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Questões - FUVEST 2017 | Gabarito e resoluções

Questão 18

(FUVEST - 2017) Um aspecto do poema em que se manifesta a persistncia de um valor afirmado tambm no Modernismo da dcada de 1920 o

Questão 19

(FUVEST - 2017 - 1 FASE) Plants not only remember when you touch them, but they can also make risky decisions that are as sophisticated as those made by humans, all without brains or complex nervous systems. Researchers showed that when faced with the choice between a pot containing constant levels of nutrients or one with unpredictable levels, a plant will pick the mystery pot when conditions are sufficiently poor. In a set of experiments, Dr. Shemesh, from Tel-Hai College in Israel, and Alex Kacelnik, from Oxford University, grew pea plants and split their roots between two pots. Both pots had the same amount of nutrients on average, but in one, the levels were constant; in the other, they varied over time. Then the researchers switched the conditions so that the average nutrients in both pots would be equally high or low, and asked: Which pot would a plant prefer? When nutrient levels were low, the plants laid more roots in the unpredictable pot. But when nutrients were abundant, they chose the one that always had the same amount. The New York Times, June 30, 2016. Adaptado. Segundo uma das concluses dos experimentos relatados no texto, as plantas de ervilha demonstraram

Questão 20

(FUVEST - 2017 - 1 FASE) Plants not only remember when you touch them, but they can also make risky decisions that are as sophisticated as those made by humans, all without brains or complex nervous systems. Researchers showed that when faced with the choice between a pot containing constant levels of nutrients or one with unpredictable levels, a plant will pick the mystery pot when conditions are sufficiently poor. In a set of experiments, Dr. Shemesh, from Tel-Hai College in Israel, and Alex Kacelnik, from Oxford University, grew pea plants and split their roots between two pots. Both pots had the same amount of nutrients on average, but in one, the levels were constant; in the other, they varied over time. Then the researchers switched the conditions so that the average nutrients in both pots would be equally high or low, and asked: Which pot would a plant prefer? When nutrient levels were low, the plants laid more roots in the unpredictable pot. But when nutrients were abundant, they chose the one that always had the same amount. The New York Times, June 30, 2016. Adaptado. Conforme o texto, um dos elementos da metodologia empregada nos experimentos foi

Questão 21

(FUVEST - 2017 - 1 FASE) Plants not only remember when you touch them, but they can also make risky decisions that are as sophisticated as those made by humans, all without brains or complex nervous systems. Researchers showed that when faced with the choice between a pot containing constant levels of nutrients or one with unpredictable levels, a plant will pick the mystery pot when conditions are sufficiently poor. In a set of experiments, Dr. Shemesh, from Tel-Hai College in Israel, and Alex Kacelnik, from Oxford University, grew pea plants and split their roots between two pots. Both pots had the same amount of nutrients on average, but in one, the levels were constant; in the other, they varied over time. Then the researchers switched the conditions so that the average nutrients in both pots would be equally high or low, and asked: Which pot would a plant prefer? When nutrient levels were low, the plants laid more roots in the unpredictable pot. But when nutrients were abundant, they chose the one that always had the same amount. The New York Times, June 30, 2016. Adaptado. De acordo com os experimentos relatados no texto, em condies adversas, as plantas de ervilha priorizaram o crescimento de razes nos vasos que apresentaram nveis de nutrientes

Questão 22

(FUVEST - 2017 - 1 FASE) A study carried out by Lauren Sherman of the University of California and her colleagues investigated how use of the like button in social media affects the brains of teenagers lying in body scanners. Thirty-two teens who had Instagram accounts were asked to lie down in a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scanner. This let Dr. Sherman monitor their brain activity while they were perusing both their own Instagram photos and photos that they were told had been added by other teenagers in the experiment. In reality, Dr. Sherman had collected all the other photos, which included neutral images of food and friends as well as many depicting risky behaviours like drinking, smoking and drug use, from other peoples Instagram accounts. The researchers told participants they were viewing photographs that 50 other teenagers had already seen and endorsed with a like in the laboratory. The participants were more likely themselves to like photos already depicted as having been liked a lot than they were photos depicted with fewer previous likes. When she looked at the fMRI results, Dr. Sherman found that activity in the nucleus accumbens, a hub of reward circuitry in the brain, increased with the number of likes that a photo had. The Economist, June 13, 2016. Adaptado. Segundo o texto, como resultado parcial da pesquisa, observou-se que

Questão 23

(FUVEST - 2017 - 1 FASE) A study carried out by Lauren Sherman of the University of California and her colleagues investigated how use of the like button in social media affects the brains of teenagers lying in body scanners. Thirty-two teens who had Instagram accounts were asked to lie down in a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scanner. This let Dr. Sherman monitor their brain activity while they were perusing both their own Instagram photos and photos that they were told had been added by other teenagers in the experiment. In reality, Dr. Sherman had collected all the other photos, which included neutral images of food and friends as well as many depicting risky behaviours like drinking, smoking and drug use, from other peoples Instagram accounts. The researchers told participants they were viewing photographs that 50 other teenagers had already seen and endorsed with a like in the laboratory. The participants were more likely themselves to like photos already depicted as having been liked a lot than they were photos depicted with fewer previous likes. When she looked at the fMRI results, Dr. Sherman found that activity in the nucleus accumbens, a hub of reward circuitry in the brain, increased with the number of likes that a photo had. The Economist, June 13, 2016. Adaptado. Conforme o texto, a regio do crebro que se mostrou mais ativa, quando da anlise dos resultados da ressonncia, corresponde a um sistema de

Questão 24

(FUVEST - 2017) Esta imagem integra o manuscrito de uma das mais notveis obras da cultura medieval. A alternativa que melhor caracteriza o documento :

Questão 25

(FUVEST - 2017)Em relao tica e justia na vida poltica da Grcia Clssica, correto afirmar:

Questão 26

(FUVEST - 2017)Em uma significativa passagem da tragdia Macbeth, de Shakespeare, seu personagem principal declara: Ouso tudo o que prprio de um homem; quem ousa fazer mais do que isso no o . De acordo com muitos intrpretes, essa postura revela, com extraordinria clareza, toda a audcia da experincia renascentista. Com relao cultura humanista, correto afirmar que

Questão 27

(FUVEST - 2017) Os ensaios sediciosos do final do sculo XVIII anunciam a eroso de um modo de vida. A crise geral do Antigo Regime desdobra-se nas reas perifricas do sistema atlntico pois essa a posio da Amrica portuguesa , apontando para a emergncia de novas alternativas de ordenamento da vida social. Istvn Jancs, A Seduo da Liberdade. In: Fernando Novais,Histria da Vida Privada no Brasil, v.1.So Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 1997. Adaptado. A respeito das rebelies contra o poder colonial portugus na Amrica, no perodo mencionado no texto, correto afirmar que,

Questão 28

(FUVEST - 2017) Encontram-se assinaladas no mapa, sobre as fronteiras dos pases atuais, as rotas eurasianas de comrcio a longa distncia que, no incio da Idade Moderna, cruzavam o Imprio Otomano, demarcado pelo quadro. A respeito dessas rotas, das regies que elas atravessavam e das relaes de poder que elas envolviam, correto afirmar que

Questão 29

(FUVEST - 2017) Com base na tabela, correto afirmar:

Questão 30

(FUVEST - 2017) No Brasil, do mesmo modo que em muitos outros pases latinoamericanos, as dcadas de 1870 e 1880 foram um perodo de reforma e de compromisso com as mudanas. De maneira geral, podemos dizer que tal movimento foi uma reao s novas realidades econmicas e sociais resultantes do desenvolvimento capitalista no s como fenmeno mundial mas tambm em suas manifestaes especificamente brasileiras. Emlia Viotti da Costa, Brasil: a era da reforma, 18701889. In: Leslie Bethell, Histria da Amrica Latina, v.5. So Paulo: Edusp, 2002. Adaptado. A respeito das mudanas ocorridas na ltima dcada do Imprio do Brasil, cabe destacar a reforma

Questão 31

(FUVEST 2017) Leia o texto e observe a imagem. A partir do texto e da imagem, podese afirmar corretamente que

Questão 32

(FUVEST - 2017) Mas o pecado maior contra a Civilizao e o Progresso, contra o Bom Senso e o Bom Gosto e at os Bons Costumes, que estaria sendo cometido pelo grupo de regionalistas a quem se deve a ideia ou a organizao deste Congresso, estaria em procurar reanimar no s a arte arcaica dos quitutes finos e caros em que se esmeraram, nas velhas casas patriarcais, algumas senhoras das mais ilustres famlias da regio, e que est sendo esquecida pelos doces dos confeiteiros franceses e italianos, como a arte popular como a do barro, a do cesto, a da palha de Ouricuri, a de piaava, a dos cachimbos e dos santos de pau, a das esteiras, a dos ex-votos, a das redes, a das rendas e bicos, a dos brinquedos de meninos feitos de sabugo de milho, de canudo de mamo, de lata de doce de goiaba, de quenga de coco, de cabaa - que , no Nordeste, o preparado do doce, do bolo, do quitute de tabuleiro, feito por mos negras e pardas com uma percia que iguala, e s vezes excede, a das sinhs brancas. Gilberto Freyre. Manifesto regionalista (7 ed.). Recife: FUNDAJ, Ed. Massangana, 1996. De acordo com o texto de Gilberto Freyre, o Manifesto regionalista, publicado em 1926,