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Questões - UFU 2021 | Gabarito e resoluções

Questão 41

(UFU - 2021 - 1 fase)How many people in the U.S. have died from COVID? We know it is more than half a million, but the official count could miss tens of thousands of deaths. In TV police procedurals, the people who investigate premature deaths are depicted as highly trained, objective experts. In reality, the system in the U.S. is far less rigorous. The majority of states rely at least in part on coroners to rule on the circumstances surrounding unexpected or suspicious deathsand contrary to what most of us probably believe, coroners are often laypeople without training in medicine. What is more, they are frequently elected officials, which makes them susceptible to political pressure from people or organizations looking to influence their conclusions. Disponvel em: https://www.scientificamerican.com/. Acesso em: 16 maio 2021. De acordo com o texto, nos Estados Unidos, em alguns estados, mortes prematuras sem acompanhamento mdico podem ser investigadas por

Questão 42

(UFU - 2021 - 1 fase)Antibiotics are medicines used to prevent and treat bacterial infections. Antibiotic resistance occurs when bacteria change in response to the use of these medicines. Bacteria, not humans or animals, become antibiotic resistant. These bacteria may infect humans and animals, and the infections they cause are harder to treat than those caused by non-resistant bacteria. Antibiotic resistance leads to higher medical costs, prolonged hospital stays, and increased mortality. The world urgently needs to change the way it prescribes and uses antibiotics, which are often over-prescribed and over-used by the public. Even if new medicines are developed, without behavior change, antibiotic resistance will remain a major threat. Behavior changes must also include actions to reduce the spread of infections through vaccination, hand washing, practicing safer sex, and good food hygiene. Disponvel em: https://www.who.int/. Acesso em: 23 maio 2021. Com base no texto acima, INCORRETO afirmar que

Questão 42

(UFU - 2021 - MEDICINA) Ciudadanos ve muy discutible que las nuevas restricciones sean de obligado cumplimiento Edmundo Bal cree que Darias y el Gobierno toman el pelo a los espaoles por generar inseguridad con sus cambios de criterio El portavoz de Ciudadanos, Edmundo Bal, ve muy discutible que sean de obligado cumplimiento las nuevas restricciones para la hostelera adoptadas en el Consejo Interterritorial de Salud cuando no ha sido por unanimidad, y ha cargado contra la ministra Carolina Darias por generar inseguridad con sus cambios de criterio. Disponvel em: https://www.republica.com/2021/06/05/ciudadanos-ve-muy-discutible-que-las-nuevas-restricciones-sean-de-obligado-cumplimiento/.Acesso em: 06 jun. 2021. (Adaptado) En el subttulo de la noticia, la expresin toman el pelo encierra la idea de que la ministra Carolina Darias y el Gobierno

Questão 42

(UFU - 2021 - 1 fase)La relacin entre la peste y el desorden social tiene una larga tradicin en la literatura y la filosofa poltica. Las pestes son oportunidades inmejorables para activar metforas que encubren prejuicios de larga tradicin. Se utilizan para sealar anomalas que deben ser corregidas o sancionadas cuanto antes, pues amenazan por igual a culpables e inocentes. All radica su mayor problema. El desorden de unos cuantos provoca la ira divina que caer sobre todos. Dios, al fin y al cabo, no se anda por las ramas. Tampoco la naturaleza: aquella otra divinidad inflexible, muy invocada en estos tiempos, que siempre est dispuesta a devolvernos los males que le provocamos. Disponvel em: https://www.eluniverso.com/opinion/2020/06/15/nota/7870587/covid-19-sus-metaforas/. Acesso em: 04 jun. 2021. (Adaptado) De acordo com o artigo, a expresso no se anda por las ramas encerra a ideia de que Deus

Questão 42

(UFU - 2021 - MEDICINA)An astonishing 40% of bees die every year as a result of disease, pesticides and climate change in part because busy commercial beekeepers miss warning signs. Thats where Beewise, an artificial-intelligence-powered hive, comes in. Using precision robotics, computer vision and AI, a Beehome which costs $15 a month and might host 2 million bees monitors the insects 24/7. When a hive is exposed to, say, parasites or experiences irregular temperatures, its internal systems respond immediately by applying pesticides, for example. Use of the smart technology can double pollination capacity and honey production, while decreasing colonies mortality rate. Not only do bees not die, says Saar Safra, Beewises CEO. They thrive. Disponvel em: https://time.com/. Acesso em: 30 maio 2021. Com base no texto acima, INCORRETO afirmar que

Questão 43

(UFU - 2021 - MEDICINA) A partir de las infografas de emisiones de dixido de carbono (CO2) en Amrica Latina y en el mundo, se hicieron las siguientes afirmaciones: I. El pas latinoamericano que ms contamin con CO2en 2018 emiti menos de la mitad de gas que su vecino del norte. II. Brasil present una tasa de crecimiento de emisin de CO2menor que la de Argentina, pero ms grande que de Chile. III. La ascensin de niveles de contaminacin por CO2de China super la variacin de toda la Unin Europea. IV. Ningn pas de Amrica Latina fue responsable por ms de 1,6% de emisin total de CO2en el mundo en 2018. V. El porcentaje de variacin de emisin de CO2de India en 2018 fue ms que un sexto del porcentaje de Per. Estn correctas las afirmaciones presentada

Questão 43

(UFU - 2021 - 1 fase) No, no se vacuna sin cita previa a los mayores de 70 aos en el Hospital 12 de Octubre de Madrid Estn circulando cadenas de textos que avisan de que en el Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre de Madrid estn vacunando sin cita previa a personas de 70 aos o ms con la vacuna de Pfizer contra la COVID-19. Los textos circulan desde el sbado 17 de abril y dicen que se vacunar solo hoy y no sabemos cuntas sobran o hay lotes descongelados que caducan hoy y los tirarn () hasta las 21h, la cola va rpido. Pero es un bulo. Desde la Consejera de Sanidad de la Comunidad de Madrid y desde el propio hospital aseguran que slo se vacuna con cita previa. Disponvel em: https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20210507/cadenas-whatsapp-acudir-vacunarse-covid-19-sin-citaprevia/. Acesso em: 21 maio 2021. Em relao aos recursos lingusticos empregados no texto, assinale a alternativa INCORRETA.

Questão 43

(UFU - 2021 - MEDICINA)It might not be the slickest thing on four wheels, and it definitely wont win any time trials, but Chinese logistics firm Cainiaos new Xiao G delivery cart could be the future. Every hour, the three-foot by five-foot automated vehicle picks up packages from Cainiaos depot in Hangzhoua city of 10 million people in Chinas booming eastand tours a nearby neighborhood. Locals in pajamas pop down to meet the driverless cart at their nearest delivery point and type in a reference number. A door in the vehicles side flips open and the customers parcel can be retrieved. Xiao G heads onto the next stop, weaving ponderously through traffic via 360-degree sensors. It sends a message to customers after setting off and another when it arrives at a pick-up point so they know to come down, says Cainiao engineer Long Fei. Some models allow customers to drop off as well as pick up packages. In terms of innovations in logistics, Xiao G may not be as earth-shaking as the shipping container or the cargo jet. But it is the most visible aspect of a stealthy revolution powered by Cainiao, which was founded in 2014. The $10 billion subsidiary of e-commerce giant Alibaba says it is poised to transform worldwide trade. Disponvel em: https://time.com/. Acesso em: 16 maio 2021. Based on this text about the Chinese logistics firm Cainiaos new delivery cart, we can infer that I. customers may pick up their product and also send packages using Xiao G. II. it may influence how businesses in other parts of the world deliver products. III. it will probably be more impactful in logistics than shipping containers. IV. it can move fast through heavy city traffics using 360-degree sensors. V. it relies on mobile technology and driverless vehicles to make its deliveries. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta as afirmativas corretas

Questão 43

(UFU - 2021 - 1 fase)Knowledge is power, as the saying goes, and the invention of the mechanical movable type printing press helped disseminate knowledge wider and faster than ever before. German goldsmith Johannes Gutenberg is credited with inventing the printing press around 1436, although he was far from the first to automate the book-printing process. Woodblock printing in China dates back to the 9th century and Korean bookmakers were printing with moveable metal type a century before Gutenberg. But most historians believe Gutenbergs adaptation, which employed a screw-type wine press to squeeze down evenly on the inked metal type, was the key to unlocking the modern age. With the newfound ability to inexpensively mass-produce books on every imaginable topic, revolutionary ideas and priceless ancient knowledge were placed in the hands of every literate European, whose numbers doubled every century. Disponvel em: https://www.history.com/. Acesso em: 23 maio 2021. Com base no texto, analise as afirmativas abaixo. I. Johannes Gutenberg foi o primeiro a usar a prensa mecnica para impresso. II. A inveno de Johannes Gutemberg possibilitou acelerar a impresso de livros. III. Chineses e coreanos foram pioneiros na automao do processo de impresso. IV. A produo em massa foi viabilizada pelo uso da prensa de vinho tipo parafuso. V. Historiadores creditam a inveno da prensa ao ndice de analfabetos na Europa. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta as afirmativas corretas

Questão 44

(UFU - 2021 - MEDICINA) During the pandemic, universities had to quickly co-ordinate with administrative staff, professors, (1) _____ and technical teams to transfer courses online to complete their academic year. This required (2) _____ and students to rapidly master the use of learning management systems (such as Moodle, Blackboard, Google Education and others) and (3) _____ learning communication software products (such as Zoom, Skype and Teams) to name a few. Students and university (4) _____ had to make significant adjustments. Beyond using what to many were unfamiliar (5) _____ media and teaching tools, they also had to adapt to new methods of (6) _____, classroom interaction, teaching practices and student-faculty communication. Disponvel em: https://theconversation.com/. Acesso em: 16 maio 2021. Choose the alternative with the words which best complete the text above.

Questão 44

(UFU - 2021 - 1 fase)Engineering design and science inquiry share a number of similar features. Both are reasoning processes used to solve problems. Both use similar cognitive tools, such as brainstorming, reasoning by analogy, mental models, and visual representations. And both require testing and evaluation of the product the engineering design or the scientific hypothesis. The two processes also differ in significant ways. One point of divergence is the role of constraints. Budget constraints, for instance, can limit science inquiry and can even keep scientists from answering a particular question. But they do affect the answer itself. For engineers, however, budget constraints can determine the actual characteristics of a design solution the materials used, for example, or the number of redundancies included to protect against possible failure. Disponvel em: https://www.linkengineering.org/ . Acesso em: 23 maio 2021. According to the text, I. engineering design and science inquiry use similar methods of reasoning. II. budget constraints have similar effects for science inquiry and engineering design. III. visual representations are especially used by science inquiry to solve problems. IV. testing and evaluation of a problem are the main constraints in both processes. V. although different, engineering design and science inquiry are significantly similar. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta as afirmativas corretas.

Questão 44

(UFU - 2021 - MEDICINA) Alrededor del 80% de las infecciones bacterianas est asociado a biofilms, comunidades formadas por diferentes especies de microorganismos que co-colonizan tejidos humanos y dispositivos mdicos. Debido a varias caractersticas biolgicas, los biofilms son mucho ms recalcitrantes que las infecciones bacterianas aisladas y necesitan perodos ms prolongados y dosis ms altas de antibiticos para ser tratados. La bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa interacta con muchos virus respiratorios en infecciones crnicas, incluido el SARS-CoV-2, el agente causal de la pandemia de COVID-19. Estudios han demostrado que el 7% de los pacientes hospitalizados infectados con SARS-CoV-2 padecan coinfeccin bacteriana, P. aeruginosa estando presente en el 12% de ellos. Adems, P. aeruginosa puede colonizar dispositivos mdicos como los tubos endotraqueales, utilizados en pacientes con COVID-19 que necesitan respiracin asistida. Se ha encontrado formacin de biofilm en el 95% de los pacientes intubados durante ms de 24 h. Este tipo de biofilms, en los que P. aeruginosaes el principal agente causal, son perdurables y pueden permanecer a pesar del tratamiento con antibiticos, lo que aumenta el riesgo de infecciones respiratorias. Disponvel em: https://ibecbarcelona.eu/es/biofilms-de-pseudomonas-aeruginosa-y-sus-complices-en-elcrimen/. Acesso em: 21 maio 2021. (Adaptado) De acordo com texto, correto deduzir que

Questão 44

(UFU - 2021 - 1 fase)Si bien no existen contraindicaciones mdicas para administrar vacunas en pacientes con diagnstico de COVID-19, la Direccin de Control de Enfermedades Inmunoprevenibles del Ministerio de Salud de la Nacin recomienda posponer la vacunacin con el objetivo de evitar la trasmisin viral y propagacin de la enfermedad en las siguientes situaciones: casos confirmados: vacunar luego de 14 das de la fecha de inicio de los sntomas o bien hasta la recuperacin clnica. contactos de casos confirmados: vacunar luego de completar los 14 das de aislamiento. No son contraindicaciones para vacunar cursar una enfermedad aguda leve, como fiebre de bajo grado, infeccin del trato respiratorio superior, resfriado, otitis media o diarrea leve. Solo en caso de enfermedad aguda moderada o grave (crisis asmtica, cardiopata descompensada, diarrea aguda, etc.), por precaucin, se recomienda posponer la vacunacin, especficamente con vacunas vivas atenuadas, hasta la recuperacin o el alta mdica. Disponvel em: https://bancos.salud.gob.ar/sites/default/files/2020-09/covid19-sostenimiento-de-vacunacion-de calendario-en-contexto-de-pandemia.pdf. Acesso em: 27 maio 2021. En el texto del Ministerio de Salud de Argentina dirigido a los equipos sanitarios sobre el sostenimiento del calendario de vacunacin durante la epidemia, el uso del verbo recomendar

Questão 45

(UFU - 2021 - MEDICINA) TEXT A Since Barack Obama was elected in 2008, the price of solar energy has fallen 78 percent, and the cost of wind energy has also fallen by 58 percent, thanks largely to technological advancements and economies of scale. In isolation, these numbers are not impressive. But what makes the differ ence is that the global economy grew by 3 percent in 2014 while world emissions remained flat. Cheaper alternative energy is the best hope the world has left. People are not willing to fundamentally change their lives for problems far off in the future, even ones as potentially catastrophic as climate change. To avoid the worst effects of climate change, alternative energies need to become as cheap and reliable as their carbon-emitting counterparts, and quickly. TEXT B The thoroughly modern phenomenon of cybercrime and economic espionage is estimated to cost the world more than $445 billion every year. And while it hasnt happened yet, the fear that cyberattacks can spill over and trigger real-world conflicts remains an ongoing concern. A decade ago, the Pentagon had a stockpile of fewer than 50 drones; today it has an arsenal of about 7,000. The Pentagon estimates that China will build nearly 42,000 drones by 2023. Others will follow suit. Technology has given terrorist groups like ISIS an unparalleled platform to spread their messages of hate. The knowledge needed to build bombs in the comfort of your own home is now just a few short clicks away. Technology is capable of empowering every single individual in the world, even the worst of us. Disponvel em: https://time.com/. Acesso em: 16 maio 2021. Much of todays news coverage focusses on technological advancements and on how they might impact society. According to the Text A and Text B, we can state that I. we should spend our time figuring out how to live without technology. II. both texts A and B indicate we should learn how to live in this new world. III. the main idea in these texts is that technology is neither good nor bad. IV. text A focuses on how technology can help us save the planet. V. text B introduces arguments on negative aspects of technology. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta as afirmativas corretas.

Questão 45

(UFU - 2021 - 1 fase)Espaa se ha unido este jueves a Holanda, Blgica, Luxemburgo y Canad como uno de los primeros pases del mundo que regulan la eutanasia. El Congreso de los Diputados, con 202 votos a favor, 141 en contra y dos abstenciones, aprob la ley promovida por el PSOE, que entrar en vigor dentro de tres meses. Para solicitarla, el afectado debe sufrir una enfermedad grave e incurable o un padecimiento grave, crnico e imposibilitante que le cause un sufrimiento intolerable. Aunque se ha eliminado del ttulo de la ley, la norma regula tanto la eutanasia propiamente dicha administracin directa al paciente de una sustancia por parte del profesional sanitario competente como el suicidio mdicamente asistido la prescripcin o suministro al paciente por parte del profesional sanitario de una sustancia, de manera que este se la pueda autoadministrar, para causar su propia muerte. La ponente de la ley, la exministra de Sanidad con el PSOE Mara Luisa Carcedo, afirma que es extremadamente garantista, porque hay que extender la expresin de bueno, por lo menos no sufri que se aplica con alivio a quien muere de infarto, por ejemplo, a todas las enfermedades. Carcedo ha resaltado adems el papel de los familiares de personas como Mara Jos Carrasco, Maribel Tellaetxe o Luis de Marcos, que hicieron pblica su intimidad para pedir que se aprobara la eutanasia. De hecho, en su discurso se ha ido valiendo de frases de personas que han pedido la eutanasia para ellos o sus familiares. En este pas contraer una enfermedad terminal degenerativa al parecer es delito. La condena que te imponen es un final cruel y doloroso desprovisto de toda integridad y dignidad, comenz citando a un hijo de Maribel Tellaetxe, la mujer que pidi que la ayudaran a morir cuando su alzhimer estuviera avanzado. El presidente de la asociacin Derecho a Morir Dignamente (DMD), Javier Velasco, ha manifestado este jueves que la ley ahorrar mucho sufrimiento a muchas personas. Se pedirn pocas eutanasias, pero la ley beneficiar a toda la sociedad. En los pases donde la eutanasia es legal, su prctica supone entre el 1% y el 4% del total de fallecimientos anuales. Opiniones en contra PP, UPN y Vox, sin embargo, afirman que de aprobarse una ley de paliativos no hara falta la de eutanasia. Lourdes Mndez, de la formacin de ultraderechas, ha manifestado que la ley implanta la cultura del descarte y de la muerte. Para el portavoz popular, Jos Ignacio Echniz, la eutanasia no se solicita desde la autonoma, sino desde la dependencia y la fragilidad, y cuando son tratadas, el deseo de morir desaparece. A lo que Joseba Agirretxea (PNV) le ha contestado que no trate de engaar a la sociedad, en alusin al hecho de que regular la eutanasia no es incompatible con los cuidados paliativos. Disponvel em: https://elpais.com/sociedad/2021-03-18/espana-aprueba-la-ley-de-eutanasia-y-se-convierte-en-el-quinto-pais-del-mundo-en-regularla.html. Acesso em: 24 maio 2021. Considera las siguientes afirmaciones sobre el text I. En Espaa, con la aprobacin de la ley, la eutanasia y el suicidio asistido pueden ser solicitados por el afectado o uno de sus familiares cercanos. II. Para la autora de la ley, hay que garantizar a todos una muerte sin sufrimiento, como la de las personas que infartan. III. La defensa de la eutanasia por el familiar de una persona con alzhimer se basa en la posibilidad de un final con menos sufrimiento. IV. A ejemplo de lo que ocurre en otros pases, se pronostican escasas solicitudes de eutanasia por los espaoles. V. Para el representante de uno de los partidos ultraderechistas, la regulacin de la eutanasia supone una reduccin de los tratamientos que pretenden atenuar el dolor de los enfermos graves. Son verdaderas las afirmaciones presentadas