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Conquiste sua aprovação na metade do tempo!

No Kuadro, você aprende a estudar com eficiência e conquista sua aprovação muito mais rápido. Aqui você aprende pelo menos 2x mais rápido e conquista sua aprovação na metade do tempo que você demoraria estudando de forma convencional.

Questões de portuguã£â£ã¢âªs - UNICAMP | Gabarito e resoluções

Questão 31

(UNICAMP - 2016 - 1 FASE) Os compostos (NH4)H2PO4e NaHCO3so usados emextintores como agentes de combate ao fogo. Quandolanados sobre uma chama, ocorrem as seguintestransformaes: No combate a todos os tipos de incndio, a nuvem formadade gs importante, mas naqueles envolvendo materiaisslidos, o depsito do material oriundo da transformaodo agente de combate sobre o combustvel tem papeldecisivo. Assim, o agente (NH4)H2PO4pode substituir oNaHCO3em qualquer situao, mas o contrrio no verdade. Isso permite concluir que no combate ao incndioque envolve

Questão 32

(UNICAMP - 2016 - 1 FASE) A tira tematiza a contribuio da atividade humana para adeteriorao do meio ambiente. Do dilogo apresentado,pode-se depreender que os ursos j sabiam

Questão 33

(UNICAMP - 2016 - 1 FASE) If you believe in freedom of speech, you believe in freedom of speech for views you dont like. Goebbels was in favor of freedom of speech for views he liked. So was Stalin. If youre in favor of freedom of speech, that means youre in favor of freedom of speech precisely for views you despise. (Noam Chomsky) Fonte: http://noam-chomsky.tumblr.com/post/7223808896/if-you-believe-in-freedom-of-speech-you-believe. O autor do texto

Questão 34

(UNICAMP - 2016) Na tirinha, Calvin d dicas sobre como

Questão 35

(UNICAMP - 2016 - 1 FASE) The Future of Food SCENARIO PLANNING TRAINING In 2030... What will we eat? Where will our food come from? Will we all have enough? Using the global system as a backdrop, expert scenario practitioners will help you apply the methodology that systematically imagines multiple futures and their risks and opportunities START ONLINE, THEN COME TO STANFORD UNIVERSITY Application deadline AUGUST 3, 2015 Online content opens August 10, 2015 Onsite Immersion at Stanford Sept.28-Oct.1, 2015 Apply now at WORLDVIEW.STANFORD.EDU SPACE LIMITED TO 32 PARTICIPANTS Adaptado de Stanford Magazine, July/August 2015, p.3. O texto anuncia um

Questão 36

(UNICAMP - 2016 - 1 FASE) Advice for new students from those who know (oldstudents) The first day of college I was a ball of nerves. I rememberwalking into my first class and running to the first seat Ifound, thinking everyone would be staring at me. Butnobody seemed to notice and then it hit me: The fact thatnobody knew me meant nobody would judge, which, uponreflection, was what I was scared of the most. I told myselfto let go. All along the year, I forced myself into situationsthat were uncomfortable for me for example, auditioningfor a dance piece. Believe it or not, that performance was ahighlight of my freshman year. My advice: challengeyourself to try something new, something you couldnt havedone in high school. Ria Jagasia, Vanderbilt University,18. Adaptado de http://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/02/ education/edlife/advice-for-new-students-from-those-who-know-old-students.html?ref=edlife. No primeiro dia de faculdade, Ria ficou muito nervosa

Questão 37

(UNICAMP - 2016 - 1 FASE) Advice for new students from those who know (oldstudents) The first day of college I was a ball of nerves. I rememberwalking into my first class and running to the first seat Ifound, thinking everyone would be staring at me. Butnobody seemed to notice and then it hit me: The fact thatnobody knew me meant nobody would judge, which, uponreflection, was what I was scared of the most. I told myselfto let go. All along the year, I forced myself into situationsthat were uncomfortable for me for example, auditioningfor a dance piece. Believe it or not, that performance was ahighlight of my freshman year. My advice: challengeyourself to try something new, something you couldnt havedone in high school. Ria Jagasia, Vanderbilt University,18. Adaptado dehttp://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/02/education/edlife/advice-for-new-students-from-those-who-know-old-students.html?ref=edlife. Para lidar com a situao, a estratgia adotada foi deixarde se preocupar e

Questão 38

(UNICAMP - 2016 - 1 FASE) If apes go extinct, so could entire forests Bonobos eat a lot of fruit, and fruit contains seeds.Those seeds travel through a bonobos digestive systemwhile bonobo itself travels around the forest. A few hourslater, the seeds end up being deposited far from where thefruits were plucked. And that is where the new trees comefrom. According to a paper recently published, if thebonobos disappeared, the plants would also likely goextinct, for many trees and plants species in Congo relyalmost exclusively on bonobos for seed dispersal. The bonobo has two major functions here. First of all,many seeds will not germinate well unless they have beenhandled by another species. Stomach acids and intestinalprocesses make the seed more able to absorb water andlater sprout. Secondly, many seeds will not succeed if they remaintoo close to their parental trees. The seeds that fell to theground near their parents did not survive because theywere choked off by the nearby plants. The bonobos eatabout 3,5 hours every day and travel a mean of 1.2kilometers from meal sites before defecating. Adaptado de http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/extinction-countdown/if-apes-go-extinct-so-could-entire-forests/. Qual a explicao para o ttulo?

Questão 39

(UNICAMP - 2016 - 1 FASE) Weve modified our behavior so we can text and walk Texting or checking social media or reading/responding to mail or reading the news or checking the weather or watching a video while walking is a pretty common phenomenon. Its so common that most people who own a mobile device have become texting walkers. Research suggests that these texters adopt protective measures to minimize the risk of accidents when walking. Theyre less likely to trip because they shorten their step length, reduce step frequency, lengthen the time during which both feet are in contact with the ground, and increase obstacle clearance height. Taken together this creates an exaggerated image of walking, but it apparently slows the walker enough so that he registers some of what ishappening around him and can compensate for it. Adaptado de http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/anthropology-inpractice/we-ve-modified-our-behavior-so-we-can-text-and-walk/. Segundo o texto, Texting walkers so pessoas que

Questão 40

(UNICAMP - 2016 - 1 FASE) Weve modified our behavior so we can text and walk Texting or checking social media or reading/responding to mail or reading the news or checking the weather or watching a video while walking is a pretty common phenomenon. Its so common that most people who own a mobile device have become texting walkers. Research suggests that these texters adopt protective measures to minimize the risk of accidents when walking. Theyre less likely to trip because they shorten their step length, reduce step frequency, lengthen the time during which both feet are in contact with the ground, and increase obstacle clearance height. Taken together this creates an exaggerated image of walking, but it apparently slows the walker enough so that he registers some of what is happening around him and can compensate for it. Adaptado de http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/anthropology-inpractice/we-ve-modified-our-behavior-so-we-can-text-and-walk/. Que mudanas no comportamento dessas pessoas so decorrentes da adaptao tecnologia apresentada no texto?

Questão 41

(UNICAMP - 2016- 1 FASE) O grfico abaixo exibe o lucro lquido (em milhares dereais) de trs pequenas empresas A, B e C, nos anos de2013 e 2014. Com relao ao lucro lquido, podemos afirmar que:

Questão 42

(UNICAMP - 2016- 1 FASE)Uma moeda balanceada lanada quatro vezes, obtendo-se cara exatamente trs vezes. A probabilidade de que ascaras tenham sado consecutivamente igual a

Questão 43

(UNICAMP - 2016- 1 FASE)Em uma matriz, chamam-se elementos internos aquelesque no pertencem primeira nem ltima linha oucoluna. O nmero de elementos internos em uma matrizcom 5 linhas e 6 colunas igual a

Questão 44

(UNICAMP - 2016- 1 FASE)Considere o grfico da funo y = f(x) exibido na figura aseguir. O grfico da funo inversa dado por

Questão 45

(UNICAMP - 2016- 1 FASE)Considere a funo afim definida para todonmero real , onde e so nmeros reais. Sabendoque , podemos afirmar que igual a