotional development, .......... their school performance. Some victims of bullying have even attempted suicide RATHER THAN continue to endure such harassment and punishment. Children and adolescents who bully thrive on controlling or dominating others. They have often been the victims of physical abuse or bullying themselves. Bullies may also be depressed, angry or upset about events at school or at home. Children targeted by bullies also tend to fit a particular profile. Bullies often choose children who are passive, easily intimidated, or have few friends. Victims may also be smaller or younger, and have a harder time defending themselves. If you suspect your child is bullying others, its important to seek help for him or her as soon as possible. Without intervention, bullying can lead to serious academic, social, emotional and legal difficulties. Talk to your childs pediatrician, teacher, principal, school counselor or family physician. If the bullying continues, a comprehensive evaluation by a child and adolescent psychiatrist or other mental health professional should be arranged. The evaluation can help you and your child understand what is causing the bullying, and help you develop a plan to stop the destructive behavior. If you suspect your child may be the victim of bullying, ask him or her to tell you whats going on. You can help by providing lots of opportunities to talk with you in an open and honest way. Its also important to respond in a positive and accepting manner. Let your child know its not his or her fault, and that he or she did the right thing by telling you. Other specific suggestions include the following: - Ask your child what he or she thinks should be done. Whats already been tried? What worked and what didnt? - Seek help from your childs teacher or the school guidance counselor. Most bullying occurs on playgrounds, in lunchrooms, and bathrooms, on school buses or in unsupervised halls. Ask the school administrators to find out about programs other schools and communities have used to help combat bullying, .......... peer mediation, conflict resolution, and anger management training, and increased adult supervision. - Dont encourage your child to fight back. Instead, suggest that he or she try walking away to avoid the bully, or that they seek help from a teacher, coach, or other adult. - Help your child practice what to say to the bully so he or she will be prepared the next time. - Help your child practice being assertive. The simple act of insisting that the bully leave him alone may have a surprising effect. Explain to your child that the bullys true goal is to get a response. - Encourage your child to be with friends when traveling back and forth from school, during shopping trips or on other outings. Bullies are less likely to pick on a child in a group. If your child becomes withdrawn, depressed or reluctant to go to school, or if you see a decline in school performance, additional consultation or intervention may be required. A child and adolescent psychiatrist or other mental health professional can help your child and family and the school develop a strategy to deal with the bullying. Seeking professional assistance earlier can lessen the risk of lasting emotional consequences for your child. http://aacap.org/page.ww?name=Bullyingion=Facts+for+Families TEXTO 2 HIGH SCHOOL CLASSMATES SAY GUNMAN WAS BULLIED BLACKSBURG, Va. - Long before he killed 32 people in the worst mass shooting in U.S. history, Seung-Hui Cho was bullied by fellow high school students who mocked his shyness and the strange way he talked, former classmates said. Cho, 23, a senior English major at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, killed 32 people in two attacks before taking his own life Monday. He sent a large multi-media package outlining his grievances against religion and the wealthy to NBC News, but police said Thursday that the material added little to their investigation. The text, photographs and video in the package bristle with hatred toward unspecified people whom Cho, a South Korean immigrant, accused of having wronged him, adding to a portrait of a solitary man who rarely, if ever, managed normal social interactions. Chris Davids, a Virginia Tech student who graduated with Cho from Westfield High School in Chantilly, Va., in 2003, recalled that Cho almost never opened his mouth and would ignore attempts to STRIKE UP a conversation. Once, in an English class, the teacher had the students read aloud and, when it was Chos turn, he just looked down in silence, Davids recalled in an interview with The Associated Press. Finally, after the teacher threatened to give him a failing grade for participation, Cho started to read in a strange, deep voice that sounded like he had something in his mouth, Davids said. As soon as he started reading, the whole class started laughing and pointing and saying, GO BACK to China, Davids said. Among Chos victims were Reema Samaha and Erin Peterson, who both graduated from Westfield High School last year. Police said it was not clear whether Cho SINGLED THEM OUT. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/18169776/ O texto 2 apresenta Seung-Hui Cho como


(UFPEL - 2007) Os nutrientes minerais presentes no solo so absorvidos pelas razes das plantas em soluo aquosa, por meio dos pelos absorventes. Em plantas herbceas, as regies mais velhas das razes tambm fazem absoro de gua, o mesmo acontecendo em zonas parcialmente suberificadas das razes de arbustos e rvores. Feita a absoro pela raiz, na zona pilfera ou no, as solues com os solutos minerais seguem at o Ienho, onde iniciam um deslocamento vertical para chegar a copa. Com base nos textos e em seus conhecimentos, correto afirmar que:


(UFPEL - 2007) TEXTO PARA A PRXIMA QUESTO: BRAZILIANS, THE WORLDS FRIENDLIEST PEOPLE. OR ARE THEY? Written by Alvaro Antunes Its widely known that Brazilians are the largest community in Orkut, Googles invitation-only social network. In fact, the number of Brazilian Orkut members is even larger than recorded, as many choose to register as if he or she was from a small country, like the British Virgin Islands, Nauru or so. But why does this happen? Is this because Brazilians are naturally warmer and friendlier than other people? Do Brazilians really have more friends than anyone else? Sadly, it seems that this is not the case. Take, for instance, how people join Orkut: in America, invitations to join are even auctioned off on eBay. In Brazil, someone who tried this as a source of income would probably starve to death, as I know people who have simply posted on a newsgroup or mailing list something like Whoever wants to join Orkut, just e-mail me. I myself joined Orkut through one such invitation. And I didnt even know the guy! I believe that some people do that because of some kind of most toys syndrome, that is, a desire to be able to boast that he or she has a great number of Orkut friends. On the other hand, other people accept friend requests simply because they are asked (even by strangers), which takes us to the next point: at least for Brazilians, 1_______________________? Once again, the sad answer seems to be no. For instance, I joined some cat lovers groups. A couple of days later, I was added to the friends list of a cat! And no, this was not a person using a cat as an alter ego, but rather someones pet! If its owners invited me to their friends list, I would understand. But why should I be friends with only their cat? Worse yet, I checked the cats friends, and they were almost all pets too (including many dogs, by the way). There were also many fake celebrities and even completely fictional soap opera characters who are Orkut members and have many friends. OK, I suppose that this may happen regardless of country, as a kind of joke, but the fact is that, even browsing several communities in English, I never found any pet, fake celebrity or character that wasnt registered by a Brazilian (and a profile written in Portuguese is a clear indication). On the other hand, even disregarding 2unreal Orkut friends, becoming friends with real people you dont actually know is very easy on Orkut, at least for Brazilians. I decided to check this for real, randomly adding to my friends list people who I found on the friend finder page, communities Im not a member of, and so on. A considerable percentage of those accepted me as a friend, even if they had absolutely no idea about who I am or how I found them! To stir things up, I decided to join, for a while, some communities that might suggest I am someone with strange tastes and views. And this had almost no effect on complete strangers accepting me as a friend. So what does this mean? That for many, perhaps most, Brazilians, an Orkut friend is not what he or she would call a friend in the real world. I dont know to what extent this is also true for members from other countries, but it surely helps inflate the number of Brazilian Orkut members. So, if you take your Orkut friends list seriously, you ___________ think twice before accepting a stranger as a friend, as he or she __________ be. http://www.brazzil.com/content/view/9322/79 Os verbos que completam corretamente a ideia contida no ltimo pargrafo do texto so:


(UFPEL - 2007) (...) da amizade dos ndios depende em parte o sossego e a conservao da colnia do Brasil e que se tendo isto em vista deve-se-Ihe permitir conservar a sua natural liberdade, mesmo aos que no tempo do rei de Espanha caram ou por qualquer meio foram constrangidos escravido, como eu prprio fiz libertando alguns. Devem-se dar ordens, tambm, para que no sejam ultrajados pelos seus capites, ou alugados a dinheiro ou obrigados contra sua vontade a trabalhar nos engenhos; ao contrrio deve-se permitir a cada um viver do modo que entender e trabalhar onde quiser, como os da nossa nao (...). (Fragmento do relatrio de Maurcio de Nassau aos diretores da Companhia das Indias Ocidentais, em 1644). O documento demonstra que, durante


(Ufpel 2007) "[...] Depois de decênios de domínios e espoliação dos grupos econômicos e financeiros internacionais, fiz-me chefe de uma revolução e venci. [...] A campanha subterrânea dos grupos internacionais aliou-se à dos grupos nacionais revoltados contra o regime de garantia do trabalho. A lei de lucros extraordinários foi detida no Congresso. Contra a justiça da revisão do salário-mínimo se desencadearam os ódios. Quis criar a liberdade individual na potencialização das nossas riquezas através da Petrobrás, mal começa esta a funcionar, a onda de agitação se avoluma. A Eletrobrás foi obstaculada até o desespero. Não querem que o trabalhador seja livre. Não querem que o povo seja independente. Assumi o Governo dentro da espiral inflacionária que destruía os valores do trabalho. Os lucros das empresas estrangeiras alcançavam até 500% ao ano. [...] Lutei contra a exploração do Brasil. Lutei contra a espoliação do povo. [...] Eu vos dei a minha vida. Agora ofereço a minha morte. Nada receio. Serenamente dou o primeiro passo no caminho da eternidade e saio da vida para entrar na História."("Carta Testamento de Getúlio Vargas" - 24/08/1954.) O documento expressa uma política de


(Ufpel 2007) TEXTO 1: Determinados tipos de plantações quebravam a ordem natural. Relação que tendeu a se intensificar à medida que a derrubada das matas deu lugar a produtos que não tinham a ver com a nutrição de seres humanos ou animais. Para os moradores do interior paulista, entre os anos de 1946 a 1958, eucalipto não é árvore, é tão somente eucalipto, corpo estranho ao resto do mato: nem cobra vive nessa plantação e nem bicho come aquilo ali, passarinho não faz ninho, nem dá fruita, a sombra não cobre e o pau male-mar dá pra se queimar. Para eles, árvore legítima - jacarandá, cabreúva, candeia, guarantã, ipê, saguaraji, peroba, pinho, cedro - não é aquela que, absorvendo toda a energia do solo, impede a diversidade da mata; é a que vive junto com os bichos, com os insetos, com os cipós e com o homem.(SEVCENKO, Nicolau (Org.). "História da vida privada no Brasil". Vol. 3. SP: Cia. das Letras, 1998: 73. [adap.].) TEXTO 2: "Projeto de rodovia foi lançado em 1972, a Perimetral Norte na Amazônia brasileira [...] Exemplo concreto do controle que as multinacionais exercem sobre a economia brasileira, o complexo madeireiro e agroindustrial contou com amplos recursos fornecidos pela Superintendência da Amazônia (SUDAM). O projeto cometeu verdadeiro crime ecológico, ao desmatar parte da flora amazônica, que foi substituída por árvore asiática usada na produção de celulose."(AQUINO, Rubim et al. "Sociedade Brasileira: uma história através dos movimentos sociais". RJ: Record, 2000.) Os textos demonstram que as plantações de árvores exóticas já provocavam


(Ufpel 2007) O olho humano é um sofisticado sistema óptico que pode sofrer pequenas variações na sua estrutura, ocasionando os defeitos da visão. Com base em seus conhecimentos, analise as afirmativas a seguir.I. No olho míope, a imagem nítida se forma atrás da retina, e esse defeito da visão é corrigido usando uma lente divergente.II. No olho com hipermetropia, a imagem nítida se forma atrás da retina, e esse defeito da visão é corrigido usando uma lente convergente.III. No olho com astigmatismo, que consiste na perda da focalização em determinadas direções, a sua correção é feita com lentes cilíndricas.IV. No olho com presbiopia, ocorre uma dificuldade de acomodação do cristalino, e esse defeito da visão é corrigido mediante o uso de uma lente divergente.Está(ão) correta(s) apenas a(s) afirmativa(s)


(Ufpel 2007) TEXTO 1 BULLYING BULLYING HURTS... inside and out! Bullying is a common experience for many children and adolescents. Surveys indicate that as many as half of all children are bullied at some time during their school years, and at least 10% are bullied on a regular basis. Bullying behavior can be physical or verbal. Boys tend to use physical intimidation or threats, regardless of the gender of their victims. Bullying by girls is more often verbal, usually with another girl .......... the target. Recently, bullying has even been reported in online chat rooms and through e-mail. Children who are bullied experience real suffering that can interfere with their social and emotional development, .......... their school performance. Some victims of bullying have even attempted suicide RATHER THAN continue to endure such harassment and punishment. Children and adolescents who bully thrive on controlling or dominating others. They have often been the victims of physical abuse or bullying themselves. Bullies may also be depressed, angry or upset about events at school or at home. Children targeted by bullies also tend to fit a particular profile. Bullies often choose children who are passive, easily intimidated, or have few friends. Victims may also be smaller or younger, and have a harder time defending themselves. If you suspect your child is bullying others, its important to seek help for him or her as soon as possible. Without intervention, bullying can lead to serious academic, social, emotional and legal difficulties. Talk to your childs pediatrician, teacher, principal, school counselor or family physician. If the bullying continues, a comprehensive evaluation by a child and adolescent psychiatrist or other mental health professional should be arranged. The evaluation can help you and your child understand what is causing the bullying, and help you develop a plan to stop the destructive behavior. If you suspect your child may be the victim of bullying, ask him or her to tell you whats going on. You can help by providing lots of opportunities to talk with you in an open and honest way. Its also important to respond in a positive and accepting manner. Let your child know its not his or her fault, and that he or she did the right thing by telling you. Other specific suggestions include the following: - Ask your child what he or she thinks should be done. Whats already been tried? What worked and what didnt? - Seek help from your childs teacher or the school guidance counselor. Most bullying occurs on playgrounds, in lunchrooms, and bathrooms, on school buses or in unsupervised halls. Ask the school administrators to find out about programs other schools and communities have used to help combat bullying, .......... peer mediation, conflict resolution, and anger management training, and increased adult supervision. - Dont encourage your child to fight back. Instead, suggest that he or she try walking away to avoid the bully, or that they seek help from a teacher, coach, or other adult. - Help your child practice what to say to the bully so he or she will be prepared the next time. - Help your child practice being assertive. The simple act of insisting that the bully leave him alone may have a surprising effect. Explain to your child that the bullys true goal is to get a response. - Encourage your child to be with friends when traveling back and forth from school, during shopping trips or on other outings. Bullies are less likely to pick on a child in a group. If your child becomes withdrawn, depressed or reluctant to go to school, or if you see a decline in school performance, additional consultation or intervention may be required. A child and adolescent psychiatrist or other mental health professional can help your child and family and the school develop a strategy to deal with the bullying. Seeking professional assistance earlier can lessen the risk of lasting emotional consequences for your child. http://aacap.org/page.ww?name=Bullyingion=Facts+for+Families TEXTO 2 HIGH SCHOOL CLASSMATES SAY GUNMAN WAS BULLIED BLACKSBURG, Va. - Long before he killed 32 people in the worst mass shooting in U.S. history, Seung-Hui Cho was bullied by fellow high school students who mocked his shyness and the strange way he talked, former classmates said. Cho, 23, a senior English major at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, killed 32 people in two attacks before taking his own life Monday. He sent a large multi-media package outlining his grievances against religion and the wealthy to NBC News, but police said Thursday that the material added little to their investigation. The text, photographs and video in the package bristle with hatred toward unspecified people whom Cho, a South Korean immigrant, accused of having wronged him, adding to a portrait of a solitary man who rarely, if ever, managed normal social interactions. Chris Davids, a Virginia Tech student who graduated with Cho from Westfield High School in Chantilly, Va., in 2003, recalled that Cho almost never opened his mouth and would ignore attempts to STRIKE UP a conversation. Once, in an English class, the teacher had the students read aloud and, when it was Chos turn, he just looked down in silence, Davids recalled in an interview with The Associated Press. Finally, after the teacher threatened to give him a failing grade for participation, Cho started to read in a strange, deep voice that sounded like he had something in his mouth, Davids said. As soon as he started reading, the whole class started laughing and pointing and saying, GO BACK to China, Davids said. Among Chos victims were Reema Samaha and Erin Peterson, who both graduated from Westfield High School last year. Police said it was not clear whether Cho SINGLED THEM OUT. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/18169776/ Leia atentamente as frases a seguir e observe o emprego da palavra bullying. I. Bullying behavior can be physical or verbal. II. If you suspect your child is bullying others, its important to seek help for him or her as soon as possible. III. If you suspect your child may be the victim of bullying, ask him or her to tell you whats going on. Podemos afirmar que a terminação -ing confere à palavra bully, respectivamente, as funções de:


(UFPEL - 2007) O Iraque, no Oriente Mdio, conta com uma populao de cerca de 30 milhes de habitantes e dono de uma das maiores reservas de petrleo do planeta e de um dos mais ricos patrimnios arqueolgicos do mundo. Mergulhado em um conflito que se arrasta desde a ocupao militar ocorrida em maro de 2003, a populao vive um dia de atentados terroristas, mortes e violncia que parece no ter fim. Leia as afirmativas seguintes. I. Dentre os fatos que geram maior insegurana no Iraque na atualidade, esto os constantes atentados. O alvo desses ataques sempre a populao islmica sunita, que a maioria e vive sob a perseguio da minoria xiita. Os xiitas esto no poder desde que o Iraque foi criado pelo Imprio Britnico. II. Um dos motivos para o agravamento constante da situao no Iraque que a presena de foras de ocupao estrangeiras refora o nacionalismo e acirra a ao dos fundamentalistas contra o invasor. III. O medo de que a Revoluo Islmica se alastrasse para outras naes do Oriente Mdio fez com que os EUA apoiassem Saddam Hussein na invaso ao Ir, em 1980. A condenao de Saddam, em 2006, ocorreu por crimes que cometeu quando era importante aliado estadunidense. IV. Nos EUA, o alto custo da guerra no inibe o deficit oramentrio do pas, entretanto a eleio para o Congresso demonstrou a rejeio ao Partido Democrata, do presidente Bush. O resultado foi influenciado pela insatisfao do eleitorado com a permanncia das tropas na guerra. Esto corretas apenas as alternativas


(UFPel - 2007) TEXTO 1 BULLYING BULLYING HURTS... inside and out! Bullying is a common experience for many children and adolescents. Surveys indicate that as many as half of all children are bullied at some time during their school years, and at least 10% are bullied on a regular basis. Bullying behavior can be physical or verbal. Boys tend to use physical intimidation or threats, regardless of the gender of their victims. Bullying by girls is more often verbal, usually with another girl .......... the target. Recently, bullying has even been reported in online chat rooms and through e-mail. Children who are bullied experience real suffering that can interfere with their social and emotional development, .......... their school performance. Some victims of bullying have even attempted suicide RATHER THAN continue to endure such harassment and punishment. Children and adolescents who bully thrive on controlling or dominating others. They have often been the victims of physical abuse or bullying themselves. Bullies may also be depressed, angry or upset about events at school or at home. Children targeted by bullies also tend to fit a particular profile. Bullies often choose children who are passive, easily intimidated, or have few friends. Victims may also be smaller or younger, and have a harder time defending themselves. If you suspect your child is bullying others, its important to seek help for him or her as soon as possible. Without intervention, bullying can lead to serious academic, social, emotional and legal difficulties. Talk to your childs pediatrician, teacher, principal, school counselor or family physician. If the bullying continues, a comprehensive evaluation by a child and adolescent psychiatrist or other mental health professional should be arranged. The evaluation can help you and your child understand what is causing the bullying, and help you develop a plan to stop the destructive behavior. If you suspect your child may be the victim of bullying, ask him or her to tell you whats going on. You can help by providing lots of opportunities to talk with you in an open and honest way. Its also important to respond in a positive and accepting manner. Let your child know its not his or her fault, and that he or she did the right thing by telling you. Other specific suggestions include the following: - Ask your child what he or she thinks should be done. Whats already been tried? What worked and what didnt? - Seek help from your childs teacher or the school guidance counselor. Most bullying occurs on playgrounds, in lunchrooms, and bathrooms, on school buses or in unsupervised halls. Ask the school administrators to find out about programs other schools and communities have used to help combat bullying, .......... peer mediation, conflict resolution, and anger management training, and increased adult supervision. - Dont encourage your child to fight back. Instead, suggest that he or she try walking away to avoid the bully, or that they seek help from a teacher, coach, or other adult. - Help your child practice what to say to the bully so he or she will be prepared the next time. - Help your child practice being assertive. The simple act of insisting that the bully leave him alone may have a surprising effect. Explain to your child that the bullys true goal is to get a response. - Encourage your child to be with friends when traveling back and forth from school, during shopping trips or on other outings. Bullies are less likely to pick on a child in a group. If your child becomes withdrawn, depressed or reluctant to go to school, or if you see a decline in school performance, additional consultation or intervention may be required. A child and adolescent psychiatrist or other mental health professional can help your child and family and the school develop a strategy to deal with the bullying. Seeking professional assistance earlier can lessen the risk of lasting emotional consequences for your child. http://aacap.org/page.ww?name=Bullyingion=Facts+for+Families TEXTO 2 HIGH SCHOOL CLASSMATES SAY GUNMAN WAS BULLIED BLACKSBURG, Va. - Long before he killed 32 people in the worst mass shooting in U.S. history, Seung-Hui Cho was bullied by fellow high school students who mocked his shyness and the strange way he talked, former classmates said. Cho, 23, a senior English major at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, killed 32 people in two attacks before taking his own life Monday. He sent a large multi-media package outlining his grievances against religion and the wealthy to NBC News, but police said Thursday that the material added little to their investigation. The text, photographs and video in the package bristle with hatred toward unspecified people whom Cho, a South Korean immigrant, accused of having wronged him, adding to a portrait of a solitary man who rarely, if ever, managed normal social interactions. Chris Davids, a Virginia Tech student who graduated with Cho from Westfield High School in Chantilly, Va., in 2003, recalled that Cho almost never opened his mouth and would ignore attempts to STRIKE UP a conversation. Once, in an English class, the teacher had the students read aloud and, when it was Chos turn, he just looked down in silence, Davids recalled in an interview with The Associated Press. Finally, after the teacher threatened to give him a failing grade for participation, Cho started to read in a strange, deep voice that sounded like he had something in his mouth, Davids said. As soon as he started reading, the whole class started laughing and pointing and saying, GO BACK to China, Davids said. Among Chos victims were Reema Samaha and Erin Peterson, who both graduated from Westfield High School last year. Police said it was not clear whether Cho SINGLED THEM OUT. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/18169776/ O termo bullying, que ainda no tem traduo na lngua portuguesa, refere-se a uma atitude bastante comum no ambiente escolar do mundo inteiro.De acordo com o texto 1, podemos entend-lo como


(UFPEL - 2007) Alm do Brasil, outros pases da Amrica Latina, na dcada de 1970, vivenciaram governos militares. As fotos e suas legendas referem-se, respectivamente, s ditaduras do(a)


(Ufpel 2007) Os moluscos possuem sistema digestório completo e com hábitos alimentares variados, podendo ser herbívoros ou carnívoros. Alguns possuem na faringe uma placa de dentes chamada rádula utilizada para ralar o alimento a ser ingerido. Entretanto, outros alimentam-se de organismos microscópicos, tais como protozoários, algas e bactérias e por isso recebem a denominação de filtradores. Com base no texto e em seus conhecimentos, é correto afirmar que a rádula ocorre nos moluscos pertencentes às Classes


(Ufpel 2007) Observe o mapa a seguir. Durante as duas últimas décadas, o espetacular crescimento econômico da China vem traçando uma linha ascendente parecida com a de um foguete; mas seis em cada dez chineses não estão a bordo do expresso do futuro; longe das metrópoles, às margens do Pacífico, a pobreza domina a planície aluvial, as cadeias de montanhas e além delas, o Gobi, deserto maior e mais quente a cada virada de estação climática."Veja" 9/8/2006. [adapt.] Com base nas informações anteriores e em seus conhecimentos, analise as afirmativas a seguir sobre a estrutura territorial da China.I. A região (A), de Xinjang-Uigur, Tibete e Mongólia Interior, é a mais povoada do país, com tradição agrária, grandes cinturões agrícolas e reservatório de mão de obra para os centros urbanos.II. A região (B), de posição setentrional e de menores altitudes, apresenta uma economia voltada para as atividades primárias e utiliza técnicas ultramodernas de cultivo.III. A região (C), se destaca pela existência de grandes cidades, como Xangai, e muitas das Zonas Econômicas Especiais (ZEES), que funcionam como verdadeiros enclaves econômicos internacionalizados.IV. A região (D), da Manchúria, dispõe de imensas reservas de carvão e minério de ferro, abrigando um grande conjunto de indústrias estatais de bens de produção.V. A região (E), onde se localiza Taiwan, é considerada uma província rebelde desde a diáspora provocada pela Revolução Chinesa de Mao-Tse-Thung. Estão corretas apenas


(Ufpel 2007) Naquele tempo, não havia doenças, nem febres, nem doenças dos ossos ou de cabeça (...). Naquele tempo, tudo estava em ordem. Os estrangeiros mudaram tudo quando chegaram. De fato, por mais saudosismo que possa expressar esse lamento, parece mesmo que as doenças do Velho Mundo foram mais frequentemente mortais nas Américas do que na Europa. O missionário alemão chegou inclusive a escrever no finalzinho do século XVIII que os índios morrem tão facilmente que só a visão ou o cheiro de um espanhol os fazem passar deste para outro mundo. Umas quinze epidemias dizimaram a população do México e do Peru. FERRO, Marc. História das colonizações - das conquistas às independências - séculos XIII a XIX. São Paulo: Cia. das Letras, 1996. Os documentos denunciam as doenças provocadas pelos agentes do


(UFPEL2007) A hulha tambm chamada de carvo mineral e apresenta cerca de 80% de carbono. Sua combusto completa pode ser representada de forma simplificada pela equao: C(s) + O2(g) CO2(g) + 94 kcal Hoje seu aproveitamento industrial tem sido feito pela destilao seca ou pirlise, que consiste em seu aquecimento (de 600 a 1000 C) na ausncia de oxignio, processo aps o qual se formam trs fraes. a) A frao gasosa o gs de rua (gs de iluminao), que representa cerca de 20% dos produtos da destilao, sendo formada basicamente por H2 (49%), CH4 (34%), CO (8%) e o restante por outros gases, entre os quais CO2, C2H6, NH3 e H2S. b) A frao lquida constituda: I. Pelas guas amoniacais, cujos componentes so substncias nitrogenadas como aminas, NH4OH, NH4NO3 e (NH4)2SO4 usadas, principalmente, na fabricao de fertilizantes agrcolas; e II. Pelo alcatro da hulha, matria oleosa, escura e constituda de diversas substncias orgnicas, cuja destilao fracionada separa leo leve (2%, formado por BTX ou benzeno, tolueno ou metilbenzeno, e xilenos ou orto-, meta- e paradimetilbenzeno, etc.), leo mdio (12%, formado por fenol ou hidroxibenzeno, cresis ou orto-, meta- e para-metil-hidroxibenzeno, etc.), leo pesado (10%, formado por naftaleno e seus derivados), leo de antraceno (25%, formado por antraceno e fenantreno) e piche (51%). c) A frao slida o coque (70% da hulha), um carvo leve e poroso usado principalmente na indstria siderrgica na obteno do ao. Considerando os compostos citados no texto como componentes dos diversos leos oriundos da destilao fracionada do alcatro da hulha, os que apresentam oito tomos de hidrognio na frmula molecular so:

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