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Questões de Inglês - UFU | Gabarito e resoluções

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Questão 27

(UFU - 2015 - 1 FASE) Is a Digital Gym Right for You? By Kelsey Kloss If you want: Personalized treatment If 80s-style group classes make you shudder, check app ($10 per month for unlimited classes). Youll access videos of an instructor leading you, not an entire class, through a workout, creating the sense of a highly personalized training session. Choose a class based on the trainer each is taught by one of eight Gym Box coaches, who cover details like what your posture should look like and how your muscles should feel throughout the session or your favorite exercises, which might include strength training, kickboxing, dance, step, extreme cardio, cycling, and even ―Easy Does It‖ (small weights, gentle core training). Disponvel em http://www.rd.com/slideshows/digital-gym/ De acordo com o texto, a Digital Gym

Questão 28

(UFU - 2015 - 1 FASE) Uk School Replaces Library Cards For Kids With Fingerprint Scans By Clay Dillow We already know that biometrics could provide some useful new tools for identifying approaching threats or tracking people moving through crowds. But what about checking out books from a childrens library? A Manchester UK primary school is testing out just such a scheme, having children as young as four years old scan their fingerprints as ID for checking books in and out of the schools library. Not surprisingly, parents and privacy groups have a huge problem with childrens biometric data being so cataloged ― not to mention the precedent it sets. To check out a book, students swipe a bar code placed inside the book at a computer station, which then asks for them to press their thumb on a fingerprint scanner. Books are checked back into the library the same way: no library card or identification required. School officials say the fingerprints are converted to and saved as digital electronic codes that are recognized by the computer, so that no actual fingerprint images are kept on file or shared. Critics of the system, however, find the use of such biometric systems with children so young a breach of privacy and a dangerous overreach by authorities, conditioning children to treat their personal biometric information as something trivial. And its worth noting this isnt the first biometric identifying scheme hatched by UK schools; a fingerprint identifier introduced as part of a cashless school cafeteria system has previously drawn the ire of UK parents who dont like the idea of their kids being fingerprinted without permission. But the library system is purely voluntary, and parents are allowed to opt their kids in or out. () Disponvel em: http://www.popsci.com/technology/article/2010-06/uk According to the text I. Scanning fingerprints at primary schools has avoided theft of books at libraries. II. Teens had their fingerprints scanned as ID for checking books in and out of the library. III. This new way of checking books can be characterized as a card free system. IV. Fingerprints are kept safe by converting and saving them as digital eletronic codes. V. The biometric system has been criticized because it is the first experience in UK. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta apenas afirmativas corretas.

Questão 29

(UFU - 2015 - 1 FASE) Supermassive Black Hole Found Farting A Trillion Suns Worth Of Energy By Loren Grush At the center of any massive galaxy, youll most likely find one daunting portion of space-time: a supermassive black hole. These gigantic gravity wells are so enormous, they have a mass thats equal to millions or even billions of times the mass of our Sun. While extremely powerful, black holes can be relatively hard to study. But now researchers have accurately measured a substantial byproduct of supermassive black holes: winds that travel at more than 62,000 miles per second. Researchers have long theorized that when a black hole draws in matter with its large gravitational pull, the process produces huge x-ray-emitting wind gusts, which emanate from the hole and shoot out into the nearby galaxy. While this concept had been widely accepted in the scientific community, no one really knew what shape these winds took. Using NASAs Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array and the ESAs XMM-Newton telescope, researchers from Caltech and Keele University of England were able to measure the speed, shape, and size of the winds blasting out from PDS 456a super bright black hole located two billion light-years away. PDS 456 is a type of black hole known as a quasar, meaning it is extremely luminous. According to Emanuele Nardini, the lead author of the study, which published in Science, the winds are actually a result of the brightness surrounding the black hole. ―When the energy of the matter that is folding into the black hole is released, this energy is turned into heat, creating huge luminosity,‖ Nardini tells Popular Science. ―When this luminosity is high enough to counteract the black holes gravitational attraction (about 10 billion times that of the Sun), it can push wind gusts outward.‖ Disponvel em: http://www.popsci.com/telescopes-determine-shape-powerful-winds-birthed-blackholes Sobre os supermassive black holes, INCORRETO afirmar que

Questão 30

(UFU - 2015 - 1 FASE) World Health Organization Approves 15-Minute Ebola Detection Test By Lydia Ramsey Today, the World Health Organization gave the green light to doctors in West Africa to use the first ever rapid test for diagnosing the Ebola virus. Until now, the standard way to check for Ebola in the region was to use the nucleic acid test, which works by identifying the genetic materials of the virus from a blood sample. Yet the test requires a full lab to succeed, and it takes between 12 to 24 hours to process the results. In comparison, the ReEBOV Antigen Rapid Test gets the job done in 15 minutes by testing a patients blood for Ebolas antigen protein, which is distinguishable from other healthy proteins found in the body. The rapid test isnt as precise as the full lab test, but it can still identify 92 percent of people infected with Ebola and 85 percent of those without the infection. This way, the quick test can easily identify who should at least enter quarantine, thus putting a damper on potential flare-ups. However, WHO does recommend following up the rapid test with a regular one to better assess if a patient has the infection. As the epidemic dissipates, being able to clearly distinguish Ebola from other diseases with similar symptoms will be key. Over the next few years, animals may reintroduce the virus to humans, and it will be important for health care providers to quickly identify which diseases they are dealing with: Is it a routine case of malaria, or Ebola? With this test, theyll have a good idea before things get worse. Disponvel em: http://www.popsci.com/who-approves-15-minute-ebola-test Sobre o ReEBOV Antigen Test, correto afirmar que


(UFU 2014 - meio do ano) By Thomas Edisons own account he was good for four, maybe five hours a night. When asked once if he was afraid of anything, Thomas Edison replied I am afraid of the dark. He died with all the lights burning in his New Jersey home. Disponível em: http://techland.time.com; http://news.discovery.com. Acesso em: dez. 2013 De acordo com o texto, conclui-se que Thomas Edson


(UFU 2014 - meio do ano) Researchers have created a wearable device that is as thin as a temporary tattoo and can store and transmit data about a persons movements, receive diagnostic information and release drugs into skin. Similar efforts to develop electronic skin abound, but the device is the first that can store information and also deliver medicine combining patient treatment and monitoring. Its creators, who report their findings today in Nature Nanotechnology, say that the technology could one day aid patients with movement disorders such as Parkinsons disease or epilepsy. Disponível em: http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/electronic-skin-equipped-with-memory/. Acesso em: mar. 2014. Os pesquisadores mencionados nesse texto produziram um


(UFU 2014 - meio do ano) Evolutionary biologist Jim McGuire of the University of California, Berkeley, and his collaborators have found that although some hummingbird groups have saturated the available space in their environments, others are still developing into new species at an extraordinary rate. By comparing their rates of speciation and extinction, McGuires team calculated that the number of hummingbird species could double before reaching an equilibrium in the next several million years Disponível em: http://www.scientificamerican.com. Acesso em: mar. 2014. Segundo o texto, é correto afirmar que o beija-flor


(UFU 2014 - meio do ano) Stress doesnt affect your life span but how you feel about it does. Researchers in Michigan asked 30,000 people to rate their stress level and how much they believed it impaired their health. Those who felt it was harmful were 43% more likely to die in the study period. Cheer up and it might never happen. So dont be put off by pop psychologists who call stress a killer. Mens Health, March 2014, p. 30. Assinale a alternativa que reflete a essência do tema apresentado neste texto.


(UFU 2014 - meio do ano) Church in Wales votes Yes to women bishops Bishop of Bangor: Im absolutely over the moon. This is a real step forward for the Church in Wales Women will be allowed to become bishops in the Church in Wales following a landmark vote The bill, tabled by the Bishop of St Asaph the Rt Rev Gregory Cameron and seconded by Bishop of Bangor the Rt Rev Andy John, was finally accepted by the churchs governing body after a previous vote failed by just three votes in 2008. Bishop John said last night: Im absolutely over the moon. This is a real step forward for the Church in Wales. To have lost would have sent a terrible message to young people and the nation as a whole. I think we should have done this a long time ago. The decision now puts pressure on their English counterparts to follow suit - given that Scotland and Northern Ireland allow female bishops. A schedule would now be drawn up by the bench of bishops to find a way to allow those opposed to women bishops to remain within the church. However, Father Ben Andrews, from Barry, said it could be difficult for some people to stay in the church if women bishops were allowed. He said: The bishops role is to hold the diocese together, and for those of us who in good conscience cannot accept the sacramental ministry of a woman bishop means we cannot be in communion with that bishop. Disponível em: http://www.dailypost.co.uk/. Acesso em: 16 fev. 2014 (adaptado). According to the text about the bill voted by the members of the Church in Wales, it is possible to say that it represents I. a gain in women`s fights for equal rights. II. a backlash, among the priests in Wales, against women bishops. III. an outrage for some British bishops and priests. IV. a threat for the Anglican Church in Scotland. V. an insubordination among female members of the Church. Assinale a alternativa que contém somente afirmativas corretas.


(UFU 2014 - meio do ano) Once more, with feeling An artificial hand that provides sensations to its user ONE of the few upsides of war is that it often gives technology a boost. A notable beneficiary of this is the science of prosthetic limbs. The various conflicts of the past decade have produced a steady stream of soldiers returning with missing arms and legs, and spurred efforts to improve mechanical replacements for them. As a result, modern prosthetic limbs can move around much more fluidly, and sport features such as individually controllable fingers. Artificial arms and legs have been developed that are attached to the severed nerves in an amputees stump, and can thus be moved the way natural limbs are, simply by thinking about it. Scientists have even made some progress in the other direction transmitting sensory information from a prosthesis back to a users brain. The most impressive example so far is described in a paper in Science Translational Medicine, in which Stanisa Raspopovic of the BioRobotics Institute at the Scuola Superiore SantAnna, in Pisa, and his colleagues explain how they built an artificial hand that can transmit the sensation of touch back to its users brain. Disponível em: http://www.economist.com/. Acesso em: 16 fev. 2014 (fragmento). Based on the text, it is possible to state that I. artificial limbs can now be controlled by the brain. II. wars have financed research in the area of Biorobotics. III. soldiers with missing arms and legs have benefited from wars. IV. the sensation of touch is now possible for owners of artificial hands. V. advances in prosthetic limbs are promising concerning movements of fingers. Assinale a alternativa que contém somente afirmativas corretas.


(UFU 2014 - meio do ano) Why we are losing the battle to save wildlife The first ever World Wildlife Day this week provided few reasons to celebrate. Whats going wrong? By Paula Kahumbu Last year the UN General Assembly voted to declare March 3rd World Wildlife Day, to celebrate the fantastic diversity of life on earth and remind us of the urgency and responsibility to care for and protect it. This date is also the ary of the creation of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) in 1973. In recent articles on this blog I have described some positive developments in Kenyas ongoing battle against wildlife crime. The Kenyan Director of Public Prosecutions Mr Keriako Tobiko, chose this day to announce a further significant move: the setting up of a fully-fledged and specially trained Wildlife Crimes Prosecution Unit. More good news this week came from Nepal, which announced a full year of zero poaching of rhinos, tigers and elephants for period ending in February 2014. A national level commitment is key to encouraging complementing efforts, right down to the grassroots, in order to address this biggest threat to wildlife said Megh Bahadur Pandey, Director General of Nepals National Parks. But there has been plenty of bad news too. Last week on the blog I reported the shameful decision of a Ugandan court to return 2.9 tonnes of smuggled ivory to the traffickers. Overall the state of Africas wildlife looks bleak. Elephant ivory trafficking is at an all time high and populations are declining almost everywhere. Tanzanias elephant population has declined by 66% since 2009. Rhino Poaching is also rising, with over 1,000 rhino killed in Africa in 2012. Rhinos are now extinct western Africa. The immediate threat to wildlife in Africa is from illegal trafficking of wildlife products. This is now a huge global business, controlled by organised crime. The reasons why the battle against the traffickers is being lost are simple to describe, but hard to put right. Disponível em: http://www.theguardian.com/. Acesso em: 05 mar. 2014. (fragmento). After reading the text Why we are losing the battle to save wildlife, one can infer that the main objective of the author was to


(UFU 2014 - meio do ano) Loneliness twice as unhealthy as obesity for older people, study finds Scientists found that the loneliest were nearly twice as likely to die during their six-year study than the least lonely By Ian Sample Loneliness can be twice as unhealthy as obesity, according to researchers who found that feelings of isolation can have a devastating impact on older people. The scientists tracked more than 2,000 people aged 50 and over and found that the loneliest were nearly twice as likely to die during the six-year study than the least lonely. Compared with the average person in the study, those who reported being lonely had a 14% greater risk of dying. The figure means that loneliness has around twice the impact on an early death as obesity. Poverty increased the risk of an early death by 19%. The findings point to a coming crisis as the population ages and people increasingly live alone or far from their families. A study of loneliness in older Britons in 2012 found that more than a fifth felt lonely all the time, and a quarter became more lonely over five years. Half of those who took part in the survey said their loneliness was worse at weekends, and threequarters suffered more at night. Previous studies have linked loneliness to a range of health problems, from high blood pressure and a weakened immune system to a greater risk of depression, heart attack and strokes. In his recent book, Loneliness, John Cacioppo, a psychologist at the University of Chicago, says that the pain of loneliness is akin to physical pain. Disponível em: http://www.theguardian.com/. Acesso em: 16 fev. 2014. After reading the text, one can say that the main purpose of the author was to


(UFU - 2014 - meio do ano) Fido Has a Drinking Problem By Victoria Bekiempis On a recent weekend at Miamis storied Biltmore Coral Gables - a landmarked luxury resort that, in online promotional materials, boasts of hand-painted frescos on barrel-vaulted ceilings, brilliant travertine floors, fine marble columns as well as a Moorish tower, spa, golf course, and 85-foot decorative waterfall - a pack of dogs got together for brunch. The canine diners - a griyo that included a bichon frise, several Yorkshire terriers and some mixed breeds - sat in high chairs at tables with white tablecloths as waiters served them wine. Wine for dogs, that is. They just lick it all up, Laly Albalate, owner of Doggie Bag Caf, a restaurant, boutique and pet party company in Miami tells Newsweek. Its a delicious libation. Albalates decision to serve Yappy Hour Vineyards vintage - a nonalcoholic meat gravy produced by the California company and sold in wine bottles - is part of the recent trend in pet pampering. Adult-themed beverages for animals have been a growing trend in the pet product industry over the past few years. Dogs have gone from playing the part of faithful companion to drinking buddy. Think Sideways meets Beethoven. They are treats, and should not make up the main part of your pets daily diet, Dr. Tina Wismer, medical director at the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center, wrote in an e-mail to Newsweek. Disponvel em: http://mag.newsweek.com/. Acesso em 14 fev. 2014 (adaptado). O texto apresenta uma matria sobre um hotel de luxo, o Miamis Biltmore Coral Gables, que tem se destacado, porque oferece


(UFU 2014 - meio do ano) 81% of adults take their mobile or tablet to bed and are prepared to work well past lights out. Treat the bedroom as a technology black zone, says Duwe. For a week, ban anything made after 1900 from the boudoir thats goodbye to tablets and TVs and hello to reading and conversation Mens Health, March 2014, p. 49. Com base no contexto apresentado, depreende-se que a palavra boudoir, de origem francesa, foi usada nesse texto para indicar o mesmo que

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