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(UFU - 2021 - MEDICINA)TEXT A Since Barack Obama w

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(UFU - 2021 - MEDICINA) 


Since Barack Obama was elected in 2008, the price of solar energy has fallen 78 percent, and the cost of wind energy has also fallen by 58 percent, thanks largely to technological advancements and economies of scale. In isolation, these numbers are not impressive. But what makes the differ ence is that the global economy grew by 3 percent in 2014 while world emissions remained flat. Cheaper alternative energy is the best hope the world has left. People are not willing to fundamentally change their lives for problems far off in the future, even ones as potentially catastrophic as climate change. To avoid the worst effects of climate change, alternative energies need to become as cheap and reliable as their carbon-emitting counterparts, and quickly.


The thoroughly modern phenomenon of cybercrime and economic espionage is estimated to cost the world more than $445 billion every year. And while it hasn’t happened yet, the fear that cyberattacks can spill over and trigger real-world conflicts remains an ongoing concern. A decade ago, the Pentagon had a stockpile of fewer than 50 drones; today it has an arsenal of about 7,000. The Pentagon estimates that China will build nearly 42,000 drones by 2023. Others will follow suit. Technology has given terrorist groups like ISIS an unparalleled platform to spread their messages of hate. The knowledge needed to build bombs in the comfort of your own home is now just a few short clicks away. Technology is capable of empowering every single individual in the world, even the worst of us.

Disponível em: <https://time.com/>. Acesso em: 16 maio 2021.

Much of today’s news coverage focusses on technological advancements and on how they might impact society. According to the Text A and Text B, we can state that

I. we should spend our time figuring out how to live without technology.

II. both texts A and B indicate we should learn how to live in this new world.

III. the main idea in these texts is that technology is neither good nor bad.

IV. text A focuses on how technology can help us save the planet.

V. text B introduces arguments on negative aspects of technology.

Assinale a alternativa que apresenta as afirmativas corretas.


Apenas I e II.


Apenas IV e V.


Apenas II e III.


Apenas II e IV.