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Questões - UEFS 2015 | Gabarito e resoluções


On the long list of happy accidents in science, some discoveries prove to be more monumental than others. Stephanie Kwoleks was one of them. In the mid-1960s, Kwolek, who died June 18 at 90, was working at DuPonta rare exception in the male-dominated world of chemistrylooking for a new synthetic fiber to use in tires. As she toiled in the lab, she noticed that one mixture of a polymer and a solvent looked different from the rest. Instead of assuming shed 5 made a mistake, she was curious and followed up on her observation. When her formula was spun into fiber, it proved to be five times as strong as steel. DuPont called it Kevlar. Kevlar is famous for its protective powers, and thanks to its application in bulletproof vests and body armor (helmets, ballistic facemasks, etc), it has saved countless lives. But thats not the only reason it landed Kwolek in the National Inventors Hall of Fame. The Kevlar gloves Kwolek wears in the photo above, for example, help workers avoid cuts. Kevlar 10 has also been used to strengthen items from boats and baseball bats to shoelaces and cell phones. And in a nice full-circle twist, its used in tires too. The reason why the products on the left benefit from Kevlar is correctly stated in alternative


On the long list of happy accidents in science, some discoveries prove to be more monumental than others. Stephanie Kwoleks was one of them. In the mid-1960s, Kwolek, who died June 18 at 90, was working at DuPonta rare exception in the male-dominated world of chemistrylooking for a new synthetic fiber to use in tires. As she toiled in the lab, she noticed that one mixture of a polymer and a solvent looked different from the rest. Instead of assuming shed 5 made a mistake, she was curious and followed up on her observation. When her formula was spun into fiber, it proved to be five times as strong as steel. DuPont called it Kevlar. Kevlar is famous for its protective powers, and thanks to its application in bulletproof vests and body armor (helmets, ballistic facemasks, etc), it has saved countless lives. But thats not the only reason it landed Kwolek in the National Inventors Hall of Fame. The Kevlar gloves Kwolek wears in the photo above, for example, help workers avoid cuts. Kevlar 10 has also been used to strengthen items from boats and baseball bats to shoelaces and cell phones. And in a nice full-circle twist, its used in tires too. The word or expression on the left has not been correctly defined in


(UEFS 2015 - Meio do ano) Uma sequência de triângulos retângulos isósceles é construída como na figura, com a hipotenusa de cada um sendo cateto do seguinte. A sequência continua até não ser mais possível construir um novo triângulo sem cobrir os anteriores.O resultado é uma figura espiralada, cuja área total, em comparação com a do menor triângulo, é


(UEFS 2015 - Meio do ano) Teoricamente, a energia é uma grandeza escalar associada ao estado de um ou mais objetos, enquanto trabalho é a energia transferida para um objeto ou de um objeto através de uma força que age sobre o objeto. Admitindo-se um bloco de massa m = 23,0kg, inicialmente na origem e em repouso, que passa a estar sujeito a uma força horizontal que varia com a posição, de acordo com o diagrama, conclui-se que a velocidade do bloco, após ter sido deslocado uma distância de 8,0m, em m/s, é igual a


(UEFS 2015 - Meio do ano) Segundo Newton, a única propriedade dos corpos que interessa é a sua massa, sendo possível descrever as leis da natureza, considerando-se a matéria como constituída por pontos materiais. A figura representa um corpo de massa m = 3,2kg sendo puxado por uma força de intensidade F = 20,0N, que forma um ângulo de 37 com a direção do movimento. Considerando-se que o módulo da aceleração da gravidade é igual 10m/s2, cos37 = 0,8, sen37 = 0,6 e que o corpo desliza horizontalmente com velocidade constante, é correto afirmar que o coeficiente de atrito entre o bloco e a superfície horizontal é igual a


(UEFS 2015 - Meio do ano) A varfarina, representada pela estrutura química, é utilizada como anticoagulante e, como todo medicamento tem efeitos colaterais e seu uso deve ter acompanhamento médico. Considerando-se a estrutura química da varfarina e com base nos conhecimentos sobre as propriedades dos compostos orgânicos, é correto afirmar:


(UEFS 2015 - Meio do ano) O tensoativo coco-betaína, representado pela estrutura química, é um composto anfótero utilizado na formulação de xampus suaves e sabonetes líquidos, dentre outros cosméticos que proporciona maciez à pele e ao cabelo. Considerando-se essas informações, a estrutura do tensoativo e as propriedades das substâncias químicas, é correto afirmar:


(UEFS 2015 - Meio do ano) The shock of superstorm Sandy last year got a lot of people wondering about better ways to deal with the weather perhaps even how to change it. John Latham, a climate scientist based in Colorado, has been 5 proposing ways to do that for more than two decades. His studies show that it should be possible to spray fine particles of sea water into clouds, increasing their ability to reflect sunlight and thus reduce temperatures below. Latham argues that global warming is leading to 10 irreversible and possibly catastrophic consequences and that the major polluting countries appear unwilling to take dramatic action. But Latham claims his cloud-seeding techniques would help to hold Earths temperature constant until a 15 clean form of energy is developed to take over from oil, gas, and coal. He says, quite optimistically, that they could keep the planets temperature stable for perhaps 50 years. If true, that would be a welcome breather from impending doom. But whats missing is money to fund 20 large-scale experiments and perhaps for a reason. One thing we should know by now about our climate is that when you fix one problem, you may create another. DICKEY, Christopher . BIG THINK: Around the world in six ideas. Newsweek, March 25, 2013, p. 9. The author of this text, Christopher Dickey,


(UEFS 2015 - Meio do ano) The shock of superstorm Sandy last year got a lot of people wondering about better ways to deal with the weather perhaps even how to change it. John Latham, a climate scientist based in Colorado, has been 5 proposing ways to do that for more than two decades. His studies show that it should be possible to spray fine particles of sea water into clouds, increasing their ability to reflect sunlight and thus reduce temperatures below. Latham argues that global warming is leading to 10 irreversible and possibly catastrophic consequences and that the major polluting countries appear unwilling to take dramatic action. But Latham claims his cloud-seeding techniques would help to hold Earths temperature constant until a 15 clean form of energy is developed to take over from oil, gas, and coal. He says, quite optimistically, that they could keep the planets temperature stable for perhaps 50 years. If true, that would be a welcome breather from impending doom. But whats missing is money to fund 20 large-scale experiments and perhaps for a reason. One thing we should know by now about our climate is that when you fix one problem, you may create another. DICKEY, Christopher . BIG THINK: Around the world in six ideas. Newsweek, March 25, 2013, p. 9. Lathams proposed cloud-seeding technique would


(UEFS 2015 - Meio do ano) The shock of superstorm Sandy last year got a lot of people wondering about better ways to deal with the weather perhaps even how to change it. John Latham, a climate scientist based in Colorado, has been 5 proposing ways to do that for more than two decades. His studies show that it should be possible to spray fine particles of sea water into clouds, increasing their ability to reflect sunlight and thus reduce temperatures below. Latham argues that global warming is leading to 10 irreversible and possibly catastrophic consequences and that the major polluting countries appear unwilling to take dramatic action. But Latham claims his cloud-seeding techniques would help to hold Earths temperature constant until a 15 clean form of energy is developed to take over from oil, gas, and coal. He says, quite optimistically, that they could keep the planets temperature stable for perhaps 50 years. If true, that would be a welcome breather from impending doom. But whats missing is money to fund 20 large-scale experiments and perhaps for a reason. One thing we should know by now about our climate is that when you fix one problem, you may create another. DICKEY, Christopher . BIG THINK: Around the world in six ideas. Newsweek, March 25, 2013, p. 9. that would be a welcome breather from impending doom. (l. 18-19) A suitable translation of this sentence into Portuguese is


(UEFS 2015 - Meio do ano) The shock of superstorm Sandy last year got a lot of people wondering about better ways to deal with the weather perhaps even how to change it. John Latham, a climate scientist based in Colorado, has been 5 proposing ways to do that for more than two decades. His studies show that it should be possible to spray fine particles of sea water into clouds, increasing their ability to reflect sunlight and thus reduce temperatures below. Latham argues that global warming is leading to 10 irreversible and possibly catastrophic consequences and that the major polluting countries appear unwilling to take dramatic action. But Latham claims his cloud-seeding techniques would help to hold Earths temperature constant until a 15 clean form of energy is developed to take over from oil, gas, and coal. He says, quite optimistically, that they could keep the planets temperature stable for perhaps 50 years. If true, that would be a welcome breather from impending doom. But whats missing is money to fund 20 large-scale experiments and perhaps for a reason. One thing we should know by now about our climate is that when you fix one problem, you may create another. DICKEY, Christopher . BIG THINK: Around the world in six ideas. Newsweek, March 25, 2013, p. 9. Considering language use in the text, its correct to say:


(UEFS 2015 - Meio do ano) A análise do mapa e os conhecimentos sobre tipos climáticos, permitem afirmar que esses tipos no Estado da Bahia são


(UEFS 2015 - Meio do ano) De la lectura y observación de la viñeta, es correcto concluir que


(UEFS 2015 - Meio do ano) En la viñeta,


(UEFS 2015 - Meio do ano) Que no te quiten el sueño Se puede afirmar que el fragmento transcrito expresa