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(PUC-Rio - 2006)



            One-third of the youngest children in the United States - babies through age 6 - 20live in homes where the television is on almost all the time, says a study that 2highlights the immense disconnect between what pediatricians advise and what parents allow.

            TV in the bedroom is not even that rare for the youngest children anymore. Almost one child in five under 2 has a set, even though the American Academy of Pediatrics advises against any TV watching at that age.

            Eight in 10 children younger than 6 watch TV, play video games or use the computer on a typical day. They average about two hours of screen time, compared with 48 minutes when they are being read to, the 14Kaiser Family Foundation concludes in a study released Wednesday.

            The number of youngsters glued to the screen has not changed much since the foundation's first report on the topic in 2003. However, in this follow-up, Kaiser asked parents - in a survey and in focus-group sessions - why they and their children use TV and other electronic media the way 8they do.

            Instead, a generation of parents raised on TV is largely encouraging the early use of television, video games and computers by their own children, often starting in infancy.

            These parents say TV teaches how to share and the ABCs when they do not have the time. Television 3provides time for parents to cook or take a shower. 1They use screen time as a reward or, paradoxically, to help kids wind down at bedtime.

            7Despite studies that link bedroom TVs to kids' sleep problems, the most common reason cited for giving children their own set was that 9it freed up other TVs so parents or their other children could watch shows of their choice.

            The report by 15the California-based foundation, 10which analyzes health care 4issues, comes at a time of great debate about the impact of TV and other multimedia on youngsters. Just last week, 16specialists called together by the National Institutes of Health urged more research on how electronic media affect children at different ages.

            Those specialists sigh at the notion that parents could not get by without TV. "People have made dinner for millennia, but we've only had television for 50 years," said Dr. Dimitri Christakas of the University of Washington. "Television's not inherently good or bad. ... The real 5goal now has to be not to de-technologize childhood, but how to optimize children's experiences with 11it."

            The pediatrics group recommends no TV or other electronic media for kids younger than 2 - advice that just 26 percent of parents followed, Kaiser found - and no more than two hours of total "screen time" daily for older children.

            17The organization is not anti-TV, said 18Dr. Daniel Broughton of the Mayo Clinic, an academy member who co-wrote the recommendations. But before age 2 is the time of the brain's most rapid development, and interaction - the live give-and-take that TV cannot provide - is crucial during that period, he said.

            Some studies also link TV watching at younger ages to youngsters' attention disorders. After a child reaches 2, the idea is to 6balance a little TV with riding bikes, playing with friends, household chores and the other activities of childhood, Broughton said.

            "We want parents to watch with their kids," he added. 13One reason is that viewing ethnic stereotypes or bad behavior on TV can become instructive, when parents explain why children should not copy what 12they saw.

Adapted from http://edition.cnn.com/2006/HEALTH/parenting. May 24, 2006

In the expression "(...) live in homes where the television is on almost all the time" (ref. 20), "where" could be rephrased CORRECTLY with:


 Live in homes in which the television is on almost all the time.


 Live in homes that the television is on almost all the time.


 Live in homes which the television is on almost all the time.


 Live in homes the television is on almost all the time.


 Live in homes in that the television is on almost all the time.